const child = require("child_process"); const fs = require("fs"); const { rimraf } = require("rimraf"); const gulp = require("gulp"); const gulpif = require("gulp-if"); const jeditor = require("gulp-json-editor"); const replace = require("gulp-replace"); const manifest = require("./src/manifest.json"); const manifestVersion = parseInt(process.env.MANIFEST_VERSION || manifest.version); const betaBuild = process.env.BETA_BUILD === "1"; const paths = { build: "./build/", dist: "./dist/", safari: "./src/safari/", }; /** * Converts a number to a tuple containing two Uint16's * @param num {number} This number is expected to be a integer style number with no decimals * * @returns {number[]} A tuple containing two elements that are both numbers. */ function numToUint16s(num) { var arr = new ArrayBuffer(4); var view = new DataView(arr); view.setUint32(0, num, false); return [view.getUint16(0), view.getUint16(2)]; } function buildString() { var build = ""; if (process.env.MANIFEST_VERSION) { build = `-mv${process.env.MANIFEST_VERSION}`; } if (betaBuild) { build += "-beta"; } if (process.env.BUILD_NUMBER && process.env.BUILD_NUMBER !== "") { build = `-${process.env.BUILD_NUMBER}`; } return build; } function distFileName(browserName, ext) { return `dist-${browserName}${buildString()}.${ext}`; } async function dist(browserName, manifest) { const { default: zip } = await import("gulp-zip"); return gulp .src( + "**/*") .pipe(gulpif("popup/index.html", replace("__BROWSER__", "browser_" + browserName))) .pipe(gulpif("manifest.json", jeditor(manifest))) .pipe(zip(distFileName(browserName, "zip"))) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.dist)); } function distFirefox() { return dist("firefox", (manifest) => { if (manifestVersion === 3) { const backgroundScript = manifest.background.service_worker; delete manifest.background.service_worker; manifest.background.scripts = [backgroundScript]; } delete; delete manifest.sandbox; manifest.optional_permissions = manifest.optional_permissions.filter( (permission) => permission !== "privacy", ); if (betaBuild) { manifest = applyBetaLabels(manifest); } return manifest; }); } function distOpera() { return dist("opera", (manifest) => { delete manifest.applications; // Mv3 on Opera does seem to have sidebar support, however it is not working as expected. // On install, the extension will crash the browser entirely if the sidebar_action key is set. // We will remove the sidebar_action key for now until opera implements a fix. if (manifestVersion === 3) { delete manifest.sidebar_action; delete manifest.commands._execute_sidebar_action; } if (betaBuild) { manifest = applyBetaLabels(manifest); } return manifest; }); } function distChrome() { return dist("chrome", (manifest) => { delete manifest.applications; delete manifest.sidebar_action; delete manifest.commands._execute_sidebar_action; if (betaBuild) { manifest = applyBetaLabels(manifest); } return manifest; }); } function distEdge() { return dist("edge", (manifest) => { delete manifest.applications; delete manifest.sidebar_action; delete manifest.commands._execute_sidebar_action; if (betaBuild) { manifest = applyBetaLabels(manifest); } return manifest; }); } function distSafariMas(cb) { return distSafariApp(cb, "mas"); } function distSafariMasDev(cb) { return distSafariApp(cb, "masdev"); } function distSafariDmg(cb) { return distSafariApp(cb, "dmg"); } function distSafariApp(cb, subBuildPath) { const buildPath = paths.dist + "Safari/" + subBuildPath + "/"; const builtAppexPath = buildPath + "build/Release/safari.appex"; const builtAppexFrameworkPath = buildPath + "build/Release/safari.appex/Contents/Frameworks/"; const entitlementsPath = paths.safari + "safari/safari.entitlements"; var args = [ "--verbose", "--force", "-o", "runtime", "--sign", "Developer ID Application: 8bit Solutions LLC", "--entitlements", entitlementsPath, ]; if (subBuildPath !