import * as chalk from "chalk"; import * as program from "commander"; import { AuthenticationStatus } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/enums/authentication-status"; import { KeySuffixOptions } from "@bitwarden/common/enums"; import { LockCommand } from "./auth/commands/lock.command"; import { LoginCommand } from "./auth/commands/login.command"; import { LogoutCommand } from "./auth/commands/logout.command"; import { UnlockCommand } from "./auth/commands/unlock.command"; import { Main } from "./bw"; import { CompletionCommand } from "./commands/completion.command"; import { ConfigCommand } from "./commands/config.command"; import { EncodeCommand } from "./commands/encode.command"; import { ServeCommand } from "./commands/serve.command"; import { StatusCommand } from "./commands/status.command"; import { UpdateCommand } from "./commands/update.command"; import { Response } from "./models/response"; import { ListResponse } from "./models/response/list.response"; import { MessageResponse } from "./models/response/message.response"; import { StringResponse } from "./models/response/string.response"; import { TemplateResponse } from "./models/response/template.response"; import { GenerateCommand } from "./tools/generate.command"; import { CliUtils } from "./utils"; import { SyncCommand } from "./vault/sync.command"; const writeLn = CliUtils.writeLn; export class Program { constructor(protected main: Main) {} async register() { program .option("--pretty", "Format output. JSON is tabbed with two spaces.") .option("--raw", "Return raw output instead of a descriptive message.") .option("--response", "Return a JSON formatted version of response output.") .option("--cleanexit", "Exit with a success exit code (0) unless an error is thrown.") .option("--quiet", "Don't return anything to stdout.") .option("--nointeraction", "Do not prompt for interactive user input.") .option("--session ", "Pass session key instead of reading from env.") .version(await this.main.platformUtilsService.getApplicationVersion(), "-v, --version"); program.on("option:pretty", () => { process.env.BW_PRETTY = "true"; }); program.on("option:raw", () => { process.env.BW_RAW = "true"; }); program.on("option:quiet", () => { process.env.BW_QUIET = "true"; }); program.on("option:response", () => { process.env.BW_RESPONSE = "true"; }); program.on("option:cleanexit", () => { process.env.BW_CLEANEXIT = "true"; }); program.on("option:nointeraction", () => { process.env.BW_NOINTERACTION = "true"; }); program.on("option:session", (key) => { process.env.BW_SESSION = key; }); program.on("command:*", () => { writeLn(chalk.redBright("Invalid command: " + program.args.join(" ")), false, true); writeLn("See --help for a list of available commands.", true, true); process.exitCode = 1; }); program.on("--help", () => { writeLn("\n Examples:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" bw login"); writeLn(" bw lock"); writeLn(" bw unlock myPassword321"); writeLn(" bw list --help"); writeLn(" bw list items --search google"); writeLn(" bw get item 99ee88d2-6046-4ea7-92c2-acac464b1412"); writeLn(" bw get password"); writeLn(' echo \'{"name":"My Folder"}\' | bw encode'); writeLn(" bw create folder eyJuYW1lIjoiTXkgRm9sZGVyIn0K"); writeLn( " bw edit folder c7c7b60b-9c61-40f2-8ccd-36c49595ed72 eyJuYW1lIjoiTXkgRm9sZGVyMiJ9Cg==" ); writeLn(" bw delete item 99ee88d2-6046-4ea7-92c2-acac464b1412"); writeLn(" bw generate -lusn --length 18"); writeLn(" bw config server"); writeLn(" bw send -f ./file.ext"); writeLn(' bw send "text to send"'); writeLn(' echo "text to send" | bw send'); writeLn( " bw receive" ); writeLn("", true); }); program .command("login [email] [password]") .description("Log into a user account.") .option("--method ", "Two-step login method.") .option("--code ", "Two-step login code.") .option("--sso", "Log in with Single-Sign On.") .option("--apikey", "Log in with an Api Key.") .option("--passwordenv ", "Environment variable storing your password") .option( "--passwordfile ", "Path to a file containing your password as its first line" ) .option("--check", "Check login status.", async () => { const authed = await this.main.stateService.getIsAuthenticated(); if (authed) { const res = new MessageResponse("You are logged in!", null); this.processResponse(Response.success(res), true); } this.processResponse(Response.error("You are not logged in."), true); }) .on("--help", () => { writeLn("\n Notes:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" See docs for valid `method` enum values."); writeLn(""); writeLn(" Pass `--raw` option to only return the session