using AndroidX.AppCompat.View.Menu; using Bit.Core.Abstractions; using Bit.Core.Services; using Bit.Core.Utilities; using Google.Android.Material.BottomNavigation; using Microsoft.Maui.Handlers; namespace Bit.App.Handlers { public partial class CustomTabbedPageHandler : TabbedViewHandler { private TabbedPage _tabbedPage; private BottomNavigationView _bottomNavigationView; private Android.Views.ViewGroup _bottomNavigationViewGroup; private ILogger _logger; protected override void ConnectHandler(global::Android.Views.View platformView) { _logger = ServiceContainer.Resolve("logger"); if(VirtualView is TabbedPage tabbedPage) { _tabbedPage = tabbedPage; _tabbedPage.Loaded += TabbedPage_Loaded; } base.ConnectHandler(platformView); } private void TabbedPage_Loaded(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //This layout should always be the same/fixed and therefore this should run with no issues. Nevertheless it's wrapped in try catch to avoid crashing in edge-case scenarios. _bottomNavigationViewGroup = (((sender as VisualElement).Handler as IPlatformViewHandler) .PlatformView .Parent .Parent as Android.Views.View) .FindViewById(Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Resource.Id.navigationlayout_bottomtabs) as Android.Views.ViewGroup; } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Exception(ex); } if(_bottomNavigationViewGroup == null) { return; } //If TabbedPage still doesn't have items we set an event to wait for them if (_bottomNavigationViewGroup.ChildCount == 0) { _bottomNavigationViewGroup.ChildViewAdded += View_ChildViewAdded; } else { //If we already have items we can start listening immediately var bottomTabs = _bottomNavigationViewGroup.GetChildAt(0); ListenToItemReselected(bottomTabs); } } private void ListenToItemReselected(Android.Views.View bottomTabs) { if(bottomTabs is BottomNavigationView bottomNavigationView) { //If there was an older _bottomNavigationView for some reason we want to make sure to unregister if(_bottomNavigationView != null) { _bottomNavigationView.ItemReselected -= BottomNavigationView_ItemReselected; _bottomNavigationView = null; } _bottomNavigationView = bottomNavigationView; _bottomNavigationView.LabelVisibilityMode = LabelVisibilityMode.LabelVisibilityLabeled; _bottomNavigationView.ItemReselected += BottomNavigationView_ItemReselected; } } private void View_ChildViewAdded(object sender, Android.Views.ViewGroup.ChildViewAddedEventArgs e) { //We shouldn't need this to be called anymore times so we can unregister to the events now if(_bottomNavigationViewGroup != null) { _bottomNavigationViewGroup.ChildViewAdded -= View_ChildViewAdded; } var bottomTabs = e.Child; ListenToItemReselected(bottomTabs); } private void BottomNavigationView_ItemReselected(object sender, Google.Android.Material.Navigation.NavigationBarView.ItemReselectedEventArgs e) { if(e.Item is MenuItemImpl item) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Tab '{item.Title}' was reselected so we'll PopToRoot."); MainThread.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () => { try { await _tabbedPage.CurrentPage.Navigation.PopToRootAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggerHelper.LogEvenIfCantBeResolved(ex); } }); } } //Currently the Disconnect Handler needs to be manually called from the App: protected override void DisconnectHandler(global::Android.Views.View platformView) { if(_bottomNavigationViewGroup != null) { _bottomNavigationViewGroup.ChildViewAdded -= View_ChildViewAdded; _bottomNavigationViewGroup = null; } if(_bottomNavigationView != null) { _bottomNavigationView.ItemReselected -= BottomNavigationView_ItemReselected; _bottomNavigationView = null; } if(_tabbedPage != null) { _tabbedPage.Loaded -= TabbedPage_Loaded; _tabbedPage = null; } _logger = null; base.DisconnectHandler(platformView); } } }