import * as bigInt from "big-integer"; import { Observable, filter, firstValueFrom, map, zip } from "rxjs"; import { PinServiceAbstraction } from "../../../../auth/src/common/abstractions"; import { EncryptedOrganizationKeyData } from "../../admin-console/models/data/"; import { ProfileOrganizationResponse } from "../../admin-console/models/response/profile-organization.response"; import { ProfileProviderOrganizationResponse } from "../../admin-console/models/response/profile-provider-organization.response"; import { ProfileProviderResponse } from "../../admin-console/models/response/profile-provider.response"; import { AccountService } from "../../auth/abstractions/account.service"; import { KdfConfigService } from "../../auth/abstractions/kdf-config.service"; import { InternalMasterPasswordServiceAbstraction } from "../../auth/abstractions/master-password.service.abstraction"; import { KdfConfig } from "../../auth/models/domain/kdf-config"; import { Utils } from "../../platform/misc/utils"; import { VAULT_TIMEOUT } from "../../services/vault-timeout/vault-timeout-settings.state"; import { CsprngArray } from "../../types/csprng"; import { OrganizationId, ProviderId, UserId } from "../../types/guid"; import { OrgKey, UserKey, MasterKey, ProviderKey, CipherKey, UserPrivateKey, UserPublicKey, } from "../../types/key"; import { VaultTimeoutStringType } from "../../types/vault-timeout.type"; import { CryptoFunctionService } from "../abstractions/crypto-function.service"; import { CryptoService as CryptoServiceAbstraction } from "../abstractions/crypto.service"; import { EncryptService } from "../abstractions/encrypt.service"; import { KeyGenerationService } from "../abstractions/key-generation.service"; import { LogService } from "../abstractions/log.service"; import { PlatformUtilsService } from "../abstractions/platform-utils.service"; import { StateService } from "../abstractions/state.service"; import { KeySuffixOptions, HashPurpose, EncryptionType } from "../enums"; import { sequentialize } from "../misc/sequentialize"; import { EFFLongWordList } from "../misc/wordlist"; import { EncArrayBuffer } from "../models/domain/enc-array-buffer"; import { EncString, EncryptedString } from "../models/domain/enc-string"; import { SymmetricCryptoKey } from "../models/domain/symmetric-crypto-key"; import { ActiveUserState, DerivedState, StateProvider } from "../state"; import { USER_ENCRYPTED_ORGANIZATION_KEYS, USER_ORGANIZATION_KEYS, } from "./key-state/org-keys.state"; import { USER_ENCRYPTED_PROVIDER_KEYS, USER_PROVIDER_KEYS } from "./key-state/provider-keys.state"; import { USER_ENCRYPTED_PRIVATE_KEY, USER_EVER_HAD_USER_KEY, USER_PRIVATE_KEY, USER_PUBLIC_KEY, USER_KEY, } from "./key-state/user-key.state"; export class CryptoService implements CryptoServiceAbstraction { private readonly activeUserKeyState: ActiveUserState; private readonly activeUserEverHadUserKey: ActiveUserState; private readonly activeUserEncryptedOrgKeysState: ActiveUserState< Record >; private readonly activeUserOrgKeysState: DerivedState>; private readonly activeUserEncryptedProviderKeysState: ActiveUserState< Record >; private readonly activeUserProviderKeysState: DerivedState>; private readonly activeUserEncryptedPrivateKeyState: ActiveUserState; private readonly activeUserPrivateKeyState: DerivedState; private readonly activeUserPublicKeyState: DerivedState; readonly activeUserKey$: Observable; readonly activeUserOrgKeys$: Observable>; readonly activeUserProviderKeys$: Observable>; readonly activeUserPrivateKey$: Observable; readonly activeUserPublicKey$: Observable; readonly everHadUserKey$: Observable; constructor( protected pinService: PinServiceAbstraction, protected masterPasswordService: InternalMasterPasswordServiceAbstraction, protected