import { firstValueFrom } from "rxjs"; import { SemVer } from "semver"; import { ApiService } from "../../abstractions/api.service"; import { SearchService } from "../../abstractions/search.service"; import { SettingsService } from "../../abstractions/settings.service"; import { FieldType, UriMatchType } from "../../enums"; import { ErrorResponse } from "../../models/response/error.response"; import { View } from "../../models/view/view"; import { ConfigServiceAbstraction } from "../../platform/abstractions/config/config.service.abstraction"; import { CryptoService } from "../../platform/abstractions/crypto.service"; import { EncryptService } from "../../platform/abstractions/encrypt.service"; import { I18nService } from "../../platform/abstractions/i18n.service"; import { StateService } from "../../platform/abstractions/state.service"; import { flagEnabled } from "../../platform/misc/flags"; import { sequentialize } from "../../platform/misc/sequentialize"; import { Utils } from "../../platform/misc/utils"; import Domain from "../../platform/models/domain/domain-base"; import { EncArrayBuffer } from "../../platform/models/domain/enc-array-buffer"; import { EncString } from "../../platform/models/domain/enc-string"; import { OrgKey, SymmetricCryptoKey, UserKey, } from "../../platform/models/domain/symmetric-crypto-key"; import { CipherService as CipherServiceAbstraction } from "../abstractions/cipher.service"; import { CipherFileUploadService } from "../abstractions/file-upload/cipher-file-upload.service"; import { CipherType } from "../enums/cipher-type"; import { CipherData } from "../models/data/"; import { Attachment } from "../models/domain/attachment"; import { Card } from "../models/domain/card"; import { Cipher } from "../models/domain/cipher"; import { Fido2Credential } from "../models/domain/fido2-credential"; import { Field } from "../models/domain/field"; import { Identity } from "../models/domain/identity"; import { Login } from "../models/domain/login"; import { LoginUri } from "../models/domain/login-uri"; import { Password } from "../models/domain/password"; import { SecureNote } from "../models/domain/secure-note"; import { SortedCiphersCache } from "../models/domain/sorted-ciphers-cache"; import { CipherBulkDeleteRequest } from "../models/request/cipher-bulk-delete.request"; import { CipherBulkMoveRequest } from "../models/request/cipher-bulk-move.request"; import { CipherBulkRestoreRequest } from "../models/request/cipher-bulk-restore.request"; import { CipherBulkShareRequest } from "../models/request/cipher-bulk-share.request"; import { CipherCollectionsRequest } from "../models/request/cipher-collections.request"; import { CipherCreateRequest } from "../models/request/cipher-create.request"; import { CipherPartialRequest } from "../models/request/cipher-partial.request"; import { CipherShareRequest } from "../models/request/cipher-share.request"; import { CipherRequest } from "../models/request/cipher.request"; import { CipherResponse } from "../models/response/cipher.response"; import { AttachmentView } from "../models/view/attachment.view"; import { CipherView } from "../models/view/cipher.view"; import { FieldView } from "../models/view/field.view"; import { PasswordHistoryView } from "../models/view/password-history.view"; const CIPHER_KEY_ENC_MIN_SERVER_VER = new SemVer("2023.9.1"); export class CipherService implements CipherServiceAbstraction { private sortedCiphersCache: SortedCiphersCache = new SortedCiphersCache( this.sortCiphersByLastUsed ); constructor( private cryptoService: CryptoService, private settingsService: SettingsService, private apiService: ApiService, private i18nService: I18nService, private searchService: SearchService, private stateService: StateService, private encryptService: EncryptService, private cipherFileUploadService: CipherFileUploadService, private configService: ConfigServiceAbstraction ) {} async getDecryptedCipherCache(): Promise { const decryptedCiphers = await this.stateService.getDecryptedCiphers(); return decryptedCiphers; } async setDecryptedCipherCache(value: CipherView[]) { await this.stateService.setDecryptedCiphers(value); if (this.searchService != null) { if (value == null) { this.searchService.clearIndex(); } else { this.searchService.indexCiphers(value); } } } async clearCache(userId?: string): Promise { await this.clearDecryptedCiphersState(userId); } async