using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Bit.App.Abstractions; using Bit.App.Lists.ItemViewModels.CustomFields; using Bit.App.Models; using Bit.Core.Resources.Localization; using Bit.Core; using Bit.Core.Abstractions; using Bit.Core.Enums; using Bit.Core.Exceptions; using Bit.Core.Models.View; using Bit.Core.Utilities; using Microsoft.Maui.Controls; using Microsoft.Maui; using Bit.App.Utilities; using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input; using Bit.Core.Utilities.Fido2; using Bit.Core.Services; #nullable enable namespace Bit.App.Pages { public class CipherAddEditPageViewModel : BaseCipherViewModel { private readonly ICipherService _cipherService; private readonly IFolderService _folderService; private readonly ICollectionService _collectionService; private readonly IStateService _stateService; private readonly IOrganizationService _organizationService; private readonly IMessagingService _messagingService; private readonly IEventService _eventService; private readonly IPolicyService _policyService; private readonly ICustomFieldItemFactory _customFieldItemFactory; private readonly IClipboardService _clipboardService; private readonly IAutofillHandler _autofillHandler; private readonly IWatchDeviceService _watchDeviceService; private readonly IAccountsManager _accountsManager; private readonly IFido2MakeCredentialConfirmationUserInterface _fido2MakeCredentialConfirmationUserInterface; private readonly IUserVerificationMediatorService _userVerificationMediatorService; private bool _showNotesSeparator; private bool _showPassword; private bool _showCardNumber; private bool _showCardCode; private int _typeSelectedIndex; private int _cardBrandSelectedIndex; private int _cardExpMonthSelectedIndex; private int _identityTitleSelectedIndex; private int _folderSelectedIndex; private int _ownershipSelectedIndex; private bool _hasCollections; private string _previousCipherId; private List _writeableCollections; private bool _fromOtp; protected override string[] AdditionalPropertiesToRaiseOnCipherChanged => new string[] { nameof(IsLogin), nameof(IsIdentity), nameof(IsCard), nameof(IsSecureNote), nameof(ShowUris), nameof(ShowAttachments), nameof(ShowCollections), nameof(HasTotpValue) }; private List> _matchDetectionOptions = new List> { new KeyValuePair(null, AppResources.Default), new KeyValuePair(UriMatchType.Domain, AppResources.BaseDomain), new KeyValuePair(UriMatchType.Host, AppResources.Host), new KeyValuePair(UriMatchType.StartsWith, AppResources.StartsWith), new KeyValuePair(UriMatchType.RegularExpression, AppResources.RegEx), new KeyValuePair(UriMatchType.Exact, AppResources.Exact), new KeyValuePair(UriMatchType.Never, AppResources.Never) }; public CipherAddEditPageViewModel() { _cipherService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("cipherService"); _folderService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("folderService"); _stateService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("stateService"); _organizationService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("organizationService"); _messagingService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("messagingService"); _collectionService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("collectionService"); _eventService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("eventService"); _policyService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("policyService"); _customFieldItemFactory = ServiceContainer.Resolve("customFieldItemFactory"); _clipboardService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("clipboardService"); _autofillHandler = ServiceContainer.Resolve(); _watchDeviceService = ServiceContainer.Resolve(); _accountsManager = ServiceContainer.Resolve(); if (ServiceContainer.TryResolve(out var fido2MakeService)) { _fido2MakeCredentialConfirmationUserInterface = fido2MakeService; } _userVerificationMediatorService = ServiceContainer.Resolve(); GeneratePasswordCommand = new Command(GeneratePassword); TogglePasswordCommand = new Command(TogglePassword); ToggleCardNumberCommand = new Command(ToggleCardNumber); ToggleCardCodeCommand = new Command(ToggleCardCode); UriOptionsCommand = new Command(UriOptions); FieldOptionsCommand = new Command(FieldOptions); PasswordPromptHelpCommand = new Command(PasswordPromptHelp); CopyCommand = CreateDefaultAsyncRelayCommand(CopyTotpClipboardAsync, onException: ex => _logger.Exception(ex), allowsMultipleExecutions: false); GenerateUsernameCommand = CreateDefaultAsyncRelayCommand(GenerateUsernameAsync, onException: ex => OnGenerateUsernameException(ex), allowsMultipleExecutions: false); Uris = new ExtendedObservableCollection(); Fields = new ExtendedObservableCollection(); Collections = new ExtendedObservableCollection(); AllowPersonal = true; TypeOptions = new List> { new KeyValuePair(AppResources.TypeLogin, CipherType.Login), new KeyValuePair(AppResources.TypeCard, CipherType.Card), new KeyValuePair(AppResources.TypeIdentity, CipherType.Identity), new KeyValuePair(AppResources.TypeSecureNote, CipherType.SecureNote), }; CardBrandOptions = new List> { new KeyValuePair($"-- {AppResources.Select} --", null), new KeyValuePair("Visa", "Visa"), new KeyValuePair("Mastercard", "Mastercard"), new KeyValuePair("American Express", "Amex"), new KeyValuePair("Discover", "Discover"), new KeyValuePair("Diners Club", "Diners Club"), new KeyValuePair("JCB", "JCB"), new KeyValuePair("Maestro", "Maestro"), new KeyValuePair("UnionPay", "UnionPay"), new KeyValuePair("RuPay", "RuPay"), new KeyValuePair(AppResources.Other, "Other") }; CardExpMonthOptions = new List> { new KeyValuePair($"-- {AppResources.Select} --", null), new KeyValuePair($"01 - {AppResources.January}", "1"), new KeyValuePair($"02 - {AppResources.February}", "2"), new KeyValuePair($"03 - {AppResources.March}", "3"), new KeyValuePair($"04 - {AppResources.April}", "4"), new KeyValuePair($"05 - {AppResources.May}", "5"), new KeyValuePair($"06 - {AppResources.June}", "6"), new KeyValuePair($"07 - {AppResources.July}", "7"), new KeyValuePair($"08 - {AppResources.August}", "8"), new KeyValuePair($"09 - {AppResources.September}", "9"), new KeyValuePair($"10 - {AppResources.October}", "10"), new KeyValuePair($"11 - {AppResources.November}", "11"), new KeyValuePair($"12 - {AppResources.December}", "12") }; IdentityTitleOptions = new List> { new KeyValuePair($"-- {AppResources.Select} --", null), new KeyValuePair(AppResources.Mr, AppResources.Mr), new KeyValuePair(AppResources.Mrs, AppResources.Mrs), new KeyValuePair(AppResources.Ms, AppResources.Ms), new KeyValuePair(AppResources.Mx, AppResources.Mx), new KeyValuePair(AppResources.Dr, AppResources.Dr), }; FolderOptions = new List>(); OwnershipOptions = new List>(); } public Command GeneratePasswordCommand { get; set; } public Command TogglePasswordCommand { get; set; } public Command ToggleCardNumberCommand { get; set; } public Command ToggleCardCodeCommand { get; set; } public Command UriOptionsCommand { get; set; } public Command FieldOptionsCommand { get; set; } public Command PasswordPromptHelpCommand { get; set; } public AsyncRelayCommand CopyCommand { get; set; } public AsyncRelayCommand GenerateUsernameCommand { get; set; } public string CipherId { get; set; } public string OrganizationId { get; set; } public string FolderId { get; set; } public CipherType? Type { get; set; } public HashSet CollectionIds { get; set; } public string DefaultName { get; set; } public string DefaultUri { get; set; } public List> TypeOptions { get; set; } public List> CardBrandOptions { get; set; } public List> CardExpMonthOptions { get; set; } public List> IdentityTitleOptions { get; set; } public List> FolderOptions { get; set; } public List> OwnershipOptions { get; set; } public ExtendedObservableCollection Uris { get; set; } public ExtendedObservableCollection Fields { get; set; } public ExtendedObservableCollection Collections { get; set; } public int TypeSelectedIndex { get => _typeSelectedIndex; set { if (SetProperty(ref _typeSelectedIndex, value)) { TypeChanged(); } } } public int CardBrandSelectedIndex { get => _cardBrandSelectedIndex; set { if (SetProperty(ref _cardBrandSelectedIndex, value)) { CardBrandChanged(); } } } public int CardExpMonthSelectedIndex { get => _cardExpMonthSelectedIndex; set { if (SetProperty(ref _cardExpMonthSelectedIndex, value)) { CardExpMonthChanged(); } } } public int IdentityTitleSelectedIndex { get => _identityTitleSelectedIndex; set { if (SetProperty(ref _identityTitleSelectedIndex, value)) { IdentityTitleChanged(); } } } public int FolderSelectedIndex { get => _folderSelectedIndex; set { if (SetProperty(ref _folderSelectedIndex, value)) { FolderChanged(); } } } public int OwnershipSelectedIndex { get => _ownershipSelectedIndex; set { if (SetProperty(ref _ownershipSelectedIndex, value)) { OrganizationChanged(); } } } public bool ShowNotesSeparator { get => _showNotesSeparator; set => SetProperty(ref _showNotesSeparator, value); } public bool ShowPassword { get => _showPassword; set => SetProperty(ref _showPassword, value, additionalPropertyNames: new string[] { nameof(ShowPasswordIcon), nameof(PasswordVisibilityAccessibilityText) }); } public bool ShowCardNumber { get => _showCardNumber; set => SetProperty(ref _showCardNumber, value, additionalPropertyNames: new string[] { nameof(ShowCardNumberIcon) }); } public bool ShowCardCode { get => _showCardCode; set => SetProperty(ref _showCardCode, value, additionalPropertyNames: new string[] { nameof(ShowCardCodeIcon) }); } public bool HasCollections { get => _hasCollections; set => SetProperty(ref _hasCollections, value, additionalPropertyNames: new string[] { nameof(ShowCollections) }); } public bool ShowCollections => (!EditMode || CloneMode) && Cipher?.OrganizationId != null; public bool IsFromFido2Framework { get; set; } public bool EditMode => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CipherId); public bool TypeEditMode => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CipherId) || IsFromFido2Framework; public bool ShowOwnershipOptions => !EditMode || CloneMode; public bool OwnershipPolicyInEffect => ShowOwnershipOptions && !AllowPersonal; public bool CloneMode { get; set; } public CipherDetailsPage CipherDetailsPage { get; set; } public bool IsLogin => Cipher?.Type == CipherType.Login; public bool IsIdentity => Cipher?.Type == CipherType.Identity; public bool IsCard => Cipher?.Type == CipherType.Card; public bool IsSecureNote => Cipher?.Type == CipherType.SecureNote; public bool ShowUris => IsLogin && Cipher != null && Cipher.Login.HasUris; public bool ShowAttachments => Cipher != null && Cipher.HasAttachments; public string ShowPasswordIcon => ShowPassword ? BitwardenIcons.EyeSlash : BitwardenIcons.Eye; public string ShowCardNumberIcon => ShowCardNumber ? BitwardenIcons.EyeSlash : BitwardenIcons.Eye; public string ShowCardCodeIcon => ShowCardCode ? BitwardenIcons.EyeSlash : BitwardenIcons.Eye; public int PasswordFieldColSpan => Cipher != null && Cipher.ViewPassword ? 1 : 4; public int TotpColumnSpan => Cipher != null && Cipher.ViewPassword ? 