import { ipcMain } from "electron"; import forceFocus from "forcefocus"; import { I18nService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/i18n.service"; import { LogService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/log.service"; import { StateService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/state.service"; import { WindowMain } from "jslib-electron/window.main"; import { BiometricMain } from "src/main/biometric/biometric.main"; export default class BiometricWindowsMain implements BiometricMain { isError = false; private windowsSecurityCredentialsUiModule: any; constructor( private i18nservice: I18nService, private windowMain: WindowMain, private stateService: StateService, private logService: LogService ) {} async init() { this.windowsSecurityCredentialsUiModule = this.getWindowsSecurityCredentialsUiModule(); let supportsBiometric = false; try { supportsBiometric = await this.supportsBiometric(); } catch { // store error state so we can let the user know on the settings page this.isError = true; } await this.stateService.setEnableBiometric(supportsBiometric); await this.stateService.setBiometricText("unlockWithWindowsHello"); await this.stateService.setNoAutoPromptBiometricsText("noAutoPromptWindowsHello"); ipcMain.on("biometric", async (event: any, message: any) => { event.returnValue = await this.authenticateBiometric(); }); } async supportsBiometric(): Promise { const availability = await this.checkAvailabilityAsync(); return this.getAllowedAvailabilities().includes(availability); } async authenticateBiometric(): Promise { const module = this.getWindowsSecurityCredentialsUiModule(); if (module == null) { return false; } const verification = await this.requestVerificationAsync( this.i18nservice.t("windowsHelloConsentMessage") ); return verification === module.UserConsentVerificationResult.verified; } getWindowsSecurityCredentialsUiModule(): any { try { if (this.windowsSecurityCredentialsUiModule == null && this.getWindowsMajorVersion() >= 10) { this.windowsSecurityCredentialsUiModule = require("@nodert-win10-rs4/"); } return this.windowsSecurityCredentialsUiModule; } catch { this.isError = true; } return null; } async checkAvailabilityAsync(): Promise { const module = this.getWindowsSecurityCredentialsUiModule(); if (module != null) { // eslint-disable-next-line return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { module.UserConsentVerifier.checkAvailabilityAsync((error: Error, result: any) => { if (error) { return resolve(null); } return resolve(result); }); } catch { this.isError = true; return resolve(null); } }); } return Promise.resolve(null); } async requestVerificationAsync(message: string): Promise { const module = this.getWindowsSecurityCredentialsUiModule(); if (module != null) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { module.UserConsentVerifier.requestVerificationAsync( message, (error: Error, result: any) => { if (error) { return resolve(null); } return resolve(result); } ); forceFocus.focusWindow(; } catch (error) { this.isError = true; return reject(error); } }); } return Promise.resolve(null); } getAllowedAvailabilities(): any[] { try { const module = this.getWindowsSecurityCredentialsUiModule(); if (module != null) { return [ module.UserConsentVerifierAvailability.available, module.UserConsentVerifierAvailability.deviceBusy, ]; } } catch { /*Ignore error*/ } return []; } getWindowsMajorVersion(): number { if (process.platform !== "win32") { return -1; } try { // eslint-disable-next-line const version = require("os").release(); return Number.parseInt(version.split(".")[0], 10); } catch { this.logService.error("Unable to resolve windows major version number"); } return -1; } }