{ "whatTypeOfItem": { "message": "Mis tüüpi kirje see on?" }, "name": { "message": "Nimi" }, "uri": { "message": "URI" }, "uriPosition": { "message": "URI $POSITION$", "description": "A listing of URIs. Ex: URI 1, URI 2, URI 3, etc.", "placeholders": { "position": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "newUri": { "message": "Uus URI" }, "username": { "message": "Kasutajanimi" }, "password": { "message": "Parool" }, "newPassword": { "message": "Uus Parool" }, "passphrase": { "message": "Paroolifraas" }, "notes": { "message": "Märkmed" }, "customFields": { "message": "Kohandatud väljad" }, "cardholderName": { "message": "Kaardiomaniku nimi" }, "number": { "message": "Kaardi number" }, "brand": { "message": "Väljastaja" }, "expiration": { "message": "Aegumiskuupäev" }, "securityCode": { "message": "Kaardi turvakood (CVV)" }, "identityName": { "message": "Identiteedi nimi" }, "company": { "message": "Ettevõte" }, "ssn": { "message": "Isikukood" }, "passportNumber": { "message": "Passi number" }, "licenseNumber": { "message": "Litsentsi number" }, "email": { "message": "E-post" }, "phone": { "message": "Telefoninumber" }, "january": { "message": "Jaanuar" }, "february": { "message": "Veebruar" }, "march": { "message": "Märts" }, "april": { "message": "Aprill" }, "may": { "message": "Mai" }, "june": { "message": "Juuni" }, "july": { "message": "Juuli" }, "august": { "message": "August" }, "september": { "message": "September" }, "october": { "message": "Oktoober" }, "november": { "message": "November" }, "december": { "message": "Detsember" }, "title": { "message": "Pealkiri" }, "mr": { "message": "Hr" }, "mrs": { "message": "Mrs" }, "ms": { "message": "Pr" }, "mx": { "message": "Mx" }, "dr": { "message": "Dr" }, "expirationMonth": { "message": "Aegumise kuu" }, "expirationYear": { "message": "Aegumise aasta" }, "authenticatorKeyTotp": { "message": "Autentimise võti (TOTP)" }, "folder": { "message": "Kaust" }, "newCustomField": { "message": "Uus kohandatud väli" }, "value": { "message": "Väärtus" }, "dragToSort": { "message": "Lohista sorteerimiseks" }, "cfTypeText": { "message": "Tekst" }, "cfTypeHidden": { "message": "Peidetud" }, "cfTypeBoolean": { "message": "Boolean" }, "cfTypeLinked": { "message": "Ühenduses", "description": "This describes a field that is 'linked' (related) to another field." }, "remove": { "message": "Eemalda" }, "unassigned": { "message": "Määramata" }, "noneFolder": { "message": "Kaust puudub", "description": "This is the folder for uncategorized items" }, "addFolder": { "message": "Kausta lisamine" }, "editFolder": { "message": "Muuda kausta" }, "baseDomain": { "message": "Baasdomeen", "description": "Domain name. Example: website.com" }, "domainName": { "message": "Domeeni nimi", "description": "Domain name. Example: website.com" }, "host": { "message": "Host", "description": "A URL's host value. For example, the host of https://sub.domain.com:443 is 'sub.domain.com:443'." }, "exact": { "message": "Täpne" }, "startsWith": { "message": "Algab" }, "regEx": { "message": "RegEx", "description": "A programming term, also known as 'RegEx'." }, "matchDetection": { "message": "Sobivuse tuvastamine", "description": "URI match detection for auto-fill." }, "defaultMatchDetection": { "message": "Tavaline sobivuse tuvastamine", "description": "Default URI match detection for auto-fill." }, "never": { "message": "Ära tuvasta" }, "toggleVisibility": { "message": "Näita sisu" }, "toggleCollapse": { "message": "Ava", "description": "Toggling an expand/collapse state." }, "generatePassword": { "message": "Loo parool" }, "checkPassword": { "message": "Vaata, kas parool on lekkinud." }, "passwordExposed": { "message": "See parool on erinevates andmeleketes kokku $VALUE$ korda lekkinud. Peaksid selle ära muutma.", "placeholders": { "value": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "passwordSafe": { "message": "Seda parooli ei õnnestu andmeleketest leida. Parooli edasi kasutamine peaks olema turvaline." }, "save": { "message": "Salvesta" }, "cancel": { "message": "Tühista" }, "canceled": { "message": "Tühistatud" }, "close": { "message": "Sulge" }, "delete": { "message": "Kustuta" }, "favorite": { "message": "Lemmik" }, "unfavorite": { "message": "Eemalda lemmikutest" }, "edit": { "message": "Muuda" }, "searchCollection": { "message": "Otsi kogumikku" }, "searchFolder": { "message": "Otsi andmeid" }, "searchFavorites": { "message": "Otsi lemmikute hulgast" }, "searchLogin": { "message": "Otsi kirjeid", "description": "Search Login type" }, "searchCard": { "message": "Otsi kaarte", "description": "Search Card type" }, "searchIdentity": { "message": "Otsi identiteete", "description": "Search Identity type" }, "searchSecureNote": { "message": "Otsi turvalisi märkmeid", "description": "Search Secure Note type" }, "searchVault": { "message": "Otsi hoidlast" }, "searchMyVault": { "message": "Otsi minu hoidlast" }, "searchOrganization": { "message": "Otsi organisatsioonist" }, "searchMembers": { "message": "Otsi liikmeid" }, "searchGroups": { "message": "Otsi gruppe" }, "allItems": { "message": "Kõik kirjed" }, "favorites": { "message": "Lemmikud" }, "types": { "message": "Tüübid" }, "typeLogin": { "message": "Kasutajakonto andmed" }, "typeCard": { "message": "Pangakaart" }, "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identiteet" }, "typeSecureNote": { "message": "Turvaline märkus" }, "typeLoginPlural": { "message": "Kontod" }, "typeCardPlural": { "message": "Kaardid" }, "typeIdentityPlural": { "message": "Identiteedid" }, "typeSecureNotePlural": { "message": "Turvalised märkmed" }, "folders": { "message": "Kaustad" }, "collections": { "message": "Kogumikud" }, "firstName": { "message": "Eesnimi" }, "middleName": { "message": "Teine eesnimi" }, "lastName": { "message": "Perekonnanimi" }, "fullName": { "message": "Täisnimi" }, "address1": { "message": "Aadress 1" }, "address2": { "message": "Aadress 2" }, "address3": { "message": "Aadress 3" }, "cityTown": { "message": "Linn / asula" }, "stateProvince": { "message": "Maakond / vald" }, "zipPostalCode": { "message": "Postiindeks" }, "country": { "message": "Riik" }, "shared": { "message": "Jagatud" }, "attachments": { "message": "Manused" }, "select": { "message": "Vali" }, "newItem": { "message": "Uus kirje" }, "addItem": { "message": "Lisa kirje" }, "editItem": { "message": "Kirje muutmine" }, "viewItem": { "message": "Kirje vaatamine" }, "new": { "message": "Uus", "description": "for adding new items" }, "item": { "message": "Kirje" }, "ex": { "message": "nt.", "description": "Short abbreviation for 'example'." }, "other": { "message": "Muu" }, "share": { "message": "Jaga" }, "moveToOrganization": { "message": "Teisalda organisatsiooni" }, "valueCopied": { "message": "$VALUE$ on kopeeritud", "description": "Value has been copied to the clipboard.", "placeholders": { "value": { "content": "$1", "example": "Password" } } }, "copyValue": { "message": "Kopeeri kirje", "description": "Copy value to clipboard" }, "copyPassword": { "message": "Kopeeri parool", "description": "Copy password to clipboard" }, "copyUsername": { "message": "Kopeeri kasutajanimi", "description": "Copy username to clipboard" }, "copyNumber": { "message": "Kopeeri number", "description": "Copy credit card number" }, "copySecurityCode": { "message": "Kopeeri turvakood", "description": "Copy credit card security code (CVV)" }, "copyUri": { "message": "Kopeeri URI", "description": "Copy URI to clipboard" }, "me": { "message": "Mina" }, "myVault": { "message": "Minu hoidla" }, "allVaults": { "message": "Kõik hoidlad" }, "vault": { "message": "Hoidla" }, "vaults": { "message": "Hoidlad" }, "vaultItems": { "message": "Hoidla kirjed" }, "filter": { "message": "Filter" }, "moveSelectedToOrg": { "message": "Teisalda valitud organisatsiooni" }, "deleteSelected": { "message": "Kustuta valitud" }, "moveSelected": { "message": "Liiguta valitud" }, "selectAll": { "message": "Vali kõik" }, "unselectAll": { "message": "Tühista valik" }, "launch": { "message": "Ava" }, "newAttachment": { "message": "Lisa uus manus" }, "deletedAttachment": { "message": "Manus on kustutatud" }, "deleteAttachmentConfirmation": { "message": "Oled kindel, et soovid manuse kustutada?" }, "attachmentSaved": { "message": "Manus on salvestatud." }, "file": { "message": "Fail" }, "selectFile": { "message": "Vali fail." }, "maxFileSize": { "message": "Maksimaalne faili suurus on 500 MB." }, "addedItem": { "message": "Kirje on lisatud" }, "editedItem": { "message": "Kirje on muudetud" }, "movedItemToOrg": { "message": "$ITEMNAME$ teisaldati $ORGNAME$", "placeholders": { "itemname": { "content": "$1", "example": "Secret Item" }, "orgname": { "content": "$2", "example": "Company Name" } } }, "movedItemsToOrg": { "message": "Valitud kirjed teisaldati $ORGNAME$-le", "placeholders": { "orgname": { "content": "$1", "example": "Company Name" } } }, "deleteItem": { "message": "Kustuta kirje" }, "deleteFolder": { "message": "Kustuta kaust" }, "deleteAttachment": { "message": "Kustuta manus" }, "deleteItemConfirmation": { "message": "Soovid tõesti selle kirje kustutada?" }, "deletedItem": { "message": "Kirje on prügikasti teisaldatud" }, "deletedItems": { "message": "Kirjed on prügikasti teisaldatud" }, "movedItems": { "message": "Kirjed on teisaldatud" }, "overwritePasswordConfirmation": { "message": "Oled kindel, et soovid olemas olevat parooli üle kirjutada?" }, "editedFolder": { "message": "Kaust on muudetud" }, "addedFolder": { "message": "Kaust on lisatud" }, "deleteFolderConfirmation": { "message": "Oled kindel, et soovid seda kausta kustutada?" }, "deletedFolder": { "message": "Kaust on kustutatud" }, "editInfo": { "message": "Muuda infot" }, "access": { "message": "Juurdepääs" }, "accessLevel": { "message": "Access level" }, "loggedOut": { "message": "Välja logitud" }, "loginExpired": { "message": "Sessioon on aegunud." }, "logOutConfirmation": { "message": "Oled kindel, et soovid välja logida?" }, "logOut": { "message": "Logi välja" }, "ok": { "message": "Ok" }, "yes": { "message": "Jah" }, "no": { "message": "Ei" }, "loginOrCreateNewAccount": { "message": "Logi sisse või loo uus konto." }, "loginWithDevice": { "message": "Log in with device" }, "loginWithDeviceEnabledNote": { "message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?" }, "loginWithMasterPassword": { "message": "Logi sisse ülemparooliga" }, "readingPasskeyLoading": { "message": "Reading passkey..." }, "readingPasskeyLoadingInfo": { "message": "Keep this window open and follow prompts from your browser." }, "useADifferentLogInMethod": { "message": "Use a different log in method" }, "loginWithPasskey": { "message": "Log in with passkey" }, "invalidPasskeyPleaseTryAgain": { "message": "Invalid Passkey. Please try again." }, "twoFactorForPasskeysNotSupportedOnClientUpdateToLogIn": { "message": "2FA for passkeys is not supported. Update the app to log in." }, "loginWithPasskeyInfo": { "message": "Use a generated passkey that will automatically log you in without a password. Biometrics, like facial recognition or fingerprint, or another FIDO2 security method will verify your identity." }, "newPasskey": { "message": "New passkey" }, "learnMoreAboutPasswordless": { "message": "Learn more about passwordless" }, "creatingPasskeyLoading": { "message": "Creating passkey..." }, "creatingPasskeyLoadingInfo": { "message": "Keep this window open and follow prompts from your browser." }, "errorCreatingPasskey": { "message": "Error creating passkey" }, "errorCreatingPasskeyInfo": { "message": "There was a problem creating your passkey." }, "passkeySuccessfullyCreated": { "message": "Passkey successfully created!" }, "customPasskeyNameInfo": { "message": "Name your passkey to help you identify it." }, "useForVaultEncryption": { "message": "Use for vault encryption" }, "useForVaultEncryptionInfo": { "message": "Log in and unlock on supported devices without your master password. Follow the prompts from your browser to finalize setup." }, "useForVaultEncryptionErrorReadingPasskey": { "message": "Error reading passkey. Try again or uncheck this option." }, "encryptionNotSupported": { "message": "Encryption not supported" }, "enablePasskeyEncryption": { "message": "Set up encryption" }, "usedForEncryption": { "message": "Used for encryption" }, "loginWithPasskeyEnabled": { "message": "Log in with passkey turned on" }, "passkeySaved": { "message": "$NAME$ saved", "placeholders": { "name": { "content": "$1", "example": "Personal yubikey" } } }, "passkeyRemoved": { "message": "Passkey removed" }, "removePasskey": { "message": "Remove passkey" }, "removePasskeyInfo": { "message": "If all passkeys are removed, you will be unable to log into new devices without your master password." }, "passkeyLimitReachedInfo": { "message": "Passkey limit reached. Remove a passkey to add another." }, "tryAgain": { "message": "Try again" }, "createAccount": { "message": "Konto loomine" }, "newAroundHere": { "message": "New around here?" }, "startTrial": { "message": "Alusta prooviperioodi" }, "logIn": { "message": "Logi sisse" }, "logInInitiated": { "message": "Log in initiated" }, "submit": { "message": "Kinnita" }, "emailAddressDesc": { "message": "E-posti aadressi kasutatakse sisselogimiseks." }, "yourName": { "message": "Sinu nimi" }, "yourNameDesc": { "message": "Kuidas me sind kutsume?" }, "masterPass": { "message": "Ülemparool" }, "masterPassDesc": { "message": "Ülemparooliga pääsed oma kontole ligi. On äärmiselt tähtis, et ülemparool ei ununeks. Selle parooli taastamine ei ole mingil moel võimalik." }, "masterPassImportant": { "message": "Ülemparooli ei saa taastada, kui sa selle unustama peaksid!" }, "masterPassHintDesc": { "message": "Vihje võib abiks olla olukorras, kui oled ülemparooli unustanud." }, "reTypeMasterPass": { "message": "Sisesta ülemparool uuesti" }, "masterPassHint": { "message": "Ülemparooli vihje (ei ole kohustuslik)" }, "masterPassHintLabel": { "message": "Ülemparooli vihje" }, "settings": { "message": "Seaded" }, "passwordHint": { "message": "Parooli vihje" }, "enterEmailToGetHint": { "message": "Ülemparooli vihje saamiseks sisesta oma konto e-posti aadress." }, "getMasterPasswordHint": { "message": "Tuleta ülemparooli vihjega meelde" }, "emailRequired": { "message": "E-posti aadress on nõutud." }, "invalidEmail": { "message": "Vigane e-posti aadress." }, "masterPasswordRequired": { "message": "Vajalik on ülemparooli sisestamine." }, "confirmMasterPasswordRequired": { "message": "Vajalik on ülemparooli uuesti sisestamine." }, "masterPasswordMinlength": { "message": "Master password must be at least $VALUE$ characters long.", "description": "The Master Password must be at least a specific number of characters long.", "placeholders": { "value": { "content": "$1", "example": "8" } } }, "masterPassDoesntMatch": { "message": "Ülemparoolid ei ühti." }, "newAccountCreated": { "message": "Sinu konto on loodud! Saad nüüd sellesse sisse logida." }, "trialAccountCreated": { "message": "Konto on edukalt loodud." }, "masterPassSent": { "message": "Ülemparooli vihje saadeti sinu e-posti aadressile." }, "unexpectedError": { "message": "Tekkis ootamatu viga." }, "expirationDateError": { "message": "Please select an expiration date that is in the future." }, "emailAddress": { "message": "E-posti aadress" }, "yourVaultIsLocked": { "message": "Hoidla on lukus. Jätkamiseks sisesta ülemparool." }, "uuid": { "message": "UUID" }, "unlock": { "message": "Lukusta lahti" }, "loggedInAsEmailOn": { "message": "Sisse logitud kontosse $EMAIL$ aadressil $HOSTNAME$.", "placeholders": { "email": { "content": "$1", "example": "name@example.com" }, "hostname": { "content": "$2", "example": "bitwarden.com" } } }, "invalidMasterPassword": { "message": "Vale ülemparool" }, "invalidFilePassword": { "message": "Invalid file password, please use the password you entered when you created the export file." }, "lockNow": { "message": "Lukusta paroolihoidla" }, "noItemsInList": { "message": "Puuduvad kirjed, mida kuvada." }, "noPermissionToViewAllCollectionItems": { "message": "You do not have permission to view all items in this collection." }, "noCollectionsInList": { "message": "Puuduvad kollektsioonid, mida kuvada." }, "noGroupsInList": { "message": "Puuduvad grupid, mida kuvada." }, "noUsersInList": { "message": "Puuduvad kasutajad, keda kuvada." }, "noMembersInList": { "message": "There are no members to list." }, "noEventsInList": { "message": "Puuduvad sündmused, mida kuvada." }, "newOrganization": { "message": "Uus organisatsioon" }, "noOrganizationsList": { "message": "Sa ei kuulu ühessegi organisatsiooni. Organisatsioonid võimaldavad sul kirjeid turvaliselt teiste kasutajatega jagada." }, "notificationSentDevice": { "message": "A notification has been sent to your device." }, "versionNumber": { "message": "Versioon $VERSION_NUMBER$", "placeholders": { "version_number": { "content": "$1", "example": "1.2.3" } } }, "enterVerificationCodeApp": { "message": "Sisesta autentimise rakendusest 6 kohaline number." }, "enterVerificationCodeEmail": { "message": "Sisesta 6 kohaline number, mis saadeti e-posti aadressile $EMAIL$.", "placeholders": { "email": { "content": "$1", "example": "example@gmail.com" } } }, "verificationCodeEmailSent": { "message": "Kinnituskood saadeti e-posti aadressile $EMAIL$.", "placeholders": { "email": { "content": "$1", "example": "example@gmail.com" } } }, "rememberMe": { "message": "Jäta mind meelde" }, "sendVerificationCodeEmailAgain": { "message": "Saada e-postile uus kinnituskood" }, "useAnotherTwoStepMethod": { "message": "Kasuta teist kaheastmelist sisselogimise meetodit" }, "insertYubiKey": { "message": "Sisesta oma YubiKey arvuti USB porti ja kliki sellele nupule." }, "insertU2f": { "message": "Sisesta oma turvaline võti arvuti USB porti. Kui sellel on nupp, siis vajuta seda." }, "loginUnavailable": { "message": "Sisselogimine ei ole saadaval" }, "noTwoStepProviders": { "message": "Sellel kontol on aktiveeritud kaheastmeline kinnitus. Siiski ei toeta konkreetne brauser ühtegi aktiveeritud kaheastmelise kinnitamise teenust." }, "noTwoStepProviders2": { "message": "Palun kasuta ühilduvat brauserit (näiteks Chrome) ja/või lisa uus kaheastmelise teenuse pakkuja, mis töötab rohkemates brauserites (näiteks mõni autentimise rakendus)." }, "twoStepOptions": { "message": "Kaheastmelise sisselogimise valikud" }, "recoveryCodeDesc": { "message": "Sul ei ole ligipääsu ühelegi kaheastmelise kinnitamise teenusele? Kasuta taastamise koodi, et kaheastmeline kinnitamine oma kontol välja lülitada." }, "recoveryCodeTitle": { "message": "Taastamise kood" }, "authenticatorAppTitle": { "message": "Autentimise rakendus" }, "authenticatorAppDesc": { "message": "Kasuta autentimise rakendust (näiteks Authy või Google Authenticator), et kasutada sisselogimiseks ajal baseeruvat kinnituskoodi.", "description": "'Authy' and 'Google Authenticator' are product names and should not be translated." }, "yubiKeyTitle": { "message": "YubiKey OTP Turvaline võti" }, "yubiKeyDesc": { "message": "Kasuta kontole ligipääsemiseks YubiKey-d. See töötab YubiKey 4, 5 ja NEO seadmetega." }, "duoDesc": { "message": "Kinnita Duo Security abil, kasutades selleks Duo Mobile rakendust, SMS-i, telefonikõnet või U2F turvavõtit.", "description": "'Duo Security' and 'Duo Mobile' are product names and should not be translated." }, "duoOrganizationDesc": { "message": "Kinnita organisatsiooni jaoks Duo Security abil, kasutades selleks Duo Mobile rakendust, SMS-i, telefonikõnet või U2F turvavõtit.", "description": "'Duo Security' and 'Duo Mobile' are product names and should not be translated." }, "u2fDesc": { "message": "Kasuta mistahes FIDO U2F toetavat turvalist võtit, et oma kontole ligi pääseda." }, "u2fTitle": { "message": "FIDO U2F Turvaline võti" }, "webAuthnTitle": { "message": "FIDO2 WebAuthn" }, "webAuthnDesc": { "message": "Kasuta kontole ligipääsemiseks mistahes WebAuthn toetavat turvalist võtit." }, "webAuthnMigrated": { "message": "(pärineb FIDO'lt)" }, "emailTitle": { "message": "E-post" }, "emailDesc": { "message": "Kinnituskoodid saadetakse e-postiga." }, "continue": { "message": "Jätka" }, "organization": { "message": "Organisatsioon" }, "organizations": { "message": "Organisatsioon" }, "moveToOrgDesc": { "message": "Vali organisatsioon, kuhu soovid seda kirjet teisaldada. Teisaldamisega saab kirje omanikuks organisatsioon. Pärast kirje teisaldamist ei ole sa enam selle otsene omanik." }, "moveManyToOrgDesc": { "message": "Vali organisatsioon, kuhu soovid seda kirjet teisaldada. Teisaldamisega saab kirje omanikuks organisatsioon. Pärast kirje teisaldamist ei ole sa enam selle otsene omanik." }, "collectionsDesc": { "message": "Muuda kollektsioone, millega seda kirjet jagatakse. Seda kirjet näevad üksnes organisatsiooni kasutajad, kes omavad nendele kollektsioonidele ligipääsu." }, "deleteSelectedItemsDesc": { "message": "Oled kustutamiseks valinud $COUNT$ kirjet. Oled kindel, et soovid kõik need kirjed kustutada?", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "150" } } }, "deleteSelectedCollectionsDesc": { "message": "$COUNT$ collection(s) will be permanently deleted.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "150" } } }, "deleteSelectedConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to continue?" }, "moveSelectedItemsDesc": { "message": "Vali kaust, kuhu soovid need $COUNT$ kirjet liigutada.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "150" } } }, "moveSelectedItemsCountDesc": { "message": "Valisid $COUNT$ kirje(t). $MOVEABLE_COUNT$ kirje(t) saab teisaldada organisatsiooni, $NONMOVEABLE_COUNT$ ei saa.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "10" }, "moveable_count": { "content": "$2", "example": "8" }, "nonmoveable_count": { "content": "$3", "example": "2" } } }, "verificationCodeTotp": { "message": "Kinnituskood (TOTP)" }, "copyVerificationCode": { "message": "Kopeeri kinnituskood" }, "copyUuid": { "message": "Copy UUID" }, "warning": { "message": "Hoiatus" }, "confirmVaultExport": { "message": "Hoidla eksportimise kinnitamine" }, "confirmSecretsExport": { "message": "Confirm secrets export" }, "exportWarningDesc": { "message": "Eksporditav fail on krüpteeringuta ja sisaldab hoidla sisu. Seda faili ei tohiks kaua käidelda ning mitte mingil juhul ebaturvaliselt saata (näiteks e-postiga). Kustuta see koheselt pärast kasutamist." }, "exportSecretsWarningDesc": { "message": "This export contains your secrets data in an unencrypted format. You should not store or send the exported file over unsecure channels (such as email). Delete it immediately after you are done using it." }, "encExportKeyWarningDesc": { "message": "Eksporditavate andmete krüpteerimiseks kasutatakse kontol olevat krüpteerimisvõtit. Kui sa peaksid seda krüpteerimise võtit roteerima, ei saa sa järgnevalt eksporditavaid andmeid enam dekrüpteerida." }, "encExportAccountWarningDesc": { "message": "Iga Bitwardeni kasutaja krüpteerimisvõti on unikaalne. Eksporditud andmeid ei saa importida teise Bitwardeni kasutajakontosse." }, "export": { "message": "Ekspordi" }, "exportFrom": { "message": "Export from" }, "exportVault": { "message": "Hoidla sisu eksportimine" }, "exportSecrets": { "message": "Export secrets" }, "fileFormat": { "message": "Failivorming" }, "fileEncryptedExportWarningDesc": { "message": "This file export will be password protected and require the file password to decrypt." }, "exportPasswordDescription": { "message": "This password will be used to export and import this file" }, "confirmMasterPassword": { "message": "Confirm master password" }, "confirmFormat": { "message": "Confirm format" }, "filePassword": { "message": "File password" }, "confirmFilePassword": { "message": "Confirm file password" }, "accountRestrictedOptionDescription": { "message": "Use your account encryption key, derived from your account's username and Master Password, to encrypt the export and restrict import to only the current Bitwarden account." }, "passwordProtectedOptionDescription": { "message": "Set a file password to encrypt the export and import it to any Bitwarden account using the password for decryption." }, "exportTypeHeading": { "message": "Export type" }, "accountRestricted": { "message": "Account restricted" }, "passwordProtected": { "message": "Password protected" }, "filePasswordAndConfirmFilePasswordDoNotMatch": { "message": "“File password” and “Confirm file password“ do not match." }, "confirmVaultImport": { "message": "Confirm vault import" }, "confirmVaultImportDesc": { "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." }, "exportSuccess": { "message": "Hoidla on eksporditud." }, "passwordGenerator": { "message": "Parooli genereerimine" }, "minComplexityScore": { "message": "Minimaalne keerulisuse skoor" }, "minNumbers": { "message": "Vähim arv numbreid" }, "minSpecial": { "message": "Vähim arv spetsiaalmärke", "description": "Minimum special characters" }, "ambiguous": { "message": "Väldi ebamääraseid kirjamärke" }, "regeneratePassword": { "message": "Genereeri parool uuesti" }, "length": { "message": "Pikkus" }, "passwordMinLength": { "message": "Minimum password length" }, "uppercase": { "message": "Suurtäht (A-Z)", "description": "Include uppercase letters in the password generator." }, "lowercase": { "message": "Väiketäht (a-z)", "description": "Include lowercase letters in the password generator." }, "numbers": { "message": "Numbrid (0-9)" }, "specialCharacters": { "message": "Erimärgid (!