import * as signalR from '@aspnet/signalr'; import * as signalRMsgPack from '@aspnet/signalr-protocol-msgpack'; import { NotificationType } from '../enums/notificationType'; import { ApiService } from '../abstractions/api.service'; import { AppIdService } from '../abstractions/appId.service'; import { EnvironmentService } from '../abstractions/environment.service'; import { LockService } from '../abstractions/lock.service'; import { NotificationsService as NotificationsServiceAbstraction } from '../abstractions/notifications.service'; import { SyncService } from '../abstractions/sync.service'; import { UserService } from '../abstractions/user.service'; import { NotificationResponse, SyncCipherNotification, SyncFolderNotification, } from '../models/response/notificationResponse'; export class NotificationsService implements NotificationsServiceAbstraction { private signalrConnection: signalR.HubConnection; private url: string; private connected = false; private inited = false; private inactive = false; private reconnectTimer: any = null; constructor(private userService: UserService, private syncService: SyncService, private appIdService: AppIdService, private apiService: ApiService, private lockService: LockService, private logoutCallback: () => Promise) { } async init(environmentService: EnvironmentService): Promise { this.inited = false; this.url = ''; if (environmentService.notificationsUrl != null) { this.url = environmentService.notificationsUrl; } else if (environmentService.baseUrl != null) { this.url = environmentService.baseUrl + '/notifications'; } // Set notifications server URL to `https://-` to effectively disable communication // with the notifications server from the client app if (this.url === 'https://-') { return; } if (this.signalrConnection != null) {'ReceiveMessage'); await this.signalrConnection.stop(); this.connected = false; this.signalrConnection = null; } this.signalrConnection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder() .withUrl(this.url + '/hub', { accessTokenFactory: () => this.apiService.getActiveBearerToken(), }) .withHubProtocol(new signalRMsgPack.MessagePackHubProtocol()) // .configureLogging(signalR.LogLevel.Trace) .build(); this.signalrConnection.on('ReceiveMessage', (data: any) => this.processNotification(new NotificationResponse(data))); this.signalrConnection.onclose(() => { this.connected = false; this.reconnect(true); }); this.inited = true; if (await this.isAuthedAndUnlocked()) { await this.reconnect(false); } } async updateConnection(sync = false): Promise { if (!this.inited) { return; } try { if (await this.isAuthedAndUnlocked()) { await this.reconnect(sync); } else { await this.signalrConnection.stop(); } } catch (e) { // tslint:disable-next-line console.error(e.toString()); } } async reconnectFromActivity(): Promise { this.inactive = false; if (this.inited && !this.connected) { await this.reconnect(true); } } async disconnectFromInactivity(): Promise { this.inactive = true; if (this.inited && this.connected) { await this.signalrConnection.stop(); } } private async processNotification(notification: NotificationResponse) { const appId = await this.appIdService.getAppId(); if (notification == null || notification.contextId === appId) { return; } const isAuthenticated = await this.userService.isAuthenticated(); const payloadUserId = notification.payload.userId || notification.payload.UserId; const myUserId = await this.userService.getUserId(); if (isAuthenticated && payloadUserId != null && payloadUserId !== myUserId) { return; } switch (notification.type) { case NotificationType.SyncCipherCreate: case NotificationType.SyncCipherUpdate: await this.syncService.syncUpsertCipher(notification.payload as SyncCipherNotification, notification.type === NotificationType.SyncCipherUpdate); break; case NotificationType.SyncCipherDelete: case NotificationType.SyncLoginDelete: await this.syncService.syncDeleteCipher(notification.payload as SyncCipherNotification); break; case NotificationType.SyncFolderCreate: case NotificationType.SyncFolderUpdate: await this.syncService.syncUpsertFolder(notification.payload as SyncFolderNotification, notification.type === NotificationType.SyncFolderUpdate); break; case NotificationType.SyncFolderDelete: await this.syncService.syncDeleteFolder(notification.payload as SyncFolderNotification); break; case NotificationType.SyncVault: case NotificationType.SyncCiphers: case NotificationType.SyncSettings: if (isAuthenticated) { await this.syncService.fullSync(false); } break; case NotificationType.SyncOrgKeys: if (isAuthenticated) { await this.apiService.refreshIdentityToken(); await this.syncService.fullSync(true); // Stop so a reconnect can be made await this.signalrConnection.stop(); } break; case NotificationType.LogOut: if (isAuthenticated) { this.logoutCallback(); } break; default: break; } } private async reconnect(sync: boolean) { if (this.reconnectTimer != null) { clearTimeout(this.reconnectTimer); this.reconnectTimer = null; } if (this.connected || !this.inited || this.inactive) { return; } const authedAndUnlocked = await this.isAuthedAndUnlocked(); if (!authedAndUnlocked) { return; } try { await this.signalrConnection.start(); this.connected = true; if (sync) { await this.syncService.fullSync(false); } } catch { } if (!this.connected) { this.reconnectTimer = setTimeout(() => this.reconnect(sync), this.random(120000, 300000)); } } private async isAuthedAndUnlocked() { if (await this.userService.isAuthenticated()) { const locked = await this.lockService.isLocked(); return !locked; } return false; } private random(min: number, max: number) { min = Math.ceil(min); max = Math.floor(max); return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } }