import { ApiService } from "../../abstractions/api.service"; import { AuthRequestResponse } from "../../auth/models/response/auth-request.response"; import { HttpStatusCode } from "../../enums"; import { ErrorResponse } from "../../models/response/error.response"; import { AppIdService } from "../../platform/abstractions/app-id.service"; import { CryptoService } from "../../platform/abstractions/crypto.service"; import { I18nService } from "../../platform/abstractions/i18n.service"; import { LogService } from "../../platform/abstractions/log.service"; import { MessagingService } from "../../platform/abstractions/messaging.service"; import { PlatformUtilsService } from "../../platform/abstractions/platform-utils.service"; import { StateService } from "../../platform/abstractions/state.service"; import { AuthRequestCryptoServiceAbstraction } from "../abstractions/auth-request-crypto.service.abstraction"; import { DeviceTrustCryptoServiceAbstraction } from "../abstractions/device-trust-crypto.service.abstraction"; import { KeyConnectorService } from "../abstractions/key-connector.service"; import { TokenService } from "../abstractions/token.service"; import { TwoFactorService } from "../abstractions/two-factor.service"; import { ForceResetPasswordReason } from "../models/domain/force-reset-password-reason"; import { SsoLoginCredentials } from "../models/domain/login-credentials"; import { SsoTokenRequest } from "../models/request/identity-token/sso-token.request"; import { IdentityTokenResponse } from "../models/response/identity-token.response"; import { LoginStrategy } from "./login.strategy"; export class SsoLoginStrategy extends LoginStrategy { tokenRequest: SsoTokenRequest; orgId: string; // A session token server side to serve as an authentication factor for the user // in order to send email OTPs to the user's configured 2FA email address // as we don't have a master password hash or other verifiable secret when using SSO. ssoEmail2FaSessionToken?: string; email?: string; // email not preserved through SSO process so get from server constructor( cryptoService: CryptoService, apiService: ApiService, tokenService: TokenService, appIdService: AppIdService, platformUtilsService: PlatformUtilsService, messagingService: MessagingService, logService: LogService, stateService: StateService, twoFactorService: TwoFactorService, private keyConnectorService: KeyConnectorService, private deviceTrustCryptoService: DeviceTrustCryptoServiceAbstraction, private authReqCryptoService: AuthRequestCryptoServiceAbstraction, private i18nService: I18nService ) { super( cryptoService, apiService, tokenService, appIdService, platformUtilsService, messagingService, logService, stateService, twoFactorService ); } async logIn(credentials: SsoLoginCredentials) { this.orgId = credentials.orgId; this.tokenRequest = new SsoTokenRequest( credentials.code, credentials.codeVerifier, credentials.redirectUrl, await this.buildTwoFactor(credentials.twoFactor), await this.buildDeviceRequest() ); const [ssoAuthResult] = await this.startLogIn(); =; this.ssoEmail2FaSessionToken = ssoAuthResult.ssoEmail2FaSessionToken; // Auth guard currently handles redirects for this. if (ssoAuthResult.forcePasswordReset == ForceResetPasswordReason.AdminForcePasswordReset) { await this.stateService.setForcePasswordResetReason(ssoAuthResult.forcePasswordReset); } return ssoAuthResult; } protected override async setMasterKey(tokenResponse: IdentityTokenResponse) { // The only way we can be setting a master key at this point is if we are using Key Connector. // First, check to make sure that we should do so based on the token response. if (this.shouldSetMasterKeyFromKeyConnector(tokenResponse)) { // If we're here, we know that the user should use Key Connector (they have a KeyConnectorUrl) and does not have a master password. // We can now check the key on the token response to see whether they are a brand new user or an existing user. // The presence of a masterKeyEncryptedUserKey indicates that the user has already been provisioned in Key Connector. const newSsoUser = tokenResponse.key == null; if (newSsoUser) { await this.keyConnectorService.convertNewSsoUserToKeyConnector(tokenResponse, this.orgId); } else { const keyConnectorUrl = this.getKeyConnectorUrl(tokenResponse); await this.keyConnectorService.setMasterKeyFromUrl(keyConnectorUrl); } } } /** * Determines if it is possible set the `masterKey` from Key Connector. * @param tokenResponse * @returns `true` if the master key can be set from Key Connector, `false` otherwise */ private shouldSetMasterKeyFromKeyConnector(tokenResponse: IdentityTokenResponse): boolean { const userDecryptionOptions = tokenResponse?.userDecryptionOptions; if (userDecryptionOptions != null) { const userHasMasterPassword = userDecryptionOptions.hasMasterPassword; const userHasKeyConnectorUrl = userDecryptionOptions.keyConnectorOption?.keyConnectorUrl != null; // In order for us to set the master key from Key Connector, we need to have a Key Connector URL // and the user must not have a master password. return userHasKeyConnectorUrl && !userHasMasterPassword; } else { // In pre-TDE versions of the server, the userDecryptionOptions will not be present. // In this case, we can determine if the user has a master password and has a Key Connector URL by // just checking the keyConnectorUrl property. This is because the server short-circuits on the response // and will not pass back the URL in the response if the user has a master password. // TODO: remove