function AutofillService(utilsService, totpService, tokenService, loginService) { this.utilsService = utilsService; this.totpService = totpService; this.tokenService = tokenService; this.loginService = loginService; initAutofill(); } function initAutofill() { // Add other languages to this array var usernameFieldNames = ['username', 'user name', 'email', 'email address', 'e-mail', 'e-mail address', 'userid', 'user id']; AutofillService.prototype.generateFillScript = function (pageDetails, fill) { if (!pageDetails) { return null; } var fillScript = { documentUUID: pageDetails.documentUUID, script: [], autosubmit: null, properties: {}, options: {}, metadata: {} }; var passwordFields = [], passwords = [], usernames = [], filledFields = {}, pf = null, username = null, i = 0; if (fill.fields && fill.fields.length) { var fieldNames = []; for (i = 0; i < fill.fields.length; i++) { if (fill.fields[i].name && fill.fields[i].name !== '') { fieldNames.push(fill.fields[i].name.toLowerCase()); } else { fieldNames.push(null); } } for (i = 0; i < pageDetails.fields.length; i++) { var field = pageDetails.fields[i]; if (filledFields.hasOwnProperty(field.opid) || !field.viewable) { continue; } var matchingIndex = findMatchingFieldIndex(field, fieldNames); if (matchingIndex > -1) { filledFields[field.opid] = field; fillScript.script.push(['click_on_opid', field.opid]); fillScript.script.push(['fill_by_opid', field.opid, fill.fields[matchingIndex].value]); } } } if (!fill.password || fill.password === '') { // No password for this login. Maybe they just wanted to auto-fill some custom fields? fillScript = setFillScriptForFocus(filledFields, fillScript); return fillScript; } passwordFields = loadPasswordFields(pageDetails, false); if (!passwordFields.length) { // not able to find any viewable password fields. maybe there are some "hidden" ones? passwordFields = loadPasswordFields(pageDetails, true); } for (var formKey in pageDetails.forms) { var passwordFieldsForForm = []; for (i = 0; i < passwordFields.length; i++) { if (formKey === passwordFields[i].form) { passwordFieldsForForm.push(passwordFields[i]); } } for (i = 0; i < passwordFieldsForForm.length; i++) { pf = passwordFieldsForForm[i]; passwords.push(pf); if (fill.username) { username = findUsernameField(pageDetails, pf, false, false); if (!username) { // not able to find any viewable username fields. maybe there are some "hidden" ones? username = findUsernameField(pageDetails, pf, true, false); } if (username) { usernames.push(username); } } } } if (passwordFields.length && !passwords.length) { // The page does not have any forms with password fields. Use the first password field on the page and the // input field just before it as the username. pf = passwordFields[0]; passwords.push(pf); if (fill.username && pf.elementNumber > 0) { username = findUsernameField(pageDetails, pf, false, true); if (!username) { // not able to find any viewable username fields. maybe there are some "hidden" ones? username = findUsernameField(pageDetails, pf, true, true); } if (username) { usernames.push(username); } } } if (!passwordFields.length && !fill.skipUsernameOnlyFill) { // No password fields on this page. Let's try to just fuzzy fill the username. for (i = 0; i < pageDetails.fields.length; i++) { var f = pageDetails.fields[i]; if (f.viewable && (f.type === 'text' || f.type === 'email' || f.type === 'tel') && fieldIsFuzzyMatch(f, usernameFieldNames)) { usernames.push(f); } } } for (i = 0; i < usernames.length; i++) { if (filledFields.hasOwnProperty(usernames[i].opid)) { continue; } filledFields[usernames[i].opid] = usernames[i]; fillScript.script.push(['click_on_opid', usernames[i].opid]); fillScript.script.push(['fill_by_opid', usernames[i].opid, fill.username]); } for (i = 0; i < passwords.length; i++) { if (filledFields.hasOwnProperty(passwords[i].opid)) { continue; } filledFields[passwords[i].opid] = passwords[i]; fillScript.script.push(['click_on_opid', passwords[i].opid]); fillScript.script.push(['fill_by_opid', passwords[i].opid, fill.password]); } fillScript = setFillScriptForFocus(filledFields, fillScript); return fillScript; }; AutofillService.prototype.getFormsWithPasswordFields = function (pageDetails) { var passwordFields = [], formData = []; passwordFields = loadPasswordFields(pageDetails, true); if (passwordFields.length) { for (var formKey in pageDetails.forms) { for (var i = 0; i < passwordFields.length; i++) { var pf = passwordFields[i]; if (formKey === pf.form) { var uf = findUsernameField(pageDetails, pf, false, false); if (!uf) { // not able to find any viewable username fields. maybe there are some "hidden" ones? uf = findUsernameField(pageDetails, pf, true, false); } formData.push({ form: pageDetails.forms[formKey], password: pf, username: uf }); break; } } } } return formData; }; AutofillService.prototype.doAutoFill = function (options) { var deferred = Q.defer(); var self = this, totpPromise = null; chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function (tabs) { var tab = null; if (tabs.length > 0) { tab = tabs[0]; } else { deferred.reject(); return; } if (!tab || !options.login || !options.pageDetails || !options.pageDetails.length) { deferred.reject(); return; } var didAutofill = false; for (var i = 0; i < options.pageDetails.length; i++) { // make sure we're still on correct tab if (options.pageDetails[i] !