keyGenerationService: KeyGenerationService, protected cryptoFunctionService: CryptoFunctionService, protected encryptService: EncryptService, protected platformUtilService: PlatformUtilsService, protected logService: LogService, protected stateService: StateService, protected accountService: AccountService, protected stateProvider: StateProvider, protected kdfConfigService: KdfConfigService, ) { // User Key this.activeUserKeyState = stateProvider.getActive(USER_KEY); this.activeUserKey$ = this.activeUserKeyState.state$; this.activeUserEverHadUserKey = stateProvider.getActive(USER_EVER_HAD_USER_KEY); this.everHadUserKey$ = this.activeUserEverHadUserKey.state$.pipe(map((x) => x ?? false)); // User Asymmetric Key Pair this.activeUserEncryptedPrivateKeyState = stateProvider.getActive(USER_ENCRYPTED_PRIVATE_KEY); this.activeUserPrivateKeyState = stateProvider.getDerived( zip(this.activeUserEncryptedPrivateKeyState.state$, this.activeUserKey$).pipe( filter(([, userKey]) => !!userKey), ), USER_PRIVATE_KEY, { encryptService: this.encryptService, }, ); this.activeUserPrivateKey$ = this.activeUserPrivateKeyState.state$; // may be null this.activeUserPublicKeyState = stateProvider.getDerived( this.activeUserPrivateKey$.pipe(filter((key) => key != null)), USER_PUBLIC_KEY, { cryptoFunctionService: this.cryptoFunctionService, }, ); this.activeUserPublicKey$ = this.activeUserPublicKeyState.state$; // may be null // Provider keys this.activeUserEncryptedProviderKeysState = stateProvider.getActive( USER_ENCRYPTED_PROVIDER_KEYS, ); this.activeUserProviderKeysState = stateProvider.getDerived( zip( this.activeUserEncryptedProviderKeysState.state$.pipe(filter((keys) => keys != null)), this.activeUserPrivateKey$, ).pipe(filter(([, privateKey]) => !!privateKey)), USER_PROVIDER_KEYS, { encryptService: this.encryptService }, ); this.activeUserProviderKeys$ = this.activeUserProviderKeysState.state$; // null handled by `derive` function // Organization keys this.activeUserEncryptedOrgKeysState = stateProvider.getActive( USER_ENCRYPTED_ORGANIZATION_KEYS, ); this.activeUserOrgKeysState = stateProvider.getDerived( zip( this.activeUserEncryptedOrgKeysState.state$.pipe(filter((keys) => keys != null)), this.activeUserPrivateKey$, this.activeUserProviderKeys$, ).pipe(filter(([, privateKey]) => !!privateKey)), USER_ORGANIZATION_KEYS, { encryptService: this.encryptService }, ); this.activeUserOrgKeys$ = this.activeUserOrgKeysState.state$; // null handled by `derive` function } async setUserKey(key: UserKey, userId?: UserId): Promise { if (key == null) { throw new Error("No key provided. Lock the user to clear the key"); } // Set userId to ensure we have one for the account status update [userId, key] = await this.stateProvider.setUserState(USER_KEY, key, userId); await this.stateProvider.setUserState(USER_EVER_HAD_USER_KEY, true, userId); await this.storeAdditionalKeys(key, userId); } async refreshAdditionalKeys(): Promise { const key = await this.getUserKey(); await this.setUserKey(key); } getInMemoryUserKeyFor$(userId: UserId): Observable { return this.stateProvider.getUserState$(USER_KEY, userId); } async getUserKey(userId?: UserId): Promise { const userKey = await firstValueFrom(this.stateProvider.getUserState$(USER_KEY, userId)); return userKey; } async isLegacyUser(masterKey?: MasterKey, userId?: UserId): Promise { userId ??= await firstValueFrom(this.stateProvider.activeUserId$); masterKey ??= await firstValueFrom(this.masterPasswordService.masterKey$(userId)); return await this.validateUserKey(masterKey as unknown as UserKey); } // TODO: legacy support for user key is no longer needed since we require users to migrate on login async getUserKeyWithLegacySupport(userId?: UserId): Promise { userId ??