import { DatePipe } from '@angular/common'; import { EventEmitter, Input, OnInit, Output, } from '@angular/core'; import { OrganizationUserStatusType } from '../../../enums/organizationUserStatusType'; import { PolicyType } from '../../../enums/policyType'; import { SendType } from '../../../enums/sendType'; import { EnvironmentService } from '../../../abstractions/environment.service'; import { I18nService } from '../../../abstractions/i18n.service'; import { MessagingService } from '../../../abstractions/messaging.service'; import { PlatformUtilsService } from '../../../abstractions/platformUtils.service'; import { PolicyService } from '../../../abstractions/policy.service'; import { SendService } from '../../../abstractions/send.service'; import { UserService } from '../../../abstractions/user.service'; import { SendFileView } from '../../../models/view/sendFileView'; import { SendTextView } from '../../../models/view/sendTextView'; import { SendView } from '../../../models/view/sendView'; import { Send } from '../../../models/domain/send'; // TimeOption is used for the dropdown implementation of custom times // Standard = displayed time; Military = stored time interface TimeOption { standard: string; military: string; } enum DateField { DeletionDate = 'deletion', ExpriationDate = 'expiration', } export class AddEditComponent implements OnInit { @Input() sendId: string; @Input() type: SendType; @Output() onSavedSend = new EventEmitter(); @Output() onDeletedSend = new EventEmitter(); @Output() onCancelled = new EventEmitter(); copyLink = false; disableSend = false; disableHideEmail = false; send: SendView; deletionDate: string; deletionDateFallback: string; deletionTimeFallback: string; expirationDate: string = null; expirationDateFallback: string; expirationTimeFallback: string; hasPassword: boolean; password: string; showPassword = false; formPromise: Promise; deletePromise: Promise; sendType = SendType; typeOptions: any[]; deletionDateOptions: any[]; expirationDateOptions: any[]; deletionDateSelect = 168; expirationDateSelect: number = null; canAccessPremium = true; premiumRequiredAlertShown = false; showOptions = false; safariDeletionTime: string; safariExpirationTime: string; safariDeletionTimeOptions: TimeOption[]; safariExpirationTimeOptions: TimeOption[]; private sendLinkBaseUrl: string; constructor(protected i18nService: I18nService, protected platformUtilsService: PlatformUtilsService, protected environmentService: EnvironmentService, protected datePipe: DatePipe, protected sendService: SendService, protected userService: UserService, protected messagingService: MessagingService, protected policyService: PolicyService) { this.typeOptions = [ { name: i18nService.t('sendTypeFile'), value: SendType.File }, { name: i18nService.t('sendTypeText'), value: SendType.Text }, ]; this.deletionDateOptions = this.expirationDateOptions = [ { name: i18nService.t('oneHour'), value: 1 }, { name: i18nService.t('oneDay'), value: 24 }, { name: i18nService.t('days', '2'), value: 48 }, { name: i18nService.t('days', '3'), value: 72 }, { name: i18nService.t('days', '7'), value: 168 }, { name: i18nService.t('days', '30'), value: 720 }, { name: i18nService.t('custom'), value: 0 }, ]; this.expirationDateOptions = [ { name: i18nService.t('never'), value: null }, ].concat([...this.deletionDateOptions]); const webVaultUrl = this.environmentService.getWebVaultUrl(); if (webVaultUrl == null) { this.sendLinkBaseUrl = ''; } else { this.sendLinkBaseUrl = webVaultUrl + '/#/send/'; } } get link(): string { if ( != null && this.send.accessId != null) { return this.sendLinkBaseUrl + this.send.accessId + '/' + this.send.urlB64Key; } return null; } get isSafari() { return this.platformUtilsService.isSafari(); } get isDateTimeLocalSupported(): boolean { return !(this.platformUtilsService.isFirefox() || this.platformUtilsService.isSafari()); } async ngOnInit() { await this.load(); } get editMode(): boolean { return this.sendId != null; } get title(): string { return this.i18nService.t( this.editMode ? 'editSend' : 'createSend' ); } get expirationDateTimeFallback() { return this.nullOrWhiteSpaceCount([this.expirationDateFallback, this.expirationTimeFallback]) > 0 ? null : `${this.formatDateFallbacks(this.expirationDateFallback)}T${this.expirationTimeFallback}`; } get deletionDateTimeFallback() { return this.nullOrWhiteSpaceCount([this.deletionDateFallback, this.deletionTimeFallback]) > 0 ? null : `${this.formatDateFallbacks(this.deletionDateFallback)}T${this.deletionTimeFallback}`; } async load() { const disableSendPolicies = await this.policyService.getAll(PolicyType.DisableSend); const organizations = await this.userService.getAllOrganizations(); this.disableSend = organizations.some(o => { return o.enabled && o.status === OrganizationUserStatusType.Confirmed && o.usePolicies && !o.canManagePolicies && disableSendPolicies.some(p => p.organizationId === && p.enabled); }); const sendOptionsPolicies = await this.policyService.getAll(PolicyType.SendOptions); this.disableHideEmail = await