angular .module('bit.current') .controller('currentController', function ($scope, siteService, tldjs, toastr, $q, $window, $state, autofillService) { var pageDetails = null, tabId = null, url = null, domain = null, canAutofill = false; $scope.loaded = false; loadVault(); function loadVault() { chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function (tabs) { if (tabs.length > 0) { url = tabs[0].url; tabId = tabs[0].id; } else { $scope.loaded = true; return; } domain = tldjs.getDomain(url); $scope.sites = []; if (!domain) { $scope.loaded = true; return; } chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, { command: 'collectPageDetails' }, function (details) { pageDetails = details; canAutofill = true; }); var filteredSites = []; var sitePromise = $q.when(siteService.getAllDecrypted()); sitePromise.then(function (sites) { for (var i = 0; i < sites.length; i++) { if (sites[i].domain && sites[i].domain === domain) { filteredSites.push(sites[i]); } } $scope.loaded = true; $scope.sites = filteredSites; }); }); } $scope.clipboardError = function (e, password) {'Your web browser does not support easy clipboard copying. Copy it manually instead.'); }; $scope.clipboardSuccess = function (e, type) { e.clearSelection(); + ' copied!'); }; $scope.addSite = function () { $state.go('addSite', { animation: 'in-slide-up', name: domain, uri: url }); }; $scope.fillSite = function (site) { var fillScript = null; if (site && canAutofill && pageDetails) { fillScript = autofillService.generateFillScript(pageDetails, site.username, site.password); } if (tabId && fillScript && fillScript.script && fillScript.script.length) { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, { command: 'fillForm', fillScript: fillScript }, function () { $window.close(); }); } else { toastr.error('Unable to auto-fill the selected site on this page. ' + 'Copy/paste your username and/or password instead.'); } }; $scope.$on('syncCompleted', function (event, successfully) { if ($scope.loaded) { setTimeout(loadVault, 500); } }); });