1 : 2; public bool AllowPersonal { get; set; } public bool PasswordPrompt => Cipher != null && Cipher.Reprompt != CipherRepromptType.None; public string PasswordVisibilityAccessibilityText => ShowPassword ? AppResources.PasswordIsVisibleTapToHide : AppResources.PasswordIsNotVisibleTapToShow; public bool HasTotpValue => IsLogin && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cipher?.Login?.Totp); public bool AllowTotpCopy => HasTotpValue && Cipher.ViewPassword; public string SetupTotpText => $"{BitwardenIcons.Camera} {AppResources.SetupTotp}"; public bool ShowPasskeyInfo => Cipher?.HasFido2Credential == true && !CloneMode; public void Init() { PageTitle = EditMode && !CloneMode ? AppResources.EditItem : AppResources.AddItem; } public async Task LoadAsync(AppOptions appOptions = null) { _fromOtp = appOptions?.OtpData != null; IsFromFido2Framework = _fido2MakeCredentialConfirmationUserInterface?.IsConfirmingNewCredential == true; var myEmail = await _stateService.GetEmailAsync(); OwnershipOptions.Add(new KeyValuePair(myEmail, null)); var orgs = await _organizationService.GetAllAsync(); foreach (var org in orgs.OrderBy(o => o.Name)) { if (org.Enabled && org.Status == OrganizationUserStatusType.Confirmed) { OwnershipOptions.Add(new KeyValuePair(org.Name, org.Id)); } } var personalOwnershipPolicyApplies = await _policyService.PolicyAppliesToUser(PolicyType.PersonalOwnership); if (personalOwnershipPolicyApplies && (!EditMode || CloneMode)) { AllowPersonal = false; // Remove personal ownership OwnershipOptions.RemoveAt(0); } var allCollections = await _collectionService.GetAllDecryptedAsync(); _writeableCollections = allCollections.Where(c => !c.ReadOnly).ToList(); if (CollectionIds?.Any() ?? false) { var colId = CollectionIds.First(); var collection = _writeableCollections.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == colId); OrganizationId = collection?.OrganizationId; } var folders = await _folderService.GetAllDecryptedAsync(); FolderOptions = folders.Select(f => new KeyValuePair(f.Name, f.Id)).ToList(); if (Cipher == null) { if (EditMode) { var cipher = await _cipherService.GetAsync(CipherId); if (cipher == null) { return false; } Cipher = await cipher.DecryptAsync(); if (CloneMode) { Cipher.Name += " - " + AppResources.Clone; // If not allowing personal ownership, update cipher's org Id to prompt downstream changes if (Cipher.OrganizationId == null && !AllowPersonal) { Cipher.OrganizationId = OrganizationId; } if (Cipher.Type == CipherType.Login) { // passkeys can't be cloned Cipher.Login.Fido2Credentials = null; } } if (appOptions?.OtpData != null && Cipher.Type == CipherType.Login) { Cipher.Login.Totp = appOptions.OtpData.Value.Uri; } } else { Cipher = new CipherView { Name = DefaultName, OrganizationId = OrganizationId, FolderId = FolderId, Type = Type.GetValueOrDefault(CipherType.Login), Login = new LoginView(), Card = new CardView(), Identity = new IdentityView(), SecureNote = new SecureNoteView() }; Cipher.Login.Uris = new List { new LoginUriView { Uri = DefaultUri } }; Cipher.SecureNote.Type = SecureNoteType.Generic; if (appOptions != null) { Cipher.Type = appOptions.SaveType.GetValueOrDefault(Cipher.Type); Cipher.Login.Username = appOptions.SaveUsername; Cipher.Login.Password = appOptions.SavePassword; Cipher.Login.Totp = appOptions.OtpData?.Uri; Cipher.Card.Code = appOptions.SaveCardCode; if (int.TryParse(appOptions.SaveCardExpMonth, out int month) && month <= 12 && month >= 1) { Cipher.Card.ExpMonth = month.ToString(); } Cipher.Card.ExpYear = appOptions.SaveCardExpYear; Cipher.Card.CardholderName = appOptions.SaveCardName; Cipher.Card.Number = appOptions.SaveCardNumber; } } TypeSelectedIndex = TypeOptions.FindIndex(k => k.Value == Cipher.Type); FolderSelectedIndex = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Cipher.FolderId) ? FolderOptions.Count - 1 : FolderOptions.FindIndex(k => k.Value == Cipher.FolderId); CardBrandSelectedIndex = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Cipher.Card?.Brand) ? 