encrypt( model: CipherView, keyForEncryption?: SymmetricCryptoKey, keyForCipherKeyDecryption?: SymmetricCryptoKey, originalCipher: Cipher = null ): Promise { if ( != null) { if (originalCipher == null) { originalCipher = await this.get(; } if (originalCipher != null) { await this.updateModelfromExistingCipher(model, originalCipher); } this.adjustPasswordHistoryLength(model); } const cipher = new Cipher(); =; cipher.folderId = model.folderId; cipher.favorite = model.favorite; cipher.organizationId = model.organizationId; cipher.type = model.type; cipher.collectionIds = model.collectionIds; cipher.revisionDate = model.revisionDate; cipher.reprompt = model.reprompt; cipher.edit = model.edit; if (await this.getCipherKeyEncryptionEnabled()) { cipher.key = originalCipher?.key ?? null; const userOrOrgKey = await this.getKeyForCipherKeyDecryption(cipher); // The keyForEncryption is only used for encrypting the cipher key, not the cipher itself, since cipher key encryption is enabled. // If the caller has provided a key for cipher key encryption, use it. Otherwise, use the user or org key. keyForEncryption ||= userOrOrgKey; // If the caller has provided a key for cipher key decryption, use it. Otherwise, use the user or org key. keyForCipherKeyDecryption ||= userOrOrgKey; return this.encryptCipherWithCipherKey( model, cipher, keyForEncryption, keyForCipherKeyDecryption ); } else { if (keyForEncryption == null && cipher.organizationId != null) { keyForEncryption = await this.cryptoService.getOrgKey(cipher.organizationId); if (keyForEncryption == null) { throw new Error("Cannot encrypt cipher for organization. No key."); } } // We want to ensure that the cipher key is null if cipher key encryption is disabled // so that decryption uses the proper key. cipher.key = null; return this.encryptCipher(model, cipher, keyForEncryption); } } async encryptAttachments( attachmentsModel: AttachmentView[], key: SymmetricCryptoKey ): Promise { if (attachmentsModel == null || attachmentsModel.length === 0) { return null; } const promises: Promise[] = []; const encAttachments: Attachment[] = []; attachmentsModel.forEach(async (model) => { const attachment = new Attachment(); =; attachment.size = model.size; attachment.sizeName = model.sizeName; attachment.url = model.url; const promise = this.encryptObjProperty( model, attachment, { fileName: null, }, key ).then(async () => { if (model.key != null) { attachment.key = await this.cryptoService.encrypt(model.key.key, key); } encAttachments.push(attachment); }); promises.push(promise); }); await Promise.all(promises); return encAttachments; } async encryptFields(fieldsModel: FieldView[], key: SymmetricCryptoKey): Promise { if (!fieldsModel || !fieldsModel.length) { return null; } const self = this; const encFields: Field[] = []; await fieldsModel.reduce(async (promise, field) => { await promise; const encField = await self.encryptField(field, key); encFields.push(encField); }, Promise.resolve()); return encFields; } async encryptField(fieldModel: FieldView, key: SymmetricCryptoKey): Promise { const field = new Field(); field.type = fieldModel.type; field.linkedId = fieldModel.linkedId; // normalize boolean type field values if (fieldModel.type === FieldType.Boolean && fieldModel.value !== "true") { fieldModel.value = "false"; } await this.encryptObjProperty( fieldModel, field, { name: null, value: null, }, key ); return field; } async encryptPasswordHistories( phModels: PasswordHistoryView[], key: SymmetricCryptoKey ): Promise { if (!phModels || !phModels.length) { return null; } const self = this; const encPhs: Password[] = []; await phModels.reduce(async (promise, ph) => { await promise; const encPh = await self.encryptPasswordHistory(ph, key); encPhs.push(encPh); }, Promise.resolve()); return encPhs; } async encryptPasswordHistory( phModel: PasswordHistoryView, key: SymmetricCryptoKey ): Promise { const ph = new Password(); ph.lastUsedDate = phModel.lastUsedDate; await this.encryptObjProperty( phModel, ph, { password: null, }, key ); return ph; } async get(id: string): Promise { const ciphers = await this.stateService.getEncryptedCiphers(); // eslint-disable-next-line if (ciphers == null || !ciphers.hasOwnProperty(id)) { return null; } const localData = await this.stateService.getLocalData(); return new Cipher(ciphers[id], localData ? localData[id] : null); } async getAll(): Promise { const