angular .module('bit.organization') .controller('organizationCollectionsController', function ($scope, $state, apiService, $uibModal, cipherService, $filter, toastr, $analytics) { $scope.collections = []; $scope.loading = true; $scope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function () { loadList(); }); $scope.$on('organizationCollectionsAdd', function (event, args) { $scope.add(); }); $scope.add = function () { var modal = ${ animation: true, templateUrl: 'app/organization/views/organizationCollectionsAdd.html', controller: 'organizationCollectionsAddController' }); modal.result.then(function (collection) { $scope.collections.push(collection); }); }; $scope.edit = function (collection) { var modal = ${ animation: true, templateUrl: 'app/organization/views/organizationCollectionsEdit.html', controller: 'organizationCollectionsEditController', resolve: { id: function () { return; } } }); modal.result.then(function (editedCollection) { var existingCollections = $filter('filter')($scope.collections, { id: }, true); if (existingCollections && existingCollections.length > 0) { existingCollections[0].name =; } }); }; $scope.users = function (collection) { var modal = ${ animation: true, templateUrl: 'app/organization/views/organizationCollectionsUsers.html', controller: 'organizationCollectionsUsersController', size: 'lg', resolve: { collection: function () { return collection; } } }); modal.result.then(function () { // nothing to do }); }; $scope.groups = function (collection) { var modal = ${ animation: true, templateUrl: 'app/organization/views/organizationCollectionsGroups.html', controller: 'organizationCollectionsGroupsController', resolve: { collection: function () { return collection; } } }); modal.result.then(function () { // nothing to do }); }; $scope.delete = function (collection) { if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this collection (' + + ')?')) { return; } apiService.collections.del({ orgId: $state.params.orgId, id: }, function () { var index = $scope.collections.indexOf(collection); if (index > -1) { $scope.collections.splice(index, 1); } $analytics.eventTrack('Deleted Collection'); toastr.success( + ' has been deleted.', 'Collection Deleted'); }, function () { toastr.error( + ' was not able to be deleted.', 'Error'); }); }; function loadList() { apiService.collections.listOrganization({ orgId: $state.params.orgId }, function (list) { $scope.collections = cipherService.decryptCollections(list.Data, $state.params.orgId, true); $scope.loading = false; }); } });