diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.ca.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.ca.resx index a44881292..2cb98bbe4 100644 --- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.ca.resx +++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.ca.resx @@ -1557,13 +1557,13 @@ L'emplenament automàtic facilita l'accés de forma segura a la vostra caixa forta de Bitwarden des d'altres llocs web i aplicacions. Sembla que no heu habilitat un servei d’emplenament automàtic per a Bitwarden. Habiliteu-lo a la pantalla "Configuració". - Your theme changes will apply when the app is restarted. + Els canvis de tema s'aplicaran quan es reinicie l’aplicació. - Capitalize + Majúscules inicials ex. Uppercase the first character of a word. - Include Number + Inclou número diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.cs.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.cs.resx index 082f4069c..dd03ce063 100644 --- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.cs.resx +++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.cs.resx @@ -1317,7 +1317,7 @@ Přihlašovací údaje - Zabezpečené poznámky + Poznámky Všechny položky diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.da.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.da.resx index 4acae028f..627f2484d 100644 --- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.da.resx +++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.da.resx @@ -1557,13 +1557,13 @@ Autoudfyldning gør det nemt at få en sikret adgang til din Bitwarden boks fra andre websteder og apps. Det ser ud til, at du ikke har aktiveret en autoudfyldningstjeneste for Bitwarden. Aktivér autoudfyldning for Bitwarden fra skærmen "Indstillinger". - Your theme changes will apply when the app is restarted. + Dine temaændringer effektueres efter app-genstart. - Capitalize + Stort begyndelsesbogstav ex. Uppercase the first character of a word. - Include Number + Inkludér cifre diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.en-GB.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.en-GB.resx index 632c3e286..0f9642d3c 100644 --- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.en-GB.resx +++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.en-GB.resx @@ -1560,10 +1560,10 @@ Your theme changes will apply when the app is restarted. - Capitalize + Capitalise ex. Uppercase the first character of a word. - Include Number + Include number diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.es.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.es.resx index 801198706..9c3dd2679 100644 --- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.es.resx +++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.es.resx @@ -1557,13 +1557,13 @@ El auto-relleno facilita el acceso seguro a la caja fuerte de Bitwarden desde otros sitios web y aplicaciones. Parece que no has habilitado un servicio de autocompletado para Bitwarden. Habilita el autocompletado para Bitwarden desde la pantalla "Ajustes". - Your theme changes will apply when the app is restarted. + Los cambios de tu tema se aplicarán al reiniciar la aplicación. - Capitalize + Mayúsculas iniciales ex. Uppercase the first character of a word. - Include Number + Incluir número diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.et.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.et.resx index 30076aad2..464c036cb 100644 --- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.et.resx +++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.et.resx @@ -1557,13 +1557,13 @@ Automaattäite teenus võimaldab teistes äppides Bitwardeni kirjetele hõlpsasti ligi pääseda. Paistab, et selles seadmes ei ole Bitwardeni Automaattäite teenus sisselülitatud. Saad selle sisse lülitada menüüst "Seaded". - Your theme changes will apply when the app is restarted. + Välimuse muudatus rakendatakse äpi taaskäivitamisel. - Capitalize + Suurtäht ex. Uppercase the first character of a word. - Include Number + Lisa number diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.fa.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.fa.resx index fbe5908e2..9e7becc28 100644 --- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.fa.resx +++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.fa.resx @@ -1557,13 +1557,13 @@ پرکردن خودکار دسترسی ایمن به گاوصندوق Bitwarden شما را از سایر وبسایت ها و برنامه ها آسان تر میکند. بنظر میرسد که سرویس پرکردن خودکار را برای Bitwarden فعال نکرده اید. از صفحه "تنظیمات" Bitwarden پرکردن خودکار رافعال کنید. - Your theme changes will apply when the app is restarted. + تغییرات شما در ظاهر برنامه بعد از اینکه برنامه را دوباره آغاز کردید اعمال می‌شود. - Capitalize + بزرگ نوشتن حرف اول ex. Uppercase the first character of a word. - Include Number + شامل عدد diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.fr.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.fr.resx index a3b354e6c..75f27682c 100644 --- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.fr.resx +++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.fr.resx @@ -1542,7 +1542,7 @@ URIs sur liste noire - Les URI qui sont sur la liste noire n'offriront pas de remplissage automatique. La liste des applications doit être séparée par des virgules. Ex : "https://twitter.com, androidapp://com.twitter.android". + Les URI qui sont sur la liste noire n'offriront pas de remplissage automatique. La liste doit être séparée par des virgules. Ex : "https://twitter.com, androidapp://com.twitter.android". Désactiver la demande d'enregistrement @@ -1557,13 +1557,13 @@ Le remplissage automatique permet d'accéder facilement à votre coffre Bitwarden depuis d'autres sites et applications. Il semble que vous n'ayez pas activé de service de remplissage automatique pour Bitwarden. Activez le remplissage automatique pour Bitwarden à partir de l'écran "Paramètres". - Your theme changes will apply when the app is restarted. + Vos modifications de thème s'appliqueront lorsque l'application sera redémarrée. - Capitalize + Mettre la première lettre en majuscule ex. Uppercase the first character of a word. - Include Number + Inclure le numéro diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.it.