= await firstValueFrom(this.stateProvider.activeUserId$); const userKey = await this.getUserKey(userId); if (userKey) { return userKey; } // Legacy support: encryption used to be done with the master key (derived from master password). // Users who have not migrated will have a null user key and must use the master key instead. const masterKey = await firstValueFrom(this.masterPasswordService.masterKey$(userId)); return masterKey as unknown as UserKey; } async getUserKeyFromStorage(keySuffix: KeySuffixOptions, userId?: UserId): Promise { const userKey = await this.getKeyFromStorage(keySuffix, userId); if (userKey) { if (!(await this.validateUserKey(userKey))) { this.logService.warning("Invalid key, throwing away stored keys"); await this.clearAllStoredUserKeys(userId); } return userKey; } } async hasUserKey(userId?: UserId): Promise { userId ??= await firstValueFrom(this.stateProvider.activeUserId$); if (userId == null) { return false; } return await this.hasUserKeyInMemory(userId); } async hasUserKeyInMemory(userId?: UserId): Promise { userId ??= await firstValueFrom(this.stateProvider.activeUserId$); if (userId == null) { return false; } return (await firstValueFrom(this.stateProvider.getUserState$(USER_KEY, userId))) != null; } async hasUserKeyStored(keySuffix: KeySuffixOptions, userId?: UserId): Promise { return (await this.getKeyFromStorage(keySuffix, userId)) != null; } async makeUserKey(masterKey: MasterKey): Promise<[UserKey, EncString]> { if (!masterKey) { const userId = await firstValueFrom(this.stateProvider.activeUserId$); masterKey = await firstValueFrom(this.masterPasswordService.masterKey$(userId)); } if (masterKey == null) { throw new Error("No Master Key found."); } const newUserKey = await this.keyGenerationService.createKey(512); return this.buildProtectedSymmetricKey(masterKey, newUserKey.key); } /** * Clears the user key. Clears all stored versions of the user keys as well, such as the biometrics key * @param userId The desired user */ private async clearUserKey(userId: UserId): Promise { if (userId == null) { // nothing to do return; } // Set userId to ensure we have one for the account status update await this.stateProvider.setUserState(USER_KEY, null, userId); await this.clearAllStoredUserKeys(userId); } async clearStoredUserKey(keySuffix: KeySuffixOptions, userId?: UserId): Promise { if (keySuffix === KeySuffixOptions.Auto) { // FIXME: Verify that this floating promise is intentional. If it is, add an explanatory comment and ensure there is proper error handling. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises this.stateService.setUserKeyAutoUnlock(null, { userId: userId }); // FIXME: Verify that this floating promise is intentional. If it is, add an explanatory comment and ensure there is proper error handling. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises this.clearDeprecatedKeys(KeySuffixOptions.Auto, userId); } if (keySuffix === KeySuffixOptions.Pin) { // FIXME: Verify that this floating promise is intentional. If it is, add an explanatory comment and ensure there is proper error handling. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises this.pinService.clearPinKeyEncryptedUserKeyEphemeral(userId); // FIXME: Verify that this floating promise is intentional. If it is, add an explanatory comment and ensure there is proper error handling. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises this.clearDeprecatedKeys(KeySuffixOptions.Pin, userId); } } async setMasterKeyEncryptedUserKey(userKeyMasterKey: string, userId?: UserId): Promise { userId ??= await firstValueFrom(this.stateProvider.activeUserId$); await this.masterPasswordService.setMasterKeyEncryptedUserKey( new EncString(userKeyMasterKey), userId, ); } // TODO: Move to MasterPasswordService async getOrDeriveMasterKey(password: string, userId?: UserId) { userId ??