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<ahref="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.x8bit.bitwarden"target="_blank"><imgalt="Get it on Google Play"src="https://imgur.com/YQzmZi9.png"width="153"height="46"></a><ahref="https://mobileapp.bitwarden.com/fdroid/"target="_blank"><imgalt="Get it on Google Play"src="https://i.imgur.com/HDicnzz.png"width="154"height="46"></a><ahref="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bitwarden-free-password-manager/id1137397744?mt=8"target="_blank"><imgsrc="https://imgur.com/GdGqPMY.png"width="135"height="40"></a>
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Code contributions are welcome! Visual Studio with Xamarin is required to work on this project. Please commit any pull requests against the `master` branch.
Security audits and feedback are welcome. Please open an issue or email us privately if the report is sensitive in nature. You can read our security policy in the [`SECURITY.md`](SECURITY.md) file.
We recently migrated to using dotnet-format as code formatter. All previous branches will need to updated to avoid large merge conflicts using the following steps:
1. Check out your local Branch
2. Run `git merge e0efcfbe45b2a27c73e9593bfd7a71fad2aa7a35`
3. Resolve any merge conflicts, commit.
4. Run `dotnet tool run dotnet-format`
5. Commit
6. Run `git merge -Xours 04539af2a66668b6e85476d5cf318c9150ec4357`
7. Push
#### Git blame
We also recommend that you configure git to ignore the prettier revision using: