import * as program from 'commander'; import * as fet from 'node-fetch'; import { CipherType } from 'jslib/enums/cipherType'; import { ApiService } from 'jslib/abstractions/api.service'; import { AuditService } from 'jslib/abstractions/audit.service'; import { CipherService } from 'jslib/abstractions/cipher.service'; import { CollectionService } from 'jslib/abstractions/collection.service'; import { CryptoService } from 'jslib/abstractions/crypto.service'; import { FolderService } from 'jslib/abstractions/folder.service'; import { SearchService } from 'jslib/abstractions/search.service'; import { TotpService } from 'jslib/abstractions/totp.service'; import { UserService } from 'jslib/abstractions/user.service'; import { Organization } from 'jslib/models/domain/organization'; import { Card } from 'jslib/models/export/card'; import { Cipher } from 'jslib/models/export/cipher'; import { Collection } from 'jslib/models/export/collection'; import { Field } from 'jslib/models/export/field'; import { Folder } from 'jslib/models/export/folder'; import { Identity } from 'jslib/models/export/identity'; import { Login } from 'jslib/models/export/login'; import { LoginUri } from 'jslib/models/export/loginUri'; import { SecureNote } from 'jslib/models/export/secureNote'; import { CipherView } from 'jslib/models/view/cipherView'; import { CollectionView } from 'jslib/models/view/collectionView'; import { FolderView } from 'jslib/models/view/folderView'; import { CipherString } from 'jslib/models/domain/cipherString'; import { Response } from 'jslib/cli/models/response'; import { MessageResponse } from 'jslib/cli/models/response/messageResponse'; import { StringResponse } from 'jslib/cli/models/response/stringResponse'; import { CipherResponse } from '../models/response/cipherResponse'; import { CollectionResponse } from '../models/response/collectionResponse'; import { FolderResponse } from '../models/response/folderResponse'; import { OrganizationCollectionResponse } from '../models/response/organizationCollectionResponse'; import { OrganizationResponse } from '../models/response/organizationResponse'; import { TemplateResponse } from '../models/response/templateResponse'; import { OrganizationCollectionRequest } from '../models/request/organizationCollectionRequest'; import { SelectionReadOnly } from '../models/selectionReadOnly'; import { CliUtils } from '../utils'; import { Utils } from 'jslib/misc/utils'; export class GetCommand { constructor(private cipherService: CipherService, private folderService: FolderService, private collectionService: CollectionService, private totpService: TotpService, private auditService: AuditService, private cryptoService: CryptoService, private userService: UserService, private searchService: SearchService, private apiService: ApiService) { } async run(object: string, id: string, cmd: program.Command): Promise { if (id != null) { id = id.toLowerCase(); } switch (object.toLowerCase()) { case 'item': return await this.getCipher(id); case 'username': return await this.getUsername(id); case 'password': return await this.getPassword(id); case 'uri': return await this.getUri(id); case 'totp': return await this.getTotp(id); case 'exposed': return await this.getExposed(id); case 'attachment': return await this.getAttachment(id, cmd); case 'folder': return await this.getFolder(id); case 'collection': return await this.getCollection(id); case 'org-collection': return await this.getOrganizationCollection(id, cmd); case 'organization': return await this.getOrganization(id); case 'template': return await this.getTemplate(id); case 'fingerprint': return await this.getFingerprint(id); default: return Response.badRequest('Unknown object.'); } } private async getCipherView(id: string): Promise { let decCipher: CipherView = null; if (this.isGuid(id)) { const cipher = await this.cipherService.get(id); if (cipher != null) { decCipher = await cipher.decrypt(); } } else if (id.trim() !== '') { let ciphers = await this.cipherService.getAllDecrypted(); ciphers = this.searchService.searchCiphersBasic(ciphers, id); if (ciphers.length > 1) { return =>; } if (ciphers.length > 0) { decCipher = ciphers[0]; } } return decCipher; } private async getCipher(id: string) { const decCipher = await this.getCipherView(id); if (decCipher == null) { return Response.notFound(); } if (Array.isArray(decCipher)) { return Response.multipleResults(decCipher); } const res = new CipherResponse(decCipher); return Response.success(res); } private async getUsername(id: string) { const cipherResponse = await this.getCipher(id); if (!cipherResponse.success) { return cipherResponse; } const cipher = as CipherResponse; if (cipher.type !