mirror of https://github.com/bitwarden/mobile.git synced 2025-03-12 13:19:10 +01:00

716 lines
29 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Input;
using Bit.App.Abstractions;
using Bit.App.Controls;
using Bit.App.Resources;
using Bit.App.Utilities;
using Bit.Core.Abstractions;
using Bit.Core.Enums;
using Bit.Core.Models.Domain;
using Bit.Core.Models.View;
using Bit.Core.Utilities;
using Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.ObjectModel;
using Xamarin.Forms;
namespace Bit.App.Pages
public class GroupingsPageViewModel : VaultFilterViewModel
private const int NoFolderListSize = 100;
private bool _refreshing;
private bool _doingLoad;
private bool _loading;
private bool _loaded;
private bool _showAddCipherButton;
private bool _showNoData;
private bool _showList;
private bool _websiteIconsEnabled;
private bool _syncRefreshing;
private bool _showTotpFilter;
private bool _totpFilterEnable;
private string _noDataText;
private List<CipherView> _allCiphers;
private Dictionary<string, int> _folderCounts = new Dictionary<string, int>();
private Dictionary<string, int> _collectionCounts = new Dictionary<string, int>();
private Dictionary<CipherType, int> _typeCounts = new Dictionary<CipherType, int>();
private int _deletedCount = 0;
private CancellationTokenSource _totpTickCts;
private Task _totpTickTask;
private readonly ICipherService _cipherService;
private readonly IFolderService _folderService;
private readonly ICollectionService _collectionService;
private readonly ISyncService _syncService;
private readonly IVaultTimeoutService _vaultTimeoutService;
private readonly IDeviceActionService _deviceActionService;
private readonly IPlatformUtilsService _platformUtilsService;
private readonly IMessagingService _messagingService;
private readonly IStateService _stateService;
private readonly IPasswordRepromptService _passwordRepromptService;
private readonly IOrganizationService _organizationService;
private readonly IPolicyService _policyService;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public GroupingsPageViewModel()
_cipherService = ServiceContainer.Resolve<ICipherService>("cipherService");
_folderService = ServiceContainer.Resolve<IFolderService>("folderService");
_collectionService = ServiceContainer.Resolve<ICollectionService>("collectionService");
_syncService = ServiceContainer.Resolve<ISyncService>("syncService");
_vaultTimeoutService = ServiceContainer.Resolve<IVaultTimeoutService>("vaultTimeoutService");
_deviceActionService = ServiceContainer.Resolve<IDeviceActionService>("deviceActionService");
_platformUtilsService = ServiceContainer.Resolve<IPlatformUtilsService>("platformUtilsService");
_messagingService = ServiceContainer.Resolve<IMessagingService>("messagingService");
_stateService = ServiceContainer.Resolve<IStateService>("stateService");
_passwordRepromptService = ServiceContainer.Resolve<IPasswordRepromptService>("passwordRepromptService");
_organizationService = ServiceContainer.Resolve<IOrganizationService>("organizationService");
_policyService = ServiceContainer.Resolve<IPolicyService>("policyService");
_logger = ServiceContainer.Resolve<ILogger>("logger");
Loading = true;
GroupedItems = new ObservableRangeCollection<IGroupingsPageListItem>();
RefreshCommand = new Command(async () =>
Refreshing = true;
await LoadAsync();
CipherOptionsCommand = new AsyncCommand<CipherView>(cipher => AppHelpers.CipherListOptions(Page, cipher, _passwordRepromptService),
onException: ex => _logger.Exception(ex),
allowsMultipleExecutions: false);
VaultFilterCommand = new AsyncCommand(VaultFilterOptionsAsync,
onException: ex => _logger.Exception(ex),
allowsMultipleExecutions: false);
AccountSwitchingOverlayViewModel = new AccountSwitchingOverlayViewModel(_stateService, _messagingService, _logger)
AllowAddAccountRow = true
public bool MainPage { get; set; }
public CipherType? Type { get; set; }
public string FolderId { get; set; }
public string CollectionId { get; set; }
