import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, NgZone, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef, } from "@angular/core"; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from "@angular/router"; import { first } from "rxjs/operators"; import { ModalService } from "jslib-angular/services/modal.service"; import { BroadcasterService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/broadcaster.service"; import { I18nService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/i18n.service"; import { MessagingService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/messaging.service"; import { OrganizationService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/organization.service"; import { PlatformUtilsService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/platformUtils.service"; import { SyncService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/sync.service"; import { CipherType } from "jslib-common/enums/cipherType"; import { Organization } from "jslib-common/models/domain/organization"; import { CipherView } from "jslib-common/models/view/cipherView"; import { EntityEventsComponent } from "../manage/entity-events.component"; import { AddEditComponent } from "./add-edit.component"; import { AttachmentsComponent } from "./attachments.component"; import { CiphersComponent } from "./ciphers.component"; import { CollectionsComponent } from "./collections.component"; import { GroupingsComponent } from "./groupings.component"; const BroadcasterSubscriptionId = "OrgVaultComponent"; @Component({ selector: "app-org-vault", templateUrl: "vault.component.html", }) export class VaultComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { @ViewChild(GroupingsComponent, { static: true }) groupingsComponent: GroupingsComponent; @ViewChild(CiphersComponent, { static: true }) ciphersComponent: CiphersComponent; @ViewChild("attachments", { read: ViewContainerRef, static: true }) attachmentsModalRef: ViewContainerRef; @ViewChild("cipherAddEdit", { read: ViewContainerRef, static: true }) cipherAddEditModalRef: ViewContainerRef; @ViewChild("collections", { read: ViewContainerRef, static: true }) collectionsModalRef: ViewContainerRef; @ViewChild("eventsTemplate", { read: ViewContainerRef, static: true }) eventsModalRef: ViewContainerRef; organization: Organization; collectionId: string = null; type: CipherType = null; deleted = false; trashCleanupWarning: string = null; constructor( private route: ActivatedRoute, private organizationService: OrganizationService, private router: Router, private changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef, private syncService: SyncService, private i18nService: I18nService, private modalService: ModalService, private messagingService: MessagingService, private broadcasterService: BroadcasterService, private ngZone: NgZone, private platformUtilsService: PlatformUtilsService ) {} ngOnInit() { this.trashCleanupWarning = this.i18nService.t( this.platformUtilsService.isSelfHost() ? "trashCleanupWarningSelfHosted" : "trashCleanupWarning" ); this.route.parent.params.pipe(first()).subscribe(async (params) => { this.organization = await this.organizationService.get(params.organizationId); this.groupingsComponent.organization = this.organization; this.ciphersComponent.organization = this.organization; this.route.queryParams.pipe(first()).subscribe(async (qParams) => { this.ciphersComponent.searchText = this.groupingsComponent.searchText =; if (!this.organization.canViewAllCollections) { await this.syncService.fullSync(false); this.broadcasterService.subscribe(BroadcasterSubscriptionId, (message: any) => { () => { switch (message.command) { case "syncCompleted": if (message.successfully) { await Promise.all([ this.groupingsComponent.load(), this.ciphersComponent.refresh(), ]); this.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges(); } break; } }); }); } await this.groupingsComponent.load(); if (qParams == null) { this.groupingsComponent.selectedAll = true; await this.ciphersComponent.reload(); } else { if (qParams.deleted) { this.groupingsComponent.selectedTrash = true; await this.filterDeleted(true); } else if (qParams.type) { const t = parseInt(qParams.type, null); this.groupingsComponent.selectedType = t; await this.filterCipherType(t, true); } else if (qParams.collectionId) { this.groupingsComponent.selectedCollectionId = qParams.collectionId; await this.filterCollection(qParams.collectionId, true); } else { this.groupingsComponent.selectedAll = true; await this.ciphersComponent.reload(); } } if (qParams.viewEvents != null) { const cipher = this.ciphersComponent.ciphers.filter((c) => === qParams.viewEvents); if (cipher.length > 0) { this.viewEvents(cipher[0]); } } }); }); } ngOnDestroy() { this.broadcasterService.unsubscribe(BroadcasterSubscriptionId); } async clearGroupingFilters() { this.ciphersComponent.showAddNew = true; this.ciphersComponent.deleted = false; this.groupingsComponent.searchPlaceholder = this.i18nService.t("searchVault"); await this.ciphersComponent.applyFilter(); this.clearFilters(); this.go(); } async filterCipherType(type: CipherType, load = false) { this.ciphersComponent.showAddNew = true; this.ciphersComponent.deleted = false; this.groupingsComponent.searchPlaceholder = this.i18nService.t("searchType"); const filter = (c: CipherView) => c.type === type; if (load) { await this.ciphersComponent.reload(filter); } else { await this.ciphersComponent.applyFilter(filter); } this.clearFilters(); this.type = type; this.go(); } async filterCollection(collectionId: string, load = false) { this.ciphersComponent.showAddNew = true; this.ciphersComponent.deleted = false; this.groupingsComponent.searchPlaceholder = this.i18nService.t("searchCollection"); const filter = (c: CipherView) => { if (collectionId === "unassigned") { return c.collectionIds == null || c.collectionIds.length === 0; } else { return c.collectionIds != null && c.collectionIds.indexOf(collectionId) > -1; } }; if (load) { await this.ciphersComponent.reload(filter); } else { await this.ciphersComponent.applyFilter(filter); } this.clearFilters(); this.collectionId = collectionId; this.go(); } async filterDeleted(load = false) { this.ciphersComponent.showAddNew = false; this.ciphersComponent.deleted = true; this.groupingsComponent.searchPlaceholder = this.i18nService.t("searchTrash"); if (load) { await this.ciphersComponent.reload(null, true); } else { await this.ciphersComponent.applyFilter(null); } this.clearFilters(); this.deleted = true; this.go(); } filterSearchText(searchText: string) { this.ciphersComponent.searchText = searchText;; } async editCipherAttachments(cipher: CipherView) { if (this.organization.maxStorageGb == null || this.organization.maxStorageGb === 0) { this.messagingService.send("upgradeOrganization", { organizationId: cipher.organizationId }); return; } let madeAttachmentChanges = false; const [modal] = await this.modalService.openViewRef( AttachmentsComponent, this.attachmentsModalRef, (comp) => { comp.organization = this.organization; comp.cipherId =; comp.onUploadedAttachment.subscribe(() => (madeAttachmentChanges = true)); comp.onDeletedAttachment.subscribe(() => (madeAttachmentChanges = true)); } ); modal.onClosed.subscribe(async () => { if (madeAttachmentChanges) { await this.ciphersComponent.refresh(); } madeAttachmentChanges = false; }); } async editCipherCollections(cipher: CipherView) { const [modal] = await this.modalService.openViewRef( CollectionsComponent, this.collectionsModalRef, (comp) => { if (this.organization.canEditAnyCollection) { comp.collectionIds = cipher.collectionIds; comp.collections = this.groupingsComponent.collections.filter((c) => !c.readOnly); } comp.organization = this.organization; comp.cipherId =; comp.onSavedCollections.subscribe(async () => { modal.close(); await this.ciphersComponent.refresh(); }); } ); } async addCipher() { const component = await this.editCipher(null); component.organizationId =; component.type = this.type; if (this.organization.canEditAnyCollection) { component.collections = this.groupingsComponent.collections.filter((c) => !c.readOnly); } if (this.collectionId != null) { component.collectionIds = [this.collectionId]; } } async editCipher(cipher: CipherView) { const [modal, childComponent] = await this.modalService.openViewRef( AddEditComponent, this.cipherAddEditModalRef, (comp) => { comp.organization = this.organization; comp.cipherId = cipher == null ? null :; comp.onSavedCipher.subscribe(async () => { modal.close(); await this.ciphersComponent.refresh(); }); comp.onDeletedCipher.subscribe(async () => { modal.close(); await this.ciphersComponent.refresh(); }); comp.onRestoredCipher.subscribe(async () => { modal.close(); await this.ciphersComponent.refresh(); }); } ); return childComponent; } async cloneCipher(cipher: CipherView) { const component = await this.editCipher(cipher); component.cloneMode = true; component.organizationId =; if (this.organization.canEditAnyCollection) { component.collections = this.groupingsComponent.collections.filter((c) => !c.readOnly); } // Regardless of Admin state, the collection Ids need to passed manually as they are not assigned value // in the add-edit componenet component.collectionIds = cipher.collectionIds; } async viewEvents(cipher: CipherView) { await this.modalService.openViewRef(EntityEventsComponent, this.eventsModalRef, (comp) => { =; comp.organizationId =; comp.entityId =; comp.showUser = true; comp.entity = "cipher"; }); } private clearFilters() { this.collectionId = null; this.type = null; this.deleted = false; } private go(queryParams: any = null) { if (queryParams == null) { queryParams = { type: this.type, collectionId: this.collectionId, deleted: this.deleted ? true : null, }; } this.router.navigate([], { relativeTo: this.route, queryParams: queryParams, replaceUrl: true, }); } }