using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Android.AccessibilityServices; using Android.App; using Android.Content; using Android.OS; using Android.Views.Accessibility; namespace Bit.Android { [Service(Permission = "android.permission.BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE", Label = "bitwarden")] [IntentFilter(new string[] { "android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService" })] [MetaData("android.accessibilityservice", Resource = "@xml/accessibilityservice")] public class AutofillService : AccessibilityService { private const int AutoFillNotificationId = 34573; private const string SystemUiPackage = ""; private const string ChromePackage = ""; private const string BrowserPackage = ""; private const string BravePackage = "com.brave.browser"; private const string OperaPackage = "com.opera.browser"; private const string OperaMiniPackage = ""; private const string BitwardenPackage = "com.x8bit.bitwarden"; private const string BitwardenWebsite = ""; public override void OnAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent e) { var eventType = e.EventType; var packageName = e.PackageName; if(packageName == SystemUiPackage || packageName == BitwardenPackage) { return; } switch(eventType) { case EventTypes.WindowContentChanged: case EventTypes.WindowStateChanged: var cancelNotification = true; var root = RootInActiveWindow; var passwordNodes = GetWindowNodes(root, e, n => n.Password); if(passwordNodes.Any()) { var uri = GetUri(root); if(uri.Contains(BitwardenWebsite)) { break; } if(NeedToAutofill(AutofillActivity.LastCredentials, uri)) { var allEditTexts = GetWindowNodes(root, e, n => EditText(n)); var usernameEditText = allEditTexts.TakeWhile(n => !n.Password).LastOrDefault(); FillCredentials(usernameEditText, passwordNodes); } else { NotifyToAutofill(uri); cancelNotification = false; } AutofillActivity.LastCredentials = null; } if(cancelNotification) { CancelNotification(); } break; default: break; } } public override void OnInterrupt() { } private void CancelNotification() { var notificationManager = ((NotificationManager)GetSystemService(NotificationService)); notificationManager.Cancel(AutoFillNotificationId); } private string GetUri(AccessibilityNodeInfo root) { var uri = string.Concat(App.Constants.AndroidAppProtocol, root.PackageName); string addressViewId = null; if(root.PackageName == ChromePackage || root.PackageName == BravePackage) { addressViewId = "url_bar"; } else if(true || root.PackageName == BrowserPackage) { addressViewId = "url"; } else if(root.PackageName == OperaPackage || root.PackageName == OperaMiniPackage) { addressViewId = "url_field"; } if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(addressViewId)) { var addressNode = root.FindAccessibilityNodeInfosByViewId( $"{root.PackageName}:id/{addressViewId}").FirstOrDefault(); uri = ExtractUri(uri, addressNode); } return uri; } private string ExtractUri(string uri, AccessibilityNodeInfo addressNode) { if(addressNode != null) { uri = addressNode.Text; if(!uri.Contains("://")) { uri = string.Concat("http://", uri); } } return uri; } /// /// Check to make sure it is ok to autofill still on the current screen /// private bool NeedToAutofill(AutofillCredentials creds, string currentUriString) { if(creds == null) { return false; } Uri credsUri, lastUri, currentUri; if(Uri.TryCreate(creds.Uri, UriKind.Absolute, out credsUri) && Uri.TryCreate(creds.LastUri, UriKind.Absolute, out lastUri) && Uri.TryCreate(currentUriString, UriKind.Absolute, out currentUri) && credsUri.Host == currentUri.Host && lastUri.Host == currentUri.Host) { return true; } return false; } private static bool EditText(AccessibilityNodeInfo n) { return n.ClassName != null && n.ClassName.Contains("EditText"); } private void NotifyToAutofill(string uri) { var intent = new Intent(this, typeof(AutofillActivity)); intent.PutExtra("uri", uri); intent.SetFlags(ActivityFlags.NewTask | ActivityFlags.SingleTop | ActivityFlags.ClearTop); var pendingIntent = PendingIntent.GetActivity(this, 0, intent, PendingIntentFlags.UpdateCurrent); var builder = new Notification.Builder(this); builder.SetSmallIcon(Resource.Drawable.notification_sm) .SetContentTitle("bitwarden Autofill Service") .SetContentText("Tap this notification to autofill a login from your vault.") .SetTicker("Tap this notification to autofill a login from your vault.") .SetWhen(Java.Lang.JavaSystem.CurrentTimeMillis()) .SetContentIntent(pendingIntent); if(Build.VERSION.SdkInt > BuildVersionCodes.KitkatWatch) { builder.SetVisibility(NotificationVisibility.Secret) .SetColor(global::Android.Support.V4.Content.ContextCompat.GetColor(ApplicationContext, Resource.Color.primary)); } var notificationManager = (NotificationManager)GetSystemService(NotificationService); notificationManager.Notify(AutoFillNotificationId, builder.Build()); } private void FillCredentials(AccessibilityNodeInfo usernameNode, IEnumerable passwordNodes) { FillEditText(usernameNode, AutofillActivity.LastCredentials.Username); foreach(var n in passwordNodes) { FillEditText(n, AutofillActivity.LastCredentials.Password); } } private static void FillEditText(AccessibilityNodeInfo editTextNode, string value) { if(editTextNode == null || value == null) { return; } var bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.PutString(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ActionArgumentSetTextCharsequence, value); editTextNode.PerformAction(global::Android.Views.Accessibility.Action.SetText, bundle); } private IEnumerable GetWindowNodes(AccessibilityNodeInfo n, AccessibilityEvent e, Func p) { if(n != null) { if(n.WindowId == e.WindowId && !(n.ViewIdResourceName?.StartsWith(SystemUiPackage) ?? false) && p(n)) { yield return n; } for(int i = 0; i < n.ChildCount; i++) { foreach(var node in GetWindowNodes(n.GetChild(i), e, p)) { yield return node; } } } } } }