== "dmg") { args = [ "--verbose", "--force", "--sign", subBuildPath === "mas" ? "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Bitwarden Inc" : "E7C9978F6FBCE0553429185C405E61F5380BE8EB", "--entitlements", entitlementsPath, ]; } return rimraf([buildPath + "**/*"], { glob: true }) .then(() => safariCopyAssets(paths.safari + "**/*", buildPath)) .then(() => safariCopyBuild( + "**/*", buildPath + "safari/app")) .then(() => { const proc = child.spawn("xcodebuild", [ "-project", buildPath + "desktop.xcodeproj", "-alltargets", "-configuration", "Release", ]); stdOutProc(proc); return new Promise((resolve) => proc.on("close", resolve)); }) .then(async () => { const libs = fs .readdirSync(builtAppexFrameworkPath) .filter((p) => p.endsWith(".dylib")) .map((p) => builtAppexFrameworkPath + p); const libPromises = []; libs.forEach((i) => { const proc = child.spawn("codesign", args.concat([i])); stdOutProc(proc); libPromises.push(new Promise((resolve) => proc.on("close", resolve))); }); return Promise.all(libPromises); }) .then(() => { const proc = child.spawn("codesign", args.concat([builtAppexPath])); stdOutProc(proc); return new Promise((resolve) => proc.on("close", resolve)); }) .then( () => { return cb; }, () => { return cb; }, ); } function safariCopyAssets(source, dest) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { gulp .src(source) .on("error", reject) .pipe(gulpif("safari/Info.plist", replace("0.0.1", manifest.version))) .pipe( gulpif("safari/Info.plist", replace("0.0.2", process.env.BUILD_NUMBER || manifest.version)), ) .pipe(gulpif("desktop.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj", replace("../../../build", "../safari/app"))) .pipe(gulp.dest(dest)) .on("end", resolve); }); } async function safariCopyBuild(source, dest) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { gulp .src(source) .on("error", reject) .pipe(gulpif("popup/index.html", replace("__BROWSER__", "browser_safari"))) .pipe( gulpif( "manifest.json", jeditor((manifest) => { if (manifestVersion === 3) { const backgroundScript = manifest.background.service_worker; delete manifest.background.service_worker; manifest.background.scripts = [backgroundScript]; } delete manifest.sidebar_action; delete manifest.commands._execute_sidebar_action; delete manifest.optional_permissions; manifest.permissions.push("nativeMessaging"); if (betaBuild) { manifest = applyBetaLabels(manifest); } return manifest; }), ), ) .pipe(gulp.dest(dest)) .on("end", resolve); }); } function stdOutProc(proc) { proc.stdout.on("data", (data) => console.log(data.toString())); proc.stderr.on("data", (data) => console.error(data.toString())); } function applyBetaLabels(manifest) { = "Bitwarden Password Manager BETA"; manifest.short_name = "Bitwarden BETA"; manifest.description = "THIS EXTENSION IS FOR BETA TESTING BITWARDEN."; if (process.env.GITHUB_RUN_ID) { const existingVersionParts = manifest.version.split("."); // 3 parts expected 2024.4.0 // GITHUB_RUN_ID is a number like: 8853654662 // which will convert to [ 4024, 3206 ] // and a single incremented id of 8853654663 will become [ 4024, 3207 ] const runIdParts = numToUint16s(parseInt(process.env.GITHUB_RUN_ID)); // Only use the first 2 parts from the given version number and base the other 2 numbers from the GITHUB_RUN_ID // Example: 2024.4.4024.3206 const betaVersion = `${existingVersionParts[0]}.${existingVersionParts[1]}.${runIdParts[0]}.${runIdParts[1]}`; manifest.version_name = `${betaVersion} beta - ${process.env.GITHUB_SHA.slice(0, 8)}`; manifest.version = betaVersion; } else { manifest.version = `${manifest.version}.0`; } return manifest; } exports["dist:firefox"] = distFirefox; exports["dist:chrome"] = distChrome; exports["dist:opera"] = distOpera; exports["dist:edge"] = distEdge; exports["dist:safari"] = gulp.parallel(distSafariMas, distSafariMasDev, distSafariDmg); exports["dist:safari:mas"] = distSafariMas; exports["dist:safari:masdev"] = distSafariMasDev; exports["dist:safari:dmg"] = distSafariDmg; exports.dist = gulp.parallel(distFirefox, distChrome, distOpera, distEdge);