@#$%^&*)" }, "numWords": { "message": "Sõnade arv" }, "wordSeparator": { "message": "Sõna eraldaja" }, "capitalize": { "message": "Suurtäht", "description": "Make the first letter of a word uppercase." }, "includeNumber": { "message": "Numbriga" }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Paroolide ajalugu" }, "noPasswordsInList": { "message": "Puuduvad paroolid, mida kuvada." }, "clear": { "message": "Tühjenda", "description": "To clear something out. Example: To clear browser history." }, "accountUpdated": { "message": "Konto uuendatud" }, "changeEmail": { "message": "E-posti aadressi muutmine" }, "changeEmailTwoFactorWarning": { "message": "Jätkamisel muudetakse konto e-posti aadress. Pane tähele, et see ei muuda kaheastmeliseks kinnitamiseks kasutatavat e-posti aadressi. Selle e-posti aadressi muutmine on võimalik kaheastmelise kinnitamise seadetes." }, "newEmail": { "message": "Uus e-posti aadress" }, "code": { "message": "Kood" }, "changeEmailDesc": { "message": "Kinnituskood on saadetud e-postile $EMAIL$. Kontrolli oma e-posti ning sisesta see kood allolevasse kasti, et e-posti aadressi muutmine lõpule viia.", "placeholders": { "email": { "content": "$1", "example": "john.smith@example.com" } } }, "loggedOutWarning": { "message": "Jätkates logitakse sind praegusest sessioonis välja, mistõttu pead kontosse uuesti sisse logima. Teised kontoga ühendatud seadmed võivad jääda sisselogituks kuni üheks tunniks." }, "emailChanged": { "message": "E-post on muudetud" }, "logBackIn": { "message": "Palun logi uuesti sisse." }, "logBackInOthersToo": { "message": "Palun logi uuesti sisse. Kui kasutad teisi Bitwardeni rakendusi, pead ka nendes uuesti sisse logima." }, "changeMasterPassword": { "message": "Muuda ülemparooli" }, "masterPasswordChanged": { "message": "Ülemparool on muudetud" }, "currentMasterPass": { "message": "Praegune ülemparool" }, "newMasterPass": { "message": "Uus ülemparool" }, "confirmNewMasterPass": { "message": "Kinnita uus ülemparool" }, "encKeySettings": { "message": "Krüpteerimise võtme seaded" }, "kdfAlgorithm": { "message": "KDF algoritm" }, "kdfIterations": { "message": "KDF iteratsioonid" }, "kdfIterationsDesc": { "message": "Suuremad KDF iteratsioonid aitavad ülemparooli paremini jõhkra jõu rünnete vastu kaitsta. Soovitame kasutada väärtust $VALUE$ või suuremat.", "placeholders": { "value": { "content": "$1", "example": "100,000" } } }, "kdfIterationsWarning": { "message": "Seadistades KDF-i liiga pikaks, võib Bitwardenisse sisselogimisel (ja lahtilukustamisel) tekkida jõudlusprobleeme ja hangumisi. Seda eriti aeglasemate protsessoritega seadmetes. Soovitame kasutada pikkust ligikaudu $INCREMENT$ ja testida jõudlust kõikides oma seadmetes.", "placeholders": { "increment": { "content": "$1", "example": "50,000" } } }, "kdfMemory": { "message": "KDF memory (MB)", "description": "Memory refers to computer memory (RAM). MB is short for megabytes." }, "argon2Warning": { "message": "Setting your KDF iterations, memory, and parallelism too high could result in poor performance when logging into (and unlocking) Bitwarden on slower or older devices. We recommend changing these individually in small increments and then test all of your devices." }, "kdfParallelism": { "message": "KDF parallelism" }, "argon2Desc": { "message": "Higher KDF iterations, memory, and parallelism can help protect your master password from being brute forced by an attacker." }, "changeKdf": { "message": "Muuda KDF-i" }, "encKeySettingsChanged": { "message": "Krüpteerimise võtme seaded on muudetud" }, "dangerZone": { "message": "Ohtlik tsoon" }, "dangerZoneDesc": { "message": "Ettevaatust, neid toiminguid ei saa tagasi võtta!" }, "deauthorizeSessions": { "message": "Sessioonide tühistamine" }, "deauthorizeSessionsDesc": { "message": "Muretsed, et sinu kontosse on võõra seadme alt sisse logitud? Kasuta allolevat valikut, et kõikidest seadmetest välja logida. See võib olla kasulik näiteks juhtudel, kus oled kasutanud avalikku arvutit või salvestasid kogemata parooli seadmes, mis ei kuulu sinule. Samuti nullib see tegevus kõik varasemad kaheastmelise kinnitamise poolt meelde jäetud seadmed." }, "deauthorizeSessionsWarning": { "message": "Jätkatest logitakse sind ka käimasolevast sessioonist välja, mistõttu pead kontosse uuesti sisse logima. Lisaks võidakse küsida kaheastmelist kinnitust, kui see on sisse lülitatud. Teised kontoga ühendatud seadmed võivad jääda sisselogituks kuni üheks tunniks." }, "sessionsDeauthorized": { "message": "Kõikidest seadmetest on välja logitud" }, "purgeVault": { "message": "Likvideeri Hoidla" }, "purgedOrganizationVault": { "message": "Organisatsiooni hoidla on likvideeritud." }, "vaultAccessedByProvider": { "message": "Teenuse osutaja vaatas hoidla sisu." }, "purgeVaultDesc": { "message": "Jätkates kustutatakse kõik hoidlas olevad kirjed ja kaustad. Andmed, mis kuuluvad organisatsioonile, jäävad puutumata." }, "purgeOrgVaultDesc": { "message": "Jätka allpool, et kõik organisatsiooni kirjed hoidlast likvideerida." }, "purgeVaultWarning": { "message": "Hoidla likvideerimine on ühekordne tegevus. Seda ei saa tagasi võtta." }, "vaultPurged": { "message": "Hoidla on likvideeritud." }, "deleteAccount": { "message": "Kustuta konto" }, "deleteAccountDesc": { "message": "Jätkates kustutatakse sinu konto ja kõik sellega seonduvad andmed." }, "deleteAccountWarning": { "message": "Konto kustutamine on ühekordne tegevus. Seda ei saa tagasi võtta." }, "accountDeleted": { "message": "Konto on kustutatud" }, "accountDeletedDesc": { "message": "Konto on suletud ja kõik sellega seonduvad andmed on kustutatud." }, "myAccount": { "message": "Minu konto" }, "tools": { "message": "Tööriistad" }, "importData": { "message": "Andmete importimine" }, "onboardingImportDataDetailsPartOne": { "message": "If you don't have any data to import, you can create a ", "description": "This will be part of a larger sentence, that will read like this: If you don't have any data to import, you can create a new item instead. (Optional second half: You may need to wait until your administrator confirms your organization membership.)" }, "onboardingImportDataDetailsLink": { "message": "new item", "description": "This will be part of a larger sentence, that will read like this: If you don't have any data to import, you can create a new item instead. (Optional second half: You may need to wait until your administrator confirms your organization membership.)" }, "onboardingImportDataDetailsPartTwoNoOrgs": { "message": " instead.", "description": "This will be part of a larger sentence, that will read like this: If you don't have any data to import, you can create a new item instead." }, "onboardingImportDataDetailsPartTwoWithOrgs": { "message": " instead. You may need to wait until your administrator confirms your organization membership.", "description": "This will be part of a larger sentence, that will read like this: If you don't have any data to import, you can create a new item instead. You may need to wait until your administrator confirms your organization membership." }, "importError": { "message": "Viga importimisel" }, "importErrorDesc": { "message": "Andmete importimisel ilmnes tõrge. Paranda originaalfailis olevad vead (kuvatud all) ning proovi uuesti." }, "importSuccess": { "message": "Andmed on edukalt hoidlasse imporditud." }, "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", "placeholders": { "amount": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "dataExportSuccess": { "message": "Data successfully exported" }, "importWarning": { "message": "Impordid andmeid organisatsiooni $ORGANIZATION$. Imporditavaid andmeid võidakse jagada teiste organisatsiooni liikmetega. Soovid jätkata?", "placeholders": { "organization": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Org Name" } } }, "importFormatError": { "message": "Andmed ei ole korrektse vorminguga. Palun kontrolli imporditavat faili ja proovi uuesti." }, "importNothingError": { "message": "Midagi ei imporditud." }, "importEncKeyError": { "message": "Eksporditud faili dekrüpteerimine nurjus. Sinu krüpteerimisvõti ei ühti selle võtmega, mida kasutati andmete eksportimisel." }, "importDestination": { "message": "Import destination" }, "learnAboutImportOptions": { "message": "Learn about your import options" }, "selectImportFolder": { "message": "Select a folder" }, "selectImportCollection": { "message": "Select a collection" }, "importTargetHint": { "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", "placeholders": { "destination": { "content": "$1", "example": "folder or collection" } } }, "importUnassignedItemsError": { "message": "File contains unassigned items." }, "selectFormat": { "message": "Vali imporditava faili vorming" }, "selectImportFile": { "message": "Vali imporditav fail" }, "chooseFile": { "message": "Choose File" }, "noFileChosen": { "message": "No file chosen" }, "orCopyPasteFileContents": { "message": "või kopeeri/kleebi imporditava faili sisu" }, "instructionsFor": { "message": "$NAME$ Kasutusjuhend", "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", "placeholders": { "name": { "content": "$1", "example": "LastPass (csv)" } } }, "options": { "message": "Valikud" }, "preferences": { "message": "Eelistused" }, "preferencesDesc": { "message": "Erinevad Veebihoidla kohandamise valikud." }, "preferencesUpdated": { "message": "Eelistused on salvestatud" }, "language": { "message": "Keel" }, "languageDesc": { "message": "Siin saab veebihoidla keelt muuta." }, "enableFavicon": { "message": "Kuva veebilehtede ikoone" }, "faviconDesc": { "message": "Kuva iga kirje kõrval lehekülje ikooni." }, "default": { "message": "Vaikimisi" }, "domainRules": { "message": "Domeeni reeglid" }, "domainRulesDesc": { "message": "Kui sul on erinevatel domeenidel samade andmetega kontod, võid need domeenid märkida \"võrdväärseteks\". \"Globaalsed\" domeenid on need, mille Bitwarden juba eelseadistanud on." }, "globalEqDomains": { "message": "Globaalsed võrdväärsed domeenid" }, "customEqDomains": { "message": "Teised võrdväärsed domeenid" }, "exclude": { "message": "Jäta välja" }, "include": { "message": "Kaasa" }, "customize": { "message": "Kohanda" }, "newCustomDomain": { "message": "Uus võrdväärne domeen" }, "newCustomDomainDesc": { "message": "Sisesta domeenid, eraldades need komadega. Lubatud on ainult \"põhi\" domeenid. Ära sisesta alamdomeene. Nt: sisesta \"google.com\", aga mitte \"www.google.com\". Võid ka sisestada \"androidapp://package.name\", et seostada Androidi äpp mistahes veebilehtede domeenidega." }, "customDomainX": { "message": "Kohandatud domeeni $INDEX$", "placeholders": { "index": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "domainsUpdated": { "message": "Domeenid on uuendatud" }, "twoStepLogin": { "message": "Kaheastmeline kinnitamine" }, "twoStepLoginEnforcement": { "message": "Two-step Login Enforcement" }, "twoStepLoginDesc": { "message": "Kaitse oma kontot, nõudes sisselogimisel lisakinnitust." }, "twoStepLoginTeamsDesc": { "message": "Enable two-step login for your organization." }, "twoStepLoginEnterpriseDescStart": { "message": "Enforce Bitwarden Two-step Login options for members by using the ", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Enforce Bitwarden Two-step Login options for members by using the Two-step Login Policy.'" }, "twoStepLoginPolicy": { "message": "Two-step Login Policy" }, "twoStepLoginOrganizationDuoDesc": { "message": "To enforce Two-step Login through Duo, use the options below." }, "twoStepLoginOrganizationSsoDesc": { "message": "If you have setup SSO or plan to, Two-step Login may already be enforced through your Identity Provider." }, "twoStepLoginRecoveryWarning": { "message": "Kaheastmelise kinnitamine aktiveerimine võib luua olukorra, kus sul on võimatu oma Bitwardeni kontosse sisse logida. Näiteks kui kaotad oma nutiseadme. Taastamise kood võimaldab aga kontole ligi pääseda ka olukorras, kus kaheastmelist kinnitamist ei ole võimalik läbi viia. Sellistel juhtudel ei saa ka Bitwardeni klienditugi sinu kontole ligipääsu taastada. Selle tõttu soovitame taastekoodi välja printida ja seda turvalises kohas hoida." }, "viewRecoveryCode": { "message": "Vaata taastamise koodi" }, "providers": { "message": "Teenused", "description": "Two-step login providers such as YubiKey, Duo, Authenticator apps, Email, etc." }, "enable": { "message": "Lülita sisse" }, "enabled": { "message": "Sisselülitatud" }, "restoreAccess": { "message": "Taasta ligipääsu luba" }, "premium": { "message": "Premium", "description": "Premium membership" }, "premiumMembership": { "message": "Premium versioon" }, "premiumRequired": { "message": "Nõutav on Premium konto" }, "premiumRequiredDesc": { "message": "Selle funktsiooni kasutamiseks on vajalik premium kontot omada." }, "youHavePremiumAccess": { "message": "Sul on premium ligipääs" }, "alreadyPremiumFromOrg": { "message": "Organisatsiooni kuulumise tõttu on sul juba juurdepääs premium funktsioonidele." }, "manage": { "message": "Haldus" }, "canManage": { "message": "Can manage" }, "disable": { "message": "Keela" }, "revokeAccess": { "message": "Tühistada ligipääsu luba" }, "twoStepLoginProviderEnabled": { "message": "See kaheastmelise kinnitamise teenus on sinu kontol sisse lülitatud." }, "twoStepLoginAuthDesc": { "message": "Kaheastmelise kinnitamise seadete muutmiseks pead sisestama ülemparooli." }, "twoStepAuthenticatorDesc": { "message": "Järgnevad juhised aitavad sul kaheastmelise kinnituse äpi ära seadistada:" }, "twoStepAuthenticatorDownloadApp": { "message": "Laadi kaheastmelise kinnitamise äpp alla" }, "twoStepAuthenticatorNeedApp": { "message": "Vajad kaheastmelise kinnitamise äppi? Proovi mõnda järgnevatest" }, "iosDevices": { "message": "iOS seadmed" }, "androidDevices": { "message": "Android seadmed" }, "windowsDevices": { "message": "Windows seadmed" }, "twoStepAuthenticatorAppsRecommended": { "message": "Need äpid on soovituslikud. Saad ka teisi autentimise äppe kasutada." }, "twoStepAuthenticatorScanCode": { "message": "Skaneeri seda QR koodi oma autentimisrakendusega" }, "key": { "message": "Võti" }, "twoStepAuthenticatorEnterCode": { "message": "Sisesta äpi kuvatav 6 kohaline kinnituskood" }, "twoStepAuthenticatorReaddDesc": { "message": "Kui soovid lisada veel seadmeid, siis all on kuvatud QR kood (ehk võti), mida autentimisrakendusega kasutada saad." }, "twoStepDisableDesc": { "message": "Oled kindel, et soovid selle kaheastmelise kinnitamise teenuse välja lülitada?" }, "twoStepDisabled": { "message": "Kaheastmelise sisselogimise teenus on keelatud." }, "twoFactorYubikeyAdd": { "message": "Lisa oma kontole uus YubiKey" }, "twoFactorYubikeyPlugIn": { "message": "Sisesta YubiKey (NEO või 4. seeria) arvuti USB pessa." }, "twoFactorYubikeySelectKey": { "message": "Vali esimene tühi YubiKey sisendväli allpool." }, "twoFactorYubikeyTouchButton": { "message": "Puuduta YubiKey nuppu." }, "twoFactorYubikeySaveForm": { "message": "Salvesta vorm." }, "twoFactorYubikeyWarning": { "message": "Mõnede platvormi piirangute tõttu ei saa YubiKeysid kõikide Bitwardeni rakendustega kasutada. Võiksid kaaluda teise kaheastmelise kinnitamise aktiveerimist olukordadeks, kus YubiKeyde kasutamine ei ole võimalik. Toetatud platvormid:" }, "twoFactorYubikeySupportUsb": { "message": "Veebihoidla, töölaua rakendus, CLI ja kõikide brauserite laiendid seadmes, mille USB port võimaldab YubiKeyd kasutada." }, "twoFactorYubikeySupportMobile": { "message": "NFC toega seadmel olevad äpid või USB port, mis võimaldab YubiKeyd kasutada." }, "yubikeyX": { "message": "YubiKey $INDEX$", "placeholders": { "index": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "u2fkeyX": { "message": "U2F võtme $INDEX$", "placeholders": { "index": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "webAuthnkeyX": { "message": "WebAuthn võti $INDEX$", "placeholders": { "index": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "nfcSupport": { "message": "NFC tugi" }, "twoFactorYubikeySupportsNfc": { "message": "Üks minu võtmetest toetab NFC-d." }, "twoFactorYubikeySupportsNfcDesc": { "message": "Kui üks sinu YubiKeydest (nt YubiKey Neo) toetab NFC-d, küsitakse sinult seda nutitelefonis, kui NFC olemasolu tuvastatakse." }, "yubikeysUpdated": { "message": "YubiKeyd on uuendatud" }, "disableAllKeys": { "message": "Blokeeri kõik Võtmed" }, "twoFactorDuoDesc": { "message": "Sisesta oma Bitwardeni rakenduse informatsioon Duo admini paneelist." }, "twoFactorDuoIntegrationKey": { "message": "Integratsiooni võti" }, "twoFactorDuoSecretKey": { "message": "Salajane võti" }, "twoFactorDuoApiHostname": { "message": "API hostinimi" }, "twoFactorEmailDesc": { "message": "Järgi allolevaid juhiseid, et võimaldada kaheastmeline kinnitamine e-posti teel:" }, "twoFactorEmailEnterEmail": { "message": "Sisesta e-post, kuhu soovid kinnituskoode saada" }, "twoFactorEmailEnterCode": { "message": "Sisesta e-postile saadetud 6 kohaline kinnituskood" }, "sendEmail": { "message": "Saada e-kiri" }, "twoFactorU2fAdd": { "message": "Lisa oma kontole FIDO U2F turvavõti" }, "removeU2fConfirmation": { "message": "Oled kindel, et soovid selle turvavõtme eemaldada?" }, "twoFactorWebAuthnAdd": { "message": "Lisa oma kontole WebAuthn turvavõti" }, "readKey": { "message": "Loe võtit" }, "keyCompromised": { "message": "Võti on ohus." }, "twoFactorU2fGiveName": { "message": "Anna turvavõtmele lihtne nimi, et seda oleks lihtsam ära tunda." }, "twoFactorU2fPlugInReadKey": { "message": "Sisesta turvavõti arvuti USB pessa ning kliki \"Loe võtit\" nupul." }, "twoFactorU2fTouchButton": { "message": "Kui turvavõtmel on nupp, siis vajuta seda." }, "twoFactorU2fSaveForm": { "message": "Salvesta vorm." }, "twoFactorU2fWarning": { "message": "Mõnede platvormi piirangute tõttu ei saa FIDO U2F-i kõikide Bitwardeni rakendustega kasutada. Võiksid kaaluda teise kaheastmelise kinnitamise aktiveerimist olukordadeks, kus FIDO U2F-i ei saa kasutada. Toetatud platvormid:" }, "twoFactorU2fSupportWeb": { "message": "Veebihoidla- ja brauseri laiendused laua- ja sülearvutis, kus on U2F toega brauser (Chrome, Opera, Vivaldi või Firefox, kus on FIDO U2F sisse lülitatud)." }, "twoFactorU2fWaiting": { "message": "Ootame, kuni puudutad turvavõtmel olevat nuppu" }, "twoFactorU2fClickSave": { "message": "Kliki all olevale \"Salvesta\" nupule, et kaheastmeline kinnitamine läbi selle turvavõtme sisse lülitada." }, "twoFactorU2fProblemReadingTryAgain": { "message": "Turvavõtme lugemisel tekkis tõrge. Proovi uuesti." }, "twoFactorWebAuthnWarning": { "message": "Mõnede platvormi piirangute tõttu ei saa WebAuthn'i kõikide Bitwardeni rakendustega kasutada. Võiksid kaaluda teise kaheastmelise kinnitamise aktiveerimist olukordadeks, kus WebAuthn'i ei saa kasutada. Toetatud platvormid:" }, "twoFactorWebAuthnSupportWeb": { "message": "Veebihoidla- ja brauseri laiendused laua- ja sülearvutis, kus on WebAuthn toega brauser (Chrome, Opera, Vivaldi või Firefox, kus on FIDO U2F sisse lülitatud)." }, "twoFactorRecoveryYourCode": { "message": "Bitwardeni kaheastmelise logimise varukood" }, "twoFactorRecoveryNoCode": { "message": "Sa ei ole veel ühtegi kaheastmelise kinnituse teenust sisse lülitanud. Tule siia lehele pärast kaheastmelise kinnitamise sisselülitamist tagasi. Siis näed siin ka varukoodi, millega saad hädakorral kaheastmelise kinnitamise välja lülitada." }, "printCode": { "message": "Prindi kood", "description": "Print 2FA recovery code" }, "reports": { "message": "Raportid" }, "reportsDesc": { "message": "Kasuta allolevaid raporteid, et oma kontode sisukorda kontrollida.", "description": "Vault health reports can be used to evaluate the security of your Bitwarden individual or organization vault." }, "orgsReportsDesc": { "message": "Identify and close security gaps in your organization's accounts by clicking the reports below.", "description": "Vault health reports can be used to evaluate the security of your Bitwarden individual or organization vault." }, "unsecuredWebsitesReport": { "message": "Ebaturvalise veebilehtede raport" }, "unsecuredWebsitesReportDesc": { "message": "Ebaturvalise (http://) veebilehte kasutamine võib olla ohtlik. Kui veebileht seda võimaldab, siis soovitame tungivalt kasutada https:// versioon. Nii on ühendus ja saadetavad andmed krüpteeringuga kaitstud. " }, "unsecuredWebsitesFound": { "message": "Leiti ebaturvalisi veebilehti" }, "unsecuredWebsitesFoundDesc": { "message": "Leidsime hoidlast $COUNT$ ebaturvalist veebilehte.\nKui võimalik, soovitame nende veebilehtede alguse tungivalt https:// -ks muuta. ", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "8" } } }, "noUnsecuredWebsites": { "message": "Hoidlas olevad kirjed ei kasuta ebaturvalisi URI-sid." }, "inactive2faReport": { "message": "Sisselülitamata 2FA raport" }, "inactive2faReportDesc": { "message": "Kaheastmeline kinnitamine (2FA) on tähtis turvalisust lisav seadistus, mis aitab kontoandmeid kaitsta. Kui veebileht seda võimaldab, soovitame tungivalt kaheastmelise kinnituse sisse lülitada." }, "inactive2faFound": { "message": "Kaheastmelise kinnituseta kontod" }, "inactive2faFoundDesc": { "message": "We found $COUNT$ website(s) in your vault that may not be configured with two-step login (according to 2fa.directory). To further protect these accounts, you should set up two-step login.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "8" } } }, "noInactive2fa": { "message": "Hoidlast ei leitud kontosid, kus kaheastmelise kinnitamise seadistus on välja lülitatud." }, "instructions": { "message": "Juhised" }, "exposedPasswordsReport": { "message": "Lekkinud paroolide raport" }, "exposedPasswordsReportDesc": { "message": "Lekkinud paroolid on paroolid, mis pärinevad andmeleketest. Neid paroole võidakse müüa tumeveebis ning samuti võidakse nende kaudu ligi pääseda sinu teistesse kontodesse." }, "exposedPasswordsFound": { "message": "Avastatud on lekkinud paroole" }, "exposedPasswordsFoundDesc": { "message": "Leidsime sinu hoidlast $COUNT$ kirjet, millede paroolid on teadaolevate andmelekete tagajärjel avalikustatud. Soovitame tungivalt need paroolid ära vahetada.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "8" } } }, "noExposedPasswords": { "message": "Hoidlast ei leitud kirjeid, mis oleksid teadaolevate andmelekete kaudu avalikustatud." }, "checkExposedPasswords": { "message": "Kontrolli lekkinud paroole" }, "exposedXTimes": { "message": "Lekkinud $COUNT$ korda", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "52" } } }, "weakPasswordsReport": { "message": "Nõrkade paroolide raport" }, "weakPasswordsReportDesc": { "message": "Nõrgad paroolid on häkkerite poolt vägagi lihtsasti lahtimurtavad, sest selleks kasutatakse automatiseeritud tööriistu. Bitwardeni parooli genereerija aitab sul luua paroole, mida on märksa keerulisem lahti murda." }, "weakPasswordsFound": { "message": "Avastatud on nõrgad paroolid" }, "weakPasswordsFoundDesc": { "message": "Leidsime sinu hoidlast $COUNT$ kirjet, milledel on nõrgad paroolid. Soovitame tungivalt need paroolid tugevamate vastu välja vahetada.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "8" } } }, "noWeakPasswords": { "message": "Hoidlas olevatest kirjetest ei leitud nõrku paroole." }, "reusedPasswordsReport": { "message": "Korduvate paroolide raport" }, "reusedPasswordsReportDesc": { "message": "Kui sinu poolt kasutatav teenus või veebileht langeb rünnaku ohvriks, võib samasuguse parooli kasutamine anda häkkeritele ligipääsu sinu teistesse kasutajakontodesse. Soovitame tungivalt igas teenuses või kasutajakontos unikaalset parooli kasutada." }, "reusedPasswordsFound": { "message": "Leiti korduvalt kasutatud paroole" }, "reusedPasswordsFoundDesc": { "message": "Leidsime sinu hoidlast $COUNT$ parooli, mis on kasutusel rohkem kui üks kord Soovitame need paroolid unikaalseteks muuta.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "8" } } }, "noReusedPasswords": { "message": "Hoidlas puuduvad paroolid, mida kasutatakse rohkem kui üks kord." }, "reusedXTimes": { "message": "Kasutusel $COUNT$ korral.