== || options.pageDetails[i].tab.url !== tab.url) { continue; } var fillScript = self.generateFillScript(options.pageDetails[i].details, { username: options.login.username, password: options.login.password, fields: options.login.fields, skipUsernameOnlyFill: options.skipUsernameOnlyFill || false }); if (!fillScript || !fillScript.script || !fillScript.script.length) { continue; } didAutofill = true; if (!options.skipLastUsed) { self.loginService.updateLastUsedDate(, function () { }); } chrome.tabs.sendMessage(, { command: 'fillForm', fillScript: fillScript }, { frameId: options.pageDetails[i].frameId }); if (totpPromise || (options.fromBackground && self.utilsService.isFirefox()) || options.skipTotp || !options.login.totp || !self.tokenService.getPremium()) { continue; } totpPromise = self.totpService.isAutoCopyEnabled().then(function (enabled) { if (enabled) { /* jshint ignore:start */ return self.totpService.getCode(options.login.totp); /* jshint ignore:end */ } return null; }).then(function (code) { if (code) { /* jshint ignore:start */ self.utilsService.copyToClipboard(code); /* jshint ignore:end */ } return code; }); } if (didAutofill) { if (totpPromise) { totpPromise.then(function (totpCode) { deferred.resolve(totpCode); }); } else { deferred.resolve(); } } else { deferred.reject(); } }); return deferred.promise; }; AutofillService.prototype.doAutoFillForLastUsedLogin = function (pageDetails, fromCommand) { var self = this; chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function (tabs) { var tab = null; if (tabs.length > 0) { tab = tabs[0]; } if (!tab || !tab.url) { return; } var tabDomain = self.utilsService.getDomain(tab.url); if (!tabDomain) { return; } self.loginService.getLastUsedForDomain(tabDomain).then(function (login) { if (!login) { return; } self.doAutoFill({ login: login, pageDetails: pageDetails, fromBackground: true, skipTotp: true, skipLastUsed: true, skipUsernameOnlyFill: !fromCommand }); }); }); }; function loadPasswordFields(pageDetails, canBeHidden) { var arr = []; for (var i = 0; i < pageDetails.fields.length; i++) { if (pageDetails.fields[i].type === 'password' && (canBeHidden || pageDetails.fields[i].viewable)) { arr.push(pageDetails.fields[i]); } } return arr; } function findUsernameField(pageDetails, passwordField, canBeHidden, withoutForm) { var usernameField = null; for (var i = 0; i < pageDetails.fields.length; i++) { var f = pageDetails.fields[i]; if (f.elementNumber >= passwordField.elementNumber) { break; } if ((withoutForm || f.form === passwordField.form) && (canBeHidden || f.viewable) && (f.type === 'text' || f.type === 'email' || f.type === 'tel')) { usernameField = f; if (findMatchingFieldIndex(f, usernameFieldNames) > -1) { // We found an exact match. No need to keep looking. break; } } } return usernameField; } function findMatchingFieldIndex(field, names) { var matchingIndex = -1; if (field.htmlID && field.htmlID !== '') { matchingIndex = names.indexOf(field.htmlID.toLowerCase()); } if (matchingIndex < 0 && field.htmlName && field.htmlName !== '') { matchingIndex = names.indexOf(field.htmlName.toLowerCase()); } if (matchingIndex < 0 && field['label-tag'] && field['label-tag'] !== '') { matchingIndex = names.indexOf(field['label-tag'].replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '').trim().toLowerCase()); } if (matchingIndex < 0 && field.placeholder && field.placeholder !== '') { matchingIndex = names.indexOf(field.placeholder.toLowerCase()); } return matchingIndex; } function fieldIsFuzzyMatch(field, names) { if (field.htmlID && field.htmlID !== '' && fuzzyMatch(names, field.htmlID.toLowerCase())) { return true; } if (field.htmlName && field.htmlName !== '' && fuzzyMatch(names, field.htmlName.toLowerCase())) { return true; } if (field['label-tag'] && field['label-tag'] !== '' && fuzzyMatch(names, field['label-tag'].replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '').trim().toLowerCase())) { return true; } if (field.placeholder && field.placeholder !== '' && fuzzyMatch(names, field.placeholder.toLowerCase())) { return true; } return false; } function fuzzyMatch(options, value) { if (!options || !options.length || !value || value === '') { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (value.indexOf(options[i]) > -1) { return true; } } return false; } function setFillScriptForFocus(filledFields, fillScript) { var lastField = null, lastPasswordField = null; for (var opid in filledFields) { if (filledFields.hasOwnProperty(opid) && filledFields[opid].viewable) { lastField = filledFields[opid]; if (filledFields[opid].type === 'password') { lastPasswordField = filledFields[opid]; } } } // Prioritize password field over others. if (lastPasswordField) { fillScript.script.push(['focus_by_opid', lastPasswordField.opid]); } else if (lastField) { fillScript.script.push(['focus_by_opid', lastField.opid]); } return fillScript; } }