mirror of https://github.com/bitwarden/browser.git synced 2024-10-27 07:39:49 +01:00
Oscar Hinton 173a5e2574
[PM-13277] Gulp: Remove unnecessary filtering (#11456)
Part of the browser build script refactor effort. bitwarden.atlassian.net/browse/PM-6683

We seem to have some very old filters related to fonts and safari build files. These predates our modern usage of webpack for bundling only used assets.

I've run diff -qr on Chrome, Firefox and Safari builds and the only difference is that we now include a bwi-font.svg resource. bwi-font.svg is referenced in our css files and "should" be included.
2024-10-22 18:53:30 +02:00

290 lines
8.8 KiB

const child = require("child_process");
const fs = require("fs");
const { rimraf } = require("rimraf");
const gulp = require("gulp");
const gulpif = require("gulp-if");
const jeditor = require("gulp-json-editor");
const replace = require("gulp-replace");
const manifest = require("./src/manifest.json");
const manifestVersion = parseInt(process.env.MANIFEST_VERSION || manifest.version);
const betaBuild = process.env.BETA_BUILD === "1";
const paths = {
build: "./build/",
dist: "./dist/",
safari: "./src/safari/",
* Converts a number to a tuple containing two Uint16's
* @param num {number} This number is expected to be a integer style number with no decimals
* @returns {number[]} A tuple containing two elements that are both numbers.
function numToUint16s(num) {
var arr = new ArrayBuffer(4);
var view = new DataView(arr);
view.setUint32(0, num, false);
return [view.getUint16(0), view.getUint16(2)];
function buildString() {
var build = "";
if (process.env.MANIFEST_VERSION) {
build = `-mv${process.env.MANIFEST_VERSION}`;
if (betaBuild) {
build += "-beta";
if (process.env.BUILD_NUMBER && process.env.BUILD_NUMBER !== "") {
build = `-${process.env.BUILD_NUMBER}`;
return build;
function distFileName(browserName, ext) {
return `dist-${browserName}${buildString()}.${ext}`;
async function dist(browserName, manifest) {
const { default: zip } = await import("gulp-zip");
return gulp
.src(paths.build + "**/*")
.pipe(gulpif("popup/index.html", replace("__BROWSER__", "browser_" + browserName)))
.pipe(gulpif("manifest.json", jeditor(manifest)))
.pipe(zip(distFileName(browserName, "zip")))
function distFirefox() {
return dist("firefox", (manifest) => {
if (manifestVersion === 3) {
const backgroundScript = manifest.background.service_worker;
delete manifest.background.service_worker;
manifest.background.scripts = [backgroundScript];
delete manifest.storage;
delete manifest.sandbox;
manifest.optional_permissions = manifest.optional_permissions.filter(
(permission) => permission !== "privacy",
if (betaBuild) {
manifest = applyBetaLabels(manifest);
return manifest;
function distOpera() {
return dist("opera", (manifest) => {
delete manifest.applications;
// Mv3 on Opera does seem to have sidebar support, however it is not working as expected.
// On install, the extension will crash the browser entirely if the sidebar_action key is set.
// We will remove the sidebar_action key for now until opera implements a fix.
if (manifestVersion === 3) {
delete manifest.sidebar_action;
delete manifest.commands._execute_sidebar_action;
if (betaBuild) {
manifest = applyBetaLabels(manifest);
return manifest;
function distChrome() {
return dist("chrome", (manifest) => {
delete manifest.applications;
delete manifest.sidebar_action;
delete manifest.commands._execute_sidebar_action;
if (betaBuild) {
manifest = applyBetaLabels(manifest);
return manifest;
function distEdge() {
return dist("edge", (manifest) => {
delete manifest.applications;
delete manifest.sidebar_action;
delete manifest.commands._execute_sidebar_action;
if (betaBuild) {
manifest = applyBetaLabels(manifest);
return manifest;
function distSafariMas(cb) {
return distSafariApp(cb, "mas");
function distSafariMasDev(cb) {
return distSafariApp(cb, "masdev");
function distSafariDmg(cb) {
return distSafariApp(cb, "dmg");