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.it.resx index aa6185be5..6ea443c26 100644 --- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.it.resx +++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.it.resx @@ -1557,13 +1557,13 @@ Auto-riempimento rende facile accedere in modo sicuro alla tua cassaforte Bitwarden da altri siti web e applicazioni. Sembra che tu non abbia abilitato un servizio di auto-riempimento per Bitwarden. Abilita l'auto-riempimento per Bitwarden dalla schermata "Impostazioni". - Your theme changes will apply when the app is restarted. + Le modifiche del tema verranno applicate quando l'app verrà riavviata. - Capitalize + Rendi maiuscolo ex. Uppercase the first character of a word. - Include Number + Includi numero diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.ja.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.ja.resx index 618282a53..122392438 100644 --- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.ja.resx +++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.ja.resx @@ -1557,13 +1557,13 @@ 自動入力を使うと、他のウェブサイトやアプリから Bitwarden 保管庫に、より安全・簡単にアクセスできます。現在 Bitwarden の自動入力サービスを有効にしていないようです。設定画面で自動入力を有効化できます。 - Your theme changes will apply when the app is restarted. + アプリを再起動するとテーマの変更が反映されます。 - Capitalize + 先頭を大文字 ex. Uppercase the first character of a word. - Include Number + 数字を含む diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.nl.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.nl.resx index 94465b0d9..490dabaa6 100644 --- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.nl.resx +++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.nl.resx @@ -1557,13 +1557,13 @@ Automatisch invullen maakt het gemakkelijk om veilig toegang te krijgen tot uw Bitwarden kluis van andere websites en apps. Het lijkt erop dat u de auto-invullen service voor Bitwarden niet hebt ingeschakeld. Schakel automatisch invullen voor Bitwarden in vanuit het "Instellingen" scherm. - Your theme changes will apply when the app is restarted. + Uw themawijzigingen worden toegepast wanneer de app opnieuw wordt gestart. - Capitalize + Beginhoofdletters ex. Uppercase the first character of a word. - Include Number + Nummer opnemen diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.pl.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.pl.resx index 84ad9d63d..32e1fe558 100644 --- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.pl.resx +++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.pl.resx @@ -1557,13 +1557,13 @@ Autouzupełnianie ułatwia bezpieczny dostęp do Twojego sejfu Bitwarden z innych stron i aplikacji. Wygląda na to, że nie włączyłeś usługi autouzupełniania dla Bitwarden. Włącz ją na ekranie "Ustawienia". - Your theme changes will apply when the app is restarted. + Zmiana motywu zostanie zastosowana po restarcie aplikacji. - Capitalize + Duże litery ex. Uppercase the first character of a word. - Include Number + Uwzględnij Cyfry diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.pt-BR.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.pt-BR.resx index 33c83d413..3d087e843 100644 --- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.pt-BR.resx +++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.pt-BR.resx @@ -1557,13 +1557,13 @@ O autopreenchimento facilita o acesso seguro ao seu cofre Bitwarden a partir de outros sites e aplicativos. Parece que você não ativou um serviço de autopreenchimento para o Bitwarden. Ative o autopreenchimento para o Bitwarden na tela "Configurações". - Your theme changes will apply when the app is restarted. + As alterações do seu tema serão aplicadas quando o aplicativo for reiniciado. - Capitalize + Letras Iniciais em Maiúsculas ex. Uppercase the first character of a word. - Include Number + Incluir Número diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.uk.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.uk.resx index 36f5beb51..63f90d96c 100644 --- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.uk.resx +++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.uk.resx @@ -1557,13 +1557,13 @@ Автозаповнення дозволяє безпечно отримувати доступ до вашого сховища Bitwarden з інших веб-сайтів та програм. Схоже, що ви не активували функцію автозаповнення Bitwarden. Увімкніть автозаповнення на екрані налаштувань. - Your theme changes will apply when the app is restarted. + Зміни теми застосуються після перезапуску додатка. - Capitalize + Великі літери ex. Uppercase the first character of a word. - Include Number + Включити число diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.zh-Hans.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.zh-Hans.resx index 082cfa92a..4a18e30b3 100644 --- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.zh-Hans.resx +++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.zh-Hans.resx @@ -1557,13 +1557,13 @@ 自动填充,可以安全地从其他网站和应用程序中访问您的 Bitwarden 安全库。看起来您还没有启用 Bitwarden 自动填充服务。从“设置”屏幕启用 Bitwarden 自动填充。 - Your theme changes will apply when the app is restarted. + 您的主题将在应用重启时启用。 - Capitalize + 大写 ex. Uppercase the first character of a word. - Include Number + 包含数字 diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.zh-Hant.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.zh-Hant.resx index d73bec01b..cc304a56d 100644 --- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.zh-Hant.resx +++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.zh-Hant.resx @@ -1557,13 +1557,13 @@ 「自動填入」使其他網站及 App 能更簡單地安全存取您的 Bitwarden 密碼庫。看起來您尚未啟用 Bitwarden 的自動填入服務。請在「設定」畫面啟用 Bitwarden 的自動填入。 - Your theme changes will apply when the app is restarted. + App 重新啟動之後,您的主題變更將會被套用。 - Capitalize + 大寫 ex. Uppercase the first character of a word. - Include Number + 包含數字