key."); writeLn(""); writeLn(" Examples:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" bw login"); writeLn(" bw login myPassword321 --raw"); writeLn(" bw login myPassword321 --method 1 --code 249213"); writeLn(" bw login --sso"); writeLn("", true); }) .action(async (email: string, password: string, options: program.OptionValues) => { if (!options.check) { await this.exitIfAuthed(); const command = new LoginCommand( this.main.authService, this.main.apiService, this.main.cryptoFunctionService, this.main.environmentService, this.main.passwordGenerationService, this.main.passwordStrengthService, this.main.platformUtilsService, this.main.stateService, this.main.cryptoService, this.main.policyService, this.main.twoFactorService, this.main.syncService, this.main.keyConnectorService, this.main.policyApiService, this.main.organizationService, async () => await this.main.logout() ); const response = await, password, options); this.processResponse(response, true); } }); program .command("logout") .description("Log out of the current user account.") .on("--help", () => { writeLn("\n Examples:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" bw logout"); writeLn("", true); }) .action(async (cmd) => { await this.exitIfNotAuthed(); const command = new LogoutCommand( this.main.authService, this.main.i18nService, async () => await this.main.logout() ); const response = await; this.processResponse(response); }); program .command("lock") .description("Lock the vault and destroy active session keys.") .on("--help", () => { writeLn("\n Examples:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" bw lock"); writeLn("", true); }) .action(async (cmd) => { await this.exitIfNotAuthed(); if (await this.main.keyConnectorService.getUsesKeyConnector()) { const logoutCommand = new LogoutCommand( this.main.authService, this.main.i18nService, async () => await this.main.logout() ); await; this.processResponse( Response.error( "You cannot lock your vault because you are using Key Connector. " + "To protect your vault, you have been logged out." ), true ); return; } const command = new LockCommand(this.main.vaultTimeoutService); const response = await; this.processResponse(response); }); program .command("unlock [password]") .description("Unlock the vault and return a new session key.") .on("--help", () => { writeLn("\n Notes:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" After unlocking, any previous session keys will no longer be valid."); writeLn(""); writeLn(" Pass `--raw` option to only return the session key."); writeLn(""); writeLn(" Examples:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" bw unlock"); writeLn(" bw unlock myPassword321"); writeLn(" bw unlock myPassword321 --raw"); writeLn("", true); }) .option("--check", "Check lock status.", async () => { await this.exitIfNotAuthed(); const authStatus = await this.main.authService.getAuthStatus(); if (authStatus === AuthenticationStatus.Unlocked) { const res = new MessageResponse("Vault is unlocked!", null); this.processResponse(Response.success(res), true); } else { this.processResponse(Response.error("Vault is locked."), true); } }) .option("--passwordenv ", "Environment variable storing your password") .option( "--passwordfile ", "Path to a file containing your password as its first line" ) .action(async (password, cmd) => { if (!cmd.check) { await this.exitIfNotAuthed(); const command = new UnlockCommand( this.main.cryptoService, this.main.stateService, this.main.cryptoFunctionService, this.main.apiService, this.main.logService, this.main.keyConnectorService, this.main.environmentService, this.main.syncService, this.main.organizationApiService, async () => await this.main.logout() ); const response = await, cmd); this.processResponse(response); } }); program .command("sync") .description("Pull the latest vault data from server.") .option("-f, --force", "Force a full sync.") .option("--last", "Get the last sync date.") .on("--help", () => { writeLn("\n Examples:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" bw sync"); writeLn(" bw sync -f"); writeLn(" bw sync --last"); writeLn("", true); }) .action(async (cmd) => { await this.exitIfNotAuthed(); const command = new SyncCommand(this.main.syncService); const response = await; this.processResponse(response); }); program .command("generate") .description("Generate a password/passphrase.") .option("-u, --uppercase", "Include uppercase characters.") .option("-l, --lowercase", "Include lowercase characters.") .option("-n, --number", "Include numeric characters.") .option("-s, --special", "Include special characters.") .option("-p, --passphrase", "Generate