compatibility check after 2023.10 release ( return tokenResponse.keyConnectorUrl != null; } } private getKeyConnectorUrl(tokenResponse: IdentityTokenResponse): string { // TODO: remove tokenResponse.keyConnectorUrl reference after 2023.10 release ( const userDecryptionOptions = tokenResponse?.userDecryptionOptions; return ( tokenResponse.keyConnectorUrl ?? userDecryptionOptions?.keyConnectorOption?.keyConnectorUrl ); } // TODO: future passkey login strategy will need to support setting user key (decrypting via TDE or admin approval request) // so might be worth moving this logic to a common place (base login strategy or a separate service?) protected override async setUserKey(tokenResponse: IdentityTokenResponse): Promise { const masterKeyEncryptedUserKey = tokenResponse.key; // Note: masterKeyEncryptedUserKey is undefined for SSO JIT provisioned users // on account creation and subsequent logins (confirmed or unconfirmed) // but that is fine for TDE so we cannot return if it is undefined if (masterKeyEncryptedUserKey) { // set the master key encrypted user key if it exists await this.cryptoService.setMasterKeyEncryptedUserKey(masterKeyEncryptedUserKey); } const userDecryptionOptions = tokenResponse?.userDecryptionOptions; // Note: TDE and key connector are mutually exclusive if (userDecryptionOptions?.trustedDeviceOption) { await this.trySetUserKeyWithApprovedAdminRequestIfExists(); const hasUserKey = await this.cryptoService.hasUserKey(); // Only try to set user key with device key if admin approval request was not successful if (!hasUserKey) { await this.trySetUserKeyWithDeviceKey(tokenResponse); } } else if ( masterKeyEncryptedUserKey != null && this.getKeyConnectorUrl(tokenResponse) != null ) { // Key connector enabled for user await this.trySetUserKeyWithMasterKey(); } // Note: In the traditional SSO flow with MP without key connector, the lock component // is responsible for deriving master key from MP entry and then decrypting the user key } private async trySetUserKeyWithApprovedAdminRequestIfExists(): Promise { // At this point a user could have an admin auth request that has been approved const adminAuthReqStorable = await this.stateService.getAdminAuthRequest(); if (!adminAuthReqStorable) { return; } // Call server to see if admin auth request has been approved let adminAuthReqResponse: AuthRequestResponse; try { adminAuthReqResponse = await this.apiService.getAuthRequest(; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof ErrorResponse && error.statusCode === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { // if we get a 404, it means the auth request has been deleted so clear it from storage await this.stateService.setAdminAuthRequest(null); } // Always return on an error here as we don't want to block the user from logging in return; } if (adminAuthReqResponse?.requestApproved) { // if masterPasswordHash has a value, we will always receive authReqResponse.key // as authRequestPublicKey(masterKey) + authRequestPublicKey(masterPasswordHash) if (adminAuthReqResponse.masterPasswordHash) { await this.authReqCryptoService.setKeysAfterDecryptingSharedMasterKeyAndHash( adminAuthReqResponse, adminAuthReqStorable.privateKey ); } else { // if masterPasswordHash is null, we will always receive authReqResponse.key // as authRequestPublicKey(userKey) await this.authReqCryptoService.setUserKeyAfterDecryptingSharedUserKey( adminAuthReqResponse, adminAuthReqStorable.privateKey ); } if (await this.cryptoService.hasUserKey()) { // Now that we have a decrypted user key in memory, we can check if we // need to establish trust on the current device await this.deviceTrustCryptoService.trustDeviceIfRequired(); // if we successfully decrypted the user key, we can delete the admin auth request out of state // TODO: eventually we post and clean up DB as well once consumed on client await this.stateService.setAdminAuthRequest(null); this.platformUtilsService.showToast("success", null, this.i18nService.t("loginApproved")); } } } private async trySetUserKeyWithDeviceKey(tokenResponse: IdentityTokenResponse): Promise { const trustedDeviceOption = tokenResponse.userDecryptionOptions?.trustedDeviceOption; const deviceKey = await this.deviceTrustCryptoService.getDeviceKey(); const encDevicePrivateKey = trustedDeviceOption?.encryptedPrivateKey; const encUserKey = trustedDeviceOption?.encryptedUserKey; if (!deviceKey || !encDevicePrivateKey || !encUserKey) { return; } const userKey = await this.deviceTrustCryptoService.decryptUserKeyWithDeviceKey( encDevicePrivateKey, encUserKey, deviceKey ); if (userKey) { await this.cryptoService.setUserKey(userKey); } } private async trySetUserKeyWithMasterKey(): Promise { const masterKey = await this.cryptoService.getMasterKey(); // There is a scenario in which the master key is not set here. That will occur if the user // has a master password and is using Key Connector. In that case, we cannot set the master key // because the user hasn't entered their master password yet. // Instead, we'll return here and let the migration to Key Connector handle setting the master key. if (!masterKey) { return; } const userKey = await this.cryptoService.decryptUserKeyWithMasterKey(masterKey); await this.cryptoService.setUserKey(userKey); } protected override async setPrivateKey(tokenResponse: IdentityTokenResponse): Promise { const newSsoUser = tokenResponse.key == null; if (!newSsoUser) { await this.cryptoService.setPrivateKey( tokenResponse.privateKey ?? (await this.createKeyPairForOldAccount()) ); } } }