= await firstValueFrom(this.stateProvider.activeUserId$); let masterKey = await firstValueFrom(this.masterPasswordService.masterKey$(userId)); return (masterKey ||= await this.makeMasterKey( password, await this.stateService.getEmail({ userId: userId }), await this.kdfConfigService.getKdfConfig(), )); } /** * Derive a master key from a password and email. * * @remarks * Does not validate the kdf config to ensure it satisfies the minimum requirements for the given kdf type. * TODO: Move to MasterPasswordService */ async makeMasterKey(password: string, email: string, KdfConfig: KdfConfig): Promise { return (await this.keyGenerationService.deriveKeyFromPassword( password, email, KdfConfig, )) as MasterKey; } async encryptUserKeyWithMasterKey( masterKey: MasterKey, userKey?: UserKey, ): Promise<[UserKey, EncString]> { userKey ||= await this.getUserKey(); return await this.buildProtectedSymmetricKey(masterKey, userKey.key); } // TODO: move to MasterPasswordService async hashMasterKey( password: string, key: MasterKey, hashPurpose?: HashPurpose, ): Promise { if (!key) { const userId = await firstValueFrom(this.stateProvider.activeUserId$); key = await firstValueFrom(this.masterPasswordService.masterKey$(userId)); } if (password == null || key == null) { throw new Error("Invalid parameters."); } const iterations = hashPurpose === HashPurpose.LocalAuthorization ? 2 : 1; const hash = await this.cryptoFunctionService.pbkdf2(key.key, password, "sha256", iterations); return Utils.fromBufferToB64(hash); } // TODO: move to MasterPasswordService async compareAndUpdateKeyHash(masterPassword: string, masterKey: MasterKey): Promise { const userId = await firstValueFrom(this.stateProvider.activeUserId$); const storedPasswordHash = await firstValueFrom( this.masterPasswordService.masterKeyHash$(userId), ); if (masterPassword != null && storedPasswordHash != null) { const localKeyHash = await this.hashMasterKey( masterPassword, masterKey, HashPurpose.LocalAuthorization, ); if (localKeyHash != null && storedPasswordHash === localKeyHash) { return true; } // TODO: remove serverKeyHash check in 1-2 releases after everyone's keyHash has been updated const serverKeyHash = await this.hashMasterKey( masterPassword, masterKey, HashPurpose.ServerAuthorization, ); if (serverKeyHash != null && storedPasswordHash === serverKeyHash) { await this.masterPasswordService.setMasterKeyHash(localKeyHash, userId); return true; } } return false; } async setOrgKeys( orgs: ProfileOrganizationResponse[], providerOrgs: ProfileProviderOrganizationResponse[], userId: UserId, ): Promise { await this.stateProvider.getUser(userId, USER_ENCRYPTED_ORGANIZATION_KEYS).update(() => { const encOrgKeyData: { [orgId: string]: EncryptedOrganizationKeyData } = {}; orgs.forEach((org) => { encOrgKeyData[] = { type: "organization", key: org.key, }; }); providerOrgs.forEach((org) => { encOrgKeyData[] = { type: "provider", providerId: org.providerId, key: org.key, }; }); return encOrgKeyData; }); } async getOrgKey(orgId: OrganizationId): Promise { return (await firstValueFrom(this.activeUserOrgKeys$))[orgId]; } @sequentialize(() => "getOrgKeys") async getOrgKeys(): Promise> { return await firstValueFrom(this.activeUserOrgKeys$); } async makeDataEncKey( key: T, ): Promise<[SymmetricCryptoKey, EncString]> { if (key == null) { throw new Error("No key provided"); } const newSymKey = await this.keyGenerationService.createKey(512); return this.buildProtectedSymmetricKey(key, newSymKey.key); } private async clearOrgKeys(userId: UserId): Promise { if (userId == null) { // nothing to do return; } await this.stateProvider.setUserState(USER_ENCRYPTED_ORGANIZATION_KEYS, null, userId); } async