0 : CardBrandOptions.FindIndex(k => k.Value == Cipher.Card.Brand); CardExpMonthSelectedIndex = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Cipher.Card?.ExpMonth) ? 0 : CardExpMonthOptions.FindIndex(k => k.Value == Cipher.Card.ExpMonth); IdentityTitleSelectedIndex = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Cipher.Identity?.Title) ? 0 : IdentityTitleOptions.FindIndex(k => k.Value == Cipher.Identity.Title); OwnershipSelectedIndex = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Cipher.OrganizationId) ? 0 : OwnershipOptions.FindIndex(k => k.Value == Cipher.OrganizationId); // If the selected organization is on Index 0 and we've removed the personal option, force refresh if (!AllowPersonal && OwnershipSelectedIndex == 0) { OrganizationChanged(); } if ((!EditMode || CloneMode) && (CollectionIds?.Any() ?? false)) { foreach (var col in Collections) { col.Checked = CollectionIds.Contains(col.Collection.Id); } } if (Cipher.Login?.Uris != null) { Uris.ResetWithRange(Cipher.Login.Uris); } if (Cipher.Fields != null) { Fields.ResetWithRange(Cipher.Fields?.Select(f => _customFieldItemFactory.CreateCustomFieldItem(f, true, Cipher, null, null, FieldOptionsCommand))); } if (appOptions?.OtpData != null) { _platformUtilsService.ShowToast(null, AppResources.AuthenticatorKey, AppResources.AuthenticatorKeyAdded); } } if (EditMode && _previousCipherId != CipherId) { var task = _eventService.CollectAsync(EventType.Cipher_ClientViewed, CipherId); } _previousCipherId = CipherId; MainThread.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { TriggerPropertyChanged(nameof(OwnershipOptions)); TriggerPropertyChanged(nameof(OwnershipSelectedIndex)); }); return true; } public async Task SubmitAsync() { if (Cipher == null) { return false; } if (Microsoft.Maui.Networking.Connectivity.NetworkAccess == Microsoft.Maui.Networking.NetworkAccess.None) { await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(AppResources.InternetConnectionRequiredMessage, AppResources.InternetConnectionRequiredTitle); return false; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Cipher.Name)) { await Page.DisplayAlert(AppResources.AnErrorHasOccurred, string.Format(AppResources.ValidationFieldRequired, AppResources.Name), AppResources.Ok); return false; } if ((!EditMode || CloneMode) && !AllowPersonal && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Cipher.OrganizationId)) { await Page.DisplayAlert(AppResources.AnErrorHasOccurred, AppResources.PersonalOwnershipSubmitError, AppResources.Ok); return false; } Cipher.Fields = Fields != null && Fields.Any() ? Fields.Where(f => f != null).Select(f => f.Field).ToList() : null; if (Cipher.Login != null) { Cipher.Login.Uris = Uris?.ToList(); if ((!EditMode || CloneMode) && Cipher.Type == CipherType.Login && Cipher.Login.Uris != null && Cipher.Login.Uris.Count == 1 && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Cipher.Login.Uris[0].Uri)) { Cipher.Login.Uris = null; } } if ((!EditMode || CloneMode) && Cipher.OrganizationId != null) { if (Collections == null || !Collections.Any(c => c != null && c.Checked)) { await Page.DisplayAlert(AppResources.AnErrorHasOccurred, AppResources.SelectOneCollection, AppResources.Ok); return false; } Cipher.CollectionIds = Collections.Any() ? new HashSet(Collections.Where(c => c != null && c.Checked && c.Collection?.Id != null) .Select(c => c.Collection.Id)) : null; } if (CloneMode) { Cipher.Id = null; } var cipher = await _cipherService.EncryptAsync(Cipher); if (cipher == null) { return false; } try { bool isFido2UserVerified = false; if (IsFromFido2Framework) { // Verify the user and prevent saving cipher if enforcing