import { MockProxy } from "jest-mock-extended"; import { KeyDefinitionLike, MigrationHelper } from "../migration-helper"; import { mockMigrationHelper } from "../migration-helper.spec"; import { AuthRequestMigrator } from "./56-move-auth-requests"; function exampleJSON() { return { global: { otherStuff: "otherStuff1", }, authenticatedAccounts: ["FirstAccount", "SecondAccount"], FirstAccount: { settings: { otherStuff: "otherStuff2", approveLoginRequests: true, }, otherStuff: "otherStuff3", adminAuthRequest: { id: "id1", privateKey: "privateKey1", }, }, SecondAccount: { settings: { otherStuff: "otherStuff4", }, otherStuff: "otherStuff5", }, }; } function rollbackJSON() { return { user_FirstAccount_authRequestLocal_adminAuthRequest: { id: "id1", privateKey: "privateKey1", }, user_FirstAccount_authRequestLocal_acceptAuthRequests: true, global: { otherStuff: "otherStuff1", }, authenticatedAccounts: ["FirstAccount", "SecondAccount"], FirstAccount: { settings: { otherStuff: "otherStuff2", }, otherStuff: "otherStuff3", }, SecondAccount: { settings: { otherStuff: "otherStuff4", }, otherStuff: "otherStuff5", }, }; } const ADMIN_AUTH_REQUEST_KEY: KeyDefinitionLike = { stateDefinition: { name: "authRequestLocal", }, key: "adminAuthRequest", }; const ACCEPT_AUTH_REQUESTS_KEY: KeyDefinitionLike = { stateDefinition: { name: "authRequestLocal", }, key: "acceptAuthRequests", }; describe("AuthRequestMigrator", () => { let helper: MockProxy; let sut: AuthRequestMigrator; describe("migrate", () => { beforeEach(() => { helper = mockMigrationHelper(exampleJSON(), 55); sut = new AuthRequestMigrator(55, 56); }); it("removes the existing adminAuthRequest and approveLoginRequests", async () => { await sut.migrate(helper); expect(helper.set).toHaveBeenCalledWith("FirstAccount", { settings: { otherStuff: "otherStuff2", }, otherStuff: "otherStuff3", }); expect(helper.set).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith("SecondAccount"); }); it("sets the adminAuthRequest and approveLoginRequests under the new key definitions", async () => { await sut.migrate(helper); expect(helper.setToUser).toHaveBeenCalledWith("FirstAccount", ADMIN_AUTH_REQUEST_KEY, { id: "id1", privateKey: "privateKey1", }); expect(helper.setToUser).toHaveBeenCalledWith("FirstAccount", ACCEPT_AUTH_REQUESTS_KEY, true); expect(helper.setToUser).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith("SecondAccount"); }); }); describe("rollback", () => { beforeEach(() => { helper = mockMigrationHelper(rollbackJSON(), 56); sut = new AuthRequestMigrator(55, 56); }); it("nulls the new adminAuthRequest and acceptAuthRequests values", async () => { await sut.rollback(helper); expect(helper.setToUser).toHaveBeenCalledWith("FirstAccount", ADMIN_AUTH_REQUEST_KEY, null); expect(helper.setToUser).toHaveBeenCalledWith("FirstAccount", ACCEPT_AUTH_REQUESTS_KEY, null); }); it("sets back the adminAuthRequest and approveLoginRequests under old account object", async () => { await sut.rollback(helper); expect(helper.set).toHaveBeenCalledWith("FirstAccount", { adminAuthRequest: { id: "id1", privateKey: "privateKey1", }, settings: { otherStuff: "otherStuff2", approveLoginRequests: true, }, otherStuff: "otherStuff3", }); }); }); });