setProviderKeys(providers: ProfileProviderResponse[], userId: UserId): Promise { await this.stateProvider.getUser(userId, USER_ENCRYPTED_PROVIDER_KEYS).update(() => { const encProviderKeys: { [providerId: ProviderId]: EncryptedString } = {}; providers.forEach((provider) => { encProviderKeys[ as ProviderId] = provider.key as EncryptedString; }); return encProviderKeys; }); } async getProviderKey(providerId: ProviderId): Promise { if (providerId == null) { return null; } return (await firstValueFrom(this.activeUserProviderKeys$))[providerId] ?? null; } @sequentialize(() => "getProviderKeys") async getProviderKeys(): Promise> { return await firstValueFrom(this.activeUserProviderKeys$); } private async clearProviderKeys(userId: UserId): Promise { if (userId == null) { // nothing to do return; } await this.stateProvider.setUserState(USER_ENCRYPTED_PROVIDER_KEYS, null, userId); } async getPublicKey(): Promise { return await firstValueFrom(this.activeUserPublicKey$); } async makeOrgKey(): Promise<[EncString, T]> { const shareKey = await this.keyGenerationService.createKey(512); const publicKey = await this.getPublicKey(); const encShareKey = await this.rsaEncrypt(shareKey.key, publicKey); return [encShareKey, shareKey as T]; } async setPrivateKey(encPrivateKey: EncryptedString, userId: UserId): Promise { if (encPrivateKey == null) { return; } await this.stateProvider .getUser(userId, USER_ENCRYPTED_PRIVATE_KEY) .update(() => encPrivateKey); } async getPrivateKey(): Promise { return await firstValueFrom(this.activeUserPrivateKey$); } async getFingerprint(fingerprintMaterial: string, publicKey?: Uint8Array): Promise { if (publicKey == null) { publicKey = await this.getPublicKey(); } if (publicKey === null) { throw new Error("No public key available."); } const keyFingerprint = await this.cryptoFunctionService.hash(publicKey, "sha256"); const userFingerprint = await this.cryptoFunctionService.hkdfExpand( keyFingerprint, fingerprintMaterial, 32, "sha256", ); return this.hashPhrase(userFingerprint); } async makeKeyPair(key: SymmetricCryptoKey): Promise<[string, EncString]> { if (key == null) { throw new Error("'key' is a required parameter and must be non-null."); } const keyPair = await this.cryptoFunctionService.rsaGenerateKeyPair(2048); const publicB64 = Utils.fromBufferToB64(keyPair[0]); const privateEnc = await this.encryptService.encrypt(keyPair[1], key); return [publicB64, privateEnc]; } /** * Clears the user's key pair * @param userId The desired user */ private async clearKeyPair(userId: UserId): Promise { if (userId == null) { // nothing to do return; } await this.stateProvider.setUserState(USER_ENCRYPTED_PRIVATE_KEY, null, userId); } async clearPinKeys(userId?: UserId): Promise { userId ??= await firstValueFrom(this.stateProvider.activeUserId$); if (userId == null) { throw new Error("Cannot clear PIN keys, no user Id resolved."); } await this.pinService.clearPinKeyEncryptedUserKeyPersistent(userId); await this.pinService.clearPinKeyEncryptedUserKeyEphemeral(userId); await this.pinService.clearUserKeyEncryptedPin(userId); await this.clearDeprecatedKeys(KeySuffixOptions.Pin, userId); } async makeSendKey(keyMaterial: CsprngArray): Promise { return await this.keyGenerationService.deriveKeyFromMaterial( keyMaterial, "bitwarden-send", "send", ); } async makeCipherKey(): Promise { return (await this.keyGenerationService.createKey(512)) as CipherKey; } async clearKeys(userId?: UserId): Promise { userId ??