public Func<CipherView, bool> Filter { get; set; }
public bool Deleted { get; set; }
public bool HasCiphers { get; set; }
public bool HasFolders { get; set; }
public bool HasCollections { get; set; }
public bool ShowNoFolderCipherGroup => NoFolderCiphers != null
&& NoFolderCiphers.Count < NoFolderListSize
&& (Collections is null || !Collections.Any());
public List<CipherView> Ciphers { get; set; }
public List<CipherView> TOTPCiphers { get; set; }
public List<CipherView> FavoriteCiphers { get; set; }
public List<CipherView> NoFolderCiphers { get; set; }
public List<FolderView> Folders { get; set; }
public List<TreeNode<FolderView>> NestedFolders { get; set; }
public List<Core.Models.View.CollectionView> Collections { get; set; }
public List<TreeNode<Core.Models.View.CollectionView>> NestedCollections { get; set; }
protected override ICipherService cipherService => _cipherService;
protected override IPolicyService policyService => _policyService;
protected override IOrganizationService organizationService => _organizationService;
protected override ILogger logger => _logger;
public bool Refreshing
get => _refreshing;
set => SetProperty(ref _refreshing, value);
public bool SyncRefreshing
get => _syncRefreshing;
set => SetProperty(ref _syncRefreshing, value);
public bool Loading
get => _loading;
set => SetProperty(ref _loading, value);
public bool Loaded
get => _loaded;
set => SetProperty(ref _loaded, value);
public bool ShowAddCipherButton
get => _showAddCipherButton;
set => SetProperty(ref _showAddCipherButton, value);
public bool ShowNoData
get => _showNoData;
set => SetProperty(ref _showNoData, value);
public string NoDataText
get => _noDataText;
set => SetProperty(ref _noDataText, value);
public bool ShowList
get => _showList;
set => SetProperty(ref _showList, value);
public bool WebsiteIconsEnabled
get => _websiteIconsEnabled;
set => SetProperty(ref _websiteIconsEnabled, value);
public bool ShowTotp
get => _showTotpFilter;
set => SetProperty(ref _showTotpFilter, value);
public AccountSwitchingOverlayViewModel AccountSwitchingOverlayViewModel { get; }
public ObservableRangeCollection<IGroupingsPageListItem> GroupedItems { get; set; }
public Command RefreshCommand { get; set; }
public ICommand CipherOptionsCommand { get; }
public bool LoadedOnce { get; set; }
public async Task LoadAsync()
if (_doingLoad)
var authed = await _stateService.IsAuthenticatedAsync();
if (!authed)
if (await _vaultTimeoutService.IsLockedAsync())
if (await _stateService.GetSyncOnRefreshAsync() && Refreshing && !SyncRefreshing)
SyncRefreshing = true;
await _syncService.SyncPasswordlessLoginRequestsAsync();
await _syncService.FullSyncAsync(false);
await InitVaultFilterAsync(MainPage);
if (MainPage)
PageTitle = ShowVaultFilter ? AppResources.Vaults : AppResources.MyVault;
_doingLoad = true;
LoadedOnce = true;
ShowNoData = false;
Loading = true;
ShowList = false;
ShowAddCipherButton = !Deleted;
var groupedItems = new List<GroupingsPageListGroup>();
var page = Page as GroupingsPage;
WebsiteIconsEnabled = !(await _stateService.GetDisableFaviconAsync()).GetValueOrDefault();
await LoadDataAsync();
if (ShowNoFolderCipherGroup && (NestedFolders?.Any() ?? false))
// Remove "No Folder" folder from folders group
NestedFolders = NestedFolders.GetRange(0, NestedFolders.Count - 1);
var uppercaseGroupNames = Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS;
var hasFavorites = FavoriteCiphers?.Any() ?? false;
if (hasFavorites)
var favListItems = FavoriteCiphers.Select(c => new GroupingsPageListItem { Cipher = c }).ToList();
groupedItems.Add(new GroupingsPageListGroup(favListItems, AppResources.Favorites,
favListItems.Count, uppercaseGroupNames, true));
if (MainPage)
AddTotpGroupItem(groupedItems, uppercaseGroupNames);
groupedItems.Add(new GroupingsPageListGroup(
AppResources.Types, 4, uppercaseGroupNames, !hasFavorites)
new GroupingsPageListItem
Type = CipherType.Login,
ItemCount = (_typeCounts.ContainsKey(CipherType.Login) ?
