import { AuthService } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/abstractions/auth.service"; import { AuthenticationStatus } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/enums/authentication-status"; import { AppIdService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/app-id.service"; import { CryptoFunctionService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/crypto-function.service"; import { CryptoService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/crypto.service"; import { I18nService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/i18n.service"; import { LogService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/log.service"; import { MessagingService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/messaging.service"; import { PlatformUtilsService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/platform-utils.service"; import { StateService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/state.service"; import { Utils } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/misc/utils"; import { EncString } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/models/domain/enc-string"; import { MasterKey, SymmetricCryptoKey, UserKey, } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/models/domain/symmetric-crypto-key"; import { BrowserApi } from "../platform/browser/browser-api"; import RuntimeBackground from "./runtime.background"; const MessageValidTimeout = 10 * 1000; const EncryptionAlgorithm = "sha1"; type Message = { command: string; // Filled in by this service userId?: string; timestamp?: number; // Used for sharing secret publicKey?: string; }; type OuterMessage = { message: Message | EncString; appId: string; }; type ReceiveMessage = { timestamp: number; command: string; response?: any; // Unlock key keyB64?: string; userKeyB64?: string; }; type ReceiveMessageOuter = { command: string; appId: string; // Should only have one of these. message?: EncString; sharedSecret?: string; }; export class NativeMessagingBackground { private connected = false; private connecting: boolean; private port: browser.runtime.Port | chrome.runtime.Port; private resolver: any = null; private privateKey: Uint8Array = null; private publicKey: Uint8Array = null; private secureSetupResolve: any = null; private sharedSecret: SymmetricCryptoKey; private appId: string; private validatingFingerprint: boolean; constructor( private cryptoService: CryptoService, private cryptoFunctionService: CryptoFunctionService, private runtimeBackground: RuntimeBackground, private i18nService: I18nService, private messagingService: MessagingService, private appIdService: AppIdService, private platformUtilsService: PlatformUtilsService, private stateService: StateService, private logService: LogService, private authService: AuthService ) { this.stateService.setBiometricFingerprintValidated(false); if (chrome?.permissions?.onAdded) { // Reload extension to activate nativeMessaging chrome.permissions.onAdded.addListener((permissions) => { BrowserApi.reloadExtension(null); }); } } async connect() { this.appId = await this.appIdService.getAppId(); this.stateService.setBiometricFingerprintValidated(false); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.port = BrowserApi.connectNative("com.8bit.bitwarden"); this.connecting = true; const connectedCallback = () => { this.connected = true; this.connecting = false; resolve(); }; // Safari has a bundled native component which is always available, no need to // check if the desktop app is running. if (this.platformUtilsService.isSafari()) { connectedCallback(); } this.port.onMessage.addListener(async (message: ReceiveMessageOuter) => { switch (message.command) { case "connected": connectedCallback(); break; case "disconnected": if (this.connecting) { reject("startDesktop"); } this.connected = false; this.port.disconnect(); break; case "setupEncryption": { // Ignore since it belongs to another device if (message.appId !== this.appId) { return; } const encrypted = Utils.fromB64ToArray(message.sharedSecret); const decrypted = await this.cryptoFunctionService.rsaDecrypt( encrypted, this.privateKey, EncryptionAlgorithm ); if (this.validatingFingerprint) { this.validatingFingerprint = false; this.stateService.setBiometricFingerprintValidated(true); } this.sharedSecret = new SymmetricCryptoKey(decrypted); this.secureSetupResolve(); break; } case "invalidateEncryption": // Ignore since it belongs to another device if (message.appId !== this.appId) { return; } this.sharedSecret = null; this.privateKey = null; this.connected = false; this.messagingService.send("showDialog", { title: { key: "nativeMessagingInvalidEncryptionTitle" }, content: { key: "nativeMessagingInvalidEncryptionDesc" }, acceptButtonText: { key: "ok" }, cancelButtonText: null, type: "danger", }); break; case "verifyFingerprint": { if (this.sharedSecret == null) { this.validatingFingerprint = true; this.showFingerprintDialog(); } break; } case "wrongUserId": this.showWrongUserDialog(); break; default: // Ignore since it belongs to another device if (!this.platformUtilsService.isSafari() && message.appId !