= await firstValueFrom(this.stateProvider.activeUserId$); if (userId == null) { throw new Error("Cannot clear keys, no user Id resolved."); } await this.masterPasswordService.clearMasterKeyHash(userId); await this.clearUserKey(userId); await this.clearOrgKeys(userId); await this.clearProviderKeys(userId); await this.clearKeyPair(userId); await this.clearPinKeys(userId); await this.stateProvider.setUserState(USER_EVER_HAD_USER_KEY, null, userId); } async rsaEncrypt(data: Uint8Array, publicKey: Uint8Array): Promise { if (publicKey == null) { throw new Error("'publicKey' is a required parameter and must be non-null"); } const encBytes = await this.cryptoFunctionService.rsaEncrypt(data, publicKey, "sha1"); return new EncString(EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha1_B64, Utils.fromBufferToB64(encBytes)); } async rsaDecrypt(encValue: string, privateKey: Uint8Array): Promise { if (privateKey == null) { throw new Error("'privateKey' is a required parameter and must be non-null"); } const headerPieces = encValue.split("."); let encType: EncryptionType = null; let encPieces: string[]; if (headerPieces.length === 1) { encType = EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha256_B64; encPieces = [headerPieces[0]]; } else if (headerPieces.length === 2) { try { encType = parseInt(headerPieces[0], null); encPieces = headerPieces[1].split("|"); } catch (e) { this.logService.error(e); } } switch (encType) { case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha256_B64: case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha1_B64: case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha256_HmacSha256_B64: // HmacSha256 types are deprecated case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha1_HmacSha256_B64: break; default: throw new Error("encType unavailable."); } if (encPieces == null || encPieces.length <= 0) { throw new Error("encPieces unavailable."); } const data = Utils.fromB64ToArray(encPieces[0]); let alg: "sha1" | "sha256" = "sha1"; switch (encType) { case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha256_B64: case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha256_HmacSha256_B64: alg = "sha256"; break; case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha1_B64: case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha1_HmacSha256_B64: break; default: throw new Error("encType unavailable."); } return this.cryptoFunctionService.rsaDecrypt(data, privateKey, alg); } // EFForg/OpenWireless // ref async randomNumber(min: number, max: number): Promise { let rval = 0; const range = max - min + 1; const bitsNeeded = Math.ceil(Math.log2(range)); if (bitsNeeded > 53) { throw new Error("We cannot generate numbers larger than 53 bits."); } const bytesNeeded = Math.ceil(bitsNeeded / 8); const mask = Math.pow(2, bitsNeeded) - 1; // 7776 -> (2^13 = 8192) -1 == 8191 or 0x00001111 11111111 // Fill a byte array with N random numbers const byteArray = new Uint8Array(await this.cryptoFunctionService.randomBytes(bytesNeeded)); let p = (bytesNeeded - 1) * 8; for (let i = 0; i < bytesNeeded; i++) { rval += byteArray[i] * Math.pow(2, p); p -= 8; } // Use & to apply the mask and reduce the number of recursive lookups rval = rval & mask; if (rval >= range) { // Integer out of acceptable range return this.randomNumber(min, max); } // Return an integer that falls within the range return min + rval; } // ---HELPERS--- protected async validateUserKey(key: UserKey): Promise { if (!key) { return false; } try { const encPrivateKey = await firstValueFrom(this.activeUserEncryptedPrivateKeyState.state$); if (encPrivateKey == null) { return false; } // Can decrypt private key const privateKey = await USER_PRIVATE_KEY.derive([encPrivateKey, key], { encryptService: this.encryptService, }); if (privateKey == null) { // failed to decrypt return false; } // Can successfully derive public key const publicKey = await USER_PUBLIC_KEY.derive(privateKey, { cryptoFunctionService: this.cryptoFunctionService, }); if (publicKey == null) { // failed to decrypt return false; } } catch (e) { return