using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Bit.App.Abstractions; using Bit.App.Resources; using Bit.App.Utilities; using Bit.Core.Abstractions; using Bit.Core.Enums; using Bit.Core.Exceptions; using Bit.Core.Models.View; using Bit.Core.Utilities; using Bit.Core; using Xamarin.Forms; namespace Bit.App.Pages { public class ViewPageViewModel : BaseViewModel { private readonly IDeviceActionService _deviceActionService; private readonly ICipherService _cipherService; private readonly IStateService _stateService; private readonly ITotpService _totpService; private readonly IPlatformUtilsService _platformUtilsService; private readonly IAuditService _auditService; private readonly IMessagingService _messagingService; private readonly IEventService _eventService; private readonly IPasswordRepromptService _passwordRepromptService; private readonly ILocalizeService _localizeService; private readonly IClipboardService _clipboardService; private CipherView _cipher; private List _fields; private bool _canAccessPremium; private bool _showPassword; private bool _showCardNumber; private bool _showCardCode; private string _totpCode; private string _totpCodeFormatted; private string _totpSec; private bool _totpLow; private DateTime? _totpInterval = null; private string _previousCipherId; private byte[] _attachmentData; private string _attachmentFilename; private bool _passwordReprompted; public ViewPageViewModel() { _deviceActionService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("deviceActionService"); _cipherService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("cipherService"); _stateService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("stateService"); _totpService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("totpService"); _platformUtilsService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("platformUtilsService"); _auditService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("auditService"); _messagingService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("messagingService"); _eventService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("eventService"); _passwordRepromptService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("passwordRepromptService"); _localizeService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("localizeService"); _clipboardService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("clipboardService"); CopyCommand = new Command((id) => CopyAsync(id, null)); CopyUriCommand = new Command(CopyUri); CopyFieldCommand = new Command(CopyField); LaunchUriCommand = new Command(LaunchUri); TogglePasswordCommand = new Command(TogglePassword); ToggleCardNumberCommand = new Command(ToggleCardNumber); ToggleCardCodeCommand = new Command(ToggleCardCode); CheckPasswordCommand = new Command(CheckPasswordAsync); DownloadAttachmentCommand = new Command(DownloadAttachmentAsync); PageTitle = AppResources.ViewItem; } public Command CopyCommand { get; set; } public Command CopyUriCommand { get; set; } public Command CopyFieldCommand { get; set; } public Command LaunchUriCommand { get; set; } public Command TogglePasswordCommand { get; set; } public Command ToggleCardNumberCommand { get; set; } public Command ToggleCardCodeCommand { get; set; } public Command CheckPasswordCommand { get; set; } public Command DownloadAttachmentCommand { get; set; } public string CipherId { get; set; } public CipherView Cipher { get => _cipher; set => SetProperty(ref _cipher, value, additionalPropertyNames: new string[] { nameof(IsLogin), nameof(IsIdentity), nameof(IsCard), nameof(IsSecureNote), nameof(ShowUris), nameof(ShowAttachments), nameof(ShowTotp), nameof(ColoredPassword), nameof(UpdatedText), nameof(PasswordUpdatedText), nameof(PasswordHistoryText), nameof(ShowIdentityAddress), nameof(IsDeleted), nameof(CanEdit), }); } public List Fields { get => _fields; set => SetProperty(ref _fields, value); } public bool CanAccessPremium { get => _canAccessPremium; set => SetProperty(ref _canAccessPremium, value); } public bool ShowPassword { get => _showPassword; set => SetProperty(ref _showPassword, value, additionalPropertyNames: new string[] { nameof(ShowPasswordIcon) }); } public bool ShowCardNumber { get => _showCardNumber; set => SetProperty(ref _showCardNumber, value, additionalPropertyNames: new string[] { nameof(ShowCardNumberIcon) }); } public bool ShowCardCode { get => _showCardCode; set => SetProperty(ref _showCardCode, value, additionalPropertyNames: new string[] { nameof(ShowCardCodeIcon) }); } public bool IsLogin => Cipher?.Type == Core.Enums.CipherType.Login; public bool IsIdentity => Cipher?.Type == Core.Enums.CipherType.Identity; public bool IsCard => Cipher?.Type == Core.Enums.CipherType.Card; public bool IsSecureNote => Cipher?.Type == Core.Enums.CipherType.SecureNote; public FormattedString ColoredPassword => PasswordFormatter.FormatPassword(Cipher.Login.Password); public FormattedString UpdatedText { get { var fs = new FormattedString(); fs.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = string.Format("{0}:", AppResources.DateUpdated), FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold }); fs.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = string.Format(" {0} {1}", _localizeService.GetLocaleShortDate(Cipher.RevisionDate.ToLocalTime()), _localizeService.GetLocaleShortTime(Cipher.RevisionDate.ToLocalTime())) }); return fs; } } public FormattedString PasswordUpdatedText { get { var fs = new FormattedString(); fs.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = string.Format("{0}:", AppResources.DatePasswordUpdated), FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold }); fs.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = string.Format(" {0} {1}", _localizeService.GetLocaleShortDate(Cipher.PasswordRevisionDisplayDate?.ToLocalTime()), _localizeService.GetLocaleShortTime(Cipher.PasswordRevisionDisplayDate?.ToLocalTime())) }); return fs; } } public FormattedString PasswordHistoryText { get { var fs = new FormattedString(); fs.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = string.Format("{0}:", AppResources.PasswordHistory), FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold }); fs.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = string.Format(" {0}", Cipher.PasswordHistory.Count.ToString()), TextColor = ThemeManager.GetResourceColor("PrimaryColor") }); return fs; } } public bool ShowUris => IsLogin && Cipher.Login.HasUris; public bool ShowIdentityAddress => IsIdentity && ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Cipher.Identity.Address1) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Cipher.Identity.City) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Cipher.Identity.Country)); public bool ShowAttachments => Cipher.HasAttachments && (CanAccessPremium || Cipher.OrganizationId != null); public bool ShowTotp => IsLogin && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Cipher.Login.Totp) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TotpCodeFormatted); public string ShowPasswordIcon => ShowPassword ? BitwardenIcons.EyeSlash : BitwardenIcons.Eye; public string ShowCardNumberIcon => ShowCardNumber ? BitwardenIcons.EyeSlash : BitwardenIcons.Eye; public string ShowCardCodeIcon => ShowCardCode ? BitwardenIcons.EyeSlash : BitwardenIcons.Eye; public string TotpCodeFormatted { get => _totpCodeFormatted; set => SetProperty(ref _totpCodeFormatted, value, additionalPropertyNames: new string[] { nameof(ShowTotp) }); } public string TotpSec { get => _totpSec; set => SetProperty(ref _totpSec, value); } public bool TotpLow { get => _totpLow; set { SetProperty(ref _totpLow, value); Page.Resources["textTotp"] = ThemeManager.Resources()[value ? "text-danger" : "text-default"]; } } public bool IsDeleted => Cipher.IsDeleted; public bool CanEdit => !Cipher.IsDeleted; public async Task LoadAsync(Action finishedLoadingAction = null) { CleanUp(); var cipher = await _cipherService.GetAsync(CipherId); if (cipher == null) { finishedLoadingAction?.Invoke(); return false; } Cipher = await cipher.DecryptAsync(); CanAccessPremium = await _stateService.CanAccessPremiumAsync(); Fields = Cipher.Fields?.Select(f => new ViewPageFieldViewModel(this, Cipher, f)).ToList(); if (Cipher.Type == Core.Enums.CipherType.Login && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Cipher.Login.Totp) && (Cipher.OrganizationUseTotp || CanAccessPremium)) { await TotpUpdateCodeAsync(); var interval = _totpService.GetTimeInterval(Cipher.Login.Totp); await TotpTickAsync(interval); _totpInterval = DateTime.UtcNow; Device.StartTimer(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1), () => { if (_totpInterval == null) { return false; } var task = TotpTickAsync(interval); return true; }); } if (_previousCipherId != CipherId) { var task = _eventService.CollectAsync(Core.Enums.EventType.Cipher_ClientViewed, CipherId); } _previousCipherId = CipherId; finishedLoadingAction?.Invoke(); return true; } public void CleanUp() { _totpInterval = null; } public async void TogglePassword() { if (! await PromptPasswordAsync()) { return; } ShowPassword = !ShowPassword; if (ShowPassword) { var task = _eventService.CollectAsync(Core.Enums.EventType.Cipher_ClientToggledPasswordVisible, CipherId); } } public async void ToggleCardNumber() { if (!await PromptPasswordAsync()) { return; } ShowCardNumber = !ShowCardNumber; if (ShowCardNumber) { var task = _eventService.CollectAsync( Core.Enums.EventType.Cipher_ClientToggledCardNumberVisible, CipherId); } } public async void ToggleCardCode() { if (!await PromptPasswordAsync()) { return; } ShowCardCode = !ShowCardCode; if (ShowCardCode) { var task = _eventService.CollectAsync( Core.Enums.EventType.Cipher_ClientToggledCardCodeVisible, CipherId); } } public async Task DeleteAsync() { if (Xamarin.Essentials.Connectivity.NetworkAccess == Xamarin.Essentials.NetworkAccess.None) { await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(AppResources.InternetConnectionRequiredMessage, AppResources.InternetConnectionRequiredTitle); return false; } var confirmed = await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync( Cipher.IsDeleted ? AppResources.DoYouReallyWantToPermanentlyDeleteCipher : AppResources.DoYouReallyWantToSoftDeleteCipher, null, AppResources.Yes, AppResources.Cancel); if (!confirmed) { return false; } try { await _deviceActionService.ShowLoadingAsync(Cipher.IsDeleted ? AppResources.Deleting : AppResources.SoftDeleting); if (Cipher.IsDeleted) { await _cipherService.DeleteWithServerAsync(Cipher.Id); } else { await _cipherService.SoftDeleteWithServerAsync(Cipher.Id); } await _deviceActionService.HideLoadingAsync(); _platformUtilsService.ShowToast("success", null, Cipher.IsDeleted ? AppResources.ItemDeleted : AppResources.ItemSoftDeleted); _messagingService.Send(Cipher.IsDeleted ? "deletedCipher" : "softDeletedCipher", Cipher); return true; } catch (ApiException e) { await _deviceActionService.HideLoadingAsync(); if (e?.Error != null) { await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(e.Error.GetSingleMessage(), AppResources.AnErrorHasOccurred); } } return false; } public async Task RestoreAsync() { if (!IsDeleted) { return false; } if (Xamarin.Essentials.Connectivity.NetworkAccess == Xamarin.Essentials.NetworkAccess.None) { await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(AppResources.InternetConnectionRequiredMessage, AppResources.InternetConnectionRequiredTitle); return false; } var confirmed = await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(AppResources.DoYouReallyWantToRestoreCipher, null, AppResources.Yes, AppResources.Cancel); if (!confirmed) { return false; } try { await _deviceActionService.ShowLoadingAsync(AppResources.Restoring); await _cipherService.RestoreWithServerAsync(Cipher.Id); await _deviceActionService.HideLoadingAsync(); _platformUtilsService.ShowToast("success", null, AppResources.ItemRestored); _messagingService.Send("restoredCipher", Cipher); return true; } catch (ApiException e) { await _deviceActionService.HideLoadingAsync(); if (e?.Error != null) { await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(e.Error.GetSingleMessage(), AppResources.AnErrorHasOccurred); } } return false; } private async Task TotpUpdateCodeAsync() { if (Cipher == null || Cipher.Type != Core.Enums.CipherType.Login || Cipher.Login.Totp == null) { _totpInterval = null; return; } _totpCode = await _totpService.GetCodeAsync(Cipher.Login.Totp); if (_totpCode != null) { if (_totpCode.Length > 4) { var half = (int)Math.Floor(_totpCode.Length / 2M); TotpCodeFormatted = string.Format("{0} {1}", _totpCode.Substring(0, half), _totpCode.Substring(half)); } else { TotpCodeFormatted = _totpCode; } } else { TotpCodeFormatted = null; _totpInterval = null; } } private async Task TotpTickAsync(int intervalSeconds) { var epoc = CoreHelpers.EpocUtcNow() / 1000; var mod = epoc % intervalSeconds; var totpSec = intervalSeconds - mod; TotpSec = totpSec.ToString(); TotpLow = totpSec < 7; if (mod == 0) { await TotpUpdateCodeAsync(); } } private async void CheckPasswordAsync() { if (!