_typeCounts[CipherType.Login] : 0).ToString("N0")
new GroupingsPageListItem
Type = CipherType.Card,
ItemCount = (_typeCounts.ContainsKey(CipherType.Card) ?
_typeCounts[CipherType.Card] : 0).ToString("N0")
new GroupingsPageListItem
Type = CipherType.Identity,
ItemCount = (_typeCounts.ContainsKey(CipherType.Identity) ?
_typeCounts[CipherType.Identity] : 0).ToString("N0")
new GroupingsPageListItem
Type = CipherType.SecureNote,
ItemCount = (_typeCounts.ContainsKey(CipherType.SecureNote) ?
_typeCounts[CipherType.SecureNote] : 0).ToString("N0")
if (NestedFolders?.Any() ?? false)
var folderListItems = NestedFolders.Select(f =>
var fId = f.Node.Id ?? "none";
return new GroupingsPageListItem
Folder = f.Node,
ItemCount = (_folderCounts.ContainsKey(fId) ? _folderCounts[fId] : 0).ToString("N0")
groupedItems.Add(new GroupingsPageListGroup(folderListItems, AppResources.Folders,
folderListItems.Count, uppercaseGroupNames, !MainPage));
if (NestedCollections?.Any() ?? false)
var collectionListItems = NestedCollections.Select(c => new GroupingsPageListItem
Collection = c.Node,
ItemCount = (_collectionCounts.ContainsKey(c.Node.Id) ?
_collectionCounts[c.Node.Id] : 0).ToString("N0")
groupedItems.Add(new GroupingsPageListGroup(collectionListItems, AppResources.Collections,
collectionListItems.Count, uppercaseGroupNames, !MainPage));
if (Ciphers?.Any() ?? false)
if (ShowTotp && (!TOTPCiphers?.Any() ?? false))
if (ShowNoFolderCipherGroup)
var noFolderCiphersListItems = NoFolderCiphers.Select(
c => new GroupingsPageListItem { Cipher = c }).ToList();
groupedItems.Add(new GroupingsPageListGroup(noFolderCiphersListItems, AppResources.FolderNone,
noFolderCiphersListItems.Count, uppercaseGroupNames, false));
// Ensure this is last in the list (appears at the bottom)
if (MainPage && !Deleted)
groupedItems.Add(new GroupingsPageListGroup(new List<GroupingsPageListItem>()
new GroupingsPageListItem()
IsTrash = true,
ItemCount = _deletedCount.ToString("N0")
}, AppResources.Trash, _deletedCount, uppercaseGroupNames, false));
// TODO: refactor this
if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.Android
var items = new List<IGroupingsPageListItem>();
foreach (var itemGroup in groupedItems)
items.Add(new GroupingsPageHeaderListItem(itemGroup.Name, itemGroup.ItemCount));
if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS)
// HACK: [PS-536] Fix to avoid blank list after back navigation on unlocking with previous page info
// because of update to XF v5.0.0.2401
// HACK: we need this on iOS, so that it doesn't crash when adding coming from an empty list
var first = true;
var items = new List<IGroupingsPageListItem>();
foreach (var itemGroup in groupedItems)
if (!first)
items.Add(new GroupingsPageHeaderListItem(itemGroup.Name, itemGroup.ItemCount));
first = false;
if (groupedItems.Any())
if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS)
// HACK: [PS-536] Fix to avoid blank list after back navigation on unlocking with previous page info
// because of update to XF v5.0.0.2401
GroupedItems.ReplaceRange(new List<IGroupingsPageListItem> { new GroupingsPageHeaderListItem(groupedItems[0].Name, groupedItems[0].ItemCount) });
_doingLoad = false;
Loaded = true;
Loading = false;
ShowNoData = (MainPage && !HasCiphers) || !groupedItems.Any();
ShowList = !ShowNoData;
private void AddTotpGroupItem(List<GroupingsPageListGroup> groupedItems, bool uppercaseGroupNames)
if (TOTPCiphers?.Any() == true)
groupedItems.Insert(0, new GroupingsPageListGroup(
AppResources.Totp, 1, uppercaseGroupNames, false)
new GroupingsPageListItem
IsTotpCode = true,