false; } return true; } /** * Initialize all necessary crypto keys needed for a new account. * Warning! This completely replaces any existing keys! */ async initAccount(): Promise<{ userKey: UserKey; publicKey: string; privateKey: EncString; }> { // Verify user key doesn't exist const existingUserKey = await this.getUserKey(); if (existingUserKey != null) { this.logService.error("Tried to initialize account with existing user key."); throw new Error("Cannot initialize account, keys already exist."); } const userKey = (await this.keyGenerationService.createKey(512)) as UserKey; const [publicKey, privateKey] = await this.makeKeyPair(userKey); await this.setUserKey(userKey); await this.activeUserEncryptedPrivateKeyState.update(() => privateKey.encryptedString); return { userKey, publicKey, privateKey, }; } /** * Generates any additional keys if needed. Additional keys are * keys such as biometrics, auto, and pin keys. * Useful to make sure other keys stay in sync when the user key * has been rotated. * @param key The user key * @param userId The desired user */ protected async storeAdditionalKeys(key: UserKey, userId?: UserId) { userId ??= await firstValueFrom(this.stateProvider.activeUserId$); if (userId == null) { throw new Error("Cannot store additional keys, no user Id resolved."); } const storeAuto = await this.shouldStoreKey(KeySuffixOptions.Auto, userId); if (storeAuto) { await this.stateService.setUserKeyAutoUnlock(key.keyB64, { userId: userId }); } else { await this.stateService.setUserKeyAutoUnlock(null, { userId: userId }); } await this.clearDeprecatedKeys(KeySuffixOptions.Auto, userId); const storePin = await this.shouldStoreKey(KeySuffixOptions.Pin, userId); if (storePin) { // Decrypt userKeyEncryptedPin with user key const pin = await this.encryptService.decryptToUtf8( await this.pinService.getUserKeyEncryptedPin(userId), key, ); const pinKeyEncryptedUserKey = await this.pinService.createPinKeyEncryptedUserKey( pin, key, userId, ); const noPreExistingPersistentKey = (await this.pinService.getPinKeyEncryptedUserKeyPersistent(userId)) == null; await this.pinService.storePinKeyEncryptedUserKey( pinKeyEncryptedUserKey, noPreExistingPersistentKey, userId, ); // We can't always clear deprecated keys because the pin is only // migrated once used to unlock await this.clearDeprecatedKeys(KeySuffixOptions.Pin, userId); } else { await this.pinService.clearPinKeyEncryptedUserKeyPersistent(userId); await this.pinService.clearPinKeyEncryptedUserKeyEphemeral(userId); } } protected async shouldStoreKey(keySuffix: KeySuffixOptions, userId?: UserId) { let shouldStoreKey = false; switch (keySuffix) { case KeySuffixOptions.Auto: { // TODO: Sharing the UserKeyDefinition is temporary to get around a circ dep issue between // the VaultTimeoutSettingsSvc and this service. // This should be fixed as part of the PM-7082 - Auto Key Service work. const vaultTimeout = await firstValueFrom( this.stateProvider.getUserState$(VAULT_TIMEOUT, userId), ); shouldStoreKey = vaultTimeout == VaultTimeoutStringType.Never; break; } case KeySuffixOptions.Pin: { const userKeyEncryptedPin = await this.pinService.getUserKeyEncryptedPin(userId); shouldStoreKey = !!userKeyEncryptedPin; break; } } return shouldStoreKey; } protected async getKeyFromStorage( keySuffix: KeySuffixOptions, userId?: UserId, ): Promise { if (keySuffix === KeySuffixOptions.Auto) { const userKey = await this.stateService.getUserKeyAutoUnlock({ userId: userId }); if (userKey) { return new SymmetricCryptoKey(Utils.fromB64ToArray(userKey)) as UserKey; } } return null; } protected async clearAllStoredUserKeys(userId?: UserId): Promise { await this.stateService.setUserKeyAutoUnlock(null, { userId: userId }); await this.pinService.clearPinKeyEncryptedUserKeyEphemeral(userId); } private