mirror of https://github.com/bitwarden/desktop.git synced 2025-03-12 13:19:27 +01:00

86 lines
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/* tslint:disable:no-console */
import IPC from 'ipc';
// Mostly based on the example from MDN,
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Native_messaging
export default class NativeMessage {
ipc: IPC;
constructor(ipc: IPC) {
this.ipc = ipc;
send(message: object) {
const messageBuffer = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(message));
const headerBuffer = Buffer.alloc(4);
headerBuffer.writeUInt32LE(messageBuffer.length, 0);
process.stdout.write(Buffer.concat([headerBuffer, messageBuffer]));
listen() {
let payloadSize: number = null;
// A queue to store the chunks as we read them from stdin.
// This queue can be flushed when `payloadSize` data has been read
const chunks: any = [];
// Only read the size once for each payload
const sizeHasBeenRead = () => Boolean(payloadSize);
// All the data has been read, reset everything for the next message
const flushChunksQueue = () => {
payloadSize = null;
const processData = () => {
// Create one big buffer with all all the chunks
const stringData = Buffer.concat(chunks);
// The browser will emit the size as a header of the payload,
// if it hasn't been read yet, do it.
// The next time we'll need to read the payload size is when all of the data
// of the current payload has been read (ie. data.length >= payloadSize + 4)
if (!sizeHasBeenRead()) {
payloadSize = stringData.readUInt32LE(0);
// If the data we have read so far is >= to the size advertised in the header,
// it means we have all of the data sent.
// We add 4 here because that's the size of the bytes that old the payloadSize
if (stringData.length >= payloadSize + 4) {
// Remove the header
const contentWithoutSize = stringData
.slice(4, payloadSize + 4)
// Reset the read size and the queued chunks
const json = JSON.parse(contentWithoutSize);
// Forward to desktop application
process.stdin.on('readable', () => {
// A temporary variable holding the nodejs.Buffer of each
// chunk of data read off stdin
let chunk = null;
// Read all of the available data
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-conditional-assignment
while ((chunk = process.stdin.read()) !== null) {