Type = CipherType.Login,
ItemCount = TOTPCiphers.Count().ToString("N0")
private void CreateCipherGroupedItems(List<GroupingsPageListGroup> groupedItems)
var uppercaseGroupNames = Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS;
if (ShowTotp)
var ciphersListItems = TOTPCiphers.Select(c => new GroupingsPageTOTPListItem(c, true)).ToList();
groupedItems.Add(new GroupingsPageListGroup(ciphersListItems, AppResources.Items,
ciphersListItems.Count, uppercaseGroupNames, !MainPage && !groupedItems.Any()));
var ciphersListItems = Ciphers.Where(c => c.IsDeleted == Deleted)
.Select(c => new GroupingsPageListItem { Cipher = c }).ToList();
groupedItems.Add(new GroupingsPageListGroup(ciphersListItems, AppResources.Items,
ciphersListItems.Count, uppercaseGroupNames, !MainPage && !groupedItems.Any()));
private void StartCiphersTotpTick(List<GroupingsPageTOTPListItem> ciphersListItems)
_totpTickCts = new CancellationTokenSource();
_totpTickTask = new TimerTask(logger, () => ciphersListItems.ForEach(i => i.TotpTickAsync()), _totpTickCts).RunPeriodic();
public async Task StopCiphersTotpTick()
if (_totpTickTask != null)
await _totpTickTask;
public void DisableRefreshing()
Refreshing = false;
SyncRefreshing = false;
protected override async Task OnVaultFilterSelectedAsync()
await LoadAsync();
public async Task SelectCipherAsync(CipherView cipher)
var page = new CipherDetailsPage(cipher.Id);
await Page.Navigation.PushModalAsync(new NavigationPage(page));
public async Task SelectTypeAsync(CipherType type)
string title = null;
switch (type)
case CipherType.Login:
title = AppResources.Logins;
case CipherType.SecureNote:
title = AppResources.SecureNotes;
case CipherType.Card:
title = AppResources.Cards;
case CipherType.Identity:
title = AppResources.Identities;
var page = new GroupingsPage(false, type, null, null, title, _vaultFilterSelection);
await Page.Navigation.PushAsync(page);
public async Task SelectFolderAsync(FolderView folder)
var page = new GroupingsPage(false, null, folder.Id ?? "none", null, folder.Name, _vaultFilterSelection);
await Page.Navigation.PushAsync(page);
public async Task SelectCollectionAsync(Core.Models.View.CollectionView collection)
var page = new GroupingsPage(false, null, null, collection.Id, collection.Name, _vaultFilterSelection);
await Page.Navigation.PushAsync(page);
public async Task SelectTrashAsync()
var page = new GroupingsPage(false, null, null, null, AppResources.Trash, _vaultFilterSelection, null,
await Page.Navigation.PushAsync(page);
public async Task SelectTotpCodesAsync()
var page = new GroupingsPage(false, CipherType.Login, null, null, AppResources.VerificationCodes, _vaultFilterSelection, null,
false, true);
await Page.Navigation.PushAsync(page);
public async Task ExitAsync()
var confirmed = await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(AppResources.ExitConfirmation,
AppResources.Exit, AppResources.Yes, AppResources.Cancel);
if (confirmed)
public async Task SyncAsync()
if (Xamarin.Essentials.Connectivity.NetworkAccess == Xamarin.Essentials.NetworkAccess.None)
await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(AppResources.InternetConnectionRequiredMessage,
await _deviceActionService.ShowLoadingAsync(AppResources.Syncing);
await _syncService.FullSyncAsync(false, true);
await _deviceActionService.HideLoadingAsync();
_platformUtilsService.ShowToast("success", null, AppResources.SyncingComplete);
await _deviceActionService.HideLoadingAsync();
_platformUtilsService.ShowToast("error", null, AppResources.SyncingFailed);
private async Task LoadDataAsync()
