mirror of https://github.com/bitwarden/browser.git synced 2024-10-27 07:39:49 +01:00
MartB 84af4ee48f
sweetalert: move to sweetalert2. (#388)
The styling got adjusted to stay as close as possible to the original sweetalert1 styles.
The only visible change is the button order, it is the same as in the web-vault now (OK - CANCEL instead of CANCEL - OK)

- Removed old postinstall gulp hack
- Added tsconfig type definition for sweetalert2 module typing.
2020-02-24 09:45:01 -05:00

293 lines
9.2 KiB

"name": "bitwarden",
"productName": "Bitwarden",
"description": "A secure and free password manager for all of your devices.",
"version": "0.0.0",
"keywords": [
"password manager"
"author": "Bitwarden Inc. <hello@bitwarden.com> (https://bitwarden.com)",
"homepage": "https://bitwarden.com",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/bitwarden/desktop"
"license": "GPL-3.0",
"scripts": {
"start": "cross-env ELECTRON_IS_DEV=0 ELECTRON_NO_UPDATER=1 electron ./build",
"sub:init": "git submodule update --init --recursive",
"sub:update": "git submodule update --remote",
"sub:pull": "git submodule foreach git pull origin master",
"sub:commit": "npm run sub:pull && git commit -am \"update submodule\"",
"postinstall": "./node_modules/.bin/electron-rebuild && npm run sub:init",
"symlink:win": "rm -rf ./jslib && cmd /c mklink /J .\\jslib ..\\jslib",
"symlink:mac": "npm run symlink:lin",
"symlink:lin": "rm -rf ./jslib && ln -s ../jslib ./jslib",
"lint": "tslint src/**/*.ts || true",
"lint:fix": "tslint src/**/*.ts --fix",
"build": "concurrently -n Main,Rend -c yellow,cyan \"npm run build:main\" \"npm run build:renderer\"",
"build:main": "webpack --config webpack.main.js",
"build:renderer": "gulp prebuild:renderer && webpack --config webpack.renderer.js",
"build:renderer:watch": "gulp prebuild:renderer && webpack --config webpack.renderer.js --watch",
"electron": "npm run build:main && concurrently -k -n Main,Rend -c yellow,cyan \"electron --inspect=5858 ./build --watch\" \"npm run build:renderer:watch\"",
"clean:dist": "rimraf ./dist/*",
"clean:l10n": "git push origin --delete l10n_master",
"pack:lin": "npm run clean:dist && electron-builder --linux --x64 -p never",
"pack:mac": "npm run clean:dist && electron-builder --mac -p never",
"pack:mac:mas": "npm run clean:dist && electron-builder --mac mas -p never",
"pack:mac:masdev": "npm run clean:dist && electron-builder --mac mas-dev -p never",
"pack:win": "npm run clean:dist && electron-builder --win --x64 --ia32 -p never -c.win.certificateSubjectName=\"8bit Solutions LLC\"",
"pack:win:ci": "npm run clean:dist && electron-builder --win --x64 --ia32 -p never",
"dist:lin": "npm run build && npm run pack:lin",
"dist:mac": "npm run build && npm run pack:mac",
"dist:mac:mas": "npm run build && npm run pack:mac:mas",
"dist:mac:masdev": "npm run build && npm run pack:mac:masdev",
"dist:win": "npm run build && npm run pack:win",
"dist:win:ci": "npm run build && npm run pack:win:ci",
"publish:lin": "npm run build && npm run clean:dist && electron-builder --linux --x64 -p always",
"publish:mac": "npm run build && npm run clean:dist && electron-builder --mac -p always",
"publish:mac:mas": "npm run dist:mac:mas && npm run upload:mas",
"publish:win": "npm run build && npm run clean:dist && electron-builder --win --x64 --ia32 -p always -c.win.certificateSubjectName=\"8bit Solutions LLC\"",
"upload:mas": "xcrun altool --upload-app --type osx --file \"$(find ./dist/mas/Bitwarden*.pkg)\" --username $APPLE_ID_USERNAME --password $APPLE_ID_PASSWORD"
"build": {
"appId": "com.bitwarden.desktop",
"copyright": "Copyright © 2015-2020 Bitwarden Inc.",
"directories": {
"buildResources": "resources",
"output": "dist",
"app": "build"
"afterSign": "scripts/after-sign.js",
"mac": {
"electronUpdaterCompatibility": ">=0.0.1",
"category": "public.app-category.productivity",
"extraFiles": [
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"entitlementsInherit": "resources/entitlements.mac.plist",
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"CFBundleLocalizations": [
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"target": [
"win": {
"electronUpdaterCompatibility": ">=0.0.1",
"target": [
"linux": {
"category": "Utility",
"synopsis": "A secure and free password manager for all of your devices.",
"target": [
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