angular .module('bit.accounts') .controller('accountsLoginController', function ($scope, $rootScope, $cookies, apiService, cryptoService, authService, $state, constants, $analytics, $uibModal, $timeout, $window, $filter, toastr) { $scope.state = $state; $scope.twoFactorProviderConstants = constants.twoFactorProvider; $scope.rememberTwoFactor = { checked: false }; if ($'twoFactor') > -1 && (!$scope.twoFactorProviders || !$scope.twoFactorProviders.length)) { $state.go('', { returnState: returnState }); } var returnState; if (!$state.params.returnState && $ { returnState = { name: 'backend.user.settingsCreateOrg', params: { plan: $ } }; } else { returnState = $state.params.returnState; } var rememberedEmail = $cookies.get(constants.rememberedEmailCookieName); if (rememberedEmail || $ { $scope.model = { email: $ ? $ : rememberedEmail, rememberEmail: rememberedEmail !== null }; $timeout(function () { $("#masterPassword").focus(); }); } else { $timeout(function () { $("#email").focus(); }); } var _email, _masterPassword; $scope.twoFactorProviders = null; $scope.twoFactorProvider = null; $scope.login = function (model) { $scope.loginPromise = authService.logIn(, model.masterPassword).then(function (twoFactorProviders) { if (model.rememberEmail) { var cookieExpiration = new Date(); cookieExpiration.setFullYear(cookieExpiration.getFullYear() + 10); $cookies.put( constants.rememberedEmailCookieName,, { expires: cookieExpiration }); } else { $cookies.remove(constants.rememberedEmailCookieName); } if (twoFactorProviders && Object.keys(twoFactorProviders).length > 0) { _email =; _masterPassword = model.masterPassword; $scope.twoFactorProviders = twoFactorProviders; $scope.twoFactorProvider = getDefaultProvider(twoFactorProviders); $analytics.eventTrack('Logged In To Two-step'); $state.go('frontend.login.twoFactor', { returnState: returnState }).then(function () { $timeout(function () { $("#code").focus(); init(); }); }); } else { $analytics.eventTrack('Logged In'); loggedInGo(); } model.masterPassword = ''; }); }; function getDefaultProvider(twoFactorProviders) { var keys = Object.keys(twoFactorProviders); var providerType = null; var providerPriority = -1; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var provider = $filter('filter')(constants.twoFactorProviderInfo, { type: keys[i], active: true }); if (provider.length && provider[0].priority > providerPriority) { providerType = provider[0].type; } } return parseInt(providerType); } $scope.twoFactor = function (token) { $scope.twoFactorPromise = authService.logIn(_email, _masterPassword, token, $scope.twoFactorProvider, $scope.rememberTwoFactor.checked || false); $scope.twoFactorPromise.then(function () { $analytics.eventTrack('Logged In From Two-step'); loggedInGo(); }, function () { if ($scope.twoFactorProvider === constants.twoFactorProvider.u2f) { init(); } }); }; $scope.anotherMethod = function () { var modal = ${ animation: true, templateUrl: 'app/accounts/views/accountsTwoFactorMethods.html', controller: 'accountsTwoFactorMethodsController', resolve: { providers: function () { return $scope.twoFactorProviders; } } }); modal.result.then(function (provider) { $scope.twoFactorProvider = provider; $timeout(function () { $("#code").focus(); init(); }); }); }; $scope.sendEmail = function (doToast) { if ($scope.twoFactorProvider !== { return; } var key = cryptoService.makeKey(_masterPassword, _email); var hash = cryptoService.hashPassword(_masterPassword, key); apiService.twoFactor.sendEmailLogin({ email: _email, masterPasswordHash: hash }, function () { if (doToast) { toastr.success('Verification email sent to ' + $scope.twoFactorEmail + '.'); } }, function () { toastr.error('Could not send verification email.'); }); }; function loggedInGo() { if (returnState) { $state.go(, returnState.params); } else { $state.go('backend.user.vault'); } } function init() { if ($scope.twoFactorProvider === constants.twoFactorProvider.duo) { var params = $scope.twoFactorProviders[constants.twoFactorProvider.duo]; $window.Duo.init({ host: params.Host, sig_request: params.Signature, submit_callback: function (theForm) { var response = $(theForm).find('input[name="sig_response"]').val(); $scope.twoFactor(response); } }); } else if ($scope.twoFactorProvider === constants.twoFactorProvider.u2f) { var params = $scope.twoFactorProviders[constants.twoFactorProvider.u2f]; var challenges = JSON.parse(params.Challenges); initU2f(challenges); } else if ($scope.twoFactorProvider === { var params = $scope.twoFactorProviders[]; $scope.twoFactorEmail = params.Email; if (Object.keys($scope.twoFactorProviders).length > 1) { $scope.sendEmail(false); } } } function initU2f(challenges) { if (challenges.length < 1 || $scope.twoFactorProvider !== constants.twoFactorProvider.u2f) { return; } console.log('listening for u2f key...'); $window.u2f.sign(challenges[0].appId, challenges[0].challenge, [{ version: challenges[0].version, keyHandle: challenges[0].keyHandle }], function (data) { if ($scope.twoFactorProvider !== constants.twoFactorProvider.u2f) { return; } if (data.errorCode) { console.log(data.errorCode); if (data.errorCode === 5) { initU2f(challenges); } return; } $scope.twoFactor(JSON.stringify(data)); }, 5); } });