var canAccessPremium = await _stateService.CanAccessPremiumAsync();
NoDataText = AppResources.NoItems;
_allCiphers = await GetAllCiphersAsync();
HasCiphers = _allCiphers.Any();
TOTPCiphers = _allCiphers.Where(c => c.IsDeleted == Deleted && c.Type == CipherType.Login && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Login?.Totp) && (c.OrganizationUseTotp || canAccessPremium)).ToList();
HasFolders = false;
HasCollections = false;
Filter = null;
_deletedCount = 0;
if (MainPage)
await FillFoldersAndCollectionsAsync();
NestedFolders = await _folderService.GetAllNestedAsync(Folders);
HasFolders = NestedFolders.Any(f => f.Node?.Id != null);
NestedCollections = Collections != null ? await _collectionService.GetAllNestedAsync(Collections) : null;
HasCollections = NestedCollections?.Any() ?? false;
if (Deleted)
Filter = c => c.IsDeleted;
NoDataText = AppResources.NoItemsTrash;
else if (ShowTotp)
Filter = c => c.Type == CipherType.Login && !c.IsDeleted && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Login?.Totp);
else if (Type != null)
Filter = c => c.Type == Type.Value && !c.IsDeleted;
else if (FolderId != null)
NoDataText = AppResources.NoItemsFolder;
var folderId = FolderId == "none" ? null : FolderId;
if (folderId != null)
var folderNode = await _folderService.GetNestedAsync(folderId);
if (folderNode?.Node != null)
PageTitle = folderNode.Node.Name;
NestedFolders = (folderNode.Children?.Count ?? 0) > 0 ? folderNode.Children : null;
PageTitle = AppResources.FolderNone;
Filter = c => c.FolderId == folderId && !c.IsDeleted;
else if (CollectionId != null)
ShowAddCipherButton = false;
NoDataText = AppResources.NoItemsCollection;
var collectionNode = await _collectionService.GetNestedAsync(CollectionId);
if (collectionNode?.Node != null)
PageTitle = collectionNode.Node.Name;
NestedCollections = (collectionNode.Children?.Count ?? 0) > 0 ? collectionNode.Children : null;
Filter = c => c.CollectionIds?.Contains(CollectionId) ?? false && !c.IsDeleted;
PageTitle = AppResources.AllItems;
Ciphers = Filter != null ? _allCiphers.Where(Filter).ToList() : _allCiphers;
foreach (var c in _allCiphers)
if (MainPage)
if (c.IsDeleted)
if (c.Favorite)
if (FavoriteCiphers == null)
FavoriteCiphers = new List<CipherView>();
if (c.FolderId == null)
if (NoFolderCiphers == null)
NoFolderCiphers = new List<CipherView>();
if (_typeCounts.ContainsKey(c.Type))
_typeCounts[c.Type] = _typeCounts[c.Type] + 1;
_typeCounts.Add(c.Type, 1);
if (c.IsDeleted)
var fId = c.FolderId ?? "none";
if (_folderCounts.ContainsKey(fId))
_folderCounts[fId] = _folderCounts[fId] + 1;
_folderCounts.Add(fId, 1);
if (c.CollectionIds != null)
foreach (var colId in c.CollectionIds)
if (_collectionCounts.ContainsKey(colId))
_collectionCounts[colId] = _collectionCounts[colId] + 1;
_collectionCounts.Add(colId, 1);
private async Task FillFoldersAndCollectionsAsync()
var orgId = GetVaultFilterOrgId();
var decFolders = await _folderService.GetAllDecryptedAsync();
var decCollections = await _collectionService.GetAllDecryptedAsync();
if (IsVaultFilterMyVault)
Folders = BuildFolders(decFolders);
Collections = null;
else if (IsVaultFilterOrgVault && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orgId))
Folders = BuildFolders(decFolders);
Collections = decCollections?.Where(c => c.OrganizationId == orgId).ToList();
Folders = decFolders;
Collections = decCollections;
private List<FolderView> BuildFolders(List<FolderView> decFolders)
var folders = decFolders.Where(f => _allCiphers.Any(c => c.FolderId == f.Id)).ToList();
return folders.Any() ? folders : null;