mirror of https://github.com/bitwarden/browser.git synced 2025-03-11 13:30:39 +01:00
Vincent Salucci 9578e7b6b4
[CL-27] [EC-455] Ng-Select Integration (#3383)
* [CL-27] Select -> Library initial commit

* [EC-455] NG-Select Integration

* Prettier

* [EC-455] [CL-27] Add option for removing items on close // Added loading/no item found text defaults // Fixed disabled bg color // Added templated loading icon

* [EC-455] [CL-27] Removed enter override // Fixed backspace removal // Clearing search on add // Gave label select states

* [EC-455] [CL-27] Added copy from text to theme

* [EC-455] [CL-27] Changed SimpleItemView to type - removed creation logic to shift responsibility to hosting component

* [EC-455] [CL-27] Updated custom theme to include CSS variable colors

* [CL-27] [EC-455] Initial pass at form field control // initial template for custom value accessor

* [EC-455] working baseItem input

* [EC-455] working value accessor

* [EC-455] Completed FormFieldControl implemntation // fixed badge disabled bug

* [EC-455] Prettier

* [EC-455] Removed obsolete variables

* [EC-455] Private value accessor functions

* [EC-455] Cleaned up default variables

* [EC-455] Imported Shared module to access i18n pipe // cleaned up string refs

* [EC-455] Adjusted padding for clear button // Changed hover color to text-main // Fixed pipe import on stories

* [EC-455] FormObj factory

* [EC-455] FormObj factory

* [EC-455] Updated FormFieldModule import/export statements

* [EC-455] Null check ngControl // added strings

* [EC-455] Fixed remaining null check // Added standalone story & input

* [EC-455] Actually adding the null check

* [EC-455] Removed injector logic // Removed Value Accessor PROVIDER // Self-assigned value accessor

* [EC-455] Fixed ID copy pasta // Forwarded desribed by to focusable input // Abstracted input for label

* [EC-455] Prettier
2022-10-11 07:49:31 -05:00

208 lines
6.4 KiB

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