--- name: Staged Rollout Desktop on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: rollout_percentage: description: 'Staged Rollout Percentage' required: true default: '10' type: string defaults: run: shell: bash jobs: rollout: name: Update Rollout Percentage runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 steps: - name: Login to Azure uses: Azure/login@ec3c14589bd3e9312b3cc8c41e6860e258df9010 with: creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_PROD_KV_CREDENTIALS }} - name: Retrieve secrets id: retrieve-secrets uses: bitwarden/gh-actions/get-keyvault-secrets@c3b3285993151c5af47cefcb3b9134c28ab479af with: keyvault: "bitwarden-prod-kv" secrets: "aws-electron-access-id, aws-electron-access-key, aws-electron-bucket-name, r2-electron-access-id, r2-electron-access-key, r2-electron-bucket-name, cf-prod-account" - name: Download channel update info files from R2 env: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ steps.retrieve-secrets.outputs.r2-electron-access-id }} AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: ${{ steps.retrieve-secrets.outputs.r2-electron-access-key }} AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: 'us-east-1' AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME: ${{ steps.retrieve-secrets.outputs.r2-electron-bucket-name }} CF_ACCOUNT: ${{ steps.retrieve-secrets.outputs.cf-prod-account }} run: | aws s3 cp $AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME/desktop/latest.yml . \ --quiet \ --endpoint-url https://${CF_ACCOUNT}.r2.cloudflarestorage.com aws s3 cp $AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME/desktop/latest-linux.yml . \ --quiet \ --endpoint-url https://${CF_ACCOUNT}.r2.cloudflarestorage.com aws s3 cp $AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME/desktop/latest-mac.yml . \ --quiet \ --endpoint-url https://${CF_ACCOUNT}.r2.cloudflarestorage.com - name: Check new rollout percentage env: NEW_PCT: ${{ github.event.inputs.rollout_percentage }} run: | CURRENT_PCT=$(sed -r -n "s/stagingPercentage:\s([0-9]+)/\1/p" latest.yml) echo "Current percentage: ${CURRENT_PCT}" echo "New percentage: ${NEW_PCT}" echo if [ "$NEW_PCT" -le "$CURRENT_PCT" ]; then echo "New percentage (${NEW_PCT}) must be higher than current percentage (${CURRENT_PCT})!" echo echo "If you want to pull a staged release because it hasn’t gone well, you must increment the version \ number higher than your broken release. Because some of your users will be on the broken 1.0.1, \ releasing a new 1.0.1 would result in them staying on a broken version." exit 1 fi - name: Set staged rollout percentage env: ROLLOUT_PCT: ${{ github.event.inputs.rollout_percentage }} run: | sed -i -r "/stagingPercentage/s/[0-9]+/${ROLLOUT_PCT}/" latest.yml sed -i -r "/stagingPercentage/s/[0-9]+/${ROLLOUT_PCT}/" latest-linux.yml sed -i -r "/stagingPercentage/s/[0-9]+/${ROLLOUT_PCT}/" latest-mac.yml - name: Publish channel update info files to S3 env: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ steps.retrieve-secrets.outputs.aws-electron-access-id }} AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: ${{ steps.retrieve-secrets.outputs.aws-electron-access-key }} AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: 'us-west-2' AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME: ${{ steps.retrieve-secrets.outputs.aws-electron-bucket-name }} run: | aws s3 cp latest.yml $AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME/desktop/ \ --acl "public-read" aws s3 cp latest-linux.yml $AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME/desktop/ \ --acl "public-read" aws s3 cp latest-mac.yml $AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME/desktop/ \ --acl "public-read" - name: Publish channel update info files to R2 env: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ steps.retrieve-secrets.outputs.r2-electron-access-id }} AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: ${{ steps.retrieve-secrets.outputs.r2-electron-access-key }} AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: 'us-east-1' AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME: ${{ steps.retrieve-secrets.outputs.r2-electron-bucket-name }} CF_ACCOUNT: ${{ steps.retrieve-secrets.outputs.cf-prod-account }} run: | aws s3 cp latest.yml $AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME/desktop/ \ --endpoint-url https://${CF_ACCOUNT}.r2.cloudflarestorage.com aws s3 cp latest-linux.yml $AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME/desktop/ \ --endpoint-url https://${CF_ACCOUNT}.r2.cloudflarestorage.com aws s3 cp latest-mac.yml $AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME/desktop/ \ --endpoint-url https://${CF_ACCOUNT}.r2.cloudflarestorage.com