localData = await this.stateService.getLocalData(); const ciphers = await this.stateService.getEncryptedCiphers(); const response: Cipher[] = []; for (const id in ciphers) { // eslint-disable-next-line if (ciphers.hasOwnProperty(id)) { response.push(new Cipher(ciphers[id], localData ? localData[id] : null)); } } return response; } @sequentialize(() => "getAllDecrypted") async getAllDecrypted(): Promise { if ((await this.getDecryptedCipherCache()) != null) { await this.reindexCiphers(); return await this.getDecryptedCipherCache(); } const ciphers = await this.getAll(); const orgKeys = await this.cryptoService.getOrgKeys(); const userKey = await this.cryptoService.getUserKeyWithLegacySupport(); if (orgKeys == null && userKey == null) { // return early if there are no keys to decrypt with return; } // Group ciphers by orgId or under 'null' for the user's ciphers const grouped = ciphers.reduce((agg, c) => { agg[c.organizationId] ??= []; agg[c.organizationId].push(c); return agg; }, {} as Record); const decCiphers = ( await Promise.all( Object.entries(grouped).map(([orgId, groupedCiphers]) => this.encryptService.decryptItems(groupedCiphers, orgKeys.get(orgId) ?? userKey) ) ) ) .flat() .sort(this.getLocaleSortingFunction()); await this.setDecryptedCipherCache(decCiphers); return decCiphers; } private async reindexCiphers() { const userId = await this.stateService.getUserId(); const reindexRequired = this.searchService != null && (this.searchService.indexedEntityId ?? userId) !== userId; if (reindexRequired) { this.searchService.indexCiphers(await this.getDecryptedCipherCache(), userId); } } async getAllDecryptedForGrouping(groupingId: string, folder = true): Promise { const ciphers = await this.getAllDecrypted(); return ciphers.filter((cipher) => { if (cipher.isDeleted) { return false; } if (folder && cipher.folderId === groupingId) { return true; } else if ( !folder && cipher.collectionIds != null && cipher.collectionIds.indexOf(groupingId) > -1 ) { return true; } return false; }); } async getAllDecryptedForUrl( url: string, includeOtherTypes?: CipherType[], defaultMatch: UriMatchType = null ): Promise { if (url == null && includeOtherTypes == null) { return Promise.resolve([]); } const equivalentDomains = this.settingsService.getEquivalentDomains(url); const ciphers = await this.getAllDecrypted(); defaultMatch ??= await this.stateService.getDefaultUriMatch(); return ciphers.filter((cipher) => { const cipherIsLogin = cipher.type === CipherType.Login && cipher.login !== null; if (cipher.deletedDate !== null) { return false; } if ( Array.isArray(includeOtherTypes) && includeOtherTypes.includes(cipher.type) && !cipherIsLogin ) { return true; } if (cipherIsLogin) { return cipher.login.matchesUri(url, equivalentDomains, defaultMatch); } return false; }); } async getAllFromApiForOrganization(organizationId: string): Promise { const response = await this.apiService.getCiphersOrganization(organizationId); if (response?.data == null || < 1) { return []; } const ciphers = => new Cipher(new CipherData(cr))); const key = await this.cryptoService.getOrgKey(organizationId); const decCiphers = await this.encryptService.decryptItems(ciphers, key); decCiphers.sort(this.getLocaleSortingFunction()); return decCiphers; } async getLastUsedForUrl(url: string, autofillOnPageLoad = false): Promise { return this.getCipherForUrl(url, true, false, autofillOnPageLoad); } async getLastLaunchedForUrl(url: string, autofillOnPageLoad = false): Promise { return this.getCipherForUrl(url, false, true, autofillOnPageLoad); } async getNextCipherForUrl(url: string): Promise { return this.getCipherForUrl(url, false, false, false); } updateLastUsedIndexForUrl(url: string) { this.sortedCiphersCache.updateLastUsedIndex(url); } async updateLastUsedDate(id: string): Promise { let ciphersLocalData = await this.stateService.getLocalData(); if (!ciphersLocalData) { ciphersLocalData = {}; } if (ciphersLocalData[id]) { ciphersLocalData[id].lastUsedDate = new Date().getTime(); } else { ciphersLocalData[id] = { lastUsedDate: new Date().getTime(), }; } await this.stateService.setLocalData(ciphersLocalData); const decryptedCipherCache = await this.stateService.getDecryptedCiphers(); if (!decryptedCipherCache) { return; } for (let i = 0; i < decryptedCipherCache.length; i++) { const cached = decryptedCipherCache[i]; if ( === id) { cached.localData = ciphersLocalData[id]; break; } } await