import { DialogRef, DIALOG_DATA } from "@angular/cdk/dialog"; import { Component, Inject, OnInit } from "@angular/core"; import { FormControl, FormGroup, Validators } from "@angular/forms"; import { I18nService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/i18n.service"; import { PlatformUtilsService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/platformUtils.service"; import { SecretView } from "../../models/view/secret.view"; import { SecretService } from "../secret.service"; export enum OperationType { Add, Edit, } export interface SecretOperation { organizationId: string; operation: OperationType; projectId?: string; secretId?: string; } @Component({ selector: "sm-secret-dialog", templateUrl: "./secret-dialog.component.html", }) export class SecretDialogComponent implements OnInit { protected formGroup = new FormGroup({ name: new FormControl("", [Validators.required]), value: new FormControl("", [Validators.required]), notes: new FormControl(""), }); protected loading = false; constructor( public dialogRef: DialogRef, @Inject(DIALOG_DATA) private data: SecretOperation, private secretService: SecretService, private i18nService: I18nService, private platformUtilsService: PlatformUtilsService ) {} async ngOnInit() { if ( === OperationType.Edit && { await this.loadData(); } else if ( !== OperationType.Add) { this.dialogRef.close(); throw new Error(`The secret dialog was not called with the appropriate operation values.`); } } async loadData() { this.loading = true; const secret: SecretView = await this.secretService.getBySecretId(; this.loading = false; this.formGroup.setValue({ name:, value: secret.value, notes: secret.note }); } get title() { return === OperationType.Add ? "newSecret" : "editSecret"; } submit = async () => { this.formGroup.markAllAsTouched(); if (this.formGroup.invalid) { return; } const secretView = this.getSecretView(); if ( === OperationType.Add) { await this.createSecret(secretView,; } else { =; await this.updateSecret(secretView); } this.dialogRef.close(); }; private async createSecret(secretView: SecretView, projectId?: string) { await this.secretService.create(, secretView, projectId); this.platformUtilsService.showToast("success", null, this.i18nService.t("secretCreated")); } private async updateSecret(secretView: SecretView) { await this.secretService.update(, secretView); this.platformUtilsService.showToast("success", null, this.i18nService.t("secretEdited")); } private getSecretView() { const secretView = new SecretView(); secretView.organizationId =; =; secretView.value = this.formGroup.value.value; secretView.note = this.formGroup.value.notes; return secretView; } }