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "8" } } }, "dataBreachReport": { "message": "Andmelekke raport" }, "breachDesc": { "message": "Andmeleke on intsident, kus sinu kasutajakonto andmed on lekkinud või häkkerite poolt varastatud. Soovitame tungivalt üle kontrollida lekkinud andmed (e-posti aadress, paroolid, krediitkaardi andmed jne) ning võtta kasutusele meetmed nende turvamiseks. Näiteks paroolivahetus." }, "breachCheckUsernameEmail": { "message": "Kontrollitakse mistahes kasutajanimesid või e-posti aadresse, mida kontodes kasutatakse." }, "checkBreaches": { "message": "Kontrolli lekkeid" }, "breachUsernameNotFound": { "message": "$USERNAME$ ei leitud ühestki teadaolevast andmelekkest.", "placeholders": { "username": { "content": "$1", "example": "user@example.com" } } }, "goodNews": { "message": "Head uudised!", "description": "ex. Good News, No Breached Accounts Found!" }, "breachUsernameFound": { "message": "$USERNAME$ esineb kokku $COUNT$ erinevas andmelekkes.", "placeholders": { "username": { "content": "$1", "example": "user@example.com" }, "count": { "content": "$2", "example": "7" } } }, "breachFound": { "message": "Lekkinud kontod" }, "compromisedData": { "message": "Ohus olevad andmed" }, "website": { "message": "Veebileht" }, "affectedUsers": { "message": "Mõjutatud kasutajad" }, "breachOccurred": { "message": "Leke toimus" }, "breachReported": { "message": "Lekkest teatati" }, "reportError": { "message": "Raporti laadimisel ilmes viga. Proovi uuesti" }, "billing": { "message": "Maksmine" }, "billingPlanLabel": { "message": "Tellimus" }, "paymentType": { "message": "Makse tüüp" }, "accountCredit": { "message": "Konto krediit", "description": "Financial term. In the case of Bitwarden, a positive balance means that you owe money, while a negative balance means that you have a credit (Bitwarden owes you money)." }, "accountBalance": { "message": "Kontojääk", "description": "Financial term. In the case of Bitwarden, a positive balance means that you owe money, while a negative balance means that you have a credit (Bitwarden owes you money)." }, "addCredit": { "message": "Krediidi lisamine", "description": "Add more credit to your account's balance." }, "amount": { "message": "Summa", "description": "Dollar amount, or quantity." }, "creditDelayed": { "message": "Lisatav krediit ilmub nähtavale pärast makse kinnitamist. Mõned maksemeetodid võivad olla aeglasemad ning nende kinnitamine võib võtta natukene aega." }, "makeSureEnoughCredit": { "message": "Veendu, et kontol on selle ostu tegemiseks piisavalt krediiti. Ebapiisava krediidi puhul võetakse puuduolev summa teiselt (vaike) maksemeetodilt. Kontole saab krediiti lisada \"Maksmine\" menüü alt." }, "creditAppliedDesc": { "message": "Konto krediiti saab kasutada maksete tegemiseks. Uue arve laekumisel kasutatakse selle tasumiseks esmajärjekorras kontol olevat krediiti." }, "goPremium": { "message": "Hangi Premium", "description": "Another way of saying \"Get a Premium membership\"" }, "premiumUpdated": { "message": "Oled nüüd Premium konto omanik." }, "premiumUpgradeUnlockFeatures": { "message": "Muuda oma konto premium kontoks ning saa osa paljudest lisahüvedest, mis sellega kaasnevad." }, "premiumSignUpStorage": { "message": "1 GB ulatuses krüpteeritud salvestusruum." }, "premiumSignUpTwoStepOptions": { "message": "Proprietary two-step login options such as YubiKey and Duo." }, "premiumSignUpEmergency": { "message": "Hädaolukorra ligipääs" }, "premiumSignUpReports": { "message": "Paroolide seisukorra ülevaade ja andmelekete raportid aitavad hoidla sisu turvalisena hoida." }, "premiumSignUpTotp": { "message": "TOTP kinnituskoodide (2FA) genereerija hoidlas olevatele kasutajakontodele." }, "premiumSignUpSupport": { "message": "Kiirem klienditugi." }, "premiumSignUpFuture": { "message": "Kõik tulevased premium funktsioonid - tasuta!" }, "premiumPrice": { "message": "Kõik see ainult $PRICE$ / aastas!", "placeholders": { "price": { "content": "$1", "example": "$10" } } }, "premiumPriceWithFamilyPlan": { "message": "Go premium for just $PRICE$ /year, or get premium accounts for $FAMILYPLANUSERCOUNT$ users and unlimited family sharing with a ", "placeholders": { "price": { "content": "$1", "example": "$10" }, "familyplanusercount": { "content": "$2", "example": "6" } } }, "bitwardenFamiliesPlan": { "message": "Bitwarden Families plan." }, "addons": { "message": "Lisad" }, "premiumAccess": { "message": "Premium ligipääs" }, "premiumAccessDesc": { "message": "Saad kõikidele organisatsiooni liikmetele anda ligipääsu premium funktsioonidele - hinnaga $PRICE$ /$INTERVAL$.", "placeholders": { "price": { "content": "$1", "example": "$3.33" }, "interval": { "content": "$2", "example": "'month' or 'year'" } } }, "additionalStorageGb": { "message": "Lisaruum (GB)" }, "additionalStorageGbDesc": { "message": "# lisa GB" }, "additionalStorageIntervalDesc": { "message": "Sul on kasutada $SIZE$ krüpteeritud failiruumi. Soovi korral saad osta lisaruumi hinnaga $PRICE$ GB /$INTERVAL$.", "placeholders": { "size": { "content": "$1", "example": "1 GB" }, "price": { "content": "$2", "example": "$4.00" }, "interval": { "content": "$3", "example": "'month' or 'year'" } } }, "summary": { "message": "Kokkuvõte" }, "total": { "message": "Kokku" }, "year": { "message": "aasta" }, "yr": { "message": "a" }, "month": { "message": "kuu" }, "monthAbbr": { "message": "kuu", "description": "Short abbreviation for 'month'" }, "paymentChargedAnnually": { "message": "Makse sooritatakse kohe pärast tellimuse esitamist. Järgmine makse toimub aasta pärast. Tellimust on võimalik igal ajal tühistada." }, "paymentCharged": { "message": "Esimene makse sooritatakse kohe pärast tellimuse esitamist. Järgmine makse toimub iga $INTERVAL$. Tellimust on võimalik igal ajal tühistada.", "placeholders": { "interval": { "content": "$1", "example": "month or year" } } }, "paymentChargedWithUnpaidSubscription": { "message": "Your payment method will be charged for any unpaid subscriptions." }, "paymentChargedWithTrial": { "message": "Valitud pakett sisaldab 7 päevast prooviperioodi. Krediitkaardilt ei võeta raha enne, kui prooviperiood läbi saab. Väljatoodud summa debiteeritakse iga $INTERVAL$. Tellimust on võimalik igal ajal tühistada." }, "paymentInformation": { "message": "Maksemeetod" }, "billingInformation": { "message": "Arveldusandmed" }, "billingTrialSubLabel": { "message": "7 päevase prooviperioodi sees maksemeetodit ei kasutata." }, "creditCard": { "message": "Krediitkaart" }, "paypalClickSubmit": { "message": "Kliki PayPali nupul. Seejärel logi oma PayPali kontosse sisse ning kliki jätkamiseks \"Submit/Saada\" nupul." }, "cancelSubscription": { "message": "Tühista tellimus" }, "subscriptionExpiration": { "message": "Subscription expiration" }, "subscriptionCanceled": { "message": "Tellimus on tühistatud." }, "pendingCancellation": { "message": "Tühistamise ootel" }, "subscriptionPendingCanceled": { "message": "Tellimus on märgitud tühistatuks. Tellimus tühistatakse lõplikult käimasoleva arveperioodi lõpus." }, "reinstateSubscription": { "message": "Tellimuse uuesti aktiveerimine" }, "reinstateConfirmation": { "message": "Oled kindel, et soovid tühistamise tagasi võtta ja tellimuse uuesti aktiveerida?" }, "reinstated": { "message": "Tellimus on uuesti aktiveeritud." }, "cancelConfirmation": { "message": "Oled kindel, et soovid tellimuse tühistada? Kaotad sellega arveperioodi lõpus kõik tellimisega kaasnevad eelised." }, "canceledSubscription": { "message": "Tellimus on tühistatud." }, "neverExpires": { "message": "Ei aegu kunagi" }, "status": { "message": "Olek" }, "nextCharge": { "message": "Järgmine makse" }, "details": { "message": "Andmed" }, "downloadLicense": { "message": "Laadi litsents alla" }, "updateLicense": { "message": "Uuenda litsentsi" }, "manageSubscription": { "message": "Tellimuse haldamine" }, "launchCloudSubscription": { "message": "Launch Cloud Subscription" }, "storage": { "message": "Salvestusruum" }, "addStorage": { "message": "Lisa ruumi" }, "removeStorage": { "message": "Vähenda salvestusruumi" }, "subscriptionStorage": { "message": "Sinu tellimus lubab kasutada maksimaalselt $MAX_STORAGE$ GB krüpteeritud salvestusruumi. Praegu on kasutusel $USED_STORAGE$.", "placeholders": { "max_storage": { "content": "$1", "example": "4" }, "used_storage": { "content": "$2", "example": "65 MB" } } }, "paymentMethod": { "message": "Makseviis" }, "noPaymentMethod": { "message": "Makseviisid puuduvad." }, "addPaymentMethod": { "message": "Lisa makseviis" }, "changePaymentMethod": { "message": "Muuda makseviisi" }, "invoices": { "message": "Arved" }, "noInvoices": { "message": "Arved puuduvad." }, "paid": { "message": "Makstud", "description": "Past tense status of an invoice. ex. Paid or unpaid." }, "unpaid": { "message": "Tasumata", "description": "Past tense status of an invoice. ex. Paid or unpaid." }, "transactions": { "message": "Tehingud", "description": "Payment/credit transactions." }, "noTransactions": { "message": "Tehingud puuduvad." }, "chargeNoun": { "message": "Makse", "description": "Noun. A charge from a payment method." }, "refundNoun": { "message": "Tagasimakse", "description": "Noun. A refunded payment that was charged." }, "chargesStatement": { "message": "Mistahes maksed ilmuvad väljavõttes nimega $STATEMENT_NAME$.", "placeholders": { "statement_name": { "content": "$1", "example": "BITWARDEN" } } }, "gbStorageAdd": { "message": "Lisatav GB hulk" }, "gbStorageRemove": { "message": "Eemaldatav GB hulk" }, "storageAddNote": { "message": "Salvestusruumi suurendamisel võetakse kehtiva maksemeetodi vahendusel koheselt selle eest ka tasu. Esimene makse tehakse proportsionaalselt koos järelejäänud summaga, mis sel arveldusperioodil tasuda tuleb." }, "storageRemoveNote": { "message": "Salvestusmahu vähendamisel arvestatakse järelejäänud summa järgmisest maksest krediidina maha." }, "adjustedStorage": { "message": "Kohandati $AMOUNT$ GB salvestusruumi.", "placeholders": { "amount": { "content": "$1", "example": "5" } } }, "contactSupport": { "message": "Võta klienditoega ühendust" }, "contactSupportShort": { "message": "Contact Support" }, "updatedPaymentMethod": { "message": "Maksemeetod on muudetud." }, "purchasePremium": { "message": "Osta Premium" }, "licenseFile": { "message": "Litsentsifail" }, "licenseFileDesc": { "message": "Litsentsi nimi on sarnane $FILE_NAME$-le", "placeholders": { "file_name": { "content": "$1", "example": "bitwarden_premium_license.json" } } }, "uploadLicenseFilePremium": { "message": "Muutmaks oma konto premiumiks, pead üles laadima kehtiva litsentsifaili." }, "uploadLicenseFileOrg": { "message": "Loomaks asutusesiseseselt majutatud organisatsiooni, pead üles laadima kehtiva litsentsifaili." }, "accountEmailMustBeVerified": { "message": "Vajalik on konto e-posti aadressi kinnitamine." }, "newOrganizationDesc": { "message": "Organisatsioonid võimaldavad hoidla sisu osaliselt või täielikult jagada. Lisaks on võimalik kõiki kasutajaid liigitada näiteks perekonda, väiksesse meeskonda või suurde ettevõttesse." }, "generalInformation": { "message": "Üldine Informatsioon" }, "organizationName": { "message": "Organisatsiooni nimi" }, "accountOwnedBusiness": { "message": "Seda kontot omab ettevõte." }, "billingEmail": { "message": "Arve saaja e-posti aadress" }, "businessName": { "message": "Ettevõtte nimi" }, "chooseYourPlan": { "message": "Vali pakett" }, "users": { "message": "Kasutajad" }, "userSeats": { "message": "Kasutajad" }, "additionalUserSeats": { "message": "Lisakasutajad" }, "userSeatsDesc": { "message": "# kasutajaid" }, "userSeatsAdditionalDesc": { "message": "Sinu pakett sisaldab $BASE_SEATS$ kasutajat. Soovi korral saad lisada kasutajaid juurde hinnaga $SEAT_PRICE$ kasutaja / kuus.", "placeholders": { "base_seats": { "content": "$1", "example": "5" }, "seat_price": { "content": "$2", "example": "$2.00" } } }, "userSeatsHowManyDesc": { "message": "Vali vajalik arv kasutajaid. Neid on võimalik iga kell juurde lisada või eemaldada." }, "planNameFree": { "message": "Tasuta", "description": "Free as in 'free beer'." }, "planDescFree": { "message": "Testimiseks ja isiklikuks kasutamiseks, jagamaks $COUNT$ teise Bitwardeni kasutajaga.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" } } }, "planNameFamilies": { "message": "Perekond" }, "planDescFamilies": { "message": "Isiklikuks kasutamiseks, jagamaks sõprade ja perega." }, "planNameTeams": { "message": "Meeskond" }, "planDescTeams": { "message": "Ettevõtetele ja teistele meeskondadele ja organisatsioonidele." }, "planNameTeamsStarter": { "message": "Teams Starter" }, "planNameEnterprise": { "message": "Suurettevõte" }, "planDescEnterprise": { "message": "Suurtele ettevõtetele ja organisatsioonidele." }, "freeForever": { "message": "Igavesti tasuta" }, "includesXUsers": { "message": "sisaldab $COUNT$ kasutajat", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "5" } } }, "additionalUsers": { "message": "Lisakasutajad" }, "costPerUser": { "message": "$COST$ kasutaja kohta", "placeholders": { "cost": { "content": "$1", "example": "$3" } } }, "limitedUsers": { "message": "Limiit $COUNT$ kasutajat (sh sina)", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "limitedCollections": { "message": "Limiit $COUNT$ kollektsiooni", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "addShareLimitedUsers": { "message": "Lisa ja jaga kuni $COUNT$ kasutajaga", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "5" } } }, "addShareUnlimitedUsers": { "message": "Lisa ja jaga kirjeid piiramatul hulgal kasutajatega" }, "createUnlimitedCollections": { "message": "Loo piiramatul hulgal kollektsioone" }, "gbEncryptedFileStorage": { "message": "$SIZE$ ulatuses krüpteeritud salvestusruumi", "placeholders": { "size": { "content": "$1", "example": "1 GB" } } }, "onPremHostingOptional": { "message": "Ise majutamise võimalus (valikuline)" }, "usersGetPremium": { "message": "Liikmed saavad automaatse juurdepääsu premium funktsioonidele" }, "controlAccessWithGroups": { "message": "Halda gruppide abil kasutajate ligipääsu õigusi" }, "syncUsersFromDirectory": { "message": "Sünkroniseeri kasutajaid ja gruppe kataloogist" }, "trackAuditLogs": { "message": "Jälgi kasutaja tegevusi auditi logidega" }, "enforce2faDuo": { "message": "Jõusta 2FA Duo-ga" }, "priorityCustomerSupport": { "message": "Kiirem klienditugi" }, "xDayFreeTrial": { "message": "$COUNT$ päevane prooviversioon, mida saab iga kell tühistada", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "7" } } }, "trialThankYou": { "message": "Täname, et soetasid Bitwarden $PLAN$'i!", "placeholders": { "plan": { "content": "$1", "example": "Teams" } } }, "trialSecretsManagerThankYou": { "message": "Thanks for signing up for Bitwarden Secrets Manager for $PLAN$!", "placeholders": { "plan": { "content": "$1", "example": "Teams" } } }, "trialPaidInfoMessage": { "message": "$PLAN$ tasuta 7 päevane versioon muutub automaatselt pärast 7-ndat päeva tasuliseks.", "placeholders": { "plan": { "content": "$1", "example": "Teams" } } }, "trialConfirmationEmail": { "message": "Saatsime kinnituskirja sinu tiimi arve e-postile " }, "monthly": { "message": "Igakuiselt" }, "annually": { "message": "Tasumine aasta kaupa" }, "annual": { "message": "Aastane" }, "basePrice": { "message": "Baashind" }, "organizationCreated": { "message": "Organisatsioon on loodud" }, "organizationReadyToGo": { "message": "Uus organisatsioon on kasutamiseks valmis!" }, "organizationUpgraded": { "message": "Organisatsioon on täiendatud." }, "leave": { "message": "Lahku" }, "leaveOrganizationConfirmation": { "message": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid sellest organisatsioonist lahkuda?" }, "leftOrganization": { "message": "Oled organisatsioonist lahkunud." }, "defaultCollection": { "message": "Vaikekogumik" }, "getHelp": { "message": "Klienditugi" }, "getApps": { "message": "Hangi rakendused" }, "loggedInAs": { "message": "Sisse logitud kui" }, "eventLogs": { "message": "Sündmuste logid" }, "people": { "message": "Liikmed" }, "policies": { "message": "Poliitikad" }, "singleSignOn": { "message": "Single Sign-On" }, "editPolicy": { "message": "Muuda poliitikat" }, "groups": { "message": "Grupid" }, "newGroup": { "message": "Uus grupp" }, "addGroup": { "message": "Lisa grupp" }, "editGroup": { "message": "Muuda gruppi" }, "deleteGroupConfirmation": { "message": "Tahad kindlasti selle grupi kustutada?" }, "deleteMultipleGroupsConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to delete the following $QUANTITY$ group(s)?", "placeholders": { "quantity": { "content": "$1", "example": "3" } } }, "removeUserConfirmation": { "message": "Tahad kindlasti selle kasutaja eemaldada?" }, "removeOrgUserConfirmation": { "message": "Pärast kasutaja eemaldamist ei saa ta enam organisatsiooni andmetele ligi. Seda tegevust ei saa tagasi võtta. Selleks, et kasutaja uuesti organisatsiooniga liita, peab talle esitama kutse. Sellega koos on vaja läbi teha kogu liitumise protsess." }, "revokeUserConfirmation": { "message": "Kui kasutaja ligipääsu luba on tühistatud, ei saa ta enam origanisatsiooni andmetele ligi. Ligipääsu taastamiseks ava \"Tühistatud\" kaart." }, "removeUserConfirmationKeyConnector": { "message": "Warning! This user requires Key Connector to manage their encryption. Removing this user from your organization will permanently deactivate their account. This action cannot be undone. Do you want to proceed?" }, "externalId": { "message": "Väline ID" }, "externalIdDesc": { "message": "Välist Id-d kasutatakse viitena või näiteks selleks, et siduda need ressursid välise süsteemiga, nagu näites kasutaja kataloog." }, "nestCollectionUnder": { "message": "Nest collection under" }, "accessControl": { "message": "Ligipääsu haldamine" }, "groupAccessAllItems": { "message": "See grupp pääseb ligi ja saab muuta kõiki kirjeid." }, "groupAccessSelectedCollections": { "message": "See grupp pääseb ligi ainult valitud kirjetele." }, "readOnly": { "message": "Saab ainult lugeda" }, "newCollection": { "message": "Uus kogumik" }, "addCollection": { "message": "Lisa kogumik" }, "editCollection": { "message": "Muuda kogumikku" }, "collectionInfo": { "message": "Collection info" }, "deleteCollectionConfirmation": { "message": "Oled kindel, et soovid selle kogumiku kustutada?" }, "editMember": { "message": "Edit member" }, "fieldOnTabRequiresAttention": { "message": "A field on the '$TAB$' tab requires your attention.", "placeholders": { "tab": { "content": "$1", "example": "Collection info" } } }, "inviteUserDesc": { "message": "Kutsu organisatsiooni uusi kasutajaid, sisestades alla nende Bitwardeni konto e-posti aadressid. Kui neil ei ole veel Bitwardeni kontot, pakutakse neile võimalus see luua." }, "inviteMultipleEmailDesc": { "message": "Saad kutsuda kuni $COUNT$ kasutajat. Eralda nende e-posti aadressid komaga.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "20" } } }, "userUsingTwoStep": { "message": "Sellel kasutajal on kaheastmeline kinnitamine sisse lülitatud." }, "userAccessAllItems": { "message": "See kasutaja pääseb ligi ja saab muuta kõiki kirjeid." }, "userAccessSelectedCollections": { "message": "See kasutaja pääseb ligi ja saab muuta ainult valitud kollektsioone." }, "search": { "message": "Otsi" }, "invited": { "message": "Kutsutud" }, "accepted": { "message": "Nõustunud" }, "confirmed": { "message": "Kinnitatud" }, "clientOwnerEmail": { "message": "Kliendist omaniku e-post" }, "owner": { "message": "Omanik" }, "ownerDesc": { "message": "Kõige suurema ligipääsuga kasutaja, kes saab hallata kõike organisatsiooniga seonduvat." }, "clientOwnerDesc": { "message": "See kasutaja peaks olema teenuse osutajast erinev. Kui teenuse osutaja ei kuulu enam organisatsiooni, jääb see kasutaja organisatsiooni omanikuks." }, "admin": { "message": "Administraator" }, "adminDesc": { "message": " Administraatorid pääsevad ligi ja haldavad kõiki organisatsiooni kirjeid, kollektsioone ja kasutajaid." }, "user": { "message": "Kasutaja" }, "userDesc": { "message": "Tavaline kasutaja, kel on ligipääsu organisatsiooni kirjetele." }, "manager": { "message": "Haldaja" }, "managerDesc": { "message": "Administraatorid pääsevad ligi ja saavad hallata organisatsiooni poolt määratud kollektsioone." }, "all": { "message": "Kõik" }, "refresh": { "message": "Värskenda" }, "timestamp": { "message": "Ajatempel" }, "event": { "message": "Sündmus" }, "unknown": { "message": "Tundmatu" }, "loadMore": { "message": "Laadi veel" }, "mobile": { "message": "Mobiil", "description": "Mobile app" }, "extension": { "message": "Laiendus", "description": "Browser extension/addon" }, "desktop": { "message": "Töölaud", "description": "Desktop app" }, "webVault": { "message": "Veebihoidla" }, "cli": { "message": "CLI" }, "bitWebVault": { "message": "Bitwarden Web vault" }, "bitSecretsManager": { "message": "Bitwarden Secrets Manager" }, "loggedIn": { "message": "Logis sisse." }, "changedPassword": { "message": "Muuda konto parooli." }, "enabledUpdated2fa": { "message": "Lülitasime sisse/uuendasime kaheastmelist kinnitamist." }, "disabled2fa": { "message": "Keela kaheastmeline kinnitamine." }, "recovered2fa": { "message": "Konto on taastatud kaheastmelisest kinnitamisest." }, "failedLogin": { "message": "Sisselogimine nurjus vale parooli tõttu." }, "failedLogin2fa": { "message": "Sisselogimine nurjus vale kaheastmelise kinnituse tõttu." }, "incorrectPassword": { "message": "Incorrect password" }, "incorrectCode": { "message": "Incorrect code" }, "incorrectPin": { "message": "Incorrect PIN" }, "exportedVault": { "message": "Eksportis hoidla." }, "exportedOrganizationVault": { "message": "Eksportis organisatsiooni hoidla." }, "editedOrgSettings": { "message": "Organisatsiooni seaded on muudetud." }, "createdItemId": { "message": "Lõi kirje $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "editedItemId": { "message": "Muutis kirjet $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "deletedItemId": { "message": "Kustutas kirje $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "movedItemIdToOrg": { "message": "Kirje $ID$ on teisaldatud organisatsiooni.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "'Google'" } } }, "viewAllLoginOptions": { "message": "View all log in options" }, "viewedItemId": { "message": "Vaatas kirjet $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "viewedPasswordItemId": { "message": "Vaatas kirje $ID$ parooli.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "viewedHiddenFieldItemId": { "message": "Vaatas kirje $ID$ peidetud välja.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "viewedCardNumberItemId": { "message": "Viewed Card Number for item $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Unique ID" } } }, "viewedSecurityCodeItemId": { "message": "Vaatas kirje $ID$ turvakoodi.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "viewCollectionWithName": { "message": "View collection - $NAME$", "placeholders": { "name": { "content": "$1", "example": "Collection1" } } }, "editItemWithName": { "message": "Edit item - $NAME$", "placeholders": { "name": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google Login" } } }, "copiedPasswordItemId": { "message": "Kopeeris kirje $ID$ parooli.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "copiedHiddenFieldItemId": { "message": "Kopeeris kirje $ID$ peidetud välja.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "copiedSecurityCodeItemId": { "message": "Kopeeris kirje $ID$ turvakoodi.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "autofilledItemId": { "message": "Sisestas kirje $ID$ automaatselt.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "createdCollectionId": { "message": "Lõi kollektsiooni $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Server Passwords" } } }, "editedCollectionId": { "message": "Muutis kollektsiooni $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Server Passwords" } } }, "deletedCollections": { "message": "Deleted collections" }, "deletedCollectionId": { "message": "Kustutas kollektsiooni $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Server Passwords" } } }, "editedPolicyId": { "message": "Muutis poliitikat $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Master Password" } } }, "createdGroupId": { "message": "Lõi grupi $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Developers" } } }, "editedGroupId": { "message": "Muutis gruppi $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Developers" } } }, "deletedGroupId": { "message": "Kustutas grupi $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Developers" } } }, "deletedManyGroups": { "message": "Deleted $QUANTITY$ group(s).", "placeholders": { "quantity": { "content": "$1", "example": "3" } } }, "removedUserId": { "message": "Kasutaja $ID$ on eemaldatud.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "removeUserIdAccess": { "message": "Eemalda $ID$ ligipääs", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "revokedUserId": { "message": "Revoked organization access for $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "restoredUserId": { "message": "Restored organization access for $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "revokeUserId": { "message": "Revoke $ID$ access", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "createdAttachmentForItem": { "message": "Lisas kirjele $ID$ manuse.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "deletedAttachmentForItem": { "message": "Kustutas kirje $ID$ manuse.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "editedCollectionsForItem": { "message": "Muutis kirje $ID$ kollektsioone.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "invitedUserId": { "message": "Kutsus kasutaja $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "confirmedUserId": { "message": "Kinnitas kasutaja $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "editedUserId": { "message": "Muutis kasutajat $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "editedGroupsForUser": { "message": "Muutis kasutaja $ID$ gruppe.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "unlinkedSsoUser": { "message": "Kasutaja $ID$ SSO on eemaldatud.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "createdOrganizationId": { "message": "Lõi organisatsiooni $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "addedOrganizationId": { "message": "Lisas organisatsiooni $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "removedOrganizationId": { "message": "Eemaldas organisatsiooni $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "accessedClientVault": { "message": "Vaatas organisatsiooni $ID$ hoidlat.