import { firstValueFrom } from "rxjs"; import { AuthService } from "../../auth/abstractions/auth.service"; import { AuthenticationStatus } from "../../auth/enums/authentication-status"; import { MessagingService } from "../abstractions/messaging.service"; import { PlatformUtilsService } from "../abstractions/platform-utils.service"; import { StateService } from "../abstractions/state.service"; import { SystemService as SystemServiceAbstraction } from "../abstractions/system.service"; import { Utils } from "../misc/utils"; export class SystemService implements SystemServiceAbstraction { private reloadInterval: any = null; private clearClipboardTimeout: any = null; private clearClipboardTimeoutFunction: () => Promise = null; constructor( private messagingService: MessagingService, private platformUtilsService: PlatformUtilsService, private reloadCallback: () => Promise = null, private stateService: StateService ) {} async startProcessReload(authService: AuthService): Promise { const accounts = await firstValueFrom(this.stateService.accounts$); if (accounts != null) { const keys = Object.keys(accounts); if (keys.length > 0) { for (const userId of keys) { if ((await authService.getAuthStatus(userId)) === AuthenticationStatus.Unlocked) { return; } } } } // A reloadInterval has already been set and is executing if (this.reloadInterval != null) { return; } // User has set a PIN, with ask for master password on restart, to protect their vault const decryptedPinProtected = await this.stateService.getDecryptedPinProtected(); if (decryptedPinProtected != null) { return; } this.cancelProcessReload(); await this.executeProcessReload(); } private async executeProcessReload() { const biometricLockedFingerprintValidated = await this.stateService.getBiometricFingerprintValidated(); if (!biometricLockedFingerprintValidated) { clearInterval(this.reloadInterval); this.reloadInterval = null; this.messagingService.send("reloadProcess"); if (this.reloadCallback != null) { await this.reloadCallback(); } return; } if (this.reloadInterval == null) { this.reloadInterval = setInterval(async () => await this.executeProcessReload(), 1000); } } cancelProcessReload(): void { if (this.reloadInterval != null) { clearInterval(this.reloadInterval); this.reloadInterval = null; } } async clearClipboard(clipboardValue: string, timeoutMs: number = null): Promise { if (this.clearClipboardTimeout != null) { clearTimeout(this.clearClipboardTimeout); this.clearClipboardTimeout = null; } if (Utils.isNullOrWhitespace(clipboardValue)) { return; } await this.stateService.getClearClipboard().then((clearSeconds) => { if (clearSeconds == null) { return; } if (timeoutMs == null) { timeoutMs = clearSeconds * 1000; } this.clearClipboardTimeoutFunction = async () => { const clipboardValueNow = await this.platformUtilsService.readFromClipboard(); if (clipboardValue === clipboardValueNow) { this.platformUtilsService.copyToClipboard("", { clearing: true }); } }; this.clearClipboardTimeout = setTimeout(async () => { await this.clearPendingClipboard(); }, timeoutMs); }); } async clearPendingClipboard() { if (this.clearClipboardTimeoutFunction != null) { await this.clearClipboardTimeoutFunction(); this.clearClipboardTimeoutFunction = null; } } }