== CipherType.Login) { return Response.badRequest('Not a login.'); } if (cipher.login.username == null || cipher.login.username === '') { return Response.error('No username available for this login.'); } const res = new StringResponse(cipher.login.username); return Response.success(res); } private async getPassword(id: string) { const cipherResponse = await this.getCipher(id); if (!cipherResponse.success) { return cipherResponse; } const cipher = as CipherResponse; if (cipher.type !== CipherType.Login) { return Response.badRequest('Not a login.'); } if (cipher.login.password == null || cipher.login.password === '') { return Response.error('No password available for this login.'); } const res = new StringResponse(cipher.login.password); return Response.success(res); } private async getUri(id: string) { const cipherResponse = await this.getCipher(id); if (!cipherResponse.success) { return cipherResponse; } const cipher = as CipherResponse; if (cipher.type !== CipherType.Login) { return Response.badRequest('Not a login.'); } if (cipher.login.uris == null || cipher.login.uris.length === 0 || cipher.login.uris[0].uri === '') { return Response.error('No uri available for this login.'); } const res = new StringResponse(cipher.login.uris[0].uri); return Response.success(res); } private async getTotp(id: string) { const cipherResponse = await this.getCipher(id); if (!cipherResponse.success) { return cipherResponse; } const cipher = as CipherResponse; if (cipher.type !== CipherType.Login) { return Response.badRequest('Not a login.'); } if (cipher.login.totp == null || cipher.login.totp === '') { return Response.error('No TOTP available for this login.'); } const totp = await this.totpService.getCode(cipher.login.totp); if (totp == null) { return Response.error('Couldn\'t generate TOTP code.'); } const canAccessPremium = await this.userService.canAccessPremium(); if (!canAccessPremium) { const originalCipher = await this.cipherService.get(; if (originalCipher == null || originalCipher.organizationId == null || !originalCipher.organizationUseTotp) { return Response.error('Premium status is required to use this feature.'); } } const res = new StringResponse(totp); return Response.success(res); } private async getExposed(id: string) { const passwordResponse = await this.getPassword(id); if (!passwordResponse.success) { return passwordResponse; } const exposedNumber = await this.auditService.passwordLeaked(( as StringResponse).data); const res = new StringResponse(exposedNumber.toString()); return Response.success(res); } private async getAttachment(id: string, cmd: program.Command) { if (cmd.itemid == null || cmd.itemid === '') { return Response.badRequest('--itemid required.'); } const itemId = cmd.itemid.toLowerCase(); const cipherResponse = await this.getCipher(itemId); if (!cipherResponse.success) { return cipherResponse; } const cipher = await this.getCipherView(itemId); if (cipher == null || Array.isArray(cipher) || cipher.attachments.length === 0) { return Response.error('No attachments available for this item.'); } const attachments = cipher.attachments.filter((a) => === id || (a.fileName != null && a.fileName.toLowerCase().indexOf(id) > -1)); if (attachments.length === 0) { return Response.error('Attachment `' + id + '` was not found.'); } if (attachments.length > 1) { return Response.multipleResults( =>; } if (!(await this.userService.canAccessPremium())) { const originalCipher = await this.cipherService.get(; if (originalCipher == null || originalCipher.organizationId == null) { return Response.error('Premium status is required to use this feature.'); } } const response = await fet.default(new fet.Request(attachments[0].url, { headers: { cache: 'no-cache' } })); if (response.status !== 200) { return Response.error('A ' + response.status + ' error occurred while downloading the attachment.'); } try { const buf = await response.arrayBuffer(); const key = attachments[0].key != null ? attachments[0].key : await this.cryptoService.getOrgKey(cipher.organizationId); const decBuf = await this.cryptoService.decryptFromBytes(buf, key); const filePath = await CliUtils.saveFile(Buffer.from(decBuf), cmd.output, attachments[0].fileName); const res = new MessageResponse('Saved ' + filePath, null); res.raw = filePath; return Response.success(res); } catch (e) { if (typeof (e) === 'string') { return Response.error(e); } else { return Response.error('An error occurred while saving the attachment.'); } } } private async getFolder(id: string) { let decFolder: FolderView = null; if (this.isGuid(id)) { const folder = await this.folderService.get(id); if (folder != null) { decFolder = await folder.decrypt(); } } else if (id.trim() !