this.stateService.setDecryptedCiphers(decryptedCipherCache); } async updateLastLaunchedDate(id: string): Promise { let ciphersLocalData = await this.stateService.getLocalData(); if (!ciphersLocalData) { ciphersLocalData = {}; } if (ciphersLocalData[id]) { ciphersLocalData[id].lastLaunched = new Date().getTime(); } else { ciphersLocalData[id] = { lastUsedDate: new Date().getTime(), }; } await this.stateService.setLocalData(ciphersLocalData); const decryptedCipherCache = await this.stateService.getDecryptedCiphers(); if (!decryptedCipherCache) { return; } for (let i = 0; i < decryptedCipherCache.length; i++) { const cached = decryptedCipherCache[i]; if ( === id) { cached.localData = ciphersLocalData[id]; break; } } await this.stateService.setDecryptedCiphers(decryptedCipherCache); } async saveNeverDomain(domain: string): Promise { if (domain == null) { return; } let domains = await this.stateService.getNeverDomains(); if (!domains) { domains = {}; } domains[domain] = null; await this.stateService.setNeverDomains(domains); } async createWithServer(cipher: Cipher, orgAdmin?: boolean): Promise { let response: CipherResponse; if (orgAdmin && cipher.organizationId != null) { const request = new CipherCreateRequest(cipher); response = await this.apiService.postCipherAdmin(request); } else if (cipher.collectionIds != null) { const request = new CipherCreateRequest(cipher); response = await this.apiService.postCipherCreate(request); } else { const request = new CipherRequest(cipher); response = await this.apiService.postCipher(request); } =; const data = new CipherData(response, cipher.collectionIds); await this.upsert(data); } async updateWithServer(cipher: Cipher, orgAdmin?: boolean, isNotClone?: boolean): Promise { let response: CipherResponse; if (orgAdmin && isNotClone) { const request = new CipherRequest(cipher); response = await this.apiService.putCipherAdmin(, request); } else if (cipher.edit) { const request = new CipherRequest(cipher); response = await this.apiService.putCipher(, request); } else { const request = new CipherPartialRequest(cipher); response = await this.apiService.putPartialCipher(, request); } const data = new CipherData(response, cipher.collectionIds); await this.upsert(data); } async shareWithServer( cipher: CipherView, organizationId: string, collectionIds: string[] ): Promise { const attachmentPromises: Promise[] = []; if (cipher.attachments != null) { cipher.attachments.forEach((attachment) => { if (attachment.key == null) { attachmentPromises.push( this.shareAttachmentWithServer(attachment,, organizationId) ); } }); } await Promise.all(attachmentPromises); cipher.organizationId = organizationId; cipher.collectionIds = collectionIds; const encCipher = await this.encryptSharedCipher(cipher); const request = new CipherShareRequest(encCipher); const response = await this.apiService.putShareCipher(, request); const data = new CipherData(response, collectionIds); await this.upsert(data); } async shareManyWithServer( ciphers: CipherView[], organizationId: string, collectionIds: string[] ): Promise { const promises: Promise[] = []; const encCiphers: Cipher[] = []; for (const cipher of ciphers) { cipher.organizationId = organizationId; cipher.collectionIds = collectionIds; promises.push( this.encryptSharedCipher(cipher).then((c) => { encCiphers.push(c); }) ); } await Promise.all(promises); const request = new CipherBulkShareRequest(encCiphers, collectionIds); try { await this.apiService.putShareCiphers(request); } catch (e) { for (const cipher of ciphers) { cipher.organizationId = null; cipher.collectionIds = null; } throw e; } await this.upsert( => c.toCipherData())); } saveAttachmentWithServer(cipher: Cipher, unencryptedFile: any, admin = false): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsArrayBuffer(unencryptedFile); reader.onload = async (evt: any) => { try { const cData = await this.saveAttachmentRawWithServer( cipher,,, admin ); resolve(cData); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }; reader.onerror = () => { reject("Error reading file."); }; }); } async saveAttachmentRawWithServer( cipher: Cipher, filename: string, data: Uint8Array, admin = false ): Promise { const encKey = await this.getKeyForCipherKeyDecryption(cipher); const cipherKeyEncryptionEnabled = await this.getCipherKeyEncryptionEnabled(); const cipherEncKey = cipherKeyEncryptionEnabled && cipher.key != null ? (new SymmetricCryptoKey( await this.encryptService.decryptToBytes(cipher.key, encKey) ) as UserKey) : encKey; //if cipher key encryption is disabled but the item has an individual key, //then we rollback to using the user key as the main key of encryption of the item //in order to keep item and it's attachments with the same encryption level if (cipher.key != null && !cipherKeyEncryptionEnabled) { const model = await cipher.decrypt(await this.getKeyForCipherKeyDecryption(cipher)); cipher = await this.encrypt(model); await this.updateWithServer(cipher); } const encFileName = await this.encryptService.encrypt(filename, cipherEncKey); const dataEncKey = await this.cryptoService.makeDataEncKey(cipherEncKey); const encData = await this.encryptService.encryptToBytes(new Uint8Array(data), dataEncKey[0]); const response = await this.cipherFileUploadService.upload( cipher, encFileName, encData, admin, dataEncKey ); const cData = new CipherData(response, cipher.collectionIds); if (!admin) { await this.upsert(cData); } return new Cipher(cData); } async saveCollectionsWithServer(cipher: Cipher): Promise { const request = new CipherCollectionsRequest(cipher.collectionIds); await this.apiService.putCipherCollections(, request); const data = cipher.toCipherData(); await this.upsert(data); } async upsert(cipher: CipherData | CipherData[]): Promise { let ciphers = await this.stateService.getEncryptedCiphers(); if (ciphers == null) { ciphers = {}; } if (cipher instanceof CipherData) { const c = cipher as CipherData; ciphers[] = c; } else { (cipher as CipherData[]).forEach((c) => { ciphers[] = c; }); } await this.replace(ciphers); } async replace(ciphers: { [id: string]: CipherData }): Promise { await this.clearDecryptedCiphersState(); await this.stateService.setEncryptedCiphers(ciphers); } async clear(userId?: string): Promise { await this.clearEncryptedCiphersState(userId); await this.clearCache(userId); } async moveManyWithServer(ids: string[], folderId: string): Promise { await this.apiService.putMoveCiphers(new CipherBulkMoveRequest(ids, folderId)); let ciphers = await this.stateService.getEncryptedCiphers(); if (ciphers == null) { ciphers = {}; } ids.forEach((id) => { // eslint-disable-next-line if (ciphers.hasOwnProperty(id)) { ciphers[id].folderId = folderId; } }); await this.clearCache(); await this.stateService.setEncryptedCiphers(ciphers); } async delete(id: string | string[]): Promise { const ciphers = await this.stateService.getEncryptedCiphers(); if (ciphers == null) { return; } if (typeof id === "string") { if (ciphers[id] == null) { return; } delete ciphers[id]; } else { (id as string[]).forEach((i) => { delete ciphers[i]; }); } await this.clearCache(); await this.stateService.setEncryptedCiphers(ciphers); } async deleteWithServer(id: string, asAdmin = false): Promise { if (asAdmin) { await this.apiService.deleteCipherAdmin(id); } else { await this.apiService.deleteCipher(id); } await this.delete(id); } async deleteManyWithServer(ids: string[], asAdmin = false): Promise { const request = new CipherBulkDeleteRequest(ids); if (asAdmin) { await this.apiService.deleteManyCiphersAdmin(request); } else { await this.apiService.deleteManyCiphers(request); } await this.delete(ids); } async deleteAttachment(id: string, attachmentId: string): Promise { const ciphers = await this.stateService.getEncryptedCiphers(); // eslint-disable-next-line if (ciphers == null || !ciphers.hasOwnProperty(id) || ciphers[id].attachments == null) { return; } for (let i = 0; i < ciphers[id].attachments.length; i++) { if (ciphers[id].attachments[i].id === attachmentId) { ciphers[id].attachments.splice(i, 1); } } await this.clearCache(); await this.stateService.setEncryptedCiphers(ciphers); } async deleteAttachmentWithServer(id: string, attachmentId: string): Promise { try { await this.apiService.deleteCipherAttachment(id, attachmentId); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject((e as ErrorResponse).getSingleMessage()); } await this.deleteAttachment(id, attachmentId); } sortCiphersByLastUsed(a: CipherView, b: CipherView): number { const aLastUsed = a.localData && a.localData.lastUsedDate ? (a.localData.lastUsedDate as number) : null; const bLastUsed = b.localData && b.localData.lastUsedDate ? (b.localData.lastUsedDate as number) : null; const bothNotNull = aLastUsed != null && bLastUsed != null; if (bothNotNull && aLastUsed < bLastUsed) { return 1; } if (aLastUsed != null && bLastUsed == null) { return -1; } if (bothNotNull && aLastUsed > bLastUsed) { return -1; } if (bLastUsed != null && aLastUsed == null) { return 1; } return 0; } sortCiphersByLastUsedThenName(a: CipherView, b: CipherView): number { const result = this.sortCiphersByLastUsed(a, b); if (result !