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "device": { "message": "Seade" }, "view": { "message": "Vaata" }, "invalidDateRange": { "message": "Vale andmevahemik." }, "errorOccurred": { "message": "Ilmnes viga." }, "userAccess": { "message": "Kasutaja ligipääs" }, "userType": { "message": "Kasutaja tüüp" }, "groupAccess": { "message": "Grupi ligipääs" }, "groupAccessUserDesc": { "message": "Muuda gruppe, kuhu see kasutaja kuulub." }, "invitedUsers": { "message": "Kutse on saadetud." }, "resendInvitation": { "message": "Saada kutse uuesti" }, "resendEmail": { "message": "Saada e-kiri uuesti" }, "hasBeenReinvited": { "message": "$USER$ on uuesti kutsutud.", "placeholders": { "user": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "confirm": { "message": "Kinnita" }, "confirmUser": { "message": "Kinnita kasutaja" }, "hasBeenConfirmed": { "message": "Kasutaja $USER$ on kinnitatud.", "placeholders": { "user": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "confirmUsers": { "message": "Kasutajate kinnitamine" }, "usersNeedConfirmed": { "message": "Osad kasutajad on küll organisatsiooniga liitunud, aga vajavad veel eraldi kinnitamist. Kasutajad ei pääse organisatsiooni kirjetele ligi enne, kui nad on kinnitatud." }, "startDate": { "message": "Alguskuupäev" }, "endDate": { "message": "Lõpukuupäev" }, "verifyEmail": { "message": "E-posti aadressi kinnitamine" }, "verifyEmailDesc": { "message": "Kõikide funktsioonide kasutamiseks pead oma konto e-posti aadressi kinnitama." }, "verifyEmailFirst": { "message": "Esmalt pead kinnitama konto e-poesti aadressi." }, "checkInboxForVerification": { "message": "E-posti aadressile saadeti kinnituslink." }, "emailVerified": { "message": "E-posti aadress on kinnitatud." }, "emailVerifiedFailed": { "message": "E-posti kinnitamine nurjus. Proovi uut kinnituskirja saata." }, "emailVerificationRequired": { "message": "Vajalik on e-posti kinnitamine" }, "emailVerificationRequiredDesc": { "message": "Enne selle funktsiooni kasutamist pead oma e-posti kinnitama." }, "updateBrowser": { "message": "Uuenda brauserit" }, "updateBrowserDesc": { "message": "Kasutad brauserit, mida ei toetata. Veebihoidla ei pruugi hästi töötada." }, "joinOrganization": { "message": "Liitu organisatsiooniga" }, "joinOrganizationDesc": { "message": "Sind on kutsutud ülal oleva organisatsiooniga liituma. Liitumise kinnitamiseks pead oma Bitwardeni kontosse sisse logima. Kui sul ei ole veel kontot, saad selle luua." }, "inviteAccepted": { "message": "Kutse on vastu võetud" }, "inviteAcceptedDesc": { "message": "Pääsed organisatsiooni kirjetele ligi niipea, kui administraator sinu liikmelisuse kinnitab. Teavitame sind sellest e-posti teel." }, "inviteInitAcceptedDesc": { "message": "You can now access this organization." }, "inviteAcceptFailed": { "message": "Kutse vastuvõtmine nurjus. Palu organisatsiooni administraatoril uus kutse saata." }, "inviteAcceptFailedShort": { "message": "Kutset ei õnnestu vastu võtta. $DESCRIPTION$", "placeholders": { "description": { "content": "$1", "example": "You must set up 2FA on your user account before you can join this organization." } } }, "rememberEmail": { "message": "Pea e-posti aadressi meeles" }, "recoverAccountTwoStepDesc": { "message": "Kui sa ei pääse oma kontole ühegi kaheastmeliste kinnitamise meetodi abiga ligi, saad selle välja lülitada. Selleks kasuta kaheastmelise kinnitamise tühistamise koodi." }, "recoverAccountTwoStep": { "message": "Taasta kaheastmelise kinnitamise ligipääs" }, "twoStepRecoverDisabled": { "message": "Sinu konto kaheastmeline kinnitamine on välja lülitatud." }, "learnMore": { "message": "Rohkem teavet" }, "deleteRecoverDesc": { "message": "Sisesta e-posti aadress oma konto taastamiseks ja kustutamiseks." }, "deleteRecoverEmailSent": { "message": "Kui sinu konto eksisteerib, saatsime e-postile edasised juhised." }, "deleteRecoverConfirmDesc": { "message": "Oled avaldanud soovi oma Bitwardeni konto kustutamiseks. Selle kinnitamiseks kliki allolevale nupule." }, "myOrganization": { "message": "Minu organisatsioon" }, "organizationInfo": { "message": "Organization info" }, "deleteOrganization": { "message": "Kustuta organisatsioon" }, "deletingOrganizationContentWarning": { "message": "Enter the master password to confirm deletion of $ORGANIZATION$ and all associated data. Vault data in $ORGANIZATION$ includes:", "placeholders": { "organization": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Org Name" } } }, "deletingOrganizationActiveUserAccountsWarning": { "message": "User accounts will remain active after deletion but will no longer be associated to this organization." }, "deletingOrganizationIsPermanentWarning": { "message": "Deleting $ORGANIZATION$ is permanent and irreversible.", "placeholders": { "organization": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Org Name" } } }, "organizationDeleted": { "message": "Organisatsioon on kustutatud" }, "organizationDeletedDesc": { "message": "Organisatsioon ja kõik sellega seonduvad andmed on kustutatud." }, "organizationUpdated": { "message": "Organisatsiooni on uuendatud" }, "taxInformation": { "message": "Käibemaksu info" }, "taxInformationDesc": { "message": "Käibemaksu informatsiooni uuendamiseks võta ühendust klienditoega." }, "billingPlan": { "message": "Pakett", "description": "A billing plan/package. For example: Families, Teams, Enterprise, etc." }, "changeBillingPlan": { "message": "Muuda paketti", "description": "A billing plan/package. For example: Families, Teams, Enterprise, etc." }, "changeBillingPlanUpgrade": { "message": "Vii oma konto järgmisele tasemele, sisestades selleks all nõutud info. Enne selle tegemist veendu, et kontol on olemas toimiv maksemeetod.", "description": "A billing plan/package. For example: Families, Teams, Enterprise, etc." }, "invoiceNumber": { "message": "Arve #$NUMBER$", "description": "ex. Invoice #79C66F0-0001", "placeholders": { "number": { "content": "$1", "example": "79C66F0-0001" } } }, "viewInvoice": { "message": "Vaata arvet" }, "downloadInvoice": { "message": "Laadi arve alla" }, "verifyBankAccount": { "message": "Pangakonto kinnitamine" }, "verifyBankAccountDesc": { "message": "Tegime sinu pangakontole kaks väikest ülekannet (nende kohalejõudmine võib võtta 1-2 tööpäeva). Selleks, et pangakonto kinnitada, sisesta need summad siia." }, "verifyBankAccountInitialDesc": { "message": "Pangaülekandega tasumine on saadaval ainult Ameerika Ühendriikide klientidele. You will be required to verify your bank account. We will make two micro-deposits within the next 1-2 business days. Enter these amounts on the organization's billing page to verify the bank account." }, "verifyBankAccountFailureWarning": { "message": "Pangakonto mittekinnitamine tähendab seda, et makset ei toimu ning konto kaotab oma tellimusega kaasnevad eelised." }, "verifiedBankAccount": { "message": "Pangakonto on kinnitatud." }, "bankAccount": { "message": "Pangakontoga" }, "amountX": { "message": "Summa $COUNT$", "description": "Used in bank account verification of micro-deposits. Amount, as in a currency amount. Ex. Amount 1 is $2.00, Amount 2 is $1.50", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" } } }, "routingNumber": { "message": "Routing Number", "description": "Bank account routing number" }, "accountNumber": { "message": "Account Number" }, "accountHolderName": { "message": "Account Holder Name" }, "bankAccountType": { "message": "Konto tüüp" }, "bankAccountTypeCompany": { "message": "Ettevõte (äri)" }, "bankAccountTypeIndividual": { "message": "Eraisik (personaalne)" }, "enterInstallationId": { "message": "Sisesta oma paigalduse id" }, "limitSubscriptionDesc": { "message": "Määra maksimaalne kasutajate limiit. Limiidi täitumisel ei saa enam uusi kasutajaid kutsuda." }, "limitSmSubscriptionDesc": { "message": "Set a seat limit for your Secrets Manager subscription. Once this limit is reached, you will not be able to invite new members." }, "maxSeatLimit": { "message": "Maksimaalne kasutajate limiit (valikuline)", "description": "Upper limit of seats to allow through autoscaling" }, "maxSeatCost": { "message": "Max potential seat cost" }, "addSeats": { "message": "Lisa kasutajaid", "description": "Seat = User Seat" }, "removeSeats": { "message": "Eemalda kasutajaid", "description": "Seat = User Seat" }, "subscriptionDesc": { "message": "Adjustments to your subscription will result in prorated changes to your billing totals. If newly invited users exceed your subscription seats, you will immediately receive a prorated charge for the additional users." }, "subscriptionUserSeats": { "message": "Sinu tellimus lubab kasutada/luua kokku $COUNT$ kasutajakontot.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "50" } } }, "limitSubscription": { "message": "Limit subscription (optional)" }, "subscriptionSeats": { "message": "Subscription seats" }, "subscriptionUpdated": { "message": "Subscription updated" }, "subscribedToSecretsManager": { "message": "Subscription updated. You now have access to Secrets Manager." }, "additionalOptions": { "message": "Additional options" }, "additionalOptionsDesc": { "message": "For additional help in managing your subscription, please contact Customer Support." }, "subscriptionUserSeatsUnlimitedAutoscale": { "message": "Adjustments to your subscription will result in prorated changes to your billing totals. If newly invited members exceed your subscription seats, you will immediately receive a prorated charge for the additional members." }, "subscriptionUserSeatsLimitedAutoscale": { "message": "Adjustments to your subscription will result in prorated changes to your billing totals. If newly invited members exceed your subscription seats, you will immediately receive a prorated charge for the additional members until your $MAX$ seat limit is reached.", "placeholders": { "max": { "content": "$1", "example": "50" } } }, "subscriptionUserSeatsWithoutAdditionalSeatsOption": { "message": "You can invite up to $COUNT$ members for no additional charge. Contact Customer Support to upgrade your plan and invite more members.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "10" } } }, "subscriptionFreePlan": { "message": "You cannot invite more than $COUNT$ members without upgrading your plan.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "subscriptionUpgrade": { "message": "You cannot invite more than $COUNT$ members without upgrading your plan.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "subscriptionSponsoredFamiliesPlan": { "message": "Your subscription allows for a total of $COUNT$ members. Your plan is sponsored and billed to an external organization.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "6" } } }, "subscriptionMaxReached": { "message": "Adjustments to your subscription will result in prorated changes to your billing totals. You cannot invite more than $COUNT$ members without increasing your subscription seats.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "50" } } }, "seatsToAdd": { "message": "Lisatavad kasutajad" }, "seatsToRemove": { "message": "Eemaldatavad kasutajad" }, "seatsAddNote": { "message": "Kasutajate hulga suurendamisel võetakse kehtiva maksemeetodi vahendusel selle eest koheselt ka tasu. Esimene makse tehakse proportsionaalselt koos järelejäänud summaga, mis sel arveldusperioodil tasuda tuleb." }, "seatsRemoveNote": { "message": "Kasutajate eemaldamisel arvestatakse järelejäänud summa järgmisest maksest krediidina maha." }, "adjustedSeats": { "message": "Kohandas $AMOUNT$ kasutaja kohta.", "placeholders": { "amount": { "content": "$1", "example": "15" } } }, "keyUpdated": { "message": "Võti on uuendatud" }, "updateEncryptionKey": { "message": "Uuenda krüpteerimisvõtit" }, "updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": { "message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below." }, "updateEncryptionKeyWarning": { "message": "Pärast krüpteerimisvõtme uuendamist pead kõikides seadmetes, kus Bitwardeni rakendust kasutad, oma kontosse uuesti sisse logima (nt nutitelefonis ja brauseris). Välja- ja sisselogimise (mis ühtlasi laadib ka uue krüpteerimisvõtme) nurjumine võib tingida andmete riknemise. Üritame sinu seadmetest ise välja logida, aga see võib võtta natukene aega." }, "updateEncryptionKeyExportWarning": { "message": "Mistahes krüpteeritud, eksporditud andmed muutuvad samuti vigaseks." }, "subscription": { "message": "Tellimus" }, "loading": { "message": "Laadimine" }, "upgrade": { "message": "Täienda" }, "upgradeOrganization": { "message": "Täienda organisatsiooni" }, "upgradeOrganizationDesc": { "message": "See funktsioon ei ole tasuta organisatsioonidele saadaval. Hangi tasuline versioon, mis sisaldab rohkem funktsioone." }, "createOrganizationStep1": { "message": "Organisatsiooni loomine: Samm 1" }, "createOrganizationCreatePersonalAccount": { "message": "Enne organisatsiooni loomist pead registreerima tasuta konto." }, "refunded": { "message": "Tagasi makstud" }, "nothingSelected": { "message": "Midagi pole valitud." }, "acceptPolicies": { "message": "Märkeruudu markeerimisel nõustud järgnevaga:" }, "acceptPoliciesRequired": { "message": "Kasutustingimuste ja Privaatsuspoliitikaga pole nõustutud." }, "termsOfService": { "message": "Kasutustingimused" }, "privacyPolicy": { "message": "Privaatsuspoliitika" }, "filters": { "message": "Filtrid" }, "vaultTimeout": { "message": "Hoidla ajalõpp" }, "vaultTimeoutDesc": { "message": "Vali aeg, peale mida sooritatakse allpool valitud tegevus." }, "vaultTimeoutLogoutDesc": { "message": "Choose when your vault will be logged out." }, "oneMinute": { "message": "1 minuti pärast" }, "fiveMinutes": { "message": "5 minuti pärast" }, "fifteenMinutes": { "message": "15 minuti pärast" }, "thirtyMinutes": { "message": "30 minuti pärast" }, "oneHour": { "message": "1 tunni pärast" }, "fourHours": { "message": "4 tunni pärast" }, "onRefresh": { "message": "Brauseri sulgemisel" }, "dateUpdated": { "message": "Uuendatud", "description": "ex. Date this item was updated" }, "dateCreated": { "message": "Created", "description": "ex. Date this item was created" }, "datePasswordUpdated": { "message": "Parool on uuendatud", "description": "ex. Date this password was updated" }, "organizationIsDisabled": { "message": "Organisatsioon on välja lülitatud." }, "secretsAccessSuspended": { "message": "Suspended organizations cannot be accessed. Please contact your organization owner for assistance." }, "secretsCannotCreate": { "message": "Secrets cannot be created in suspended organizations. Please contact your organization owner for assistance." }, "projectsCannotCreate": { "message": "Projects cannot be created in suspended organizations. Please contact your organization owner for assistance." }, "serviceAccountsCannotCreate": { "message": "Service accounts cannot be created in suspended organizations. Please contact your organization owner for assistance." }, "disabledOrganizationFilterError": { "message": "Organisatsiooni alla kuuluvatele kirjetele ei ole ligipääsu. Kontakteeru oma organisatsiooni omanikuga." }, "licenseIsExpired": { "message": "Litsents on aegunud." }, "updatedUsers": { "message": "Kasutajad on uuendatud" }, "selected": { "message": "Valitud" }, "ownership": { "message": "Omanik" }, "whoOwnsThisItem": { "message": "Kes on selle kirje omanik?" }, "strong": { "message": "Tugev", "description": "ex. A strong password. Scale: Very Weak -> Weak -> Good -> Strong" }, "good": { "message": "Hea", "description": "ex. A good password. Scale: Very Weak -> Weak -> Good -> Strong" }, "weak": { "message": "Nõrk", "description": "ex. A weak password. Scale: Very Weak -> Weak -> Good -> Strong" }, "veryWeak": { "message": "Väga nõrk", "description": "ex. A very weak password. Scale: Very Weak -> Weak -> Good -> Strong" }, "weakMasterPassword": { "message": "Nõrk ülemparool" }, "weakMasterPasswordDesc": { "message": "Valitud ülemparool on nõrk. Oma Bitwardeni konto paremaks kaitsmiseks peaksid kasutama tugevamat parooli. Oled kindel, et soovid valitud parooli ülemparoolina kasutada?" }, "rotateAccountEncKey": { "message": "Roteeri ka minu konto krüpteerimise võtit" }, "rotateEncKeyTitle": { "message": "Roteeri krüpteerimise võtit" }, "rotateEncKeyConfirmation": { "message": "Oled kindel, et soovid oma konto krüpteerimise võtit roteerida?" }, "attachmentsNeedFix": { "message": "Sellel kirjel on vanu manuseid, mille peab parandama." }, "attachmentFixDescription": { "message": "This attachment uses outdated encryption. Select 'Fix' to download, re-encrypt, and re-upload the attachment." }, "fix": { "message": "Paranda", "description": "This is a verb. ex. 'Fix The Car'" }, "oldAttachmentsNeedFixDesc": { "message": "Hoidlas on vanu failimanuseid, mida peab enne konto krüpteerimise võtme roteerimist parandama." }, "yourAccountsFingerprint": { "message": "Konto sõrmejälje fraas", "description": "A 'fingerprint phrase' is a unique word phrase (similar to a passphrase) that a user can use to authenticate their public key with another user, for the purposes of sharing." }, "fingerprintEnsureIntegrityVerify": { "message": "Selleks, et sinu krüpteeringu terviklikkus säiliks, pead jätkamiseks kinnitama kasutaja sõrmejälje fraasi.", "description": "A 'fingerprint phrase' is a unique word phrase (similar to a passphrase) that a user can use to authenticate their public key with another user, for the purposes of sharing." }, "fingerprintMatchInfo": { "message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and Fingerprint phrase matches the other device." }, "fingerprintPhraseHeader": { "message": "Fingerprint phrase" }, "dontAskFingerprintAgain": { "message": "Ära enam sõrmejälje fraasi kinnitamist küsi", "description": "A 'fingerprint phrase' is a unique word phrase (similar to a passphrase) that a user can use to authenticate their public key with another user, for the purposes of sharing." }, "free": { "message": "Tasuta", "description": "Free, as in 'Free beer'" }, "apiKey": { "message": "API võti" }, "apiKeyDesc": { "message": "Sinu API võtit saab kasutada Bitwardeni avalikus API-s autentimiseks." }, "apiKeyRotateDesc": { "message": "API roteerimine muudab eelmise võtme kehtetuks. API võtme roteerimine on kasulik olukordades, kus on oht, et aktiivne võti ei pruugi enam turvaline olla." }, "apiKeyWarning": { "message": "Sinu API võtmel on täielik ligipääs organisatsioonile. Seda võtit peab salajas hoidma ja kaitsma." }, "userApiKeyDesc": { "message": "Sinu API võtit saab kasutada Bitwardeni CLI-s autentimiseks." }, "userApiKeyWarning": { "message": "API võti on alternatiivne autentimise mehhanism. Seda tuleks salajas hoida." }, "oauth2ClientCredentials": { "message": "OAuthi 2.0 kliendi tunnistus", "description": "'OAuth 2.0' is a programming protocol. It should probably not be translated." }, "viewApiKey": { "message": "Vaata API võtit" }, "rotateApiKey": { "message": "API võtme roteerimine" }, "selectOneCollection": { "message": "Pead valima vähemalt ühe kollektsiooni." }, "couldNotChargeCardPayInvoice": { "message": "Meil ei õnnestunud kaardil olevat raha kasutada. Palun vaata all olevat arvet ja maksa see käsitsi." }, "minLength": { "message": "Minimaalne pikkus" }, "clone": { "message": "Klooni" }, "masterPassPolicyTitle": { "message": "Master password requirements" }, "masterPassPolicyDesc": { "message": "Määra minimaalsed ülemparooli tugevuse tingimused." }, "twoStepLoginPolicyTitle": { "message": "Require two-step login" }, "twoStepLoginPolicyDesc": { "message": "Nõua, et kasutajad seadistaksid oma kontodes kaheastmelise kinnituse." }, "twoStepLoginPolicyWarning": { "message": "Organisatsiooni liikmed, kel pole kaheastmeline kinnitamine sisse lülitatud, eemaldatakse organisatsioonist ning neile saadetakse sellekohane e-kiri." }, "twoStepLoginPolicyUserWarning": { "message": "Kuulud organisatsiooni, mis nõuab kontol kaheastmelise kinnitamise sisselülitamist.\nKui lülitad välja kõik Kaheastmelise kinnitamise valikud, eemaldatakse sind organisatsioonist." }, "passwordGeneratorPolicyDesc": { "message": "Määra parooli genereerija konfiguratsiooni tingimused." }, "passwordGeneratorPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Organisatsiooni seaded mõjutavad parooli genereerija sätteid." }, "masterPasswordPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Üks või enam organisatsiooni eeskirja nõuavad, et ülemparool vastaks nendele nõudmistele:" }, "policyInEffectMinComplexity": { "message": "Minimaalne keerulisuse skoor peab olema $SCORE$", "placeholders": { "score": { "content": "$1", "example": "4" } } }, "policyInEffectMinLength": { "message": "Minimaalne pikkus peab olema $LENGTH$", "placeholders": { "length": { "content": "$1", "example": "14" } } }, "policyInEffectUppercase": { "message": "Sisaldab üht või enamat suurtähte" }, "policyInEffectLowercase": { "message": "Sisaldab üht või enamat väiketähte" }, "policyInEffectNumbers": { "message": "Sisaldab üht või rohkem numbreid" }, "policyInEffectSpecial": { "message": "Sisaldab üht või enamat järgnevatest märkidest: $CHARS$", "placeholders": { "chars": { "content": "$1", "example": "!@#$%^&*" } } }, "masterPasswordPolicyRequirementsNotMet": { "message": "Uus ülemparool ei vasta eeskirjades väljatoodud tingimustele." }, "minimumNumberOfWords": { "message": "Minimaalne sõnade arv" }, "defaultType": { "message": "Vaiketüüp" }, "userPreference": { "message": "Kasutaja eelistus" }, "vaultTimeoutAction": { "message": "Sooritatav tegevus" }, "vaultTimeoutActionLockDesc": { "message": "Lukustamisel nõutakse hoidlale uuesti ligi pääsemiseks ülemparooli." }, "vaultTimeoutActionLogOutDesc": { "message": "Väljalogimisel nõutakse hoidlale uuesti ligi pääsemiseks autentimist." }, "lock": { "message": "Lukusta", "description": "Verb form: to make secure or inaccesible by" }, "trash": { "message": "Prügikast", "description": "Noun: A special folder for holding deleted items that have not yet been permanently deleted" }, "searchTrash": { "message": "Otsi prügikastist" }, "permanentlyDelete": { "message": "Kustuta kirje jäädavalt" }, "permanentlyDeleteSelected": { "message": "Kustuta valitud jäädavalt" }, "permanentlyDeleteItem": { "message": "Kustuta kirje jäädavalt" }, "permanentlyDeleteItemConfirmation": { "message": "Oled kindel, et soovid selle kirje jäädavalt kustutada?" }, "permanentlyDeletedItem": { "message": "Kirje on jäädavalt kustutatud" }, "permanentlyDeletedItems": { "message": "Kirjed on jäädavalt kustutatud" }, "permanentlyDeleteSelectedItemsDesc": { "message": "Oled valinud jäädavaks kustutamiseks $COUNT$ kirje(t). Oled kindel, et soovid need kirjed jäädavalt kustutada?", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "150" } } }, "permanentlyDeletedItemId": { "message": "$ID$ kirjet on jäädavalt kustutatud.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "restore": { "message": "Taasta" }, "restoreSelected": { "message": "Taasta valitud" }, "restoredItem": { "message": "Kirje on taastatud" }, "restoredItems": { "message": "Kirjed on taastatud" }, "restoredItemId": { "message": "Taastas kirje $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "vaultTimeoutLogOutConfirmation": { "message": "Väljalogimine tähendab, et hoidlale ei pääse enam ligi ning sisselogimiseks peab konto uuesti autentima. Oled kindel, et soovid seda valikut kasutada?" }, "vaultTimeoutLogOutConfirmationTitle": { "message": "Ajalõpu tegevuse kinnitamine" }, "hidePasswords": { "message": "Peida paroolid" }, "countryPostalCodeRequiredDesc": { "message": "Vajame seda informatsiooni ainult käibemaksu arvutamiseks ja finantsraportite jaoks." }, "includeVAT": { "message": "Lisa KM andmed (valikuline)" }, "taxIdNumber": { "message": "KMKR nr" }, "taxInfoUpdated": { "message": "Käibemaksu informatsioon on uuendatud." }, "setMasterPassword": { "message": "Määra ülemparool" }, "identifier": { "message": "Identifikaator" }, "organizationIdentifier": { "message": "Organisatsiooni identifikaator" }, "ssoLogInWithOrgIdentifier": { "message": "Sisselogimine läbi organisatsiooni ühekordse sisselogimise portaali. Jätkamiseks sisesta ettevõtte identifikaator." }, "enterpriseSingleSignOn": { "message": "Ettevõtte Single Sign-On" }, "ssoHandOff": { "message": "Võid nüüd selle vahelehe sulgeda ning jätkata brauseri laienduses." }, "youSuccessfullyLoggedIn": { "message": "You successfully logged in" }, "thisWindowWillCloseIn5Seconds": { "message": "This window will automatically close in 5 seconds" }, "includeAllTeamsFeatures": { "message": "Kõik Meeskonna funktsioonid, lisaks:" }, "includeAllTeamsStarterFeatures": { "message": "All Teams Starter features, plus:" }, "chooseMonthlyOrAnnualBilling": { "message": "Choose monthly or annual billing" }, "abilityToAddMoreThanNMembers": { "message": "Ability to add more than $COUNT$ members", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "10" } } }, "includeSsoAuthentication": { "message": "SSO autentimine läbi SAML2.0 ja OpenID Connect-i" }, "includeEnterprisePolicies": { "message": "Ettevõtte poliitikate rakendamine" }, "ssoValidationFailed": { "message": "SSO kinnitamine nurjus" }, "ssoIdentifierRequired": { "message": "Nõutud on organisatsioon identifikaator." }, "ssoIdentifier": { "message": "SSO identifier" }, "ssoIdentifierHintPartOne": { "message": "Provide this ID to your members to login with SSO. To bypass this step, set up ", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Provide this ID to your members to login with SSO. To bypass this step, set up Domain verification'" }, "unlinkSso": { "message": "Ühenda SSO lahti" }, "unlinkSsoConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to unlink SSO for this organization?" }, "linkSso": { "message": "Ühenda SSO" }, "singleOrg": { "message": "Üksainus organisatsioon" }, "singleOrgDesc": { "message": "Keela kasutajatel teiste organisatsioonidega liitumine." }, "singleOrgBlockCreateMessage": { "message": "Sinu praeguse organisatsiooni poliitika kohaselt ei saa sa olla rohkem kui ühe organisatsiooni liige. Palun kontakteeru oma praeguse organisatsiooni administraatoritega või kasuta liitumiseks teist Bitwardeni kontot." }, "singleOrgPolicyWarning": { "message": "Sisselülitamisel eemaldatakse organisatsioonist liikmed, kes on juba mõne teise organisatsiooniga liitunud. See ei puuduta liikmeid, kelle staatus on Omanik või Administraator." }, "requireSso": { "message": "Single Sign-On autentimine" }, "requireSsoPolicyDesc": { "message": "Nõua kasutajatelt sisselogimist läbi Ettevõtte Single Sign-On meetodi." }, "prerequisite": { "message": "Eeltingimus" }, "requireSsoPolicyReq": { "message": "Selle poliitika aktiveerimise eelduseks on valiku „Üksainus organisatsioon“ sisselülitamine." }, "requireSsoPolicyReqError": { "message": "Poliitika „Üksainus organisatsioon“ ei ole sisse lülitatud." }, "requireSsoExemption": { "message": "Selle poliitika rakendamine ei puuduta Omanikke ega Administraatoreid." }, "sendTypeFile": { "message": "Fail" }, "sendTypeText": { "message": "Tekst" }, "createSend": { "message": "Loo uus Send", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "editSend": { "message": "Muuda Sendi", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "createdSend": { "message": "Send on loodud", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "editedSend": { "message": "Muutis Sendi", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "deletedSend": { "message": "Kustutas Sendi", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "deleteSend": { "message": "Kustuta Send", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "deleteSendConfirmation": { "message": "Soovid tõesti selle Sendi kustutada?", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "whatTypeOfSend": { "message": "Mis tüüpi Send see on?", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "deletionDate": { "message": "Kustutamise kuupäev" }, "deletionDateDesc": { "message": "Send kustutatakse määratud kuupäeval ja kellaajal jäädavalt.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "expirationDate": { "message": "Aegumiskuupäev" }, "expirationDateDesc": { "message": "Selle valimisel ei pääse sellele Sendile enam pärast määratud kuupäeva ligi.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "maxAccessCount": { "message": "Maksimaalne ligipääsude arv" }, "maxAccessCountDesc": { "message": "Selle valimisel ei saa kasutajad pärast maksimaalse ligipääsude arvu saavutamist sellele Sendile enam ligi.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "currentAccessCount": { "message": "Hetkeline ligipääsude arv" }, "sendPasswordDesc": { "message": "Soovi korral nõua parooli, millega Sendile ligi pääseb.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendNotesDesc": { "message": "Privaatne märkus selle Sendi kohta.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "disabled": { "message": "Keelatud" }, "revoked": { "message": "Revoked" }, "sendLink": { "message": "Sendi link", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "copySendLink": { "message": "Kopeeri Sendi link", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "removePassword": { "message": "Eemalda parool" }, "removedPassword": { "message": "Eemaldas parooli" }, "removePasswordConfirmation": { "message": "Soovid kindlasti selle parooli eemaldada?" }, "hideEmail": { "message": "Ära näita saajatele minu e-posti aadressi." }, "disableThisSend": { "message": "Keela see Send, et keegi ei pääseks sellele ligi.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "allSends": { "message": "Kõik Sendid" }, "maxAccessCountReached": { "message": "Maksimaalne ligipääsude arv on saavutatud", "description": "This text will be displayed after a Send has been accessed the maximum amount of times." }, "pendingDeletion": { "message": "Kustutamise ootel" }, "expired": { "message": "Aegunud" }, "searchSends": { "message": "Otsi Sende", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendProtectedPassword": { "message": "See Send on parooliga kaitstud. Jätkamiseks sisesta parool allolevale väljale.