== '') { let folders = await this.folderService.getAllDecrypted(); folders = CliUtils.searchFolders(folders, id); if (folders.length > 1) { return Response.multipleResults( =>; } if (folders.length > 0) { decFolder = folders[0]; } } if (decFolder == null) { return Response.notFound(); } const res = new FolderResponse(decFolder); return Response.success(res); } private async getCollection(id: string) { let decCollection: CollectionView = null; if (this.isGuid(id)) { const collection = await this.collectionService.get(id); if (collection != null) { decCollection = await collection.decrypt(); } } else if (id.trim() !== '') { let collections = await this.collectionService.getAllDecrypted(); collections = CliUtils.searchCollections(collections, id); if (collections.length > 1) { return Response.multipleResults( =>; } if (collections.length > 0) { decCollection = collections[0]; } } if (decCollection == null) { return Response.notFound(); } const res = new CollectionResponse(decCollection); return Response.success(res); } private async getOrganizationCollection(id: string, cmd: program.Command) { if (cmd.organizationid == null || cmd.organizationid === '') { return Response.badRequest('--organizationid required.'); } if (!this.isGuid(id)) { return Response.error('`' + id + '` is not a GUID.'); } if (!this.isGuid(cmd.organizationid)) { return Response.error('`' + cmd.organizationid + '` is not a GUID.'); } try { const orgKey = await this.cryptoService.getOrgKey(cmd.organizationid); if (orgKey == null) { throw new Error('No encryption key for this organization.'); } const response = await this.apiService.getCollectionDetails(cmd.organizationid, id); const decCollection = new CollectionView(response); = await this.cryptoService.decryptToUtf8( new CipherString(, orgKey); const groups = response.groups == null ? null : => new SelectionReadOnly(, g.readOnly)); const res = new OrganizationCollectionResponse(decCollection, groups); return Response.success(res); } catch (e) { return Response.error(e); } } private async getOrganization(id: string) { let org: Organization = null; if (this.isGuid(id)) { org = await this.userService.getOrganization(id); } else if (id.trim() !== '') { let orgs = await this.userService.getAllOrganizations(); orgs = CliUtils.searchOrganizations(orgs, id); if (orgs.length > 1) { return Response.multipleResults( =>; } if (orgs.length > 0) { org = orgs[0]; } } if (org == null) { return Response.notFound(); } const res = new OrganizationResponse(org); return Response.success(res); } private isGuid(id: string) { return RegExp(/^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/, 'i').test(id); } private async getTemplate(id: string) { let template: any = null; switch (id.toLowerCase()) { case 'item': template = Cipher.template(); break; case 'item.field': template = Field.template(); break; case 'item.login': template = Login.template(); break; case 'item.login.uri': template = LoginUri.template(); break; case 'item.card': template = Card.template(); break; case 'item.identity': template = Identity.template(); break; case 'item.securenote': template = SecureNote.template(); break; case 'folder': template = Folder.template(); break; case 'collection': template = Collection.template(); break; case 'item-collections': template = ['collection-id1', 'collection-id2']; break; case 'org-collection': template = OrganizationCollectionRequest.template(); break; default: return Response.badRequest('Unknown template object.'); } const res = new TemplateResponse(template); return Response.success(res); } private async getFingerprint(id: string) { let fingerprint: string[] = null; if (id === 'me') { fingerprint = await this.cryptoService.getFingerprint(await this.userService.getUserId()); } else if (this.isGuid(id)) { try { const response = await this.apiService.getUserPublicKey(id); const pubKey = Utils.fromB64ToArray(response.publicKey); fingerprint = await this.cryptoService.getFingerprint(id, pubKey.buffer); } catch { } } if (fingerprint == null) { return Response.notFound(); } const res = new StringResponse(fingerprint.join('-')); return Response.success(res); } }