a passphrase.") .option("--length ", "Length of the password.") .option("--words ", "Number of words.") .option("--separator ", "Word separator.") .option("-c, --capitalize", "Title case passphrase.") .option("--includeNumber", "Passphrase includes number.") .on("--help", () => { writeLn("\n Notes:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" Default options are `-uln --length 14`."); writeLn(""); writeLn(" Minimum `length` is 5."); writeLn(""); writeLn(" Minimum `words` is 3."); writeLn(""); writeLn(" Examples:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" bw generate"); writeLn(" bw generate -u -l --length 18"); writeLn(" bw generate -ulns --length 25"); writeLn(" bw generate -ul"); writeLn(" bw generate -p --separator _"); writeLn(" bw generate -p --words 5 --separator space"); writeLn("", true); }) .action(async (options) => { const command = new GenerateCommand( this.main.passwordGenerationService, this.main.stateService ); const response = await; this.processResponse(response); }); program .command("encode") .description("Base 64 encode stdin.") .on("--help", () => { writeLn("\n Notes:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" Use to create `encodedJson` for `create` and `edit` commands."); writeLn(""); writeLn(" Examples:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(' echo \'{"name":"My Folder"}\' | bw encode'); writeLn("", true); }) .action(async () => { const command = new EncodeCommand(); const response = await; this.processResponse(response); }); program .command("config [value]") .description("Configure CLI settings.") .option( "--web-vault ", "Provides a custom web vault URL that differs from the base URL." ) .option("--api ", "Provides a custom API URL that differs from the base URL.") .option("--identity ", "Provides a custom identity URL that differs from the base URL.") .option( "--icons ", "Provides a custom icons service URL that differs from the base URL." ) .option( "--notifications ", "Provides a custom notifications URL that differs from the base URL." ) .option("--events ", "Provides a custom events URL that differs from the base URL.") .option("--key-connector ", "Provides the URL for your Key Connector server.") .on("--help", () => { writeLn("\n Settings:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" server - On-premises hosted installation URL."); writeLn(""); writeLn(" Examples:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" bw config server"); writeLn(" bw config server"); writeLn(" bw config server"); writeLn( " bw config server --api http://localhost:4000 --identity http://localhost:33656" ); writeLn("", true); }) .action(async (setting, value, options) => { const command = new ConfigCommand(this.main.environmentService); const response = await, value, options); this.processResponse(response); }); program .command("update") .description("Check for updates.") .on("--help", () => { writeLn("\n Notes:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" Returns the URL to download the newest version of this CLI tool."); writeLn(""); writeLn(" Use the `--raw` option to return only the download URL for the update."); writeLn(""); writeLn(" Examples:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" bw update"); writeLn(" bw update --raw"); writeLn("", true); }) .action(async () => { const command = new UpdateCommand(this.main.platformUtilsService); const response = await; this.processResponse(response); }); program .command("completion") .description("Generate shell completions.") .option("--shell ", "Shell to generate completions for.") .on("--help", () => { writeLn("\n Notes:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" Valid shells are `zsh`."); writeLn(""); writeLn(" Examples:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" bw completion --shell zsh"); writeLn("", true); }) .action(async (options: program.OptionValues, cmd: program.Command) => { const command = new CompletionCommand(); const response = await; this.processResponse(response); }); program .command("status") .description("Show server, last sync, user information, and vault status.") .on("--help", () => { writeLn(""); writeLn(""); writeLn(" Example return value:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" {"); writeLn(' "serverUrl": "",'); writeLn(' "lastSync": "2020-06-16T06:33:51.419Z",'); writeLn(' "userEmail": ",'); writeLn(' "userId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",'); writeLn(' "status": "locked"'); writeLn(" }"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" Notes:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" `status` is one