import { CryptoService, LogService, VaultTimeoutService } from 'jslib/abstractions'; import { CryptoFunctionService } from 'jslib/abstractions/cryptoFunction.service'; import { StorageService } from 'jslib/abstractions/storage.service'; import { Utils } from 'jslib/misc/utils'; import { ConstantsService } from 'jslib/services'; import { BrowserApi } from '../browser/browserApi'; import RuntimeBackground from './runtime.background'; const MessageValidTimeout = 10 * 1000; const EncryptionAlgorithm = 'sha256'; export class NativeMessagingBackground { private connected = false; private port: browser.runtime.Port | chrome.runtime.Port; private resolver: any = null; publicKey: ArrayBuffer; privateKey: ArrayBuffer; private secureSetupResolve: any = null; remotePublicKey: ArrayBufferLike; constructor(private storageService: StorageService, private cryptoService: CryptoService, private cryptoFunctionService: CryptoFunctionService, private vaultTimeoutService: VaultTimeoutService, private runtimeBackground: RuntimeBackground) {} connect() { this.port = BrowserApi.connectNative('com.8bit.bitwarden'); this.connected = true; this.port.onMessage.addListener((msg) => this.onMessage(msg)); this.port.onDisconnect.addListener(() => { this.connected = false; }); } async send(message: any) { // If not connected, try to connect if (!this.connected) { this.connect(); } if (this.publicKey == null) { await this.secureCommunication(); } message.timestamp =; const encrypted = await this.cryptoFunctionService.rsaEncrypt(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(message)), this.remotePublicKey, EncryptionAlgorithm); this.port.postMessage(encrypted); } await(): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.resolver = resolve; }); } private async onMessage(rawMessage: any) { const message = JSON.parse(await this.cryptoService.decryptToUtf8(rawMessage)); if (Math.abs(message.timestamp - > MessageValidTimeout) { // tslint:disable-next-line console.error('NativeMessage is to old, ignoring.'); return; } switch (message.command) { case 'setupEncryption': this.remotePublicKey = Utils.fromB64ToArray(message.publicKey).buffer; this.secureSetupResolve(); break; case 'biometricUnlock': await this.storageService.remove(ConstantsService.biometricAwaitingAcceptance); const enabled = await this.storageService.get(ConstantsService.biometricUnlockKey); if (enabled === null || enabled === false) { if (message.response === 'unlocked') { await, true); } await this.cryptoService.toggleKey(); } if (this.vaultTimeoutService.biometricLocked) { this.runtimeBackground.processMessage({command: 'unlocked'}, null, null); this.vaultTimeoutService.biometricLocked = false; } break; default: // tslint:disable-next-line console.error('NativeMessage, got unknown command.'); } if (this.resolver) { this.resolver(message); } } private async secureCommunication() { // Using crypto function service directly since we cannot encrypt the private key as // master key might not be available [this.publicKey, this.privateKey] = await this.cryptoFunctionService.rsaGenerateKeyPair(2048); this.sendUnencrypted({command: 'setupEncryption', publicKey: Utils.fromBufferToB64(this.publicKey)}); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => this.secureSetupResolve = resolve); } private async sendUnencrypted(message: any) { if (!this.connected) { this.connect(); } message.timestamp =; this.port.postMessage(message); } }