using System; using Bit.App.Abstractions; using Bit.App.Services; using NSubstitute; using Xunit; namespace Bit.App.Test { public class CryptoServiceTests { [Fact] public void EncryptDecrypt() { var value = "hi"; Assert.Equal(EncryptDecryptValue(value), value); } [Fact] public void EncryptDecryptLongValue() { var value = "This is a really long value that should encrypt and decrypt just fine too."; Assert.Equal(EncryptDecryptValue(value), value); } private string EncryptDecryptValue(string value) { var storageService = Substitute.For(); var keyService = Substitute.For(); storageService.Retrieve("key").Returns( Convert.FromBase64String("QpSYI5k0bLQXEygUEHn4wMII3ERatuWDFBszk7JAhbQ=")); var service = new CryptoService(storageService, keyService); var encryptedHi = service.Encrypt(value); return service.Decrypt(encryptedHi); } } }