organizations.some(o => { return o.enabled && o.status === OrganizationUserStatusType.Confirmed && o.usePolicies && !o.canManagePolicies && sendOptionsPolicies.some(p => p.organizationId === && p.enabled &&; }); this.canAccessPremium = await this.userService.canAccessPremium(); if (!this.canAccessPremium) { this.type = SendType.Text; } if (this.send == null) { if (this.editMode) { const send = await this.loadSend(); this.send = await send.decrypt(); } else { this.send = new SendView(); this.send.type = this.type == null ? SendType.File : this.type; this.send.file = new SendFileView(); this.send.text = new SendTextView(); this.send.deletionDate = new Date(); this.send.deletionDate.setDate(this.send.deletionDate.getDate() + 7); } } this.hasPassword = this.send.password != null && this.send.password.trim() !== ''; // Parse dates if (!this.isDateTimeLocalSupported) { const deletionDateParts = this.dateToSplitString(this.send.deletionDate); if (deletionDateParts !== undefined && deletionDateParts.length > 0) { this.deletionDateFallback = deletionDateParts[0]; this.deletionTimeFallback = deletionDateParts[1]; if (this.isSafari) { this.safariDeletionTime = this.deletionTimeFallback; } } const expirationDateParts = this.dateToSplitString(this.send.expirationDate); if (expirationDateParts !== undefined && expirationDateParts.length > 0) { this.expirationDateFallback = expirationDateParts[0]; this.expirationTimeFallback = expirationDateParts[1]; if (this.isSafari) { this.safariExpirationTime = this.expirationTimeFallback; } } } else { this.deletionDate = this.dateToString(this.send.deletionDate); this.expirationDate = this.dateToString(this.send.expirationDate); } if (this.isSafari) { this.safariDeletionTimeOptions = this.safariTimeOptions(DateField.DeletionDate); this.safariExpirationTimeOptions = this.safariTimeOptions(DateField.ExpriationDate); } } async submit(): Promise { if (!this.isDateTimeLocalSupported) { if (this.isSafari) { this.expirationTimeFallback = this.safariExpirationTime ?? this.expirationTimeFallback; this.deletionTimeFallback = this.safariDeletionTime ?? this.deletionTimeFallback; } this.deletionDate = this.deletionDateTimeFallback; if (this.expirationDateTimeFallback != null && isNaN(Date.parse(this.expirationDateTimeFallback))) { this.platformUtilsService.showToast('error', this.i18nService.t('errorOccurred'), this.i18nService.t('expirationDateIsInvalid')); return; } if (isNaN(Date.parse(this.deletionDateTimeFallback))) { this.platformUtilsService.showToast('error', this.i18nService.t('errorOccurred'), this.i18nService.t('deletionDateIsInvalid')); return; } if (this.nullOrWhiteSpaceCount([this.expirationDateFallback, this.expirationTimeFallback]) === 1) { this.platformUtilsService.showToast('error', this.i18nService.t('errorOccurred'), this.i18nService.t('expirationDateAndTimeRequired')); return; } if (this.editMode || this.expirationDateSelect === 0) { this.expirationDate = this.expirationDateTimeFallback; } } if (this.disableSend) { this.platformUtilsService.showToast('error', this.i18nService.t('errorOccurred'), this.i18nService.t('sendDisabledWarning')); return false; } if ( == null || === '') { this.platformUtilsService.showToast('error', this.i18nService.t('errorOccurred'), this.i18nService.t('nameRequired')); return false; } let file: File = null; if (this.send.type === SendType.File && !this.editMode) { const fileEl = document.getElementById('file') as HTMLInputElement; const files = fileEl.files; if (files == null || files.length === 0) { this.platformUtilsService.showToast('error', this.i18nService.t('errorOccurred'), this.i18nService.t('selectFile')); return; } file = files[0]; } if (!this.editMode) { const now = new Date(); if (this.deletionDateSelect > 0) { const d = new Date(); d.setHours(now.getHours() + this.deletionDateSelect); this.deletionDate = this.dateToString(d); } if (this.expirationDateSelect != null && this.expirationDateSelect > 0) { const d = new Date(); d.setHours(now.getHours() + this.expirationDateSelect); this.expirationDate = this.dateToString(d); } } if (this.password != null && this.password.trim() === '') { this.password = null; } const encSend = await this.encryptSend(file); try { this.formPromise = this.sendService.saveWithServer(encSend); await this.formPromise; if ( == null) { = encSend[0].id; } if (this.send.accessId == null) { this.send.accessId = encSend[0].accessId; } this.platformUtilsService.showToast('success', null, this.i18nService.t(this.editMode ? 