is needed and it's not verified. var userVerification = await VerifyUserAsync(); if (userVerification.IsCancelled) { return false; } isFido2UserVerified = userVerification.Result; var options = _fido2MakeCredentialConfirmationUserInterface.GetCurrentUserVerificationOptions(); if (!isFido2UserVerified && await _userVerificationMediatorService.ShouldEnforceFido2RequiredUserVerificationAsync(options.Value)) { await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(AppResources.ErrorCreatingPasskey, AppResources.SavePasskey); return false; } } await _deviceActionService.ShowLoadingAsync(AppResources.Saving); await _cipherService.SaveWithServerAsync(cipher); Cipher.Id = cipher.Id; await _deviceActionService.HideLoadingAsync(); _platformUtilsService.ShowToast("success", null, EditMode && !CloneMode ? AppResources.ItemUpdated : AppResources.NewItemCreated); _messagingService.Send(EditMode && !CloneMode ? "editedCipher" : "addedCipher", Cipher.Id); _watchDeviceService.SyncDataToWatchAsync().FireAndForget(); if (Page is CipherAddEditPage page && page.FromAutofillFramework) { // Close and go back to app _autofillHandler.CloseAutofill(); } else if (IsFromFido2Framework) { _fido2MakeCredentialConfirmationUserInterface.Confirm(cipher.Id, isFido2UserVerified); return true; } else if (_fromOtp) { await _accountsManager.StartDefaultNavigationFlowAsync(op => op.OtpData = null); } else { if (CloneMode) { CipherDetailsPage?.UpdateCipherId(this.Cipher.Id); } // if the app is tombstoned then PopModalAsync would throw index out of bounds if (Page.Navigation?.ModalStack?.Count > 0) { await Page.Navigation.PopModalAsync(); } } return true; } catch (ApiException apiEx) { await _deviceActionService.HideLoadingAsync(); if (apiEx?.Error != null) { await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(apiEx.Error.GetSingleMessage(), AppResources.AnErrorHasOccurred); } } catch (Exception genex) { _logger.Exception(genex); await _deviceActionService.HideLoadingAsync(); } return false; } private async Task> VerifyUserAsync() { try { var options = _fido2MakeCredentialConfirmationUserInterface.GetCurrentUserVerificationOptions(); ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(options); if (options.Value.UserVerificationPreference == Fido2UserVerificationPreference.Discouraged) { return new CancellableResult(false); } return await _userVerificationMediatorService.VerifyUserForFido2Async(options.Value); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggerHelper.LogEvenIfCantBeResolved(ex); return new CancellableResult(false); } } public async Task DeleteAsync() { if (Microsoft.Maui.Networking.Connectivity.NetworkAccess == Microsoft.Maui.Networking.NetworkAccess.None) { await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(AppResources.InternetConnectionRequiredMessage, AppResources.InternetConnectionRequiredTitle); return false; } var confirmed = await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync( AppResources.DoYouReallyWantToSoftDeleteCipher, null, AppResources.Yes, AppResources.Cancel); if (!confirmed) { return false; } try { await _deviceActionService.ShowLoadingAsync(AppResources.SoftDeleting); await _cipherService.SoftDeleteWithServerAsync(Cipher.Id); await _deviceActionService.HideLoadingAsync(); _platformUtilsService.ShowToast("success", null, AppResources.ItemSoftDeleted); _messagingService.Send("softDeletedCipher", Cipher); return true; } catch (ApiException e) { await _deviceActionService.HideLoadingAsync(); if (e?.Error != null) { await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(e.Error.GetSingleMessage(), AppResources.AnErrorHasOccurred); } } return false; } public async void GeneratePassword() { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Cipher?.Login?.Password)) { var