angular .module('bit.accounts') .controller('accountsRegisterController', function ($scope, $state, cryptoService, toastr, $q, apiService, utilsService) { $scope.model = {}; utilsService.initListSectionItemListeners($(document)); $('#email').focus(); $scope.submitPromise = null; $scope.submit = function (model) { if (! { toastr.error('Email address is required.', 'Errors have occurred'); return; } if ('@') === -1) { toastr.error('Invalid email address.', 'Errors have occurred'); return; } if (!model.masterPassword) { toastr.error('Master password is required.', 'Errors have occurred'); return; } if (model.masterPassword !== model.masterPasswordRetype) { toastr.error('Master password confirmation does not match.', 'Errors have occurred'); return; } var email =; var key = cryptoService.makeKey(model.masterPassword, email); $scope.submitPromise = registerPromise(key, model.masterPassword, email, model.hint); $scope.submitPromise.then(function () { toastr.success('Your new account has been created! You may now log in.'); $state.go('login', { email: email, animation: 'in-slide-left' }); }); }; function registerPromise(key, masterPassword, email, hint) { return $q(function (resolve, reject) { cryptoService.hashPassword(masterPassword, key, function (hashedPassword) { var request = new RegisterRequest(email, hashedPassword, hint); apiService.postRegister(request, function () { resolve(); }, function (error) { reject(error); }); }); }); } });