'editedSend' : 'createdSend')); this.onSavedSend.emit(this.send); if (this.copyLink) { this.copyLinkToClipboard(; } return true; } catch { } return false; } clearExpiration() { this.expirationDate = null; this.expirationDateFallback = null; this.expirationTimeFallback = null; this.safariExpirationTime = null; } copyLinkToClipboard(link: string) { if (link != null) { this.platformUtilsService.copyToClipboard(link); } } async delete(): Promise { if (this.deletePromise != null) { return false; } const confirmed = await this.platformUtilsService.showDialog( this.i18nService.t('deleteSendConfirmation'), this.i18nService.t('deleteSend'), this.i18nService.t('yes'), this.i18nService.t('no'), 'warning'); if (!confirmed) { return false; } try { this.deletePromise = this.sendService.deleteWithServer(; await this.deletePromise; this.platformUtilsService.showToast('success', null, this.i18nService.t('deletedSend')); await this.load(); this.onDeletedSend.emit(this.send); return true; } catch { } return false; } typeChanged() { if (!this.canAccessPremium && this.send.type === SendType.File && !this.premiumRequiredAlertShown) { this.premiumRequiredAlertShown = true; this.messagingService.send('premiumRequired'); } } toggleOptions() { this.showOptions = !this.showOptions; } expirationDateFallbackChanged() { this.isSafari ? this.safariExpirationTime = this.safariExpirationTime ?? '00:00' : this.expirationTimeFallback = this.expirationTimeFallback ?? this.datePipe.transform(new Date(), 'HH:mm'); } protected async loadSend(): Promise { return this.sendService.get(this.sendId); } protected async encryptSend(file: File): Promise<[Send, ArrayBuffer]> { const sendData = await this.sendService.encrypt(this.send, file, this.password, null); // Parse dates try { sendData[0].deletionDate = this.deletionDate == null ? null : new Date(this.deletionDate); } catch { sendData[0].deletionDate = null; } try { sendData[0].expirationDate = this.expirationDate == null ? null : new Date(this.expirationDate); } catch { sendData[0].expirationDate = null; } return sendData; } protected dateToString(d: Date) { return d == null ? null : this.datePipe.transform(d, 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm'); } protected formatDateFallbacks(dateString: string) { try { // The Firefox date picker doesn't supply a time, safari's polyfill does. // Unknown if Safari's native date picker will or not when it releases. if (!this.isSafari) { dateString += ' 00:00'; } return this.datePipe.transform(new Date(dateString), 'yyyy-MM-dd'); } catch { // this should never happen this.platformUtilsService.showToast('error', this.i18nService.t('errorOccurred'), this.i18nService.t('dateParsingError')); } } protected dateToSplitString(d: Date) { if (d != null) { const date = !this.isSafari ? this.datePipe.transform(d, 'yyyy-MM-dd') : this.datePipe.transform(d, 'MM/dd/yyyy'); const time = this.datePipe.transform(d, 'HH:mm'); return [date, time]; } } protected togglePasswordVisible() { this.showPassword = !this.showPassword; document.getElementById('password').focus(); } protected nullOrWhiteSpaceCount(strarray: string[]): number { return strarray.filter(str => str == null || str.trim() === '').length; } protected safariTimeOptions(field: DateField): TimeOption[] { // init individual arrays for major sort groups const noon: TimeOption[] = []; const midnight: TimeOption[] = []; const ams: TimeOption[] = []; const pms: TimeOption[] = []; // determine minute skip (5 min, 10 min, 15 min, etc.) const minuteIncrementer = 15; // loop through each hour on a 12 hour system for (let h = 1; h <= 12; h++) { // loop through each minute in the hour using the skip to incriment for (let m = 0; m < 60; m += minuteIncrementer) { // init the final strings that will be added to the lists let hour = h.toString(); let minutes = m.toString(); // add prepending 0s to single digit hours/minutes if (h < 10) { hour = '0' + hour; } if (m < 10) { minutes = '0' + minutes; } // build time strings and push to relevant sort groups if (h === 12) { const midnightOption: TimeOption = { standard: `${hour}:${minutes} AM`, military: `00:${minutes}`, }; midnight.push(midnightOption); const noonOption: TimeOption = { standard: `${hour}:${minutes} PM`, military: `${hour}:${minutes}`, }; noon.push(noonOption); } else { const amOption: TimeOption = { standard: `${hour}:${minutes} AM`, military: `${hour}:${minutes}`, }; ams.push(amOption); const pmOption: TimeOption = { standard: `${hour}:${minutes} PM`, military: `${h + 12}:${minutes}`, }; pms.push(pmOption); } } } // bring all the arrays together in the right order const validTimes = [...midnight, ...ams, ...noon, ...pms]; // determine if an unsupported value already exists on the send & add that to the top of the option list // example: if the Send was created with a different client if (field === DateField.ExpriationDate && this.expirationDateTimeFallback != null && this.editMode) { const previousValue: TimeOption = { standard: this.datePipe.transform(this.expirationDateTimeFallback, 'hh:mm a'), military: this.datePipe.transform(this.expirationDateTimeFallback, 'HH:mm'), }; return [previousValue, { standard: null, military: null }, ...validTimes]; } else if (field === DateField.DeletionDate && this.deletionDateTimeFallback != null && this.editMode) { const previousValue: TimeOption = { standard: this.datePipe.transform(this.deletionDateTimeFallback, 'hh:mm a'), military: this.datePipe.transform(this.deletionDateTimeFallback, 'HH:mm'), }; return [previousValue, ...validTimes]; } else { return [{ standard: null, military: null }, ...validTimes]; } } }