mirror of https://github.com/bitwarden/mobile.git synced 2024-10-08 05:37:36 +02:00

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New Crowdin translations (#138) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2017-09-28 05:17:34 +02:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Microsoft ResX Schema
Version 2.0
The primary goals of this format is to allow a simple XML format
that is mostly human readable. The generation and parsing of the
various data types are done through the TypeConverter classes
associated with the data types.
... ado.net/XML headers & schema ...
<resheader name="resmimetype">text/microsoft-resx</resheader>
<resheader name="version">2.0</resheader>
<resheader name="reader">System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<resheader name="writer">System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<data name="Name1"><value>this is my long string</value><comment>this is a comment</comment></data>
<data name="Color1" type="System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing">Blue</data>
<data name="Bitmap1" mimetype="application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64">
<value>[base64 mime encoded serialized .NET Framework object]</value>
<data name="Icon1" type="System.Drawing.Icon, System.Drawing" mimetype="application/x-microsoft.net.object.bytearray.base64">
<value>[base64 mime encoded string representing a byte array form of the .NET Framework object]</value>
<comment>This is a comment</comment>
There are any number of "resheader" rows that contain simple
name/value pairs.
Each data row contains a name, and value. The row also contains a
type or mimetype. Type corresponds to a .NET class that support
text/value conversion through the TypeConverter architecture.
Classes that don't support this are serialized and stored with the
mimetype set.
The mimetype is used for serialized objects, and tells the
ResXResourceReader how to depersist the object. This is currently not
extensible. For a given mimetype the value must be set accordingly:
Note - application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64 is the format
that the ResXResourceWriter will generate, however the reader can
read any of the formats listed below.
mimetype: application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64
value : The object must be serialized with
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
mimetype: application/x-microsoft.net.object.soap.base64
value : The object must be serialized with
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
mimetype: application/x-microsoft.net.object.bytearray.base64
value : The object must be serialized into a byte array
: using a System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
<xsd:schema xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" id="root">
<xsd:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"/>
<xsd:element name="root" msdata:IsDataSet="true">
<xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:element name="metadata">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:attribute name="name" use="required" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute ref="xml:space"/>
<xsd:element name="assembly">
<xsd:attribute name="alias" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="data">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1"/>
<xsd:element name="comment" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="2"/>
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" msdata:Ordinal="1"/>
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="3"/>
<xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="4"/>
<xsd:attribute ref="xml:space"/>
<xsd:element name="resheader">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1"/>
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
<resheader name="resmimetype">
<resheader name="version">
<resheader name="reader">
<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
<resheader name="writer">
<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
<data name="Title" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#152) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (French)
2017-10-26 15:40:34 +02:00
<value>bitwarden Adgangskode Administrator</value>
New Crowdin translations (#138) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2017-09-28 05:17:34 +02:00
<comment>Max 30 characters</comment>
<data name="ShortDescription" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#152) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (French)
2017-10-26 15:40:34 +02:00
<value>bitwarden er en login og adgangskode administrator, som hjælper med at holde dig sikker mens online.</value>
New Crowdin translations (#138) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2017-09-28 05:17:34 +02:00
<comment>Max 80 characters</comment>
<data name="FullDesciption" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#152) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (French)
2017-10-26 15:40:34 +02:00
<value>bitwarden er den letteste og sikreste måde at opbevare alle dine login og adgangskoder samtidig med at de er synkronisere mellem alle dine enheder.
New Crowdin translations (#138) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2017-09-28 05:17:34 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#152) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (French)
2017-10-26 15:40:34 +02:00
Tyveri af adgangskoder er et seriøst problem. Hjemmesider og apps du bruger er under angreb hver dag. Sikkerheden bristes og så er dine adgangskoder væk. Når du genbruger de samme adgangskoder på hjemmesider og apps kan hackere nemt få adgang til din email, bank konti og andre vigtige kontier.
New Crowdin translations (#138) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2017-09-28 05:17:34 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#152) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (French)
2017-10-26 15:40:34 +02:00
Sikkerhedseksperter anbefaler at man bruger et unikt, tilfældig genreret adgangskode for hver konto man opretter. Men hvordan administrere man alle disse adganskoder? bitwarden gør det nemt for dig at oprette, gemme og få adgang til dine adgangskoder.
New Crowdin translations (#138) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2017-09-28 05:17:34 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#152) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (French)
2017-10-26 15:40:34 +02:00
bitwarden gemmer alle dine login i en kryptere boks der synkroniseres over alle dine enheder. Siden det er komplet krypteret før det forlader dine enheder, er det kun dig der har adgang til din data. Ikke engang de ansatte ved bitwarden can få adgang til data, også selvom de prøvede. Dine data er sikret med AES-256 bit kryptering, saltet hasing og PBKDF2 SHA-256.</value>
New Crowdin translations (#138) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2017-09-28 05:17:34 +02:00
<comment>Max 4000 characters</comment>
<data name="FeatureGraphic" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#152) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (French)
2017-10-26 15:40:34 +02:00
<value>En sikker og gratis adgangskode administrator til alle dine enheder</value>
New Crowdin translations (#138) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2017-09-28 05:17:34 +02:00
<data name="Screenshot1" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#152) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (French)
2017-10-26 15:40:34 +02:00
<value>Administrer alle din logins og adgangskoder fra en sikker boks</value>
New Crowdin translations (#138) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2017-09-28 05:17:34 +02:00
<data name="Screenshot2" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#152) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (French)
2017-10-26 15:40:34 +02:00
<value>Automatisk generere stærke, tilfældige og sikre adgangskoder</value>
New Crowdin translations (#138) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2017-09-28 05:17:34 +02:00
<data name="Screenshot3" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#152) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (French)
2017-10-26 15:40:34 +02:00
<value>Beskyt din boks med fingeraftryk, PIN-kode eller hovedadgangskode</value>
New Crowdin translations (#138) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2017-09-28 05:17:34 +02:00
<data name="Screenshot4" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#152) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (French)
2017-10-26 15:40:34 +02:00
<value>Hurtigt auto-udfyld login fra din webbrowser og andre apps</value>
New Crowdin translations (#138) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2017-09-28 05:17:34 +02:00
<data name="Screenshot5" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#152) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (French)
2017-10-26 15:40:34 +02:00
<value>Synkroniser, og få adgang til din boks fra flere enheder
New Crowdin translations (#138) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2017-09-28 05:17:34 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#152) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (French)
2017-10-26 15:40:34 +02:00
- telefon
- Tablet
- Desktop
New Crowdin translations (#138) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2017-09-28 05:17:34 +02:00
- Web</value>