== 0) { return result; } return this.getLocaleSortingFunction()(a, b); } getLocaleSortingFunction(): (a: CipherView, b: CipherView) => number { return (a, b) => { let aName =; let bName =; if (aName == null && bName != null) { return -1; } if (aName != null && bName == null) { return 1; } if (aName == null && bName == null) { return 0; } const result = this.i18nService.collator ?, bName) : aName.localeCompare(bName); if (result !== 0 || a.type !== CipherType.Login || b.type !== CipherType.Login) { return result; } if (a.login.username != null) { aName += a.login.username; } if (b.login.username != null) { bName += b.login.username; } return this.i18nService.collator ?, bName) : aName.localeCompare(bName); }; } async softDelete(id: string | string[]): Promise { const ciphers = await this.stateService.getEncryptedCiphers(); if (ciphers == null) { return; } const setDeletedDate = (cipherId: string) => { if (ciphers[cipherId] == null) { return; } ciphers[cipherId].deletedDate = new Date().toISOString(); }; if (typeof id === "string") { setDeletedDate(id); } else { (id as string[]).forEach(setDeletedDate); } await this.clearCache(); await this.stateService.setEncryptedCiphers(ciphers); } async softDeleteWithServer(id: string, asAdmin = false): Promise { if (asAdmin) { await this.apiService.putDeleteCipherAdmin(id); } else { await this.apiService.putDeleteCipher(id); } await this.softDelete(id); } async softDeleteManyWithServer(ids: string[], asAdmin = false): Promise { const request = new CipherBulkDeleteRequest(ids); if (asAdmin) { await this.apiService.putDeleteManyCiphersAdmin(request); } else { await this.apiService.putDeleteManyCiphers(request); } await this.softDelete(ids); } async restore( cipher: { id: string; revisionDate: string } | { id: string; revisionDate: string }[] ) { const ciphers = await this.stateService.getEncryptedCiphers(); if (ciphers == null) { return; } const clearDeletedDate = (c: { id: string; revisionDate: string }) => { if (ciphers[] == null) { return; } ciphers[].deletedDate = null; ciphers[].revisionDate = c.revisionDate; }; if ( === { (cipher as { id: string; revisionDate: string }[]).forEach(clearDeletedDate); } else { clearDeletedDate(cipher as { id: string; revisionDate: string }); } await this.clearCache(); await this.stateService.setEncryptedCiphers(ciphers); } async restoreWithServer(id: string, asAdmin = false): Promise { let response; if (asAdmin) { response = await this.apiService.putRestoreCipherAdmin(id); } else { response = await this.apiService.putRestoreCipher(id); } await this.restore({ id: id, revisionDate: response.revisionDate }); } async restoreManyWithServer( ids: string[], organizationId: string = null, asAdmin = false ): Promise { let response; if (asAdmin) { const request = new CipherBulkRestoreRequest(ids, organizationId); response = await this.apiService.putRestoreManyCiphersAdmin(request); } else { const request = new CipherBulkRestoreRequest(ids); response = await this.apiService.putRestoreManyCiphers(request); } const restores: { id: string; revisionDate: string }[] = []; for (const cipher of { restores.push({ id:, revisionDate: cipher.revisionDate }); } await this.restore(restores); } async getKeyForCipherKeyDecryption(cipher: Cipher): Promise { return ( (await this.cryptoService.getOrgKey(cipher.organizationId)) || ((await this.cryptoService.getUserKeyWithLegacySupport()) as UserKey) ); } // Helpers // In the case of a cipher that is being shared with an organization, we want to decrypt the // cipher key with the user's key and then re-encrypt it with the organization's key. private async encryptSharedCipher(model: CipherView): Promise { const keyForCipherKeyDecryption = await this.cryptoService.getUserKeyWithLegacySupport(); return await this.encrypt(model, null, keyForCipherKeyDecryption); } private async updateModelfromExistingCipher( model: CipherView, originalCipher: Cipher ): Promise { const existingCipher = await originalCipher.decrypt( await this.getKeyForCipherKeyDecryption(originalCipher) ); model.passwordHistory = existingCipher.passwordHistory || []; if (model.type === CipherType.Login && existingCipher.type === CipherType.Login) { if ( existingCipher.login.password != null && existingCipher.login.password !== "" && existingCipher.login.password !== model.login.password ) { const ph = new PasswordHistoryView(); ph.password = existingCipher.login.password; ph.lastUsedDate = model.login.passwordRevisionDate = new Date(); model.passwordHistory.splice(0, 0, ph); } else { model.login.passwordRevisionDate = existingCipher.login.passwordRevisionDate; } } if (existingCipher.hasFields) { const existingHiddenFields = existingCipher.fields.filter( (f) => f.type === FieldType.Hidden && != null && !== "" && f.value != null && f.value !== "" ); const hiddenFields = model.fields == null ? [] : model.fields.filter( (f) => f.type === FieldType.Hidden && != null && !== "" ); existingHiddenFields.forEach((ef) => { const matchedField = hiddenFields.find((f) => ===; if (matchedField == null || matchedField.value !== ef.value) { const ph = new PasswordHistoryView(); ph.password = + ": " + ef.value; ph.lastUsedDate = new Date(); model.passwordHistory.splice(0, 0, ph); } }); } } private adjustPasswordHistoryLength(model: CipherView) { if (model.passwordHistory != null && model.passwordHistory.length === 0) { model.passwordHistory = null; } else if (model.passwordHistory != null && model.passwordHistory.length > 5) { // only save last 5 history model.passwordHistory = model.passwordHistory.slice(0, 5); } } private async shareAttachmentWithServer( attachmentView: AttachmentView, cipherId: string, organizationId: string ): Promise { const attachmentResponse = await this.apiService.nativeFetch( new Request(attachmentView.url, { cache: "no-store" }) ); if (attachmentResponse.status !== 200) { throw Error("Failed to download attachment: " + attachmentResponse.status.toString()); } const encBuf = await EncArrayBuffer.fromResponse(attachmentResponse); const decBuf = await this.cryptoService.decryptFromBytes(encBuf, null); let encKey: UserKey | OrgKey; encKey = await this.cryptoService.getOrgKey(organizationId); encKey ||= (await this.cryptoService.getUserKeyWithLegacySupport()) as UserKey; const dataEncKey = await this.cryptoService.makeDataEncKey(encKey); const encFileName = await this.encryptService.encrypt(attachmentView.fileName, encKey); const encData = await this.encryptService.encryptToBytes(new Uint8Array(decBuf), dataEncKey[0]); const fd = new FormData(); try { const blob = new Blob([encData.buffer], { type: "application/octet-stream" }); fd.append("key", dataEncKey[1].encryptedString); fd.append("data", blob, encFileName.encryptedString); } catch (e) { if (Utils.isNode && !Utils.isBrowser) { fd.append("key", dataEncKey[1].encryptedString); fd.append( "data", Buffer.from(encData.buffer) as any, { filepath: encFileName.encryptedString, contentType: "application/octet-stream", } as any ); } else { throw e; } } try { await this.apiService.postShareCipherAttachment( cipherId,, fd, organizationId ); } catch (e) { throw new Error((e as ErrorResponse).getSingleMessage()); } } private async encryptObjProperty( model: V, obj: D, map: any, key: SymmetricCryptoKey ): Promise { const promises = []; const self = this; for (const prop in map) { // eslint-disable-next-line if (!map.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { continue; } (function (theProp, theObj) { const p = Promise.resolve() .then(() => { const modelProp = (model as any)[map[theProp] || theProp]; if (modelProp && modelProp !== "") { return self.cryptoService.encrypt(modelProp, key); } return null; }) .then((val: EncString) => { (theObj as any)[theProp] = val; }); promises.push(p); })(prop, obj); } await Promise.all(promises); } private async encryptCipherData(cipher: Cipher, model: CipherView, key: SymmetricCryptoKey) { switch (cipher.type) { case CipherType.Login: cipher.login = new Login(); cipher.login.passwordRevisionDate = model.login.passwordRevisionDate; cipher.login.autofillOnPageLoad = model.login.autofillOnPageLoad; await this.encryptObjProperty( model.login, cipher.login, { username: null, password: null, totp: null, }, key ); if (model.login.uris != null) { cipher.login.uris = []; for (let i = 0; i < model.login.uris.length; i++) { const loginUri = new LoginUri(); loginUri.match = model.login.uris[i].match; await this.encryptObjProperty( model.login.uris[i], loginUri, { uri: null, }, key ); cipher.login.uris.push(loginUri); } } if (model.login.fido2Credentials != null) { cipher.login.fido2Credentials = await Promise.all( (viewKey) => { const domainKey = new Fido2Credential(); await this.encryptObjProperty( viewKey, domainKey, { credentialId: null, keyType: null, keyAlgorithm: null, keyCurve: null, keyValue: null, rpId: null, rpName: null, userHandle: null, userDisplayName: null, origin: null, }, key ); domainKey.counter = await this.cryptoService.encrypt(String(viewKey.counter), key); domainKey.discoverable = await this.cryptoService.encrypt( String(viewKey.discoverable), key ); domainKey.creationDate = viewKey.creationDate; return domainKey; }) ); } return; case CipherType.SecureNote: cipher.secureNote = new SecureNote(); cipher.secureNote.type = model.secureNote.type; return; case CipherType.Card: cipher.card = new Card(); await this.encryptObjProperty( model.card, cipher.card, { cardholderName: null, brand: null, number: null, expMonth: null, expYear: null, code: null, }, key ); return; case CipherType.Identity: cipher.identity = new Identity(); await this.encryptObjProperty( model.identity, cipher.identity, { title: null, firstName: null, middleName: null, lastName: null, address1: null, address2: null, address3: null, city: null, state: null, postalCode: null, country: null, company: null, email: null, phone: null, ssn: null, username: null, passportNumber: null, licenseNumber: null, }, key ); return; default: throw new Error("Unknown cipher type."); } } private async getCipherForUrl( url: string, lastUsed: boolean, lastLaunched: boolean, autofillOnPageLoad: boolean ): Promise { const cacheKey = autofillOnPageLoad ? "autofillOnPageLoad-" + url : url; if (!this.sortedCiphersCache.isCached(cacheKey)) { let ciphers = await this.getAllDecryptedForUrl(url); if (!ciphers) { return null; } if (autofillOnPageLoad) { const autofillOnPageLoadDefault = await this.stateService.getAutoFillOnPageLoadDefault(); ciphers = ciphers.filter( (cipher) => cipher.login.autofillOnPageLoad || (cipher.login.autofillOnPageLoad == null && autofillOnPageLoadDefault !== false) ); if (ciphers.length === 0) { return null; } } this.sortedCiphersCache.addCiphers(cacheKey, ciphers); } if (lastLaunched) { return this.sortedCiphersCache.getLastLaunched(cacheKey); } else if (lastUsed) { return this.sortedCiphersCache.getLastUsed(cacheKey); } else { return this.sortedCiphersCache.getNext(cacheKey); } } private async clearEncryptedCiphersState(userId?: string) { await this.stateService.setEncryptedCiphers(null, { userId: userId }); } private async clearDecryptedCiphersState(userId?: string) { await this.stateService.setDecryptedCiphers(null, { userId: userId }); this.clearSortedCiphers(); } private clearSortedCiphers() { this.sortedCiphersCache.clear(); } private async encryptCipher( model: CipherView, cipher: Cipher, key: SymmetricCryptoKey ): Promise { await Promise.all([ this.encryptObjProperty( model, cipher, { name: null, notes: null, }, key ), this.encryptCipherData(cipher, model, key), this.encryptFields(model.fields, key).then((fields) => { cipher.fields = fields; }), this.encryptPasswordHistories(model.passwordHistory, key).then((ph) => { cipher.passwordHistory = ph; }), this.encryptAttachments(model.attachments, key).then((attachments) => { cipher.attachments = attachments; }), ]); return cipher; } private async encryptCipherWithCipherKey( model: CipherView, cipher: Cipher, keyForCipherKeyEncryption: SymmetricCryptoKey, keyForCipherKeyDecryption: SymmetricCryptoKey ): Promise { // First, we get the key for cipher key encryption, in its decrypted form let decryptedCipherKey: SymmetricCryptoKey; if (cipher.key == null) { decryptedCipherKey = await this.cryptoService.makeCipherKey(); } else { decryptedCipherKey = new SymmetricCryptoKey( await this.encryptService.decryptToBytes(cipher.key, keyForCipherKeyDecryption) ); } // Then, we have to encrypt the cipher key with the proper key. cipher.key = await this.encryptService.encrypt( decryptedCipherKey.key, keyForCipherKeyEncryption ); // Finally, we can encrypt the cipher with the decrypted cipher key. return this.encryptCipher(model, cipher, decryptedCipherKey); } private async getCipherKeyEncryptionEnabled(): Promise { return ( flagEnabled("enableCipherKeyEncryption") && (await firstValueFrom( this.configService.checkServerMeetsVersionRequirement$(CIPHER_KEY_ENC_MIN_SERVER_VER) )) ); } }