(Page as BaseContentPage).DoOnce()) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Cipher.Login?.Password)) { return; } if (Xamarin.Essentials.Connectivity.NetworkAccess == Xamarin.Essentials.NetworkAccess.None) { await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(AppResources.InternetConnectionRequiredMessage, AppResources.InternetConnectionRequiredTitle); return; } await _deviceActionService.ShowLoadingAsync(AppResources.CheckingPassword); var matches = await _auditService.PasswordLeakedAsync(Cipher.Login.Password); await _deviceActionService.HideLoadingAsync(); if (matches > 0) { await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(string.Format(AppResources.PasswordExposed, matches.ToString("N0"))); } else { await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(AppResources.PasswordSafe); } } private async void DownloadAttachmentAsync(AttachmentView attachment) { if (!(Page as BaseContentPage).DoOnce()) { return; } if (Xamarin.Essentials.Connectivity.NetworkAccess == Xamarin.Essentials.NetworkAccess.None) { await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(AppResources.InternetConnectionRequiredMessage, AppResources.InternetConnectionRequiredTitle); return; } if (Cipher.OrganizationId == null && !CanAccessPremium) { await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(AppResources.PremiumRequired); return; } if (attachment.FileSize >= 10485760) // 10 MB { var confirmed = await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync( string.Format(AppResources.AttachmentLargeWarning, attachment.SizeName), null, AppResources.Yes, AppResources.No); if (!confirmed) { return; } } var canOpenFile = true; if (!_deviceActionService.CanOpenFile(attachment.FileName)) { if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS) { // iOS is currently hardcoded to always return CanOpenFile == true, but should it ever return false // for any reason we want to be sure to catch it here. await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(AppResources.UnableToOpenFile); return; } canOpenFile = false; } if (!await PromptPasswordAsync()) { return; } await _deviceActionService.ShowLoadingAsync(AppResources.Downloading); try { var data = await _cipherService.DownloadAndDecryptAttachmentAsync(Cipher.Id, attachment, Cipher.OrganizationId); await _deviceActionService.HideLoadingAsync(); if (data == null) { await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(AppResources.UnableToDownloadFile); return; } if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.Android) { if (canOpenFile) { // We can open this attachment directly, so give the user the option to open or save PromptOpenOrSave(data, attachment); } else { // We can't open this attachment so go directly to save SaveAttachment(data, attachment); } } else { OpenAttachment(data, attachment); } } catch { await _deviceActionService.HideLoadingAsync(); } } public async void PromptOpenOrSave(byte[] data, AttachmentView attachment) { var selection = await Page.DisplayActionSheet(attachment.FileName, AppResources.Cancel, null, AppResources.Open, AppResources.Save); if (selection == AppResources.Open) { OpenAttachment(data, attachment); } else if (selection == AppResources.Save) { SaveAttachment(data, attachment); } } public async void OpenAttachment(byte[] data, AttachmentView attachment) { if (!_deviceActionService.OpenFile(data, attachment.Id, attachment.FileName)) { await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(AppResources.UnableToOpenFile); return; } } public async void SaveAttachment(byte[] data, AttachmentView attachment) { _attachmentData = data; _attachmentFilename = attachment.FileName; if (!