import * as papa from 'papaparse'; import { CipherType } from '../enums/cipherType'; import { ApiService } from '../abstractions/api.service'; import { CipherService } from '../abstractions/cipher.service'; import { ExportService as ExportServiceAbstraction } from '../abstractions/export.service'; import { FolderService } from '../abstractions/folder.service'; import { CipherView } from '../models/view/cipherView'; import { CollectionView } from '../models/view/collectionView'; import { FolderView } from '../models/view/folderView'; import { Cipher } from '../models/domain/cipher'; import { Collection } from '../models/domain/collection'; import { CipherData } from '../models/data/cipherData'; import { CollectionData } from '../models/data/collectionData'; export class ExportService implements ExportServiceAbstraction { constructor(private folderService: FolderService, private cipherService: CipherService, private apiService: ApiService) { } async getExport(format: 'csv' | 'json' = 'csv'): Promise { let decFolders: FolderView[] = []; let decCiphers: CipherView[] = []; const promises = []; promises.push(this.folderService.getAllDecrypted().then((folders) => { decFolders = folders; })); promises.push(this.cipherService.getAllDecrypted().then((ciphers) => { decCiphers = ciphers; })); await Promise.all(promises); const foldersMap = new Map(); decFolders.forEach((f) => { foldersMap.set(, f); }); const exportCiphers: any[] = []; decCiphers.forEach((c) => { // only export logins and secure notes if (c.type !== CipherType.Login && c.type !== CipherType.SecureNote) { return; } if (c.organizationId != null) { return; } const cipher: any = {}; cipher.folder = c.folderId != null && foldersMap.has(c.folderId) ? foldersMap.get(c.folderId).name : null; cipher.favorite = c.favorite ? 1 : null; this.buildCommonCipher(cipher, c); exportCiphers.push(cipher); }); if (format === 'csv') { return papa.unparse(exportCiphers); } else { return JSON.stringify(exportCiphers, null, ' '); } } async getOrganizationExport(organizationId: string, format: 'csv' | 'json' = 'csv'): Promise { const decCollections: CollectionView[] = []; const decCiphers: CipherView[] = []; const promises = []; promises.push(this.apiService.getCollections(organizationId).then((collections) => { const collectionPromises = []; if (collections != null && != null && > 0) { => { const collection = new Collection(new CollectionData(c)); collectionPromises.push(collection.decrypt().then((decCol) => { decCollections.push(decCol); })); }); } return Promise.all(collectionPromises); })); promises.push(this.apiService.getCiphersOrganization(organizationId).then((ciphers) => { const cipherPromises = []; if (ciphers != null && != null && > 0) { => { const cipher = new Cipher(new CipherData(c)); cipherPromises.push(cipher.decrypt().then((decCipher) => { decCiphers.push(decCipher); })); }); } return Promise.all(cipherPromises); })); await Promise.all(promises); const collectionsMap = new Map(); decCollections.forEach((c) => { collectionsMap.set(, c); }); const exportCiphers: any[] = []; decCiphers.forEach((c) => { // only export logins and secure notes if (c.type !== CipherType.Login && c.type !== CipherType.SecureNote) { return; } const cipher: any = {}; cipher.collections = []; if (c.collectionIds != null) { cipher.collections = c.collectionIds.filter((id) => collectionsMap.has(id)) .map((id) => collectionsMap.get(id).name); } this.buildCommonCipher(cipher, c); exportCiphers.push(cipher); }); if (format === 'csv') { return papa.unparse(exportCiphers); } else { return JSON.stringify(exportCiphers, null, ' '); } } getFileName(prefix: string = null): string { const now = new Date(); const dateString = now.getFullYear() + '' + this.padNumber(now.getMonth() + 1, 2) + '' + this.padNumber(now.getDate(), 2) + this.padNumber(now.getHours(), 2) + '' + this.padNumber(now.getMinutes(), 2) + this.padNumber(now.getSeconds(), 2); return 'bitwarden' + (prefix ? ('_' + prefix) : '') + '_export_' + dateString + '.csv'; } private padNumber(num: number, width: number, padCharacter: string = '0'): string { const numString = num.toString(); return numString.length >= width ? numString : new Array(width - numString.length + 1).join(padCharacter) + numString; } private buildCommonCipher(cipher: any, c: CipherView) { cipher.type = null; =; cipher.notes = c.notes; cipher.fields = null; // Login props cipher.login_uri = null; cipher.login_username = null; cipher.login_password = null; cipher.login_totp = null; if (c.fields) { c.fields.forEach((f: any) => { if (!cipher.fields) { cipher.fields = ''; } else { cipher.fields += '\n'; } cipher.fields += (( || '') + ': ' + f.value); }); } switch (c.type) { case CipherType.Login: cipher.type = 'login'; cipher.login_username = c.login.username; cipher.login_password = c.login.password; cipher.login_totp = c.login.totp; if (c.login.uris) { cipher.login_uri = []; c.login.uris.forEach((u) => { cipher.login_uri.push(u.uri); }); } break; case CipherType.SecureNote: cipher.type = 'note'; break; default: return; } return cipher; } }