function distSafariApp(cb, subBuildPath) {
const buildPath = paths.dist + "Safari/" + subBuildPath + "/";
const builtAppexPath = buildPath + "build/Release/safari.appex";
const builtAppexFrameworkPath = buildPath + "build/Release/safari.appex/Contents/Frameworks/";
const entitlementsPath = paths.safari + "safari/safari.entitlements";
var args = [
"Developer ID Application: 8bit Solutions LLC",
if (subBuildPath !== "dmg") {
args = [
subBuildPath === "mas"
? "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Bitwarden Inc"
: "E7C9978F6FBCE0553429185C405E61F5380BE8EB",
return rimraf([buildPath + "**/*"], { glob: true })
.then(() => safariCopyAssets(paths.safari + "**/*", buildPath))
.then(() => safariCopyBuild(paths.build + "**/*", buildPath + "safari/app"))
.then(() => {
const proc = child.spawn("xcodebuild", [
buildPath + "desktop.xcodeproj",
return new Promise((resolve) => proc.on("close", resolve));
.then(async () => {
const libs = fs
.filter((p) => p.endsWith(".dylib"))
.map((p) => builtAppexFrameworkPath + p);
const libPromises = [];
libs.forEach((i) => {
const proc = child.spawn("codesign", args.concat([i]));
libPromises.push(new Promise((resolve) => proc.on("close", resolve)));
return Promise.all(libPromises);
.then(() => {
const proc = child.spawn("codesign", args.concat([builtAppexPath]));
return new Promise((resolve) => proc.on("close", resolve));
() => {
return cb;
() => {
return cb;
function safariCopyAssets(source, dest) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.on("error", reject)
.pipe(gulpif("safari/Info.plist", replace("0.0.1", manifest.version)))
gulpif("safari/Info.plist", replace("0.0.2", process.env.BUILD_NUMBER || manifest.version)),
.pipe(gulpif("desktop.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj", replace("../../../build", "../safari/app")))
.on("end", resolve);
async function safariCopyBuild(source, dest) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.on("error", reject)
.pipe(gulpif("popup/index.html", replace("__BROWSER__", "browser_safari")))
jeditor((manifest) => {
if (manifestVersion === 3) {
const backgroundScript = manifest.background.service_worker;
delete manifest.background.service_worker;
manifest.background.scripts = [backgroundScript];
delete manifest.sidebar_action;
delete manifest.commands._execute_sidebar_action;
delete manifest.optional_permissions;
if (betaBuild) {
manifest = applyBetaLabels(manifest);
return manifest;
.on("end", resolve);
function stdOutProc(proc) {
proc.stdout.on("data", (data) => console.log(data.toString()));
proc.stderr.on("data", (data) => console.error(data.toString()));
function applyBetaLabels(manifest) {
manifest.name = "Bitwarden Password Manager BETA";
manifest.short_name = "Bitwarden BETA";
if (process.env.GITHUB_RUN_ID) {
const existingVersionParts = manifest.version.split("."); // 3 parts expected 2024.4.0
// GITHUB_RUN_ID is a number like: 8853654662
// which will convert to [ 4024, 3206 ]
// and a single incremented id of 8853654663 will become [ 4024, 3207 ]
const runIdParts = numToUint16s(parseInt(process.env.GITHUB_RUN_ID));
// Only use the first 2 parts from the given version number and base the other 2 numbers from the GITHUB_RUN_ID
// Example: 2024.4.4024.3206
const betaVersion = `${existingVersionParts[0]}.${existingVersionParts[1]}.${runIdParts[0]}.${runIdParts[1]}`;
manifest.version_name = `${betaVersion} beta - ${process.env.GITHUB_SHA.slice(0, 8)}`;
manifest.version = betaVersion;
} else {
manifest.version = `${manifest.version}.0`;
return manifest;
exports["dist:firefox"] = distFirefox;
exports["dist:chrome"] = distChrome;
exports["dist:opera"] = distOpera;
exports["dist:edge"] = distEdge;
exports["dist:safari"] = gulp.parallel(distSafariMas, distSafariMasDev, distSafariDmg);
exports["dist:safari:mas"] = distSafariMas;
exports["dist:safari:masdev"] = distSafariMasDev;
exports["dist:safari:dmg"] = distSafariDmg;
exports.dist = gulp.parallel(distFirefox, distChrome, distOpera, distEdge);