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendProtectedPasswordDontKnow": { "message": "Sa ei tea parooli? Küsi seda konkreetse Sendi saatjalt.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendHiddenByDefault": { "message": "See Send on vaikeseades peidetud. Saad selle nähtavust alloleva nupu abil seadistada.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "downloadAttachments": { "message": "Download attachments" }, "sendAccessUnavailable": { "message": "Send, millele üritad ligi pääseda, ei eksisteeri või see pole enam saadaval.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "missingSendFile": { "message": "Sendiga seotud faili ei suudetud leida.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "noSendsInList": { "message": "Puuduvad Sendid, mida kuvada.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "emergencyAccess": { "message": "Hädaolukorra ligipääs" }, "emergencyAccessDesc": { "message": "Siin saad hallata ning seadistada usaldusväärseid kontakte, kes saavad hädaolukorral sinu Hoidla sisu kas Vaadata või Üle võtta. Rohkema info saamiseks vaata meie abilehekülge. Tegemist on turvalise ja „zero-knowledge“ lahendusega." }, "emergencyAccessOwnerWarning": { "message": "Oled ühe või enama organisatsiooni omanik. Andes ligipääsu hädaolukorra kontaktile, saab ta pärast konto ülevõtmist ka Organisatsiooni õiguseid kasutada." }, "trustedEmergencyContacts": { "message": "Usaldusväärsed hädaolukorra kontaktid" }, "noTrustedContacts": { "message": "Hetkel pole ühtei kontakti määratud. Alustamiseks saada usaldusväärsele kontaktile kutse." }, "addEmergencyContact": { "message": "Lisa hädaolukorra kontakt" }, "designatedEmergencyContacts": { "message": "Oled järgnevate kontode hädaolukorra kontakt" }, "noGrantedAccess": { "message": "Sind ei ole hetkel ühelegi kontole hädaolukorra kontaktiks määratud." }, "inviteEmergencyContact": { "message": "Hädaolukorra kontakti loomine" }, "editEmergencyContact": { "message": "Hädaolukorra kontakti muutmine" }, "inviteEmergencyContactDesc": { "message": "Kutsu oma hädaolukorra kontaktiks usaldusväärne kasutaja. Selleks sisestades alla tema Bitwardeni konto e-posti aadress. Kui tal ei ole veel Bitwardeni kontot, pakutakse talle võimalus see luua." }, "emergencyAccessRecoveryInitiated": { "message": "Hädaolukorra ligipääs on käivitatud" }, "emergencyAccessRecoveryApproved": { "message": "Hädaolukorra ligipääs on kinnitatud" }, "viewDesc": { "message": "Saab vaadata sinu Hoidla täit sisu." }, "takeover": { "message": "Ülevõtmine" }, "takeoverDesc": { "message": "Saab määrata kontole uue ülemparooli." }, "waitTime": { "message": "Ooteaeg" }, "waitTimeDesc": { "message": "Aeg, peale mida võimaldatakse määratud isikule automaatne ligipääs." }, "oneDay": { "message": "1 päev" }, "days": { "message": "$DAYS$ päeva", "placeholders": { "days": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" } } }, "invitedUser": { "message": "Kasutaja on kutsutud." }, "acceptEmergencyAccess": { "message": "Sind on kutsutud ülal oleva kasutaja hädaolukorra kontaktiks. Liitumise kinnitamiseks pead oma Bitwardeni kontosse sisse logima. Kui sul ei ole veel kontot, saad selle luua." }, "emergencyInviteAcceptFailed": { "message": "Kutse vastuvõtmine nurjus. Palu kasutajal uus kutse saata." }, "emergencyInviteAcceptFailedShort": { "message": "Kutset ei õnnestu vastu võtta. $DESCRIPTION$", "placeholders": { "description": { "content": "$1", "example": "You must set up 2FA on your user account before you can join this organization." } } }, "emergencyInviteAcceptedDesc": { "message": "Selle kasutaja hädaolukorra valikutele ligipääsuks on vajalik identiteedi kinnitamine. Pärast kinnitamist saadame sulle vastavasisulise e-kirja." }, "requestAccess": { "message": "Taotle ligipääsu" }, "requestAccessConfirmation": { "message": "Oled kindel, et soovid esitada hädaolukorra ligipääsu taotluse? Ligipääsu võimaldatakse pärast $WAITTIME$ päev(a) või niipea, kui teine kasutaja sinu selle heaks kiidab.", "placeholders": { "waittime": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" } } }, "requestSent": { "message": "Kasutajale $USER$ on saadet hädaolukorra ligipääsu kutse. Anname e-kirjaga märku, kui saad selle seadistamisega edasi minna.", "placeholders": { "user": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "approve": { "message": "Kinnita" }, "reject": { "message": "Keeldu" }, "approveAccessConfirmation": { "message": "Oled kindel, et soovid hädaolukorra ligipääsu päringu heaks kiita? See võimaldab kasutajal $USER$ sinu kontoga teha järgnevat: $ACTION$.", "placeholders": { "user": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" }, "action": { "content": "$2", "example": "View" } } }, "emergencyApproved": { "message": "Hädaolukorra ligipääs on kinnitatud." }, "emergencyRejected": { "message": "Hädaolukorra ligipääsust keelduti" }, "passwordResetFor": { "message": "$USER$ parool on lähtestatud. Saad nüüd uue parooliga sisse logida.", "placeholders": { "user": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "personalOwnership": { "message": "Personaalne salvestamine" }, "personalOwnershipPolicyDesc": { "message": "Nõua kasutajatelt andmete salvestamist organisatsiooni hoidlasse, eemaldades personaalse hoidla valiku." }, "personalOwnershipExemption": { "message": "Selle poliitika rakendamine ei puuduta Omanikke ega Administraatoreid." }, "personalOwnershipSubmitError": { "message": "Ettevõtte poliitika tõttu ei saa sa andmeid oma personaalsesse Hoidlasse salvestada. Vali Omanikuks organisatsioon ja vali mõni saadavaolevatest Kogumikest." }, "disableSend": { "message": "Keela Send" }, "disableSendPolicyDesc": { "message": "Ära võimalda kasutajatel Bitwardeni Sende luua või muuta. Olemasolevate Sendide kustutamise võimalikkus säilib.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "disableSendExemption": { "message": "See muudatus ei mõjuta neid organisatsiooni liikmeid, kes saavad hallata organisatsiooni poliitikaid." }, "sendDisabled": { "message": "Send on väljalülitatud", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendDisabledWarning": { "message": "Ettevõtte poliitika kohaselt saad ainult olemasolevat Sendi kustutada.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendOptions": { "message": "Sendi valikud", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendOptionsPolicyDesc": { "message": "Määra valikud Sendi loomiseks ja muutmiseks.", "description": "'Sends' is a plural noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendOptionsExemption": { "message": "See muudatus ei mõjuta neid organisatsiooni liikmeid, kes saavad hallata organisatsiooni poliitikaid." }, "disableHideEmail": { "message": "Ära luba kasutajatel Sendi loomisel või muutmisel oma e-posti aadressi saajate eest peita.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendOptionsPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Hetkel on kehtivad järgmised organisatsiooni poliitikad:" }, "sendDisableHideEmailInEffect": { "message": "Kasutajatel pole lubatud Sendi loomisel või muutmisel oma e-posti aadressi saajate eest peita.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "modifiedPolicyId": { "message": "Muutis poliitikat $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Master Password" } } }, "planPrice": { "message": "Hind" }, "estimatedTax": { "message": "Eeldatavad maksud" }, "custom": { "message": "Kohandatud" }, "customDesc": { "message": "Pakub kasutajate haldamiseks ja õiguste määramiseks rohkem võimalusi." }, "customDescNonEnterpriseStart": { "message": "Custom roles is an ", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Custom roles is an enterprise feature. Contact our support team to upgrade your subscription'" }, "customDescNonEnterpriseLink": { "message": "enterprise feature", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Custom roles is an enterprise feature. Contact our support team to upgrade your subscription'" }, "customDescNonEnterpriseEnd": { "message": ". Contact our support team to upgrade your subscription", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Custom roles is an enterprise feature. Contact our support team to upgrade your subscription'" }, "customNonEnterpriseError": { "message": "To enable custom permissions the organization must be on an Enterprise 2020 plan." }, "permissions": { "message": "Õigused" }, "permission": { "message": "Permission" }, "managerPermissions": { "message": "Manager Permissions" }, "adminPermissions": { "message": "Admin Permissions" }, "accessEventLogs": { "message": "Ligipääs sündmuste logile" }, "accessImportExport": { "message": "Ligipääs impordile/ekspordile" }, "accessReports": { "message": "Ligipääs raportitele" }, "missingPermissions": { "message": "Sul pole selle toimingu tegemiseks luba." }, "manageAllCollections": { "message": "Saab hallata kõiki kollektsioone" }, "createNewCollections": { "message": "Luua uusi kollektsioone" }, "editAnyCollection": { "message": "Muuta mistahes kollektsiooni" }, "deleteAnyCollection": { "message": "Kustutada mistahes kollektsiooni" }, "manageAssignedCollections": { "message": "Saab hallata määratud kollektsioone" }, "editAssignedCollections": { "message": "Hallata määratud kollektsioone" }, "deleteAssignedCollections": { "message": "Kustutada määratud kollektsioone" }, "manageGroups": { "message": "Gruppide haldamine" }, "managePolicies": { "message": "Poliitikate haldamine" }, "manageSso": { "message": "SSO haldamine" }, "manageUsers": { "message": "Kasutajate haldamine" }, "manageAccountRecovery": { "message": "Manage account recovery" }, "disableRequiredError": { "message": "You must manually turn the $POLICYNAME$ policy before this policy can be turned off.", "placeholders": { "policyName": { "content": "$1", "example": "Single Sign-On Authentication" } } }, "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Organisatsiooni poliitika on seadnud omaniku valikutele piirangu." }, "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." }, "personalOwnershipCheckboxDesc": { "message": "Keela organisatsiooni liikmetel paroolide salvestamine isiklikku Hoidlasse" }, "textHiddenByDefault": { "message": "Sendi avamisel peida tekst automaatselt", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendNameDesc": { "message": "Sisesta Sendi nimi (kohustuslik).", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendTextDesc": { "message": "Tekst, mida soovid saata." }, "sendFileDesc": { "message": "Fail, mida soovid saata." }, "copySendLinkOnSave": { "message": "Salvestamisel kopeeri Sendi jagamise link lõikepuhvrisse." }, "sendLinkLabel": { "message": "Sendi link", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "send": { "message": "Send", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendAccessTaglineProductDesc": { "message": "Bitwardeni Send võimaldab sensitiivset, ajutist informatsiooni hõlpsasti ning turvaliselt edastada.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendAccessTaglineLearnMore": { "message": "Rohkem infot", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read '**Learn more about** Bitwarden Send or sign up to try it today.'" }, "sendVaultCardProductDesc": { "message": "Jaga tekste või faile ükskõik kellega." }, "sendVaultCardLearnMore": { "message": "Rohkem infot", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read '**Learn more**, see how it works, or try it now. '" }, "sendVaultCardSee": { "message": "vaata", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more, **see** how it works, or try it now.'" }, "sendVaultCardHowItWorks": { "message": "kuidas see töötab", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more, see **how it works**, or try it now.'" }, "sendVaultCardOr": { "message": "või", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more, see how it works, **or** try it now.'" }, "sendVaultCardTryItNow": { "message": "proovi ise järele", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more, see how it works, or **try it now**.'" }, "sendAccessTaglineOr": { "message": "või", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more about Bitwarden Send **or** sign up to try it today.'" }, "sendAccessTaglineSignUp": { "message": "loo konto,", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more about Bitwarden Send or **sign up** to try it today.'" }, "sendAccessTaglineTryToday": { "message": "et seda ise proovida.", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more about Bitwarden Send or sign up to **try it today.**'" }, "sendAccessCreatorIdentifier": { "message": "Bitwarden member $USER_IDENTIFIER$ shared the following with you", "placeholders": { "user_identifier": { "content": "$1", "example": "An email address" } } }, "viewSendHiddenEmailWarning": { "message": "Selle Sendi looja ei soovi oma e-posti aadressi avaldada. Palun veendu, et see pärineb usaldusväärsest allikast, enne kui asud selle sisu kasutama või faile alla laadima.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "expirationDateIsInvalid": { "message": "Valitud aegumiskuupäev ei ole õige." }, "deletionDateIsInvalid": { "message": "Valitud kustutamise kuupäev ei ole õige." }, "expirationDateAndTimeRequired": { "message": "Nõutav on aegumiskuupäev ja kellaaeg." }, "deletionDateAndTimeRequired": { "message": "Nõutav on kustutamise kuupäev ja kellaaeg." }, "dateParsingError": { "message": "Kustutamis- ja aegumiskuupäevade salvestamisel ilmnes tõrge." }, "webAuthnFallbackMsg": { "message": "2FA kinnitamiseks kliki alloleval nupul." }, "webAuthnAuthenticate": { "message": "WebAuthn kinnitamine" }, "webAuthnNotSupported": { "message": "Sinu brauser ei toeta WebAuthn'i." }, "webAuthnSuccess": { "message": "WebAuthn on edukalt kinnitatud! Võid selle vahelehe sulgeda." }, "hintEqualsPassword": { "message": "Parooli vihje ei saa olla sama mis parool ise." }, "enrollAccountRecovery": { "message": "Enroll in account recovery" }, "enrolledAccountRecovery": { "message": "Enrolled in account recovery" }, "withdrawAccountRecovery": { "message": "Withdraw from account recovery" }, "enrollPasswordResetSuccess": { "message": "Liitumine õnnestus!" }, "withdrawPasswordResetSuccess": { "message": "Tühistamine õnnestus!" }, "eventEnrollAccountRecovery": { "message": "User $ID$ enrolled in account recovery.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "eventWithdrawAccountRecovery": { "message": "User $ID$ withdrew from account recovery.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "eventAdminPasswordReset": { "message": "Kasutaja $ID$ ülemparool on lähtestatud.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "eventResetSsoLink": { "message": "Reset SSO link for user $ID$", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "firstSsoLogin": { "message": "$ID$ logis esimest korda läbi SSO sisse", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "resetPassword": { "message": "Lähtesta parool" }, "resetPasswordLoggedOutWarning": { "message": "Jätkates logitakse $NAME$ praegusest sessioonis välja, mistõttu peavad nad kontosse uuesti sisse logima. Teised kontoga ühendatud seadmed võivad jääda sisselogituks kuni üheks tunniks.", "placeholders": { "name": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "thisUser": { "message": "see kasutaja" }, "resetPasswordMasterPasswordPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Üks või enam organisatsiooni eeskirja nõuavad, et ülemparool vastaks nendele nõudmistele:" }, "resetPasswordSuccess": { "message": "Parool on edukalt lähtestatud!" }, "resetPasswordEnrollmentWarning": { "message": "Liitumine võimaldab organisatsiooni administraatoritel sinu ülemparooli muuta. Oled kindel, et soovid liituda?" }, "accountRecoveryPolicy": { "message": "Account recovery administration" }, "accountRecoveryPolicyDesc": { "message": "Based on the encryption method, recover accounts when master passwords or trusted devices are forgotten or lost." }, "accountRecoveryPolicyWarning": { "message": "Existing accounts with master passwords will require members to self-enroll before administrators can recover their accounts. Automatic enrollment will turn on account recovery for new members." }, "accountRecoverySingleOrgRequirementDesc": { "message": "The single organization Enterprise policy must be turned on before activating this policy." }, "resetPasswordPolicyAutoEnroll": { "message": "Automaatne liitumine" }, "resetPasswordPolicyAutoEnrollCheckbox": { "message": "Liida uued kasutajad automaatselt" }, "resetPasswordAutoEnrollInviteWarning": { "message": "Selle organisatsiooni poliitika kohaselt liidetakse sind automaatselt ülemparooli lähtestamise funktsiooniga. Liitumisel saavad organisatsiooni administraatorid sinu ülemparooli muuta." }, "resetPasswordOrgKeysError": { "message": "Organization keys response is null" }, "resetPasswordDetailsError": { "message": "Reset password details response is null" }, "trashCleanupWarning": { "message": "Salakirjad, mis on olnud prügikastis enam kui 30 päeva, kustutatakse automaatselt." }, "trashCleanupWarningSelfHosted": { "message": "Salakirjad, mis on olnud mõnda aega prügikastis, kustutatakse automaatselt." }, "passwordPrompt": { "message": "Nõutav on ülemparool" }, "passwordConfirmation": { "message": "Ülemparooli kinnitamine" }, "passwordConfirmationDesc": { "message": "See tegevus on kaitstud. Jätkamiseks sisesta oma ülemparool." }, "reinviteSelected": { "message": "Saada kutsed uuesti" }, "resendNotification": { "message": "Resend notification" }, "noSelectedUsersApplicable": { "message": "See valik rakendub mistahes valitud kasutajatele." }, "removeUsersWarning": { "message": "Oled kindel, et soovid järgnevaid kasutajaid eemaldada? See tegevus võib võtta paar sekundit ning seda ei saa katkestada." }, "removeOrgUsersConfirmation": { "message": "When member(s) are removed, they no longer have access to organization data and this action is irreversible. To add the member back to the organization, they must be invited and onboarded again. The process may take a few seconds to complete and cannot be interrupted or canceled." }, "revokeUsersWarning": { "message": "When member(s) are revoked, they no longer have access to organization data. To quickly restore member access, go to the Revoked tab. The process may take a few seconds to complete and cannot be interrupted or canceled." }, "theme": { "message": "Teema" }, "themeDesc": { "message": "Vali oma veebihoidlale teema." }, "themeSystem": { "message": "Kasuta süsteemi teemat" }, "themeDark": { "message": "Tume" }, "themeLight": { "message": "Hele" }, "confirmSelected": { "message": "Kinnita valitud" }, "bulkConfirmStatus": { "message": "Masstegevuse staatus" }, "bulkConfirmMessage": { "message": "Edukalt kinnitatud." }, "bulkReinviteMessage": { "message": "Edukalt uuesti kutsutud." }, "bulkRemovedMessage": { "message": "Edukalt eemaldatud" }, "bulkRevokedMessage": { "message": "Revoked organization access successfully" }, "bulkRestoredMessage": { "message": "Restored organization access successfully" }, "bulkFilteredMessage": { "message": "Välja jäetud, ei rakendu sellel tegevuse puhul." }, "fingerprint": { "message": "Sõrmejälg" }, "removeUsers": { "message": "Kasutajate eemaldamine" }, "revokeUsers": { "message": "Revoke users" }, "restoreUsers": { "message": "Restore users" }, "error": { "message": "Viga" }, "accountRecoveryManageUsers": { "message": "Manage users must also be granted with the manage account recovery permission" }, "setupProvider": { "message": "Provider setup" }, "setupProviderLoginDesc": { "message": "You've been invited to setup a new Provider. To continue, you need to log in or create a new Bitwarden account." }, "setupProviderDesc": { "message": "Please enter the details below to complete the Provider setup. Contact Customer Support if you have any questions." }, "providerName": { "message": "Provider name" }, "providerSetup": { "message": "Provider successfully set up" }, "clients": { "message": "Clients" }, "client": { "message": "Client", "description": "This is used as a table header to describe which client application created an event log." }, "providerAdmin": { "message": "Provider admin" }, "providerAdminDesc": { "message": "The highest access user that can manage all aspects of your Provider as well as access and manage client organizations." }, "serviceUser": { "message": "Service user" }, "serviceUserDesc": { "message": "Service users can access and manage all client organizations." }, "providerInviteUserDesc": { "message": "Invite a new user to your Provider by entering their Bitwarden account email address below. If they do not have a Bitwarden account already, they will be prompted to create a new account." }, "joinProvider": { "message": "Join Provider" }, "joinProviderDesc": { "message": "You've been invited to join the Provider listed above. To accept the invitation, you need to log in or create a new Bitwarden account." }, "providerInviteAcceptFailed": { "message": "Unable to accept invitation. Ask a Provider admin to send a new invitation." }, "providerInviteAcceptedDesc": { "message": "You can access this Provider once an administrator confirms your membership. We'll send you an email when that happens." }, "providerUsersNeedConfirmed": { "message": "You have users that have accepted their invitation, but still need to be confirmed. Users will not have access to the Provider until they are confirmed." }, "provider": { "message": "Provider" }, "newClientOrganization": { "message": "New client organization" }, "newClientOrganizationDesc": { "message": "Create a new client organization that will be associated with you as the Provider. You will be able to access and manage this organization." }, "newClient": { "message": "New client" }, "addExistingOrganization": { "message": "Add existing organization" }, "addNewOrganization": { "message": "Add new organization" }, "myProvider": { "message": "My Provider" }, "addOrganizationConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to add $ORGANIZATION$ as a client to $PROVIDER$?", "placeholders": { "organization": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Org Name" }, "provider": { "content": "$2", "example": "My Provider Name" } } }, "organizationJoinedProvider": { "message": "Organization was successfully added to the Provider" }, "accessingUsingProvider": { "message": "Accessing organization using Provider $PROVIDER$", "placeholders": { "provider": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Provider Name" } } }, "providerIsDisabled": { "message": "Provider suspended" }, "providerUpdated": { "message": "Provider saved" }, "yourProviderIs": { "message": "Your Provider is $PROVIDER$. They have administrative and billing privileges for your organization.", "placeholders": { "provider": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Provider Name" } } }, "detachedOrganization": { "message": "The organization $ORGANIZATION$ has been detached from your Provider.", "placeholders": { "organization": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Org Name" } } }, "detachOrganizationConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to detach this organization? The organization will continue to exist but will no longer be managed by the Provider." }, "add": { "message": "Lisa" }, "updatedMasterPassword": { "message": "Uuendas ülemparooli" }, "updateMasterPassword": { "message": "Ülemparooli uuendamine" }, "updateMasterPasswordWarning": { "message": "Organisatsiooni administraator muutis hiljuti sinu ülemparooli. Hoidlale ligi pääsemiseks pead ülemparooli uuendama. Jätkates logitakse sind käimasolevast sessioonist välja, misjärel nõutakse uuesti sisselogimist. Teistes seadmetes olevad aktiivsed sessioonid jäävad aktiivseks kuni üheks tunniks." }, "masterPasswordInvalidWarning": { "message": "Your master password does not meet the policy requirements of this organization. In order to join the organization, you must update your master password now. Proceeding will log you out of your current session, requiring you to log back in. Active sessions on other devices may continue to remain active for up to one hour." }, "updateWeakMasterPasswordWarning": { "message": "Your master password does not meet one or more of your organization policies. In order to access the vault, you must update your master password now. Proceeding will log you out of your current session, requiring you to log back in. Active sessions on other devices may continue to remain active for up to one hour." }, "maximumVaultTimeout": { "message": "Hoidla ajalõpp" }, "maximumVaultTimeoutDesc": { "message": "Set a maximum vault timeout for members." }, "maximumVaultTimeoutLabel": { "message": "Maximum vault timeout" }, "invalidMaximumVaultTimeout": { "message": "Invalid maximum vault timeout." }, "hours": { "message": "Tundi" }, "minutes": { "message": "Minutit" }, "vaultTimeoutPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Organisatsiooni poliitikad mõjutavad sinu hoidla ajalõppu. Maksimaalne lubatud hoidla ajalõpp on $HOURS$ tund(i) ja $MINUTES$ minut(it)", "placeholders": { "hours": { "content": "$1", "example": "5" }, "minutes": { "content": "$2", "example": "5" } } }, "vaultTimeoutPolicyWithActionInEffect": { "message": "Your organization policies are affecting your vault timeout. Maximum allowed vault timeout is $HOURS$ hour(s) and $MINUTES$ minute(s). Your vault timeout action is set to $ACTION$.", "placeholders": { "hours": { "content": "$1", "example": "5" }, "minutes": { "content": "$2", "example": "5" }, "action": { "content": "$3", "example": "Lock" } } }, "vaultTimeoutActionPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Your organization policies have set your vault timeout action to $ACTION$.", "placeholders": { "action": { "content": "$1", "example": "Lock" } } }, "customVaultTimeout": { "message": "Custom vault timeout" }, "vaultTimeoutToLarge": { "message": "Your vault timeout exceeds the restriction set by your organization." }, "vaultCustomTimeoutMinimum": { "message": "Minimaalne ajalõpp on 1 minut." }, "vaultTimeoutRangeError": { "message": "Hoidla ajalõpp pole lubatud piirides." }, "disablePersonalVaultExport": { "message": "Remove individual vault export" }, "disablePersonalVaultExportDescription": { "message": "Do not allow members to export data