_deviceActionService.SaveFile(_attachmentData, null, _attachmentFilename, null)) { ClearAttachmentData(); await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(AppResources.UnableToSaveAttachment); } } public async void SaveFileSelected(string contentUri, string filename) { if (_deviceActionService.SaveFile(_attachmentData, null, filename ?? _attachmentFilename, contentUri)) { ClearAttachmentData(); _platformUtilsService.ShowToast("success", null, AppResources.SaveAttachmentSuccess); return; } ClearAttachmentData(); await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(AppResources.UnableToSaveAttachment); } private void ClearAttachmentData() { _attachmentData = null; _attachmentFilename = null; } private async void CopyAsync(string id, string text = null) { if (_passwordRepromptService.ProtectedFields.Contains(id) && !await PromptPasswordAsync()) { return; } string name = null; if (id == "LoginUsername") { text = Cipher.Login.Username; name = AppResources.Username; } else if (id == "LoginPassword") { text = Cipher.Login.Password; name = AppResources.Password; } else if (id == "LoginTotp") { text = _totpCode; name = AppResources.VerificationCodeTotp; } else if (id == "LoginUri") { name = AppResources.URI; } else if (id == "FieldValue" || id == "H_FieldValue") { name = AppResources.Value; } else if (id == "CardNumber") { text = Cipher.Card.Number; name = AppResources.Number; } else if (id == "CardCode") { text = Cipher.Card.Code; name = AppResources.SecurityCode; } if (text != null) { await _clipboardService.CopyTextAsync(text); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { _platformUtilsService.ShowToast("info", null, string.Format(AppResources.ValueHasBeenCopied, name)); } if (id == "LoginPassword") { await _eventService.CollectAsync(Core.Enums.EventType.Cipher_ClientCopiedPassword, CipherId); } else if (id == "CardCode") { await _eventService.CollectAsync(Core.Enums.EventType.Cipher_ClientCopiedCardCode, CipherId); } else if (id == "H_FieldValue") { await _eventService.CollectAsync(Core.Enums.EventType.Cipher_ClientCopiedHiddenField, CipherId); } } } private void CopyUri(LoginUriView uri) { CopyAsync("LoginUri", uri.Uri); } private void CopyField(FieldView field) { CopyAsync(field.Type == Core.Enums.FieldType.Hidden ? "H_FieldValue" : "FieldValue", field.Value); } private void LaunchUri(LoginUriView uri) { if (uri.CanLaunch && (Page as BaseContentPage).DoOnce()) { _platformUtilsService.LaunchUri(uri.LaunchUri); } } internal async Task PromptPasswordAsync() { if (Cipher.Reprompt == CipherRepromptType.None || _passwordReprompted) { return true; } return _passwordReprompted = await _passwordRepromptService.ShowPasswordPromptAsync(); } } public class ViewPageFieldViewModel : ExtendedViewModel { private II18nService _i18nService; private ViewPageViewModel _vm; private FieldView _field; private CipherView _cipher; private bool _showHiddenValue; public ViewPageFieldViewModel(ViewPageViewModel vm, CipherView cipher, FieldView field) { _i18nService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("i18nService"); _vm = vm; _cipher = cipher; Field = field; ToggleHiddenValueCommand = new Command(ToggleHiddenValue); } public FieldView Field { get => _field; set => SetProperty(ref _field, value, additionalPropertyNames: new string[] { nameof(ValueText), nameof(IsBooleanType), nameof(IsHiddenType), nameof(IsTextType), nameof(ShowCopyButton), }); } public bool ShowHiddenValue { get => _showHiddenValue; set => SetProperty(ref _showHiddenValue, value, additionalPropertyNames: new string[] { nameof(ShowHiddenValueIcon) }); } public string ValueText { get { if (IsBooleanType) { return _field.Value == "true" ? "" : ""; } else if (IsLinkedType) { var i18nKey = _cipher.LinkedFieldI18nKey(Field.LinkedId.GetValueOrDefault()); return " " + _i18nService.T(i18nKey); } else { return _field.Value; } } } public Command ToggleHiddenValueCommand { get; set; } public string ShowHiddenValueIcon => _showHiddenValue ? BitwardenIcons.EyeSlash : BitwardenIcons.Eye; public bool IsTextType => _field.Type == Core.Enums.FieldType.Text; public bool IsBooleanType => _field.Type == Core.Enums.FieldType.Boolean; public bool IsHiddenType => _field.Type == Core.Enums.FieldType.Hidden; public bool IsLinkedType => _field.Type == Core.Enums.FieldType.Linked; public bool ShowViewHidden => IsHiddenType && _cipher.ViewPassword; public bool ShowCopyButton => _field.Type != Core.Enums.FieldType.Boolean && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_field.Value) && !(IsHiddenType && !_cipher.ViewPassword) && _field.Type != FieldType.Linked; public async void ToggleHiddenValue() { if (!await _vm.PromptPasswordAsync()) { return; } ShowHiddenValue = !ShowHiddenValue; if (ShowHiddenValue) { var eventService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("eventService"); var task = eventService.CollectAsync( Core.Enums.EventType.Cipher_ClientToggledHiddenFieldVisible, _cipher.Id); } } } }