mirror of https://github.com/bitwarden/mobile.git synced 2024-06-26 10:36:21 +02:00
aj-rosado 4580033477
[PS-1707] improve dark layout colors (#2209)
* [PS-1707] Changed the callout color to a Theme Color

* [PS-1707] Changed color defaults to defined colors

* [PS-1707] Added an effect to change the switch hint color to a theme color

* [PS-1707] Removed HintColorSwitchEffect and added the content to the CustomSwitchRenderer to affect all switches and update on theme change
2022-12-02 16:38:25 +00:00

140 lines
5.3 KiB

using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using SkiaSharp;
using SkiaSharp.Views.Forms;
using Xamarin.Essentials;
using Xamarin.Forms;
namespace Bit.App.Controls
public class CircularProgressbarView : SKCanvasView
private Circle _circle;
public static readonly BindableProperty ProgressProperty = BindableProperty.Create(
nameof(Progress), typeof(double), typeof(CircularProgressbarView), propertyChanged: OnProgressChanged);
public static readonly BindableProperty RadiusProperty = BindableProperty.Create(
nameof(Radius), typeof(float), typeof(CircularProgressbarView), 15f);
public static readonly BindableProperty StrokeWidthProperty = BindableProperty.Create(
nameof(StrokeWidth), typeof(float), typeof(CircularProgressbarView), 3f);
public static readonly BindableProperty ProgressColorProperty = BindableProperty.Create(
nameof(ProgressColor), typeof(Color), typeof(CircularProgressbarView), Color.FromHex("175DDC"));
public static readonly BindableProperty EndingProgressColorProperty = BindableProperty.Create(
nameof(EndingProgressColor), typeof(Color), typeof(CircularProgressbarView), Color.FromHex("dd4b39"));
public static readonly BindableProperty BackgroundProgressColorProperty = BindableProperty.Create(
nameof(BackgroundProgressColor), typeof(Color), typeof(CircularProgressbarView), Color.White);
public double Progress
get { return (double)GetValue(ProgressProperty); }
set { SetValue(ProgressProperty, value); }
public float Radius
get => (float)GetValue(RadiusProperty);
set => SetValue(RadiusProperty, value);
public float StrokeWidth
get => (float)GetValue(StrokeWidthProperty);
set => SetValue(StrokeWidthProperty, value);
public Color ProgressColor
get => (Color)GetValue(ProgressColorProperty);
set => SetValue(ProgressColorProperty, value);
public Color EndingProgressColor
get => (Color)GetValue(EndingProgressColorProperty);
set => SetValue(EndingProgressColorProperty, value);
public Color BackgroundProgressColor
get => (Color)GetValue(BackgroundProgressColorProperty);
set => SetValue(BackgroundProgressColorProperty, value);
private static void OnProgressChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldvalue, object newvalue)
var context = bindable as CircularProgressbarView;
protected override void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
if (propertyName == nameof(Progress))
_circle = new Circle(Radius * (float)DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Density, (info) => new SKPoint((float)info.Width / 2, (float)info.Height / 2));
protected override void OnPaintSurface(SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)
if (_circle != null)
DrawCircle(e.Surface.Canvas, _circle, StrokeWidth * (float)DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Density, BackgroundProgressColor.ToSKColor());
DrawArc(e.Surface.Canvas, _circle, () => (float)Progress, StrokeWidth * (float)DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Density, ProgressColor.ToSKColor(), EndingProgressColor.ToSKColor());
private void DrawCircle(SKCanvas canvas, Circle circle, float strokewidth, SKColor color)
canvas.DrawCircle(circle.Center, circle.Redius,
new SKPaint()
StrokeWidth = strokewidth,
Color = color,
IsStroke = true,
IsAntialias = true
private void DrawArc(SKCanvas canvas, Circle circle, Func<float> progress, float strokewidth, SKColor color, SKColor progressEndColor)
var progressValue = progress();
var angle = progressValue * 3.6f;
canvas.DrawArc(circle.Rect, 270, angle, false,
new SKPaint()
StrokeWidth = strokewidth,
Color = progressValue < 20f ? progressEndColor : color,
IsStroke = true,
IsAntialias = true
public class Circle
private readonly Func<SKImageInfo, SKPoint> _centerFunc;
public Circle(float redius, Func<SKImageInfo, SKPoint> centerFunc)
_centerFunc = centerFunc;
Redius = redius;
public SKPoint Center { get; set; }
public float Redius { get; set; }
public SKRect Rect => new SKRect(Center.X - Redius, Center.Y - Redius, Center.X + Redius, Center.Y + Redius);
public void CalculateCenter(SKImageInfo argsInfo)
Center = _centerFunc(argsInfo);