2022-09-08 10:00:59 +02:00
using System.Text.Json ;
using Bit.Core.Enums ;
using Bit.Scim.IntegrationTest.Factories ;
using Bit.Scim.Models ;
using Bit.Scim.Utilities ;
using Bit.Test.Common.Helpers ;
using Xunit ;
namespace Bit.Scim.IntegrationTest.Controllers.v2 ;
public class UsersControllerTests : IClassFixture < ScimApplicationFactory > , IAsyncLifetime
private const int _initialUserCount = 4 ;
private readonly ScimApplicationFactory _factory ;
public UsersControllerTests ( ScimApplicationFactory factory )
_factory = factory ;
public Task InitializeAsync ( )
var databaseContext = _factory . GetDatabaseContext ( ) ;
_factory . ReinitializeDbForTests ( databaseContext ) ;
return Task . CompletedTask ;
Task IAsyncLifetime . DisposeAsync ( ) = > Task . CompletedTask ;
public async Task Get_Success ( )
var organizationUserId = ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationUserId1 ;
var expectedResponse = new ScimUserResponseModel
Id = ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationUserId1 ,
DisplayName = "Test User 1" ,
ExternalId = "UA" ,
Active = true ,
Emails = new List < BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel >
new BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel { Primary = true , Type = "work" , Value = "user1@example.com" }
} ,
Groups = new List < string > ( ) ,
Name = new BaseScimUserModel . NameModel ( "Test User 1" ) ,
UserName = "user1@example.com" ,
Schemas = new List < string > { ScimConstants . Scim2SchemaUser }
} ;
var context = await _factory . UsersGetAsync ( ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationId1 , organizationUserId ) ;
Assert . Equal ( StatusCodes . Status200OK , context . Response . StatusCode ) ;
var responseModel = JsonSerializer . Deserialize < ScimUserResponseModel > ( context . Response . Body , new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy . CamelCase } ) ;
AssertHelper . AssertPropertyEqual ( expectedResponse , responseModel ) ;
2023-08-02 12:03:13 +02:00
Assert . Contains ( "application/scim+json" , context . Response . Headers . ContentType . ToString ( ) ) ;
2022-09-08 10:00:59 +02:00
public async Task Get_NotFound ( )
2023-07-14 17:18:26 +02:00
var organizationUserId = Guid . NewGuid ( ) ;
2022-09-08 10:00:59 +02:00
var expectedResponse = new ScimErrorResponseModel
Status = StatusCodes . Status404NotFound ,
Detail = "User not found." ,
Schemas = new List < string > { ScimConstants . Scim2SchemaError }
} ;
var context = await _factory . UsersGetAsync ( ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationId1 , organizationUserId ) ;
Assert . Equal ( StatusCodes . Status404NotFound , context . Response . StatusCode ) ;
var responseModel = JsonSerializer . Deserialize < ScimErrorResponseModel > ( context . Response . Body , new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy . CamelCase } ) ;
AssertHelper . AssertPropertyEqual ( expectedResponse , responseModel ) ;
public async Task GetList_Success ( )
string filter = null ;
int? itemsPerPage = 2 ;
int? startIndex = 1 ;
var expectedResponse = new ScimListResponseModel < ScimUserResponseModel >
ItemsPerPage = itemsPerPage . Value ,
// Note: total matching results is larger than resources actually returned due to pagination settings. See https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7644#section-3.4.2
TotalResults = 4 ,
StartIndex = startIndex . Value ,
Resources = new List < ScimUserResponseModel >
new ScimUserResponseModel
Id = ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationUserId1 ,
DisplayName = "Test User 1" ,
ExternalId = "UA" ,
Active = true ,
Emails = new List < BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel >
new BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel { Primary = true , Type = "work" , Value = "user1@example.com" }
} ,
Groups = new List < string > ( ) ,
Name = new BaseScimUserModel . NameModel ( "Test User 1" ) ,
UserName = "user1@example.com" ,
Schemas = new List < string > { ScimConstants . Scim2SchemaUser }
} ,
new ScimUserResponseModel
Id = ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationUserId2 ,
DisplayName = "Test User 2" ,
ExternalId = "UB" ,
Active = true ,
Emails = new List < BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel >
new BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel { Primary = true , Type = "work" , Value = "user2@example.com" }
} ,
Groups = new List < string > ( ) ,
Name = new BaseScimUserModel . NameModel ( "Test User 2" ) ,
UserName = "user2@example.com" ,
Schemas = new List < string > { ScimConstants . Scim2SchemaUser }
} ,
Schemas = new List < string > { ScimConstants . Scim2SchemaListResponse }
} ;
var context = await _factory . UsersGetListAsync ( ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationId1 , filter , itemsPerPage , startIndex ) ;
Assert . Equal ( StatusCodes . Status200OK , context . Response . StatusCode ) ;
var responseModel = JsonSerializer . Deserialize < ScimListResponseModel < ScimUserResponseModel > > ( context . Response . Body , new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy . CamelCase } ) ;
AssertHelper . AssertPropertyEqual ( expectedResponse , responseModel ) ;
public async Task GetList_SearchUserName_Success ( )
string filter = "userName eq user2@example.com" ;
int? itemsPerPage = 10 ;
int? startIndex = 1 ;
var expectedResponse = new ScimListResponseModel < ScimUserResponseModel >