== this.appId) { return; } this.onMessage(message.message); } }); this.port.onDisconnect.addListener((p: any) => { let error; if (BrowserApi.isWebExtensionsApi) { error = p.error.message; } else { error = chrome.runtime.lastError.message; } this.sharedSecret = null; this.privateKey = null; this.connected = false; const reason = error != null ? "desktopIntegrationDisabled" : null; reject(reason); }); }); } showWrongUserDialog() { this.messagingService.send("showDialog", { title: { key: "nativeMessagingWrongUserTitle" }, content: { key: "nativeMessagingWrongUserDesc" }, acceptButtonText: { key: "ok" }, cancelButtonText: null, type: "danger", }); } async send(message: Message) { if (!this.connected) { await this.connect(); } message.userId = await this.stateService.getUserId(); message.timestamp =; if (this.platformUtilsService.isSafari()) { this.postMessage(message as any); } else { this.postMessage({ appId: this.appId, message: await this.encryptMessage(message) }); } } async encryptMessage(message: Message) { if (this.sharedSecret == null) { await this.secureCommunication(); } return await this.cryptoService.encrypt(JSON.stringify(message), this.sharedSecret); } getResponse(): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.resolver = resolve; }); } private postMessage(message: OuterMessage) { // Wrap in try-catch to when the port disconnected without triggering `onDisconnect`. try { const msg: any = message; if (message.message instanceof EncString) { // Alternative, backwards-compatible serialization of EncString msg.message = { encryptedString: message.message.encryptedString, encryptionType: message.message.encryptionType, data:, iv: message.message.iv, mac: message.message.mac, }; } this.port.postMessage(msg); } catch (e) { this.logService.error("NativeMessaging port disconnected, disconnecting."); this.sharedSecret = null; this.privateKey = null; this.connected = false; this.messagingService.send("showDialog", { title: { key: "nativeMessagingInvalidEncryptionTitle" }, content: { key: "nativeMessagingInvalidEncryptionDesc" }, acceptButtonText: { key: "ok" }, cancelButtonText: null, type: "danger", }); } } private async onMessage(rawMessage: ReceiveMessage | EncString) { let message = rawMessage as ReceiveMessage; if (!this.platformUtilsService.isSafari()) { message = JSON.parse( await this.cryptoService.decryptToUtf8(rawMessage as EncString, this.sharedSecret) ); } if (Math.abs(message.timestamp - > MessageValidTimeout) { this.logService.error("NativeMessage is to old, ignoring."); return; } switch (message.command) { case "biometricUnlock": { await this.stateService.setBiometricAwaitingAcceptance(null); if (message.response === "not enabled") { this.messagingService.send("showDialog", { title: { key: "biometricsNotEnabledTitle" }, content: { key: "biometricsNotEnabledDesc" }, acceptButtonText: { key: "ok" }, cancelButtonText: null, type: "danger", }); break; } else if (message.response === "not supported") { this.messagingService.send("showDialog", { title: { key: "biometricsNotSupportedTitle" }, content: { key: "biometricsNotSupportedDesc" }, acceptButtonText: { key: "ok" }, cancelButtonText: null, type: "danger", }); break; } const enabled = await this.stateService.getBiometricUnlock(); if (enabled === null || enabled === false) { if (message.response === "unlocked") { await this.stateService.setBiometricUnlock(true); } break; } // Ignore unlock if already unlocked if ((await this.authService.getAuthStatus()) === AuthenticationStatus.Unlocked) { break; } if (message.response === "unlocked") { try { if (message.userKeyB64) { const userKey = new SymmetricCryptoKey( Utils.fromB64ToArray(message.userKeyB64) ) as UserKey; await this.cryptoService.setUserKey(userKey); } else if (message.keyB64) { // Backwards compatibility to support cases in which the user hasn't updated their desktop app // TODO: Remove after 2023.10 release ( let encUserKey = await this.stateService.getEncryptedCryptoSymmetricKey(); encUserKey ||= await this.stateService.getMasterKeyEncryptedUserKey(); if (!encUserKey) { throw new Error("No encrypted user key found"); } const masterKey = new SymmetricCryptoKey( Utils.fromB64ToArray(message.keyB64) ) as MasterKey; const userKey = await this.cryptoService.decryptUserKeyWithMasterKey( masterKey, new EncString(encUserKey) ); await this.cryptoService.setMasterKey(masterKey); await this.cryptoService.setUserKey(userKey); } else { throw new Error("No key received"); } } catch (e) { this.logService.error("Unable to set key: " + e); this.messagingService.send("showDialog", { title: { key: "biometricsFailedTitle" }, content: { key: "biometricsFailedDesc" }, acceptButtonText: { key: "ok" }, cancelButtonText: null, type: "danger", }); // Exit early if (this.resolver) { this.resolver(message); } return; } // Verify key is correct by attempting to decrypt a secret try { await this.cryptoService.getFingerprint(await this.stateService.getUserId()); } catch (e) { this.logService.error("Unable to verify key: " + e); await this.cryptoService.clearKeys(); this.showWrongUserDialog(); // Exit early if (this.resolver) { this.resolver(message); } return; } this.runtimeBackground.processMessage({ command: "unlocked" }, null, null); } break; } default: this.logService.error("NativeMessage, got unknown command: " + message.command); break; } if (this.resolver) { this.resolver(message); } } private async secureCommunication() { const [publicKey, privateKey] = await this.cryptoFunctionService.rsaGenerateKeyPair(2048); this.publicKey = publicKey; this.privateKey = privateKey; this.sendUnencrypted({ command: "setupEncryption", publicKey: Utils.fromBufferToB64(publicKey), userId: await this.stateService.getUserId(), }); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => (this.secureSetupResolve = resolve)); } private async sendUnencrypted(message: Message) { if (!this.connected) { await this.connect(); } message.timestamp =; this.postMessage({ appId: this.appId, message: message }); } private async showFingerprintDialog() { const fingerprint = await this.cryptoService.getFingerprint( await this.stateService.getUserId(), this.publicKey ); this.messagingService.send("showNativeMessagingFinterprintDialog", { fingerprint: fingerprint, }); } }