from their individual vault." }, "vaultExportDisabled": { "message": "Vault export removed" }, "personalVaultExportPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Üks või enam organisatsiooni poliitikat ei võimalda sul oma personaalset hoidlat eksportida." }, "activateAutofill": { "message": "Activate auto-fill" }, "activateAutofillPolicyDesc": { "message": "Activate the auto-fill on page load setting on the browser extension for all existing and new members." }, "experimentalFeature": { "message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load." }, "learnMoreAboutAutofill": { "message": "Learn more about auto-fill" }, "selectType": { "message": "Select SSO type" }, "type": { "message": "Type" }, "openIdConnectConfig": { "message": "OpenID connect configuration" }, "samlSpConfig": { "message": "SAML service provider configuration" }, "samlIdpConfig": { "message": "SAML identity provider configuration" }, "callbackPath": { "message": "Callback path" }, "signedOutCallbackPath": { "message": "Signed out callback path" }, "authority": { "message": "Authority" }, "clientId": { "message": "Client ID" }, "clientSecret": { "message": "Client secret" }, "metadataAddress": { "message": "Metadata address" }, "oidcRedirectBehavior": { "message": "OIDC redirect behavior" }, "getClaimsFromUserInfoEndpoint": { "message": "Get claims from user info endpoint" }, "additionalScopes": { "message": "Custom scopes" }, "additionalUserIdClaimTypes": { "message": "Custom user ID claim types" }, "additionalEmailClaimTypes": { "message": "Email claim types" }, "additionalNameClaimTypes": { "message": "Custom name claim types" }, "acrValues": { "message": "Requested authentication context class reference values" }, "expectedReturnAcrValue": { "message": "Expected \"acr\" claim value in response" }, "spEntityId": { "message": "SP entity ID" }, "spMetadataUrl": { "message": "SAML 2.0 metadata URL" }, "spAcsUrl": { "message": "Assertion consumer service (ACS) URL" }, "spNameIdFormat": { "message": "Name ID format" }, "spOutboundSigningAlgorithm": { "message": "Outbound signing algorithm" }, "spSigningBehavior": { "message": "Signing behavior" }, "spMinIncomingSigningAlgorithm": { "message": "Minimum incoming signing algorithm" }, "spWantAssertionsSigned": { "message": "Expect signed assertions" }, "spValidateCertificates": { "message": "Validate certificates" }, "spUniqueEntityId": { "message": "Set a unique SP entity ID" }, "spUniqueEntityIdDesc": { "message": "Generate an identifier that is unique to your organization" }, "idpEntityId": { "message": "Entity ID" }, "idpBindingType": { "message": "Binding type" }, "idpSingleSignOnServiceUrl": { "message": "Single sign-on service URL" }, "idpSingleLogoutServiceUrl": { "message": "Single log-out service URL" }, "idpX509PublicCert": { "message": "X509 public certificate" }, "idpOutboundSigningAlgorithm": { "message": "Outbound signing algorithm" }, "idpAllowUnsolicitedAuthnResponse": { "message": "Allow unsolicited authentication response" }, "idpAllowOutboundLogoutRequests": { "message": "Allow outbound logout requests" }, "idpSignAuthenticationRequests": { "message": "Sign authentication requests" }, "ssoSettingsSaved": { "message": "Single sign-on configuration saved" }, "sponsoredFamilies": { "message": "Free Bitwarden Families" }, "sponsoredFamiliesEligible": { "message": "You and your family are eligible for Free Bitwarden Families. Redeem with your personal email to keep your data secure even when you are not at work." }, "sponsoredFamiliesEligibleCard": { "message": "Redeem your Free Bitwarden for Families plan today to keep your data secure even when you are not at work." }, "sponsoredFamiliesInclude": { "message": "The Bitwarden for Families plan include" }, "sponsoredFamiliesPremiumAccess": { "message": "Premium access for up to 6 users" }, "sponsoredFamiliesSharedCollections": { "message": "Shared collections for Family secrets" }, "badToken": { "message": "The link is no longer valid. Please have the sponsor resend the offer." }, "reclaimedFreePlan": { "message": "Reclaimed free plan" }, "redeem": { "message": "Redeem" }, "sponsoredFamiliesSelectOffer": { "message": "Select the organization you would like sponsored" }, "familiesSponsoringOrgSelect": { "message": "Which Free Families offer would you like to redeem?" }, "sponsoredFamiliesEmail": { "message": "Enter your personal email to redeem Bitwarden Families" }, "sponsoredFamiliesLeaveCopy": { "message": "If you remove an offer or are removed from the sponsoring organization, your Families sponsorship will expire at the next renewal date." }, "acceptBitwardenFamiliesHelp": { "message": "Accept offer for an existing organization or create a new Families organization." }, "setupSponsoredFamiliesLoginDesc": { "message": "You've been offered a free Bitwarden Families plan organization. To continue, you need to log in to the account that received the offer." }, "sponsoredFamiliesAcceptFailed": { "message": "Unable to accept offer. Please resend the offer email from your Enterprise account and try again." }, "sponsoredFamiliesAcceptFailedShort": { "message": "Unable to accept offer. $DESCRIPTION$", "placeholders": { "description": { "content": "$1", "example": "You must have at least one existing Families organization." } } }, "sponsoredFamiliesOffer": { "message": "Accept Free Bitwarden Families" }, "sponsoredFamiliesOfferRedeemed": { "message": "Free Bitwarden Families offer successfully redeemed" }, "redeemed": { "message": "Redeemed" }, "redeemedAccount": { "message": "Account redeemed" }, "revokeAccount": { "message": "Revoke account $NAME$", "placeholders": { "name": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Sponsorship Name" } } }, "resendEmailLabel": { "message": "Resend sponsorship email to $NAME$ sponsorship", "placeholders": { "name": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Sponsorship Name" } } }, "freeFamiliesPlan": { "message": "Free Families plan" }, "redeemNow": { "message": "Redeem now" }, "recipient": { "message": "Recipient" }, "removeSponsorship": { "message": "Remove sponsorship" }, "removeSponsorshipConfirmation": { "message": "After removing a sponsorship, you will be responsible for this subscription and related invoices. Are you sure you want to continue?" }, "sponsorshipCreated": { "message": "Sponsorship created" }, "emailSent": { "message": "E-kiri on saadetud" }, "revokeSponsorshipConfirmation": { "message": "After removing this account, the Families plan sponsorship will expire at the end of the billing period. You will not be able to redeem a new sponsorship offer until the existing one expires. Are you sure you want to continue?" }, "removeSponsorshipSuccess": { "message": "Sponsorship removed" }, "ssoKeyConnectorError": { "message": "Key Connectori viga: veendu, et Key Connector on saadaval ja töötab korrektselt." }, "keyConnectorUrl": { "message": "Key Connectori URL" }, "sendVerificationCode": { "message": "Saada kinnituskood oma e-postile" }, "sendCode": { "message": "Saada kood" }, "codeSent": { "message": "Kood on saadetud" }, "verificationCode": { "message": "Verification code" }, "confirmIdentity": { "message": "Jätkamiseks kinnita oma identiteet." }, "verificationCodeRequired": { "message": "Verification code is required." }, "invalidVerificationCode": { "message": "Invalid verification code" }, "convertOrganizationEncryptionDesc": { "message": "$ORGANIZATION$ is using SSO with a self-hosted key server. A master password is no longer required to log in for members of this organization.", "placeholders": { "organization": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Org Name" } } }, "leaveOrganization": { "message": "Leave organization" }, "removeMasterPassword": { "message": "Remove master password" }, "removedMasterPassword": { "message": "Master password removed" }, "allowSso": { "message": "Allow SSO authentication" }, "allowSsoDesc": { "message": "Once set up, your configuration will be saved and members will be able to authenticate using their Identity Provider credentials." }, "ssoPolicyHelpStart": { "message": "Use the", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Use the require single-sign-on authentication policy to require all members to log in with SSO.'" }, "ssoPolicyHelpAnchor": { "message": "require single sign-on authentication policy", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Use the require single-sign-on authentication policy to require all members to log in with SSO.'" }, "ssoPolicyHelpEnd": { "message": "to require all members to log in with SSO.", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Use the require single-sign-on authentication policy to require all members to log in with SSO.'" }, "memberDecryptionOption": { "message": "Member decryption options" }, "memberDecryptionPassDesc": { "message": "Once authenticated, members will decrypt vault data using their master passwords." }, "keyConnector": { "message": "Key Connector" }, "memberDecryptionKeyConnectorDescStart": { "message": "Connect login with SSO to your self-hosted decryption key server. Using this option, members won’t need to use their master passwords to decrypt vault data. The", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Connect login with SSO to your self-hosted decryption key server. Using this option, members won’t need to use their master passwords to decrypt vault data. The require SSO authentication and single organization policies are required to set up Key Connector decryption. Contact Bitwarden Support for set up assistance.'" }, "memberDecryptionKeyConnectorDescLink": { "message": "require SSO authentication and single organization policies", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Connect login with SSO to your self-hosted decryption key server. Using this option, members won’t need to use their master passwords to decrypt vault data. The require SSO authentication and single organization policies are required to set up Key Connector decryption. Contact Bitwarden Support for set up assistance.'" }, "memberDecryptionKeyConnectorDescEnd": { "message": "are required to set up Key Connector decryption. Contact Bitwarden Support for set up assistance.", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Connect login with SSO to your self-hosted decryption key server. Using this option, members won’t need to use their master passwords to decrypt vault data. The require SSO authentication and single organization policies are required to set up Key Connector decryption. Contact Bitwarden Support for set up assistance.'" }, "keyConnectorPolicyRestriction": { "message": "\"Login with SSO and Key Connector Decryption\" is activated. This policy will only apply to owners and admins." }, "enabledSso": { "message": "SSO turned on" }, "disabledSso": { "message": "SSO turned on" }, "enabledKeyConnector": { "message": "Key Connector activated" }, "disabledKeyConnector": { "message": "Key Connector deactivated" }, "keyConnectorWarning": { "message": "Once members begin using Key Connector, your organization cannot revert to master password decryption. Proceed only if you are comfortable deploying and managing a key server." }, "migratedKeyConnector": { "message": "Migrated to Key Connector" }, "paymentSponsored": { "message": "Please provide a payment method to associate with the organization. Don't worry, we won't charge you anything unless you select additional features or your sponsorship expires. " }, "orgCreatedSponsorshipInvalid": { "message": "The sponsorship offer has expired. You may delete the organization you created to avoid a charge at the end of your 7 day trial. Otherwise you may close this prompt to keep the organization and assume billing responsibility." }, "newFamiliesOrganization": { "message": "New Families organization" }, "acceptOffer": { "message": "Accept offer" }, "sponsoringOrg": { "message": "Sponsoring organization" }, "keyConnectorTest": { "message": "Testi" }, "keyConnectorTestSuccess": { "message": "Õnnestus! Key Connectoriga saadi ühendust." }, "keyConnectorTestFail": { "message": "Key Connectoriga ei saa ühendust. Kontrolli URL-i." }, "sponsorshipTokenHasExpired": { "message": "The sponsorship offer has expired." }, "freeWithSponsorship": { "message": "FREE with sponsorship" }, "viewBillingSyncToken": { "message": "View billing sync token" }, "generateBillingSyncToken": { "message": "Generate billing sync token" }, "copyPasteBillingSync": { "message": "Copy and paste this token into the billing sync settings of your self-hosted organization." }, "billingSyncCanAccess": { "message": "Your billing sync token can access and edit this organization's subscription settings." }, "manageBillingSync": { "message": "Manage billing sync" }, "setUpBillingSync": { "message": "Set up billing sync" }, "generateToken": { "message": "Generate token" }, "rotateToken": { "message": "Rotate token" }, "rotateBillingSyncTokenWarning": { "message": "If you proceed, you will need to re-setup billing sync on your self-hosted server." }, "rotateBillingSyncTokenTitle": { "message": "Rotating the billing sync token will invalidate the previous token." }, "selfHostingTitle": { "message": "Self-hosting" }, "selfHostingEnterpriseOrganizationSectionCopy": { "message": "To set-up your organization on your own server, you will need to upload your license file. To support Free Families plans and advanced billing capabilities for your self-hosted organization, you will need to set up billing sync." }, "billingSyncApiKeyRotated": { "message": "Token rotated" }, "billingSyncDesc": { "message": "Billing sync unlocks Families sponsorships and automatic license syncing on your server. After making updates in the Bitwarden cloud server, select Sync License to apply changes." }, "billingSyncKeyDesc": { "message": "A billing sync token from your cloud organization's subscription settings is required to complete this form." }, "billingSyncKey": { "message": "Billing sync token" }, "active": { "message": "Active" }, "inactive": { "message": "Inactive" }, "sentAwaitingSync": { "message": "Sent (awaiting sync)" }, "sent": { "message": "Sent" }, "requestRemoved": { "message": "Removed (awaiting sync)" }, "requested": { "message": "Requested" }, "formErrorSummaryPlural": { "message": "$COUNT$ fields above need your attention.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "5" } } }, "formErrorSummarySingle": { "message": "1 field above needs your attention." }, "fieldRequiredError": { "message": "$FIELDNAME$ is required.", "placeholders": { "fieldname": { "content": "$1", "example": "Full name" } } }, "required": { "message": "required" }, "charactersCurrentAndMaximum": { "message": "$CURRENT$/$MAX$ character maximum", "placeholders": { "current": { "content": "$1", "example": "0" }, "max": { "content": "$2", "example": "100" } } }, "characterMaximum": { "message": "$MAX$ character maximum", "placeholders": { "max": { "content": "$1", "example": "100" } } }, "idpSingleSignOnServiceUrlRequired": { "message": "Required if Entity ID is not a URL." }, "openIdOptionalCustomizations": { "message": "Optional customizations" }, "openIdAuthorityRequired": { "message": "Required if Authority is not valid." }, "separateMultipleWithComma": { "message": "Separate multiple with a comma." }, "sessionTimeout": { "message": "Your session has timed out. Please go back and try logging in again." }, "exportingPersonalVaultTitle": { "message": "Personaalse hoidla eksportimine" }, "exportingOrganizationVaultTitle": { "message": "Exporting organization vault" }, "exportingIndividualVaultDescription": { "message": "Only the individual vault items associated with $EMAIL$ will be exported. Organization vault items will not be included. Only vault item information will be exported and will not include associated attachments.", "placeholders": { "email": { "content": "$1", "example": "name@example.com" } } }, "exportingOrganizationVaultDesc": { "message": "Only the organization vault associated with $ORGANIZATION$ will be exported. Items in individual vaults or other organizations will not be included.", "placeholders": { "organization": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Org Name" } } }, "accessDenied": { "message": "Ligipääs keelatud. Sul pole lubatud seda lehekülge vaadata." }, "masterPassword": { "message": "Ülemparool" }, "security": { "message": "Turvalisus" }, "keys": { "message": "Võtmed" }, "billingHistory": { "message": "Arvete ajalugu" }, "backToReports": { "message": "Tagasi raportite juurde" }, "organizationPicker": { "message": "Organisatsiooni valik" }, "currentOrganization": { "message": "Praegune organisatsioon", "description": "This is used by screen readers to indicate the organization that is currently being shown to the user." }, "accountLoggedInAsName": { "message": "Account: Logged in as $NAME$", "placeholders": { "name": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "accountSettings": { "message": "Konto seaded" }, "generator": { "message": "Genereerija" }, "whatWouldYouLikeToGenerate": { "message": "Mida sa soovid genereerida?" }, "passwordType": { "message": "Parooli tüüp" }, "regenerateUsername": { "message": "Genereeri kasutajanimi uuesti" }, "generateUsername": { "message": "Genereeri kasutajanimi" }, "usernameType": { "message": "Kasutajanime tüüp" }, "plusAddressedEmail": { "message": "Plussiga e-posti aadress", "description": "Username generator option that appends a random sub-address to the username. For example: address+subaddress@email.com" }, "plusAddressedEmailDesc": { "message": "Kasuta e-posti teenuspakkuja alamadressimise võimalusi." }, "catchallEmail": { "message": "Kogumisaadress" }, "catchallEmailDesc": { "message": "Kasuta domeenipõhist kogumisaadressi." }, "random": { "message": "Juhuslik", "description": "Generates domain-based username using random letters" }, "randomWord": { "message": "Juhuslik sõna" }, "service": { "message": "Teenus" }, "unknownCipher": { "message": "Unknown item, you may need to request permission to access this item." }, "cannotSponsorSelf": { "message": "You cannot redeem for the active account. Enter a different email." }, "revokeWhenExpired": { "message": "Expires $DATE$", "placeholders": { "date": { "content": "$1", "example": "12/31/2020" } } }, "awaitingSyncSingular": { "message": "Token rotated $DAYS$ day ago. Update the billing sync token in your self-hosted organization settings.", "placeholders": { "days": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" } } }, "awaitingSyncPlural": { "message": "Token rotated $DAYS$ days ago. Update the billing sync token in your self-hosted organization settings.", "placeholders": { "days": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" } } }, "lastSync": { "message": "Last sync", "description": "Used as a prefix to indicate the last time a sync occured. Example \"Last sync 1968-11-16 00:00:00\"" }, "sponsorshipsSynced": { "message": "Self-hosted sponsorships synced." }, "billingManagedByProvider": { "message": "Haldab $PROVIDER$", "placeholders": { "provider": { "content": "$1", "example": "Managed Services Company" } } }, "billingContactProviderForAssistance": { "message": "Please reach out to them for further assistance", "description": "This text is displayed if an organization's billing is managed by a Provider. It tells the user to contact the Provider for assistance." }, "forwardedEmail": { "message": "Edastav e-posti alias" }, "forwardedEmailDesc": { "message": "Genereeri e-posti alias, kasutades selleks välist teenuspakkujat." }, "hostname": { "message": "Hosti nimi", "description": "Part of a URL." }, "apiAccessToken": { "message": "API ligipääsu märk" }, "deviceVerification": { "message": "Seadme kinnitamine" }, "enableDeviceVerification": { "message": "Lülita seadme kinnitamine sisse" }, "deviceVerificationDesc": { "message": "Sisselülitamisel saadetakse sinu e-postile kinnituskood, kui sisselogimine toimub tundmatust seadmest" }, "updatedDeviceVerification": { "message": "Updated device verification" }, "areYouSureYouWantToEnableDeviceVerificationTheVerificationCodeEmailsWillArriveAtX": { "message": "Are you sure you want to turn on device verification? The verification code emails will arrive at: $EMAIL$", "placeholders": { "email": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Email" } } }, "premiumSubcriptionRequired": { "message": "Premium subscription required" }, "scim": { "message": "SCIM provisioning", "description": "The text, 'SCIM', is an acronymn and should not be translated." }, "scimDescription": { "message": "Automatically provision users and groups with your preferred identity provider via SCIM provisioning", "description": "the text, 'SCIM', is an acronymn and should not be translated." }, "scimEnabledCheckboxDesc": { "message": "Enable SCIM", "description": "the text, 'SCIM', is an acronymn and should not be translated." }, "scimEnabledCheckboxDescHelpText": { "message": "Set up your preferred identity provider by configuring the URL and SCIM API Key", "description": "the text, 'SCIM', is an acronymn and should not be translated." }, "scimApiKeyHelperText": { "message": "This API key has access to manage users within your organization. It should be kept secret." }, "copyScimKey": { "message": "Copy the SCIM API key to your clipboard", "description": "the text, 'SCIM' and 'API', are acronymns and should not be translated." }, "rotateScimKey": { "message": "Rotate the SCIM API key", "description": "the text, 'SCIM' and 'API', are acronymns and should not be translated." }, "rotateScimKeyWarning": { "message": "Are you sure you want to rotate the SCIM API Key? The current key will no longer work for any existing integrations.", "description": "the text, 'SCIM' and 'API', are acronymns and should not be translated." }, "rotateKey": { "message": "Rotate key" }, "scimApiKey": { "message": "SCIM API key", "description": "the text, 'SCIM' and 'API', are acronymns and should not be translated." }, "copyScimUrl": { "message": "Copy the SCIM endpoint URL to your clipboard", "description": "the text, 'SCIM' and 'URL', are acronymns and should not be translated." }, "scimUrl": { "message": "SCIM URL", "description": "the text, 'SCIM' and 'URL', are acronymns and should not be translated." }, "scimApiKeyRotated": { "message": "SCIM API key successfully rotated", "description": "the text, 'SCIM' and 'API', are acronymns and should not be translated." }, "scimSettingsSaved": { "message": "SCIM settings saved", "description": "the text, 'SCIM', is an acronymn and should not be translated." }, "inputRequired": { "message": "Sisestus on nõutav." }, "inputEmail": { "message": "Tegu pole e-posti aadressiga." }, "inputMinLength": { "message": "Sisend peab olema vähemalt $COUNT$ tähemärki pikk.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "8" } } }, "inputMaxLength": { "message": "Input must not exceed $COUNT$ characters in length.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "20" } } }, "inputForbiddenCharacters": { "message": "The following characters are not allowed: $CHARACTERS$", "placeholders": { "characters": { "content": "$1", "example": "@, #, $, %" } } }, "inputMinValue": { "message": "Input value must be at least $MIN$.", "placeholders": { "min": { "content": "$1", "example": "8" } } }, "inputMaxValue": { "message": "Input value must not exceed $MAX$.", "placeholders": { "max": { "content": "$1", "example": "100" } } }, "multipleInputEmails": { "message": "1 or more emails are invalid" }, "tooManyEmails": { "message": "You can only submit up to $COUNT$ emails at a time", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "20" } } }, "fieldsNeedAttention": { "message": "$COUNT$ välja vajab sinu tähelepanu.