mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 23:01:28 +01:00
304 lines
9.7 KiB
304 lines
9.7 KiB
const gulp = require('gulp'),
gulpif = require('gulp-if'),
filter = require('gulp-filter'),
replace = require('gulp-replace'),
googleWebFonts = require('gulp-google-webfonts'),
jeditor = require("gulp-json-editor"),
child = require('child_process'),
zip = require('gulp-zip'),
manifest = require('./src/manifest.json'),
xmlpoke = require('gulp-xmlpoke'),
del = require('del'),
fs = require('fs');
const paths = {
build: './build/',
dist: './dist/',
coverage: './coverage/',
node_modules: './node_modules/',
popupDir: './src/popup/',
cssDir: './src/popup/css/',
safari: './src/safari/'
const filters = {
fonts: [
safari: [
webExt: [
edge: [
nonSafariApp: [
function buildString() {
var build = '';
if (process.env.APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER && process.env.APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER !== '') {
build = `-${process.env.APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER}`;
return build;
function distFileName(browserName, ext) {
return `dist-${browserName}${buildString()}.${ext}`;
function dist(browserName, manifest) {
return gulp.src(paths.build + '**/*')
.pipe(gulpif('popup/index.html', replace('__BROWSER__', 'browser_' + browserName)))
.pipe(gulpif('manifest.json', jeditor(manifest)))
.pipe(zip(distFileName(browserName, 'zip')))
function distFirefox() {
return dist('firefox', (manifest) => {
delete manifest['-ms-preload'];
delete manifest.content_security_policy;
return manifest;
function distOpera() {
return dist('opera', (manifest) => {
delete manifest['-ms-preload'];
delete manifest.applications;
delete manifest.content_security_policy;
return manifest;
function distChrome() {
return dist('chrome', (manifest) => {
delete manifest['-ms-preload'];
delete manifest.applications;
delete manifest.content_security_policy;
delete manifest.sidebar_action;
delete manifest.commands._execute_sidebar_action;
return manifest;
function removeShortcuts(manifest) {
if (manifest.content_scripts && manifest.content_scripts.length > 1) {
const shortcutsScript = manifest.content_scripts[1];
if (shortcutsScript.js.indexOf('content/shortcuts.js') > -1) {
manifest.content_scripts.splice(1, 1);
// Since Edge extensions require makeappx to be run we temporarily store it in a folder.
function distEdge(cb) {
const edgePath = paths.dist + 'Edge/';
const extensionPath = edgePath + 'Extension/';
const fileName = distFileName('edge', 'appx');
const appxPath = paths.dist + fileName;
return del([edgePath, appxPath])
.then(() => edgeCopyBuild(paths.build + '**/*', extensionPath))
.then(() => edgeCopyAssets('./store/windows/**/*', edgePath))
.then(() => {
// makeappx.exe must be in your system's path already
const proc = child.spawn('makeappx.exe', [
return new Promise((resolve) => proc.on('close', resolve));
}).then(() => {
return cb;
}, () => {
return cb;
function edgeCopyBuild(source, dest) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.on('error', reject)
.pipe(gulpif('popup/index.html', replace('__BROWSER__', 'browser_edge')))
.pipe(gulpif('manifest.json', jeditor((manifest) => {
delete manifest.applications;
delete manifest.sidebar_action;
delete manifest.commands._execute_sidebar_action;
delete manifest.content_security_policy;
return manifest;
.on('end', resolve);
function edgeCopyAssets(source, dest) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.on('error', reject)
.pipe(gulpif('AppxManifest.xml', xmlpoke({
replacements: [{
xpath: '/p:Package/p:Identity/@Version',
value: manifest.version + '.0',
namespaces: {
'p': 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/foundation/windows10'
.on('end', resolve);
function distSafariMas(cb) {
return distSafariApp(cb, 'mas');
function distSafariMasDev(cb) {
return distSafariApp(cb, 'masdev');
function distSafariDmg(cb) {
return distSafariApp(cb, 'dmg');
function distSafariApp(cb, subBuildPath) {
const buildPath = paths.dist + 'Safari/' + subBuildPath + '/';
const builtAppexPath = buildPath + 'build/Release/safari.appex';
const builtAppexFrameworkPath = buildPath + 'build/Release/safari.appex/Contents/Frameworks/';
const entitlementsPath = paths.safari + 'safari/safari.entitlements';
var args = [
'Developer ID Application: 8bit Solutions LLC',
if (subBuildPath !== 'dmg') {
args = [
subBuildPath === 'mas' ? '3rd Party Mac Developer Application: 8bit Solutions LLC' :
return del([buildPath + '**/*'])
.then(() => safariCopyAssets(paths.safari + '**/*', buildPath))
.then(() => safariCopyBuild(paths.build + '**/*', buildPath + 'safari/app'))
.then(() => {
const proc = child.spawn('xcodebuild', [
buildPath + 'desktop.xcodeproj',
return new Promise((resolve) => proc.on('close', resolve));
}).then(() => {
const libs = fs.readdirSync(builtAppexFrameworkPath).filter((p) => p.endsWith('.dylib'))
.map((p) => builtAppexFrameworkPath + p);
const libPromises = [];
libs.forEach((i) => {
const proc = child.spawn('codesign', args.concat([i]));
libPromises.push(new Promise((resolve) => proc.on('close', resolve)));
return Promise.all(libPromises);
}).then(() => {
const proc = child.spawn('codesign', args.concat([builtAppexPath]));
return new Promise((resolve) => proc.on('close', resolve));
}).then(() => {
return cb;
}, () => {
return cb;
function safariCopyAssets(source, dest) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.on('error', reject)
.pipe(gulpif('safari/Info.plist', replace('0.0.1', manifest.version)))
.on('end', resolve);
function safariCopyBuild(source, dest) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.on('error', reject)
.on('end', resolve);
function stdOutProc(proc) {
proc.stdout.on('data', (data) => console.log(data.toString()));
proc.stderr.on('data', (data) => console.error(data.toString()));
function webfonts() {
return gulp.src('./webfonts.list')
fontsDir: 'webfonts',
cssFilename: 'webfonts.css'
function ciCoverage(cb) {
return gulp.src(paths.coverage + '**/*')
.pipe(filter(['**', '!coverage/coverage*.zip']))
// ref: https://github.com/t4t5/sweetalert/issues/890
function fixSweetAlert(cb) {
fs.writeFileSync(paths.node_modules + 'sweetalert/typings/sweetalert.d.ts',
'import swal, { SweetAlert } from "./core";export default swal;export as namespace swal;');
exports['dist:firefox'] = distFirefox;
exports['dist:chrome'] = distChrome;
exports['dist:opera'] = distOpera;
exports['dist:edge'] = distEdge;
exports['dist:safari'] = gulp.parallel(distSafariMas, distSafariMasDev, distSafariDmg);
exports.dist = gulp.parallel(distFirefox, distChrome, distOpera, distEdge);
exports['ci:coverage'] = ciCoverage;
exports.ci = ciCoverage;
exports.webfonts = webfonts;
exports.build = webfonts;
exports.fixSweetAlert = fixSweetAlert;
exports.postinstall = fixSweetAlert;