confirmed = await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(AppResources.PasswordOverrideAlert, null, AppResources.Yes, AppResources.No); if (!confirmed) { return; } } var page = new GeneratorPage(false, async (password) => { Cipher.Login.Password = password; TriggerCipherChanged(); await Page.Navigation.PopModalAsync(); }); await Page.Navigation.PushModalAsync(new NavigationPage(page)); } public async Task GenerateUsernameAsync() { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Cipher?.Login?.Username) && !await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(AppResources.AreYouSureYouWantToOverwriteTheCurrentUsername, null, AppResources.Yes, AppResources.No)) { return; } var website = Cipher?.Login?.Uris?.FirstOrDefault()?.Host; var page = new GeneratorPage(false, async (username) => { try { Cipher.Login.Username = username; TriggerCipherChanged(); await Page.Navigation.PopModalAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { OnGenerateUsernameException(ex); } }, isUsernameGenerator: true, emailWebsite: website, editMode: true); await Page.Navigation.PushModalAsync(new NavigationPage(page)); } public async void UriOptions(LoginUriView uri) { if (!(Page as CipherAddEditPage).DoOnce()) { return; } var selection = await Page.DisplayActionSheet(AppResources.Options, AppResources.Cancel, null, AppResources.MatchDetection, AppResources.Remove); if (selection == AppResources.Remove) { Uris.Remove(uri); } else if (selection == AppResources.MatchDetection) { var options = _matchDetectionOptions.Select(o => o.Key == uri.Match ? $"✓ {o.Value}" : o.Value); var matchSelection = await Page.DisplayActionSheet(AppResources.URIMatchDetection, AppResources.Cancel, null, options.ToArray()); if (matchSelection != null && matchSelection != AppResources.Cancel) { var matchSelectionClean = matchSelection.Replace("✓ ", string.Empty); uri.Match = _matchDetectionOptions.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Value == matchSelectionClean).Key; } } } public void AddUri() { if (Cipher.Type != CipherType.Login) { return; } if (Uris == null) { Uris = new ExtendedObservableCollection(); } Uris.Add(new LoginUriView()); } public async void FieldOptions(ICustomFieldItemViewModel field) { if (!(Page as CipherAddEditPage).DoOnce()) { return; } var selection = await Page.DisplayActionSheet(AppResources.Options, AppResources.Cancel, null, AppResources.Edit, AppResources.MoveUp, AppResources.MoveDown, AppResources.Remove); if (selection == AppResources.Remove) { Fields.Remove(field); } else if (selection == AppResources.Edit) { var name = await _deviceActionService.DisplayPromptAync(AppResources.CustomFieldName, null, field.Field.Name); field.Field.Name = name ?? field.Field.Name; field.TriggerFieldChanged(); } else if (selection == AppResources.MoveUp) { var currentIndex = Fields.IndexOf(field); if (currentIndex > 0) { Fields.Move(currentIndex, currentIndex - 1); } } else if (selection == AppResources.MoveDown) { var currentIndex = Fields.IndexOf(field); if (currentIndex < Fields.Count - 1) { Fields.Move(currentIndex, currentIndex + 1); } } } public async void AddField() { var fieldTypeOptions = new List> { new KeyValuePair(FieldType.Text, AppResources.FieldTypeText), new KeyValuePair(FieldType.Hidden, AppResources.FieldTypeHidden), new KeyValuePair(FieldType.Boolean, AppResources.FieldTypeBoolean), }; if (Cipher.LinkedFieldOptions != null) { fieldTypeOptions.Add(new KeyValuePair(FieldType.Linked, AppResources.FieldTypeLinked)); } var typeSelection = await Page.DisplayActionSheet(AppResources.SelectTypeField, AppResources.Cancel, null, fieldTypeOptions.Select(f => f.Value).ToArray()); if (typeSelection != null && typeSelection != AppResources.Cancel) { var name = await _deviceActionService.DisplayPromptAync(AppResources.CustomFieldName); if (name == null) { return; } if (Fields == null) { Fields = new ExtendedObservableCollection(); } var type = fieldTypeOptions.