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "4" } } }, "launchDuoAndFollowStepsToFinishLoggingIn": { "message": "Launch Duo and follow the steps to finish logging in." }, "duoRequiredByOrgForAccount": { "message": "Duo two-step login is required for your account." }, "launchDuo": { "message": "Launch Duo" }, "turnOn": { "message": "Turn on" }, "on": { "message": "On" }, "off": { "message": "Off" }, "members": { "message": "Members" }, "reporting": { "message": "Reporting" }, "numberOfUsers": { "message": "Kasutajate arv" }, "loggingInAs": { "message": "Sisselogimas kui" }, "notYou": { "message": "Pole sina?" }, "pickAnAvatarColor": { "message": "Pick an avatar color" }, "customizeAvatar": { "message": "Customize avatar" }, "avatarUpdated": { "message": "Avatar updated" }, "brightBlue": { "message": "Bright Blue" }, "green": { "message": "Green" }, "orange": { "message": "Orange" }, "lavender": { "message": "Lavender" }, "yellow": { "message": "Yellow" }, "indigo": { "message": "Indigo" }, "teal": { "message": "Teal" }, "salmon": { "message": "Salmon" }, "pink": { "message": "Pink" }, "customColor": { "message": "Custom Color" }, "selectPlaceholder": { "message": "-- Select --" }, "multiSelectPlaceholder": { "message": "-- Type to filter --" }, "multiSelectLoading": { "message": "Retrieving options..." }, "multiSelectNotFound": { "message": "No items found" }, "multiSelectClearAll": { "message": "Clear all" }, "toggleCharacterCount": { "message": "Toggle character count", "description": "'Character count' describes a feature that displays a number next to each character of the password." }, "passwordCharacterCount": { "message": "Password character count", "description": "'Character count' describes a feature that displays a number next to each character of the password." }, "hide": { "message": "Hide" }, "projects": { "message": "Projects", "description": "Description for the Projects field." }, "lastEdited": { "message": "Last edited", "description": "The label for the date and time when a item was last edited." }, "editSecret": { "message": "Edit secret", "description": "Action to modify an existing secret." }, "addSecret": { "message": "Add secret", "description": "Action to create a new secret." }, "copySecretName": { "message": "Copy secret name", "description": "Action to copy the name of a secret to the system's clipboard." }, "copySecretValue": { "message": "Copy secret value", "description": "Action to copy the value of a secret to the system's clipboard." }, "deleteSecret": { "message": "Delete secret", "description": "Action to delete a single secret from the system." }, "deleteSecrets": { "message": "Delete secrets", "description": "The action to delete multiple secrets from the system." }, "hardDeleteSecret": { "message": "Permanently delete secret" }, "hardDeleteSecrets": { "message": "Permanently delete secrets" }, "secretProjectAssociationDescription": { "message": "Select projects that the secret will be associated with. Only organization users with access to these projects will be able to see the secret.", "description": "A prompt explaining how secrets can be associated with projects." }, "selectProjects": { "message": "Select projects", "description": "A label for a type-to-filter input field to choose projects." }, "searchProjects": { "message": "Search projects", "description": "Label for the search bar used to search projects." }, "project": { "message": "Project", "description": "Similar to collections, projects can be used to group secrets." }, "editProject": { "message": "Edit project", "description": "The action to modify an existing project." }, "viewProject": { "message": "View project", "description": "The action to view details of a project." }, "deleteProject": { "message": "Delete project", "description": "The action to delete a project from the system." }, "deleteProjects": { "message": "Delete projects", "description": "The action to delete multiple projects from the system." }, "secret": { "message": "Secret", "description": "Label for a secret (key/value pair)" }, "serviceAccount": { "message": "Service account", "description": "A machine user which can be used to automate processes and access secrets in the system." }, "serviceAccounts": { "message": "Service accounts", "description": "The title for the section that deals with service accounts." }, "secrets": { "message": "Secrets", "description": "The title for the section of the application that deals with secrets." }, "nameValuePair": { "message": "Name/Value pair", "description": "Title for a name/ value pair. Secrets typically consist of a name and value pair." }, "secretEdited": { "message": "Secret edited", "description": "Notification for the successful editing of a secret." }, "secretCreated": { "message": "Secret created", "description": "Notification for the successful creation of a secret." }, "newSecret": { "message": "New secret", "description": "Title for creating a new secret." }, "newServiceAccount": { "message": "New service account", "description": "Title for creating a new service account." }, "secretsNoItemsTitle": { "message": "No secrets to show", "description": "Empty state to indicate that there are no secrets to display." }, "secretsNoItemsMessage": { "message": "To get started, add a new secret or import secrets.", "description": "Message to encourage the user to start adding secrets." }, "secretsTrashNoItemsMessage": { "message": "There are no secrets in the trash." }, "serviceAccountsNoItemsMessage": { "message": "Create a new service account to get started automating secret access.", "description": "Message to encourage the user to start creating service accounts." }, "serviceAccountsNoItemsTitle": { "message": "Nothing to show yet", "description": "Title to indicate that there are no service accounts to display." }, "searchSecrets": { "message": "Search secrets", "description": "Placeholder text for searching secrets." }, "deleteServiceAccounts": { "message": "Delete service accounts", "description": "Title for the action to delete one or multiple service accounts." }, "deleteServiceAccount": { "message": "Delete service account", "description": "Title for the action to delete a single service account." }, "viewServiceAccount": { "message": "View service account", "description": "Action to view the details of a service account." }, "deleteServiceAccountDialogMessage": { "message": "Deleting service account $SERVICE_ACCOUNT$ is permanent and irreversible.", "placeholders": { "service_account": { "content": "$1", "example": "Service account name" } } }, "deleteServiceAccountsDialogMessage": { "message": "Deleting service accounts is permanent and irreversible." }, "deleteServiceAccountsConfirmMessage": { "message": "Delete $COUNT$ service accounts", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "deleteServiceAccountToast": { "message": "Service account deleted" }, "deleteServiceAccountsToast": { "message": "Service accounts deleted" }, "searchServiceAccounts": { "message": "Search service accounts", "description": "Placeholder text for searching service accounts." }, "editServiceAccount": { "message": "Edit service account", "description": "Title for editing a service account." }, "addProject": { "message": "Add project", "description": "Title for creating a new project." }, "projectEdited": { "message": "Project edited", "description": "Notification for the successful editing of a project." }, "projectSaved": { "message": "Project saved", "description": "Notification for the successful saving of a project." }, "projectCreated": { "message": "Project created", "description": "Notification for the successful creation of a project." }, "projectName": { "message": "Project name", "description": "Label for entering the name of a project." }, "newProject": { "message": "New project", "description": "Title for creating a new project." }, "softDeleteSecretWarning": { "message": "Deleting secrets can affect existing integrations.", "description": "Warns that deleting secrets can have consequences on integrations" }, "softDeletesSuccessToast": { "message": "Secrets sent to trash", "description": "Notifies that the selected secrets have been moved to the trash" }, "hardDeleteSecretConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this secret?" }, "hardDeleteSecretsConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete these secrets?" }, "hardDeletesSuccessToast": { "message": "Secrets permanently deleted" }, "smAccess": { "message": "Access", "description": "Title indicating what permissions a service account has" }, "projectCommaSecret": { "message": "Project, Secret", "description": "" }, "serviceAccountName": { "message": "Service account name", "description": "Label for the name of a service account" }, "serviceAccountCreated": { "message": "Service account created", "description": "Notifies that a new service account has been created" }, "serviceAccountUpdated": { "message": "Service account updated", "description": "Notifies that a service account has been updated" }, "newSaSelectAccess": { "message": "Type or select projects or secrets", "description": "Instructions for selecting projects or secrets for a new service account" }, "newSaTypeToFilter": { "message": "Type to filter", "description": "Instructions for filtering a list of projects or secrets" }, "deleteProjectsToast": { "message": "Projects deleted", "description": "Notifies that the selected projects have been deleted" }, "deleteProjectToast": { "message": "Project deleted", "description": "Notifies that a project has been deleted" }, "deleteProjectDialogMessage": { "message": "Deleting project $PROJECT$ is permanent and irreversible.", "description": "Informs users that projects are hard deleted and not sent to trash", "placeholders": { "project": { "content": "$1", "example": "project name" } } }, "deleteProjectInputLabel": { "message": "Type \"$CONFIRM$\" to continue", "description": "Users are prompted to type 'confirm' to delete a project", "placeholders": { "confirm": { "content": "$1", "example": "Delete 3 projects" } } }, "deleteProjectConfirmMessage": { "message": "Delete $PROJECT$", "description": "Confirmation prompt to delete a specific project, where '$PROJECT$' is a placeholder for the name of the project.", "placeholders": { "project": { "content": "$1", "example": "project name" } } }, "deleteProjectsConfirmMessage": { "message": "Delete $COUNT$ Projects", "description": "Confirmation prompt to delete multiple projects, where '$COUNT$' is a placeholder for the number of projects to be deleted.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "deleteProjectsDialogMessage": { "message": "Deleting projects is permanent and irreversible.", "description": "This message is displayed in a dialog box as a warning before proceeding with project deletion." }, "projectsNoItemsTitle": { "message": "No projects to display", "description": "Empty state to be displayed when there are no projects to display in the list." }, "projectsNoItemsMessage": { "message": "Add a new project to get started organizing secrets.", "description": "Message to be displayed when there are no projects to display in the list." }, "smConfirmationRequired": { "message": "Confirmation required", "description": "Indicates that user confirmation is required for an action to proceed." }, "bulkDeleteProjectsErrorMessage": { "message": "The following projects could not be deleted:", "description": "Message to be displayed when there is an error during bulk project deletion." }, "softDeleteSuccessToast": { "message": "Secret sent to trash", "description": "Notification to be displayed when a secret is successfully sent to the trash." }, "hardDeleteSuccessToast": { "message": "Secret permanently deleted" }, "accessTokens": { "message": "Access tokens", "description": "Title for the section displaying access tokens." }, "newAccessToken": { "message": "New access token", "description": "Button label for creating a new access token." }, "expires": { "message": "Expires", "description": "Label for the expiration date of an access token." }, "canRead": { "message": "Can read", "description": "Label for the access level of an access token (Read only)." }, "accessTokensNoItemsTitle": { "message": "No access tokens to show", "description": "Title to be displayed when there are no access tokens to display in the list." }, "accessTokensNoItemsDesc": { "message": "To get started, create an access token", "description": "Message to be displayed when there are no access tokens to display in the list." }, "downloadAccessToken": { "message": "Download or copy before closing.", "description": "Message to be displayed before closing an access token, reminding the user to download or copy it." }, "expiresOnAccessToken": { "message": "Expires on:", "description": "Label for the expiration date of an access token." }, "accessTokenCallOutTitle": { "message": "Access tokens are not stored and cannot be retrieved", "description": "Notification to inform the user that access tokens are only displayed once and cannot be retrieved again." }, "copyToken": { "message": "Copy token", "description": "Copies the generated access token to the user's clipboard." }, "accessToken": { "message": "Access token", "description": "A unique string that gives a client application (eg. CLI) access to a secret or set of secrets." }, "accessTokenExpirationRequired": { "message": "Expiration date required", "description": "Error message indicating that an expiration date for the access token must be set." }, "accessTokenCreatedAndCopied": { "message": "Access token created and copied to clipboard", "description": "Notification to inform the user that the access token has been created and copied to the clipboard." }, "revokeAccessToken": { "message": "Revoke access token", "description": "Invalidates / cancels an access token and as such removes access to secrets for the client application." }, "revokeAccessTokens": { "message": "Revoke access tokens" }, "revokeAccessTokenDesc": { "message": "Revoking access tokens is permanent and irreversible." }, "accessTokenRevoked": { "message": "Access tokens revoked", "description": "Toast message after deleting one or multiple access tokens." }, "noAccessTokenSelected": { "message": "No access token selected to revoke", "description": "Toast error message after trying to delete access tokens but not selecting any access tokens." }, "submenu": { "message": "Submenu" }, "from": { "message": "From" }, "to": { "message": "To" }, "member": { "message": "Member" }, "update": { "message": "Update" }, "plusNMore": { "message": "+ $QUANTITY$ more", "placeholders": { "quantity": { "content": "$1", "example": "5" } } }, "groupInfo": { "message": "Group info" }, "editGroupMembersDesc": { "message": "Grant members access to the group's assigned collections." }, "editGroupCollectionsDesc": { "message": "Grant access to collections by adding them to this group." }, "accessAllCollectionsDesc": { "message": "Grant access to all current and future collections." }, "accessAllCollectionsHelp": { "message": "If checked, this will replace all other collection permissions." }, "selectMembers": { "message": "Select members" }, "selectCollections": { "message": "Select collections" }, "role": { "message": "Role" }, "removeMember": { "message": "Remove member" }, "collection": { "message": "Collection" }, "noCollection": { "message": "No collection" }, "canView": { "message": "Can view" }, "canViewExceptPass": { "message": "Can view, except passwords" }, "canEdit": { "message": "Can edit" }, "canEditExceptPass": { "message": "Can edit, except passwords" }, "noCollectionsAdded": { "message": "No collections added" }, "noMembersAdded": { "message": "No members added" }, "noGroupsAdded": { "message": "No groups added" }, "group": { "message": "Group" }, "groupAccessAll": { "message": "This group can access and modify all items." }, "memberAccessAll": { "message": "This member can access and modify all items." }, "domainVerification": { "message": "Domain verification" }, "newDomain": { "message": "New domain" }, "noDomains": { "message": "No domains" }, "noDomainsSubText": { "message": "Connecting a domain allows members to skip the SSO identifier field during Login with SSO." }, "verifyDomain": { "message": "Verify domain" }, "reverifyDomain": { "message": "Reverify domain" }, "copyDnsTxtRecord": { "message": "Copy DNS TXT record" }, "dnsTxtRecord": { "message": "DNS TXT record" }, "dnsTxtRecordInputHint": { "message": "Copy and paste the TXT record into your DNS Provider." }, "domainNameInputHint": { "message": "Example: mydomain.com. Subdomains require separate entries to be verified." }, "automaticDomainVerification": { "message": "Automatic Domain Verification" }, "automaticDomainVerificationProcess": { "message": "Bitwarden will attempt to verify the domain 3 times during the first 72 hours. If the domain can’t be verified, check the DNS record in your host and manually verify. The domain will be removed from your organization in 7 days if it is not verified" }, "invalidDomainNameMessage": { "message": "Input is not a valid format. Format: mydomain.com. Subdomains require separate entries to be verified." }, "removeDomain": { "message": "Remove domain" }, "removeDomainWarning": { "message": "Removing a domain cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to continue?" }, "domainRemoved": { "message": "Domain removed" }, "domainSaved": { "message": "Domain saved" }, "domainVerified": { "message": "Domain verified" }, "duplicateDomainError": { "message": "You can't claim the same domain twice." }, "domainNotAvailable": { "message": "Someone else is using $DOMAIN$. Use a different domain to continue.", "placeholders": { "DOMAIN": { "content": "$1", "example": "bitwarden.com" } } }, "domainNotVerified": { "message": "$DOMAIN$ not verified. Check your DNS record.", "placeholders": { "DOMAIN": { "content": "$1", "example": "bitwarden.com" } } }, "domainStatusVerified": { "message": "Verified" }, "domainStatusUnverified": { "message": "Unverified" }, "domainNameTh": { "message": "Name" }, "domainStatusTh": { "message": "Status" }, "lastChecked": { "message": "Last checked" }, "editDomain": { "message": "Edit domain" }, "domainFormInvalid": { "message": "There are form errors that need your attention" }, "addedDomain": { "message": "Added domain $DOMAIN$", "placeholders": { "DOMAIN": { "content": "$1", "example": "bitwarden.com" } } }, "removedDomain": { "message": "Removed domain $DOMAIN$", "placeholders": { "DOMAIN": { "content": "$1", "example": "bitwarden.com" } } }, "domainVerifiedEvent": { "message": "$DOMAIN$ verified", "placeholders": { "DOMAIN": { "content": "$1", "example": "bitwarden.com" } } }, "domainNotVerifiedEvent": { "message": "$DOMAIN$ not verified", "placeholders": { "DOMAIN": { "content": "$1", "example": "bitwarden.com" } } }, "verificationRequiredForActionSetPinToContinue": { "message": "Verification required for this action. Set a PIN to continue." }, "setPin": { "message": "Set PIN" }, "verifyWithBiometrics": { "message": "Verify with biometrics" }, "awaitingConfirmation": { "message": "Awaiting confirmation" }, "couldNotCompleteBiometrics": { "message": "Could not complete biometrics." }, "needADifferentMethod": { "message": "Need a different method?" }, "useMasterPassword": { "message": "Use master password" }, "usePin": { "message": "Use PIN" }, "useBiometrics": { "message": "Use biometrics" }, "enterVerificationCodeSentToEmail": { "message": "Enter the verification code that was sent to your email." }, "resendCode": { "message": "Resend code" }, "memberColumnHeader": { "message": "Member" }, "groupSlashMemberColumnHeader": { "message": "Group/Member" }, "selectGroupsAndMembers": { "message": "Select groups and members" }, "selectGroups": { "message": "Select groups" }, "userPermissionOverrideHelper": { "message": "Permissions set for a member will replace permissions set by that member's group" }, "noMembersOrGroupsAdded": { "message": "No members or groups added" }, "deleted": { "message": "Deleted" }, "memberStatusFilter": { "message": "Member status filter" }, "inviteMember": { "message": "Invite member" }, "needsConfirmation": { "message": "Needs confirmation" }, "memberRole": { "message": "Member role" }, "moreFromBitwarden": { "message": "More from Bitwarden" }, "switchProducts": { "message": "Switch products" }, "freeOrgInvLimitReachedManageBilling": { "message": "Free organizations may have up to $SEATCOUNT$ members. Upgrade to a paid plan to invite more members.", "placeholders": { "seatcount": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "freeOrgInvLimitReachedNoManageBilling": { "message": "Free organizations may have up to $SEATCOUNT$ members. Contact your organization owner to upgrade.", "placeholders": { "seatcount": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "teamsStarterPlanInvLimitReachedManageBilling": { "message": "Teams Starter plans may have up to $SEATCOUNT$ members. Upgrade to your plan to invite more members.", "placeholders": { "seatcount": { "content": "$1", "example": "10" } } }, "teamsStarterPlanInvLimitReachedNoManageBilling": { "message": "Teams Starter plans may have up to $SEATCOUNT$ members. Contact your organization owner to upgrade your plan and invite more members.", "placeholders": { "seatcount": { "content": "$1", "example": "10" } } }, "freeOrgMaxCollectionReachedManageBilling": { "message": "Free organizations may have up to $COLLECTIONCOUNT$ collections. Upgrade to a paid plan to add more collections.", "placeholders": { "COLLECTIONCOUNT": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "freeOrgMaxCollectionReachedNoManageBilling": { "message": "Free organizations may have up to $COLLECTIONCOUNT$ collections. Contact your organization owner to upgrade.", "placeholders": { "COLLECTIONCOUNT": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "server": { "message": "Server" }, "exportData": { "message": "Export data" }, "exportingOrganizationSecretDataTitle": { "message": "Exporting Organization Secret Data" }, "exportingOrganizationSecretDataDescription": { "message": "Only the Secrets Manager data associated with $ORGANIZATION$ will be exported. Items in other products or from other organizations will not be included.", "placeholders": { "ORGANIZATION": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Org Name" } } }, "fileUpload": { "message": "File upload" }, "acceptedFormats": { "message": "Accepted Formats:" }, "copyPasteImportContents": { "message": "Copy & paste import contents:" }, "or": { "message": "or" }, "licenseAndBillingManagement": { "message": "License and billing management" }, "automaticSync": { "message": "Automatic sync" }, "manualUpload": { "message": "Manual upload" }, "manualUploadDesc": { "message": "If you do not want to opt into billing sync, manually upload your license here." }, "syncLicense": { "message": "Sync license" }, "licenseSyncSuccess": { "message": "Successfully synced license" }, "licenseUploadSuccess": { "message": "Successfully uploaded license" }, "lastLicenseSync": { "message": "Last license sync" }, "billingSyncHelp": { "message": "Billing Sync help" }, "licensePaidFeaturesHelp": { "message": "License paid features help" }, "selfHostGracePeriodHelp": { "message": "After your subscription expires, you have 60 days to apply an updated license file to your organization. Grace period ends $GRACE_PERIOD_END_DATE$.", "placeholders": { "GRACE_PERIOD_END_DATE": { "content": "$1", "example": "May 12, 2024" } } }, "uploadLicense": { "message": "Upload license" }, "projectPeopleDescription": { "message": "Grant groups or people access to this project." }, "projectPeopleSelectHint": { "message": "Type or select people or groups" }, "projectServiceAccountsDescription": { "message": "Grant service accounts access to this project." }, "projectServiceAccountsSelectHint": { "message": "Type or select service accounts" }, "projectEmptyPeopleAccessPolicies": { "message": "Add people or groups to start collaborating" }, "projectEmptyServiceAccountAccessPolicies": { "message": "Add service accounts to grant access" }, "serviceAccountPeopleDescription": { "message": "Grant groups or people access to this service account." }, "serviceAccountProjectsDescription": { "message": "Assign projects to this service account. " }, "serviceAccountEmptyProjectAccesspolicies": { "message": "Add projects to grant access" }, "canReadWrite": { "message": "Can read, write" }, "groupSlashUser": { "message": "Group/User" }, "lowKdfIterations": { "message": "Low KDF Iterations" }, "updateLowKdfIterationsDesc": { "message": "Update your encryption settings to meet new security recommendations and improve account protection." }, "changeKdfLoggedOutWarning": { "message": "Proceeding will log you out of all active sessions. You will need to log back in and complete two-step login setup. We recommend exporting your vault before changing your encryption settings to prevent data loss." }, "secretsManager": { "message": "Secrets Manager" }, "secretsManagerAccessDescription": { "message": "Activate user access to Secrets Manager." }, "userAccessSecretsManagerGA": { "message": "This user can access Secrets Manager" }, "important": { "message": "Important:" }, "viewAll": { "message": "View all" }, "showingPortionOfTotal": { "message": "Showing $PORTION$ of $TOTAL$", "placeholders": { "portion": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" }, "total": { "content": "$2", "example": "5" } } }, "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." }, "description": { "message": "Description" }, "errorReadingImportFile": { "message": "An error occurred when trying to read the import file" }, "accessedSecret": { "message": "Accessed secret $SECRET_ID$.", "placeholders": { "secret_id": { "content": "$1", "example": "4d34e8a8" } } }, "sdk": { "message": "SDK", "description": "Software Development Kit" }, "createAnAccount": { "message": "Create an account" }, "createSecret": { "message": "Create a secret" }, "createProject": { "message": "Create a project" }, "createServiceAccount": { "message": "Create a service account" }, "downloadThe": { "message": "Download the", "description": "Link to a downloadable resource. This will be used as part of a larger phrase. Example: Download the Secrets Manager CLI" }, "smCLI": { "message": "Secrets Manager CLI" }, "importSecrets": { "message": "Import secrets" }, "getStarted": { "message": "Get started" }, "complete": { "message": "$COMPLETED$/$TOTAL$ Complete", "placeholders": { "COMPLETED": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" }, "TOTAL": { "content": "$2", "example": "4" } } }, "restoreSecret": { "message": "Restore secret" }, "restoreSecrets": { "message": "Restore secrets" }, "restoreSecretPrompt": { "message": "Are you sure you want to restore this secret?" }, "restoreSecretsPrompt": { "message": "Are you sure you want to restore these secrets?" }, "secretRestoredSuccessToast": { "message": "Secret restored" }, "secretsRestoredSuccessToast": { "message": "Secrets restored" }, "selectionIsRequired": { "message": "Selection is required." }, "saPeopleWarningTitle": { "message": "Access tokens still available" }, "saPeopleWarningMessage": { "message": "Removing people from a service account does not remove the access tokens they created. For security best practice, it is recommended to revoke access tokens created by people removed from a service account." }, "smAccessRemovalWarningProjectTitle": { "message": "Remove access to this project" }, "smAccessRemovalWarningProjectMessage": { "message": "This action will remove your access to the project." }, "smAccessRemovalWarningSaTitle": { "message": "Remove access to this service account" }, "smAccessRemovalWarningSaMessage": { "message": "This action will remove your access to the service account." }, "removeAccess": { "message": "Remove access" }, "checkForBreaches": { "message": "Check known data breaches for this password" }, "exposedMasterPassword": { "message": "Exposed Master Password" }, "exposedMasterPasswordDesc": { "message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?" }, "weakAndExposedMasterPassword": { "message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password" }, "weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": { "message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?" }, "characterMinimum": { "message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum", "placeholders": { "length": { "content": "$1", "example": "14" } } }, "masterPasswordMinimumlength": { "message": "Master password must be at least $LENGTH$ characters long.", "placeholders": { "length": { "content": "$1", "example": "14" } } }, "inputTrimValidator": { "message": "Input must not contain only whitespace.", "description": "Notification to inform the user that a form's input can't contain only whitespace." }, "dismiss": { "message": "Loobu" }, "notAvailableForFreeOrganization": { "message": "This feature is not available for free organizations. Contact your organization owner to upgrade." }, "smProjectSecretsNoItemsNoAccess": { "message": "Contact