async hashPhrase(hash: Uint8Array, minimumEntropy = 64) { const entropyPerWord = Math.log(EFFLongWordList.length) / Math.log(2); let numWords = Math.ceil(minimumEntropy / entropyPerWord); const hashArr = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hash)); const entropyAvailable = hashArr.length * 4; if (numWords * entropyPerWord > entropyAvailable) { throw new Error("Output entropy of hash function is too small"); } const phrase: string[] = []; let hashNumber = bigInt.fromArray(hashArr, 256); while (numWords--) { const remainder = hashNumber.mod(EFFLongWordList.length); hashNumber = hashNumber.divide(EFFLongWordList.length); phrase.push(EFFLongWordList[remainder as any]); } return phrase; } private async buildProtectedSymmetricKey( encryptionKey: SymmetricCryptoKey, newSymKey: Uint8Array, ): Promise<[T, EncString]> { let protectedSymKey: EncString = null; if (encryptionKey.key.byteLength === 32) { const stretchedEncryptionKey = await this.keyGenerationService.stretchKey(encryptionKey); protectedSymKey = await this.encryptService.encrypt(newSymKey, stretchedEncryptionKey); } else if (encryptionKey.key.byteLength === 64) { protectedSymKey = await this.encryptService.encrypt(newSymKey, encryptionKey); } else { throw new Error("Invalid key size."); } return [new SymmetricCryptoKey(newSymKey) as T, protectedSymKey]; } // --LEGACY METHODS-- // We previously used the master key for additional keys, but now we use the user key. // These methods support migrating the old keys to the new ones. // TODO: Remove after 2023.10 release ( async clearDeprecatedKeys(keySuffix: KeySuffixOptions, userId?: UserId) { if (keySuffix === KeySuffixOptions.Auto) { await this.stateService.setCryptoMasterKeyAuto(null, { userId: userId }); } else if (keySuffix === KeySuffixOptions.Pin) { await this.pinService.clearOldPinKeyEncryptedMasterKey(userId); } } // --DEPRECATED METHODS-- /** * @deprecated July 25 2022: Get the key you need from CryptoService (getKeyForUserEncryption or getOrgKey) * and then call encryptService.encrypt */ async encrypt(plainValue: string | Uint8Array, key?: SymmetricCryptoKey): Promise { key ||= await this.getUserKeyWithLegacySupport(); return await this.encryptService.encrypt(plainValue, key); } /** * @deprecated July 25 2022: Get the key you need from CryptoService (getKeyForUserEncryption or getOrgKey) * and then call encryptService.encryptToBytes */ async encryptToBytes(plainValue: Uint8Array, key?: SymmetricCryptoKey): Promise { key ||= await this.getUserKeyWithLegacySupport(); return this.encryptService.encryptToBytes(plainValue, key); } /** * @deprecated July 25 2022: Get the key you need from CryptoService (getKeyForUserEncryption or getOrgKey) * and then call encryptService.decryptToBytes */ async decryptToBytes(encString: EncString, key?: SymmetricCryptoKey): Promise { key ||= await this.getUserKeyWithLegacySupport(); return this.encryptService.decryptToBytes(encString, key); } /** * @deprecated July 25 2022: Get the key you need from CryptoService (getKeyForUserEncryption or getOrgKey) * and then call encryptService.decryptToUtf8 */ async decryptToUtf8(encString: EncString, key?: SymmetricCryptoKey): Promise { key ||= await this.getUserKeyWithLegacySupport(); return await this.encryptService.decryptToUtf8(encString, key); } /** * @deprecated July 25 2022: Get the key you need from CryptoService (getKeyForUserEncryption or getOrgKey) * and then call encryptService.decryptToBytes */ async decryptFromBytes(encBuffer: EncArrayBuffer, key: SymmetricCryptoKey): Promise { if (encBuffer == null) { throw new Error("No buffer provided for decryption."); } key ||= await this.getUserKeyWithLegacySupport(); return this.encryptService.decryptToBytes(encBuffer, key); } }