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Value == typeSelection).Key; Fields.Add(_customFieldItemFactory.CreateCustomFieldItem(new FieldView { Type = type, Name = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) ? null : name, NewField = true, }, true, Cipher, null, null, FieldOptionsCommand)); } } public void TogglePassword() { ShowPassword = !ShowPassword; if (EditMode && ShowPassword) { var task = _eventService.CollectAsync(EventType.Cipher_ClientToggledPasswordVisible, CipherId); } } public void ToggleCardNumber() { ShowCardNumber = !ShowCardNumber; if (EditMode && ShowCardNumber) { var task = _eventService.CollectAsync( Core.Enums.EventType.Cipher_ClientToggledCardNumberVisible, CipherId); } } public void ToggleCardCode() { ShowCardCode = !ShowCardCode; if (EditMode && ShowCardCode) { var task = _eventService.CollectAsync(EventType.Cipher_ClientToggledCardCodeVisible, CipherId); } } public async Task UpdateTotpKeyAsync(string key) { if (Cipher?.Login != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key)) { Cipher.Login.Totp = key; TriggerCipherChanged(); _platformUtilsService.ShowToast("info", null, AppResources.AuthenticatorKeyAdded); } else { await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(AppResources.AuthenticatorKeyReadError); } } } public void PasswordPromptHelp() { _platformUtilsService.LaunchUri(""); } private void TypeChanged() { if (Cipher != null && TypeSelectedIndex > -1) { Cipher.Type = TypeOptions[TypeSelectedIndex].Value; TriggerCipherChanged(); // Linked Custom Fields only apply to a specific item type foreach (var field in Fields.OfType().ToList()) { Fields.Remove(field); } } } private void CardBrandChanged() { if (Cipher?.Card != null && CardBrandSelectedIndex > -1) { Cipher.Card.Brand = CardBrandOptions[CardBrandSelectedIndex].Value; } } private void CardExpMonthChanged() { if (Cipher?.Card != null && CardExpMonthSelectedIndex > -1) { Cipher.Card.ExpMonth = CardExpMonthOptions[CardExpMonthSelectedIndex].Value; } } private void IdentityTitleChanged() { if (Cipher?.Identity != null && IdentityTitleSelectedIndex > -1) { Cipher.Identity.Title = IdentityTitleOptions[IdentityTitleSelectedIndex].Value; } } private void FolderChanged() { if (Cipher != null && FolderSelectedIndex > -1) { Cipher.FolderId = FolderOptions[FolderSelectedIndex].Value; } } private void OrganizationChanged() { if (Cipher != null && OwnershipSelectedIndex > -1) { Cipher.OrganizationId = OwnershipOptions[OwnershipSelectedIndex].Value; TriggerCipherChanged(); } if (Cipher?.OrganizationId != null) { var cols = _writeableCollections.Where(c => c.OrganizationId == Cipher.OrganizationId) .Select(c => new CollectionViewModel { Collection = c }).ToList(); Collections.ResetWithRange(cols); } else { Collections.ResetWithRange(new List()); } HasCollections = Collections.Any(); } private void TriggerCipherChanged() { MainThread.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => TriggerPropertyChanged(nameof(Cipher), AdditionalPropertiesToRaiseOnCipherChanged)); } private async Task CopyTotpClipboardAsync() { try { await _clipboardService.CopyTextAsync(Cipher.Login.Totp); _platformUtilsService.ShowToast("info", null, string.Format(AppResources.ValueHasBeenCopied, AppResources.AuthenticatorKeyScanner)); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Exception(ex); } } private async void OnGenerateUsernameException(Exception ex) { _logger.Exception(ex); await Page.DisplayAlert(AppResources.AnErrorHasOccurred, AppResources.GenericErrorMessage, AppResources.Ok); } } }