your organization's admin to manage secrets for this project.", "description": "The message shown to the user under a project's secrets tab when the user only has read access to the project." }, "enforceOnLoginDesc": { "message": "Require existing members to change their passwords" }, "smProjectDeleteAccessRestricted": { "message": "You don't have permissions to delete this project", "description": "The individual description shown to the user when the user doesn't have access to delete a project." }, "smProjectsDeleteBulkConfirmation": { "message": "The following projects can not be deleted. Would you like to continue?", "description": "The message shown to the user when bulk deleting projects and the user doesn't have access to some projects." }, "updateKdfSettings": { "message": "Update KDF settings" }, "loginInitiated": { "message": "Login initiated" }, "deviceApprovalRequired": { "message": "Device approval required. Select an approval option below:" }, "rememberThisDevice": { "message": "Remember this device" }, "uncheckIfPublicDevice": { "message": "Uncheck if using a public device" }, "approveFromYourOtherDevice": { "message": "Approve from your other device" }, "requestAdminApproval": { "message": "Request admin approval" }, "approveWithMasterPassword": { "message": "Approve with master password" }, "trustedDeviceEncryption": { "message": "Trusted device encryption" }, "trustedDevices": { "message": "Trusted devices" }, "memberDecryptionOptionTdeDescriptionPartOne": { "message": "Once authenticated, members will decrypt vault data using a key stored on their device. The", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Once authenticated, members will decrypt vault data using a key stored on their device. The single organization policy, SSO Required policy, and account recovery administration policy with automatic enrollment will turn on when this option is used.'" }, "memberDecryptionOptionTdeDescriptionLinkOne": { "message": "single organization", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Once authenticated, members will decrypt vault data using a key stored on their device. The single organization policy, SSO required policy, and account recovery administration policy with automatic enrollment will turn on when this option is used.'" }, "memberDecryptionOptionTdeDescriptionPartTwo": { "message": "policy,", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Once authenticated, members will decrypt vault data using a key stored on their device. The single organization policy, SSO required policy, and account recovery administration policy with automatic enrollment will turn on when this option is used.'" }, "memberDecryptionOptionTdeDescriptionLinkTwo": { "message": "SSO required", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Once authenticated, members will decrypt vault data using a key stored on their device. The single organization policy, SSO required policy, and account recovery administration policy with automatic enrollment will turn on when this option is used.'" }, "memberDecryptionOptionTdeDescriptionPartThree": { "message": "policy, and", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Once authenticated, members will decrypt vault data using a key stored on their device. The single organization policy, SSO required policy, and account recovery administration policy with automatic enrollment will turn on when this option is used.'" }, "memberDecryptionOptionTdeDescriptionLinkThree": { "message": "account recovery administration", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Once authenticated, members will decrypt vault data using a key stored on their device. The single organization policy, SSO required policy, and account recovery administration policy with automatic enrollment will turn on when this option is used.'" }, "memberDecryptionOptionTdeDescriptionPartFour": { "message": "policy with automatic enrollment will turn on when this option is used.", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Once authenticated, members will decrypt vault data using a key stored on their device. The single organization policy, SSO required policy, and account recovery administration policy with automatic enrollment will turn on when this option is used.'" }, "orgPermissionsUpdatedMustSetPassword": { "message": "Your organization permissions were updated, requiring you to set a master password.", "description": "Used as a card title description on the set password page to explain why the user is there" }, "orgRequiresYouToSetPassword": { "message": "Your organization requires you to set a master password.", "description": "Used as a card title description on the set password page to explain why the user is there" }, "notFound": { "message": "$RESOURCE$ not found", "placeholders": { "resource": { "content": "$1", "example": "Service Account" } } }, "verificationRequired": { "message": "Verification required", "description": "Default title for the user verification dialog." }, "recoverAccount": { "message": "Recover account" }, "updatedTempPassword": { "message": "User updated a password issued through account recovery." }, "activatedAccessToSecretsManager": { "message": "Activated access to Secrets Manager", "description": "Confirmation message that one or more users gained access to Secrets Manager" }, "activateAccess": { "message": "Activate access" }, "bulkEnableSecretsManagerDescription": { "message": "Grant the following members access to Secrets Manager. The role granted in the Password Manager will apply to Secrets Manager.", "description": "This description is shown to an admin when they are attempting to add more users to Secrets Manager." }, "activateSecretsManager": { "message": "Activate Secrets Manager" }, "yourOrganizationsFingerprint": { "message": "Your organization's fingerprint phrase", "description": "A 'fingerprint phrase' is a unique word phrase (similar to a passphrase) that a user can use to authenticate their organization's public key with another user, for the purposes of sharing." }, "deviceApprovals": { "message": "Device approvals" }, "deviceApprovalsDesc": { "message": "Approve login requests below to allow the requesting member to finish logging in. Unapproved requests expire after 1 week. Verify the member’s information before approving." }, "deviceInfo": { "message": "Device info" }, "time": { "message": "Time" }, "denyAllRequests": { "message": "Deny all requests" }, "denyRequest": { "message": "Deny request" }, "approveRequest": { "message": "Approve request" }, "noDeviceRequests": { "message": "No device requests" }, "noDeviceRequestsDesc": { "message": "Member device approval requests will appear here" }, "loginRequestDenied": { "message": "Login request denied" }, "allLoginRequestsDenied": { "message": "All login requests denied" }, "loginRequestApproved": { "message": "Login request approved" }, "removeOrgUserNoMasterPasswordTitle": { "message": "Account does not have master password" }, "removeOrgUserNoMasterPasswordDesc": { "message": "Removing $USER$ without setting a master password for them may restrict access to their full account. Are you sure you want to continue?", "placeholders": { "user": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "noMasterPassword": { "message": "No master password" }, "removeMembersWithoutMasterPasswordWarning": { "message": "Removing members who do not have master passwords without setting one for them may restrict access to their full account." }, "approvedAuthRequest": { "message": "Approved device for $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "First 8 Character of a GUID" } } }, "rejectedAuthRequest": { "message": "Denied device for $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "First 8 Character of a GUID" } } }, "requestedDeviceApproval": { "message": "Requested device approval." }, "startYour7DayFreeTrialOfBitwardenFor": { "message": "Start your 7-Day free trial of Bitwarden for $ORG$", "placeholders": { "org": { "content": "$1", "example": "Organization name" } } }, "startYour7DayFreeTrialOfBitwardenSecretsManagerFor": { "message": "Start your 7-Day free trial of Bitwarden Secrets Manager for $ORG$", "placeholders": { "org": { "content": "$1", "example": "Organization name" } } }, "next": { "message": "Next" }, "ssoLoginIsRequired": { "message": "SSO login is required" }, "selectedRegionFlag": { "message": "Selected region flag" }, "accountSuccessfullyCreated": { "message": "Account successfully created!" }, "adminApprovalRequested": { "message": "Admin approval requested" }, "adminApprovalRequestSentToAdmins": { "message": "Your request has been sent to your admin." }, "youWillBeNotifiedOnceApproved": { "message": "You will be notified once approved." }, "troubleLoggingIn": { "message": "Trouble logging in?" }, "loginApproved": { "message": "Login approved" }, "userEmailMissing": { "message": "User email missing" }, "deviceTrusted": { "message": "Device trusted" }, "sendsNoItemsTitle": { "message": "No active Sends", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendsNoItemsMessage": { "message": "Use Send to securely share encrypted information with anyone.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "inviteUsers": { "message": "Invite Users" }, "secretsManagerForPlan": { "message": "Secrets Manager for $PLAN$", "placeholders": { "plan": { "content": "$1", "example": "Teams" } } }, "secretsManagerForPlanDesc": { "message": "For engineering and DevOps teams to manage secrets throughout the software development lifecycle." }, "free2PersonOrganization": { "message": "Free 2-person Organizations" }, "unlimitedSecrets": { "message": "Unlimited secrets" }, "unlimitedProjects": { "message": "Unlimited projects" }, "projectsIncluded": { "message": "$COUNT$ projects included", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "3" } } }, "serviceAccountsIncluded": { "message": "$COUNT$ service accounts included", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "3" } } }, "additionalServiceAccountCost": { "message": "$COST$ per month for additional service accounts", "placeholders": { "cost": { "content": "$1", "example": "$0.50" } } }, "subscribeToSecretsManager": { "message": "Subscribe to Secrets Manager" }, "addSecretsManagerUpgradeDesc": { "message": "Add Secrets Manager to your upgraded plan to maintain access to any secrets created with your previous plan." }, "additionalServiceAccounts": { "message": "Additional service accounts" }, "includedServiceAccounts": { "message": "Your plan comes with $COUNT$ service accounts.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "50" } } }, "addAdditionalServiceAccounts": { "message": "You can add additional service accounts for $COST$ per month.", "placeholders": { "cost": { "content": "$1", "example": "$0.50" } } }, "collectionManagement": { "message": "Collection management" }, "collectionManagementDesc": { "message": "Manage the collection behavior for the organization" }, "limitCollectionCreationDeletionDesc": { "message": "Limit collection creation and deletion to owners and admins" }, "allowAdminAccessToAllCollectionItemsDesc": { "message": "Owners and admins can manage all collections and items" }, "updatedCollectionManagement": { "message": "Updated collection management setting" }, "passwordManagerPlanPrice": { "message": "Password Manager plan price" }, "secretsManagerPlanPrice": { "message": "Secrets Manager plan price" }, "passwordManager": { "message": "Password Manager" }, "freeOrganization": { "message": "Free Organization" }, "limitServiceAccounts": { "message": "Limit service accounts (optional)" }, "limitServiceAccountsDesc": { "message": "Set a limit for your service accounts. Once this limit is reached, you will not be able to create new service accounts." }, "serviceAccountLimit": { "message": "Service account limit (optional)" }, "maxServiceAccountCost": { "message": "Max potential service account cost" }, "loggedInExclamation": { "message": "Logged in!" }, "beta": { "message": "Beta" }, "assignCollectionAccess": { "message": "Assign collection access" }, "editedCollections": { "message": "Edited collections" }, "baseUrl": { "message": "Serveri URL" }, "aliasDomain": { "message": "Alias domeen" }, "alreadyHaveAccount": { "message": "Already have an account?" }, "skipToContent": { "message": "Skip to content" }, "managePermissionRequired": { "message": "At least one member or group must have can manage permission." }, "typePasskey": { "message": "Passkey" }, "passkeyNotCopied": { "message": "Passkey will not be copied" }, "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" }, "modifiedCollectionManagement": { "message": "Modified collection management setting $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Unique ID" } } }, "seeDetailedInstructions": { "message": "See detailed instructions on our help site at", "description": "This is followed a by a hyperlink to the help website." }, "installBrowserExtension": { "message": "Install browser extension" }, "installBrowserExtensionDetails": { "message": "Use the extension to quickly save logins and auto-fill forms without opening the web app." }, "projectAccessUpdated": { "message": "Project access updated" }, "unexpectedErrorSend": { "message": "An unexpected error has occurred while loading this Send. Try again later." }, "seatLimitReached": { "message": "Seat limit has been reached" }, "contactYourProvider": { "message": "Contact your provider to purchase additional seats." }, "seatLimitReachedContactYourProvider": { "message": "Seat limit has been reached. Contact your provider to purchase additional seats." }, "collectionAccessRestricted": { "message": "Collection access is restricted" }, "readOnlyCollectionAccess": { "message": "You do not have access to manage this collection." }, "grantCollectionAccess": { "message": "Grant groups or members access to this collection." }, "grantCollectionAccessMembersOnly": { "message": "Grant members access to this collection." }, "adminCollectionAccess": { "message": "Administrators can access and manage collections." }, "serviceAccountAccessUpdated": { "message": "Service account access updated" }, "commonImportFormats": { "message": "Common formats", "description": "Label indicating the most common import formats" }, "maintainYourSubscription": { "message": "To maintain your subscription for $ORG$, ", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'To maintain your subscription for $ORG$, add a payment method.'", "placeholders": { "org": { "content": "$1", "example": "Example Inc." } } }, "addAPaymentMethod": { "message": "add a payment method", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'To maintain your subscription for $ORG$, add a payment method.'" }, "collectionEnhancementsDesc": { "message": "Add new settings and permissions for additional flexibility. Replace the Manager role with the \"can manage\" permission, and introduce options to allow users to create collections as well as restrict administrative access to collections.", "description": "This describes new features and improvements for user roles and collections" }, "collectionEnhancementsLearnMore": { "message": "Learn more about collection management" }, "organizationInformation": { "message": "Organization information" }, "confirmationDetails": { "message": "Confirmation details" }, "smFreeTrialThankYou": { "message": "Thank you for signing up for Bitwarden Secrets Manager!" }, "smFreeTrialConfirmationEmail": { "message": "We've sent a confirmation email to your email at " }, "confirmCollectionEnhancementsDialogTitle": { "message": "This action is irreversible" }, "confirmCollectionEnhancementsDialogContent": { "message": "Turning on this feature will deprecate the manager role and replace it with a Can manage permission. This will take a few moments. Do not make any organization changes until it is complete. Are you sure you want to proceed?" }, "sorryToSeeYouGo": { "message": "Sorry to see you go! Help improve Bitwarden by sharing why you're canceling.", "description": "A message shown to users as part of an offboarding survey asking them to provide more information on their subscription cancelation." }, "selectCancellationReason": { "message": "Select a reason for canceling", "description": "Used as a form field label for a select input on the offboarding survey." }, "anyOtherFeedback": { "message": "Is there any other feedback you'd like to share?", "description": "Used as a form field label for a textarea input on the offboarding survey." }, "missingFeatures": { "message": "Missing features", "description": "An option for the offboarding survey shown when a user cancels their subscription." }, "movingToAnotherTool": { "message": "Moving to another tool", "description": "An option for the offboarding survey shown when a user cancels their subscription." }, "tooDifficultToUse": { "message": "Too difficult to use", "description": "An option for the offboarding survey shown when a user cancels their subscription." }, "notUsingEnough": { "message": "Not using enough", "description": "An option for the offboarding survey shown when a user cancels their subscription." }, "tooExpensive": { "message": "Too expensive", "description": "An option for the offboarding survey shown when a user cancels their subscription." }, "freeForOneYear": { "message": "Free for 1 year" }, "newWebApp": { "message": "Welcome to the new and improved web app. Learn more about what’s changed." }, "releaseBlog": { "message": "Read release blog" }, "adminConsole": { "message": "Admin Console" }, "providerPortal": { "message": "Provider Portal" }, "viewCollection": { "message": "View collection" }, "restrictedGroupAccess": { "message": "You cannot add yourself to groups." }, "restrictedCollectionAccess": { "message": "You cannot add yourself to collections." }, "assign": { "message": "Assign" }, "assignToCollections": { "message": "Assign to collections" }, "assignToTheseCollections": { "message": "Assign to these collections" }, "bulkCollectionAssignmentDialogDescription": { "message": "Select the collections that the items will be shared with. Once an item is updated in one collection, it will be reflected in all collections. Only organization members with access to these collections will be able to see the items." }, "selectCollectionsToAssign": { "message": "Select collections to assign" }, "noCollectionsAssigned": { "message": "No collections have been assigned" }, "successfullyAssignedCollections": { "message": "Successfully assigned collections" }, "bulkCollectionAssignmentWarning": { "message": "You have selected $TOTAL_COUNT$ items. You cannot update $READONLY_COUNT$ of the items because you do not have edit permissions.", "placeholders": { "total_count": { "content": "$1", "example": "10" }, "readonly_count": { "content": "$2", "example": "3" } } }, "items": { "message": "Items" }, "assignedSeats": { "message": "Assigned seats" }, "assigned": { "message": "Assigned" }, "used": { "message": "Used" }, "remaining": { "message": "Remaining" }, "unlinkOrganization": { "message": "Unlink organization" }, "manageSeats": { "message": "MANAGE SEATS" }, "manageSeatsDescription": { "message": "Adjustments to seats will be reflected in the next billing cycle." }, "unassignedSeatsDescription": { "message": "Unassigned subscription seats" }, "purchaseSeatDescription": { "message": "Additional seats purchased" }, "assignedSeatCannotUpdate": { "message": "Assigned Seats can not be updated. Please contact your organization owner for assistance." }, "subscriptionUpdateFailed": { "message": "Subscription update failed" }, "trial": { "message": "Trial", "description": "A subscription status label." }, "pastDue": { "message": "Past due", "description": "A subscription status label" }, "subscriptionExpired": { "message": "Subscription expired", "description": "The date header used when a subscription is past due." }, "pastDueWarningForChargeAutomatically": { "message": "You have a grace period of $DAYS$ days from your subscription expiration date to maintain your subscription. Please resolve the past due invoices by $SUSPENSION_DATE$.", "placeholders": { "days": { "content": "$1", "example": "11" }, "suspension_date": { "content": "$2", "example": "01/10/2024" } }, "description": "A warning shown to the user when their subscription is past due and they are charged automatically." }, "pastDueWarningForSendInvoice": { "message": "You have a grace period of $DAYS$ days from the date your first unpaid invoice is due to maintain your subscription. Please resolve the past due invoices by $SUSPENSION_DATE$.", "placeholders": { "days": { "content": "$1", "example": "11" }, "suspension_date": { "content": "$2", "example": "01/10/2024" } }, "description": "A warning shown to the user when their subscription is past due and they pay via invoice." }, "unpaidInvoice": { "message": "Unpaid invoice", "description": "The header of a warning box shown to a user whose subscription is unpaid." }, "toReactivateYourSubscription": { "message": "To reactivate your subscription, please resolve the past due invoices.", "description": "The body of a warning box shown to a user whose subscription is unpaid." }, "cancellationDate": { "message": "Cancellation date", "description": "The date header used when a subscription is cancelled." }, "machineAccountsCannotCreate": { "message": "Machine accounts cannot be created in suspended organizations. Please contact your organization owner for assistance." }, "machineAccount": { "message": "Machine account", "description": "A machine user which can be used to automate processes and access secrets in the system." }, "machineAccounts": { "message": "Machine accounts", "description": "The title for the section that deals with machine accounts." }, "newMachineAccount": { "message": "New machine account", "description": "Title for creating a new machine account." }, "machineAccountsNoItemsMessage": { "message": "Create a new machine account to get started automating secret access.", "description": "Message to encourage the user to start creating machine accounts." }, "machineAccountsNoItemsTitle": { "message": "Nothing to show yet", "description": "Title to indicate that there are no machine accounts to display." }, "deleteMachineAccounts": { "message": "Delete machine accounts", "description": "Title for the action to delete one or multiple machine accounts." }, "deleteMachineAccount": { "message": "Delete machine account", "description": "Title for the action to delete a single machine account." }, "viewMachineAccount": { "message": "View machine account", "description": "Action to view the details of a machine account." }, "deleteMachineAccountDialogMessage": { "message": "Deleting machine account $MACHINE_ACCOUNT$ is permanent and irreversible.", "placeholders": { "machine_account": { "content": "$1", "example": "Machine account name" } } }, "deleteMachineAccountsDialogMessage": { "message": "Deleting machine accounts is permanent and irreversible." }, "deleteMachineAccountsConfirmMessage": { "message": "Delete $COUNT$ machine accounts", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "deleteMachineAccountToast": { "message": "Machine account deleted" }, "deleteMachineAccountsToast": { "message": "Machine accounts deleted" }, "searchMachineAccounts": { "message": "Search machine accounts", "description": "Placeholder text for searching machine accounts." }, "editMachineAccount": { "message": "Edit machine account", "description": "Title for editing a machine account." }, "machineAccountName": { "message": "Machine account name", "description": "Label for the name of a machine account" }, "machineAccountCreated": { "message": "Machine account created", "description": "Notifies that a new machine account has been created" }, "machineAccountUpdated": { "message": "Machine account updated", "description": "Notifies that a machine account has been updated" }, "projectMachineAccountsDescription": { "message": "Grant machine accounts access to this project." }, "projectMachineAccountsSelectHint": { "message": "Type or select machine accounts" }, "projectEmptyMachineAccountAccessPolicies": { "message": "Add machine accounts to grant access" }, "machineAccountPeopleDescription": { "message": "Grant groups or people access to this machine account." }, "machineAccountProjectsDescription": { "message": "Assign projects to this machine account. " }, "createMachineAccount": { "message": "Create a machine account" }, "maPeopleWarningMessage": { "message": "Removing people from a machine account does not remove the access tokens they created. For security best practice, it is recommended to revoke access tokens created by people removed from a machine account." }, "smAccessRemovalWarningMaTitle": { "message": "Remove access to this machine account" }, "smAccessRemovalWarningMaMessage": { "message": "This action will remove your access to the machine account." }, "machineAccountsIncluded": { "message": "$COUNT$ machine accounts included", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "3" } } }, "additionalMachineAccountCost": { "message": "$COST$ per month for additional machine accounts", "placeholders": { "cost": { "content": "$1", "example": "$0.50" } } }, "additionalMachineAccounts": { "message": "Additional machine accounts" }, "includedMachineAccounts": { "message": "Your plan comes with $COUNT$ machine accounts.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "50" } } }, "addAdditionalMachineAccounts": { "message": "You can add additional machine accounts for $COST$ per month.", "placeholders": { "cost": { "content": "$1", "example": "$0.50" } } }, "limitMachineAccounts": { "message": "Limit machine accounts (optional)" }, "limitMachineAccountsDesc": { "message": "Set a limit for your machine accounts. Once this limit is reached, you will not be able to create new machine accounts." }, "machineAccountLimit": { "message": "Machine account limit (optional)" }, "maxMachineAccountCost": { "message": "Max potential machine account cost" }, "machineAccountAccessUpdated": { "message": "Machine account access updated" }, "unassignedItemsBanner": { "message": "Notice: Unassigned organization items are no longer visible in your All Vaults view across devices and are now only accessible via the Admin Console. Assign these items to a collection from the Admin Console to make them visible." } }