of:"); writeLn(" - `unauthenticated` when you are not logged in"); writeLn(" - `locked` when you are logged in and the vault is locked"); writeLn(" - `unlocked` when you are logged in and the vault is unlocked"); writeLn("", true); }) .action(async () => { const command = new StatusCommand( this.main.environmentService, this.main.syncService, this.main.stateService, this.main.authService ); const response = await; this.processResponse(response); }); program .command("serve") .description("Start a RESTful API webserver.") .option("--hostname ", "The hostname to bind your API webserver to.") .option("--port ", "The port to run your API webserver on.") .option( "--disable-origin-protection", "If set, allows requests with origin header. Warning, this option exists for backwards compatibility reasons and exposes your environment to known CSRF attacks." ) .on("--help", () => { writeLn("\n Notes:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" Default hostname is `localhost`."); writeLn(" Use hostname `all` for no hostname binding."); writeLn(" Default port is `8087`."); writeLn(""); writeLn(" Examples:"); writeLn(""); writeLn(" bw serve"); writeLn(" bw serve --port 8080"); writeLn(" bw serve --hostname --port 80"); writeLn("", true); }) .action(async (cmd) => { await this.exitIfNotAuthed(); const command = new ServeCommand(this.main); await; }); } protected processResponse(response: Response, exitImmediately = false) { if (!response.success) { if (process.env.BW_QUIET !== "true") { if (process.env.BW_RESPONSE === "true") { writeLn(this.getJson(response), true, false); } else { writeLn(chalk.redBright(response.message), true, true); } } const exitCode = process.env.BW_CLEANEXIT ? 0 : 1; if (exitImmediately) { process.exit(exitCode); } else { process.exitCode = exitCode; } return; } if (process.env.BW_RESPONSE === "true") { writeLn(this.getJson(response), true, false); } else if ( != null) { let out: string = null; if ( === "template") { out = this.getJson(( as TemplateResponse).template); } if (out == null) { if ( === "string") { const data = ( as StringResponse).data; if (data != null) { out = data; } } else if ( === "list") { out = this.getJson(( as ListResponse).data); } else if ( === "message") { out = this.getMessage(response); } else { out = this.getJson(; } } if (out != null && process.env.BW_QUIET !== "true") { writeLn(out, true, false); } } if (exitImmediately) { process.exit(0); } else { process.exitCode = 0; } } private getJson(obj: any): string { if (process.env.BW_PRETTY === "true") { return JSON.stringify(obj, null, " "); } else { return JSON.stringify(obj); } } private getMessage(response: Response): string { const message = as MessageResponse; if (process.env.BW_RAW === "true") { return message.raw; } let out = ""; if (message.title != null) { if (message.noColor) { out = message.title; } else { out = chalk.greenBright(message.title); } } if (message.message != null) { if (message.title != null) { out += "\n"; } out += message.message; } return out.trim() === "" ? null : out; } private async exitIfAuthed() { const authed = await this.main.stateService.getIsAuthenticated(); if (authed) { const email = await this.main.stateService.getEmail(); this.processResponse(Response.error("You are already logged in as " + email + "."), true); } } private async exitIfNotAuthed() { const authed = await this.main.stateService.getIsAuthenticated(); if (!authed) { this.processResponse(Response.error("You are not logged in."), true); } } protected async exitIfLocked() { await this.exitIfNotAuthed(); if (await this.main.cryptoService.hasKeyInMemory()) { return; } else if (await this.main.cryptoService.hasKeyStored(KeySuffixOptions.Auto)) { // load key into memory await this.main.cryptoService.getKey(); } else if (process.env.BW_NOINTERACTION !== "true") { // must unlock if (await this.main.keyConnectorService.getUsesKeyConnector()) { const response = Response.error( "Your vault is locked. You must unlock your vault using your session key.\n" + "If you do not have your session key, you can get a new one by logging out and logging in again." ); this.processResponse(response, true); } else { const command = new UnlockCommand( this.main.cryptoService, this.main.stateService, this.main.cryptoFunctionService, this.main.apiService, this.main.logService, this.main.keyConnectorService, this.main.environmentService, this.main.syncService, this.main.organizationApiService, this.main.logout ); const response = await, null); if (!response.success) { this.processResponse(response, true); } } } else { this.processResponse(Response.error("Vault is locked."), true); } } }