ItemsPerPage = itemsPerPage . Value ,
TotalResults = 1 ,
StartIndex = startIndex . Value ,
Resources = new List < ScimUserResponseModel >
new ScimUserResponseModel
Id = ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationUserId2 ,
DisplayName = "Test User 2" ,
ExternalId = "UB" ,
Active = true ,
Emails = new List < BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel >
new BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel { Primary = true , Type = "work" , Value = "user2@example.com" }
} ,
Groups = new List < string > ( ) ,
Name = new BaseScimUserModel . NameModel ( "Test User 2" ) ,
UserName = "user2@example.com" ,
Schemas = new List < string > { ScimConstants . Scim2SchemaUser }
} ,
Schemas = new List < string > { ScimConstants . Scim2SchemaListResponse }
} ;
var context = await _factory . UsersGetListAsync ( ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationId1 , filter , itemsPerPage , startIndex ) ;
Assert . Equal ( StatusCodes . Status200OK , context . Response . StatusCode ) ;
var responseModel = JsonSerializer . Deserialize < ScimListResponseModel < ScimUserResponseModel > > ( context . Response . Body , new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy . CamelCase } ) ;
AssertHelper . AssertPropertyEqual ( expectedResponse , responseModel ) ;
public async Task GetList_SearchExternalId_Success ( )
string filter = "externalId eq UC" ;
int? itemsPerPage = 10 ;
int? startIndex = 1 ;
var expectedResponse = new ScimListResponseModel < ScimUserResponseModel >
ItemsPerPage = itemsPerPage . Value ,
TotalResults = 1 ,
StartIndex = startIndex . Value ,
Resources = new List < ScimUserResponseModel >
new ScimUserResponseModel
Id = ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationUserId3 ,
DisplayName = "Test User 3" ,
ExternalId = "UC" ,
Active = false ,
Emails = new List < BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel >
new BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel { Primary = true , Type = "work" , Value = "user3@example.com" }
} ,
Groups = new List < string > ( ) ,
Name = new BaseScimUserModel . NameModel ( "Test User 3" ) ,
UserName = "user3@example.com" ,
Schemas = new List < string > { ScimConstants . Scim2SchemaUser }
} ,
Schemas = new List < string > { ScimConstants . Scim2SchemaListResponse }
} ;
var context = await _factory . UsersGetListAsync ( ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationId1 , filter , itemsPerPage , startIndex ) ;
Assert . Equal ( StatusCodes . Status200OK , context . Response . StatusCode ) ;
var responseModel = JsonSerializer . Deserialize < ScimListResponseModel < ScimUserResponseModel > > ( context . Response . Body , new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy . CamelCase } ) ;
AssertHelper . AssertPropertyEqual ( expectedResponse , responseModel ) ;
public async Task GetList_EmptyResult_Success ( )
string filter = "externalId eq UZ" ;
int? itemsPerPage = 10 ;
int? startIndex = 1 ;
var expectedResponse = new ScimListResponseModel < ScimUserResponseModel >
ItemsPerPage = itemsPerPage . Value ,
TotalResults = 0 ,
StartIndex = startIndex . Value ,
Resources = new List < ScimUserResponseModel > ( ) ,
Schemas = new List < string > { ScimConstants . Scim2SchemaListResponse }
} ;
var context = await _factory . UsersGetListAsync ( ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationId1 , filter , itemsPerPage , startIndex ) ;
Assert . Equal ( StatusCodes . Status200OK , context . Response . StatusCode ) ;
var responseModel = JsonSerializer . Deserialize < ScimListResponseModel < ScimUserResponseModel > > ( context . Response . Body , new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy . CamelCase } ) ;
AssertHelper . AssertPropertyEqual ( expectedResponse , responseModel ) ;
public async Task Post_Success ( )
var email = "user5@example.com" ;
var displayName = "Test User 5" ;
var externalId = "UE" ;
var inputModel = new ScimUserRequestModel
Name = new BaseScimUserModel . NameModel ( displayName ) ,
DisplayName = displayName ,
Emails = new List < BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel > { new BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel ( email ) } ,
ExternalId = externalId ,
Active = true ,
Schemas = new List < string > { ScimConstants . Scim2SchemaUser }
} ;
var expectedResponse = new ScimUserResponseModel
// DisplayName is not being saved
ExternalId = externalId ,
Active = true ,
Emails = new List < BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel >
new BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel { Primary = true , Type = "work" , Value = email }
} ,
Groups = new List < string > ( ) ,
Name = new BaseScimUserModel . NameModel ( ) ,
UserName = email ,
Schemas = new List < string > { ScimConstants . Scim2SchemaUser }
} ;
var context = await _factory . UsersPostAsync ( ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationId1 , inputModel ) ;
Assert . Equal ( StatusCodes . Status201Created , context . Response . StatusCode ) ;
// Verifying that the response includes a header with the URL of the created Group
Assert . Contains ( context . Response . Headers , h = > h . Key = = "Location" ) ;
var responseModel = JsonSerializer . Deserialize < ScimUserResponseModel > ( context . Response . Body , new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy . CamelCase } ) ;
AssertHelper . AssertPropertyEqual ( expectedResponse , responseModel , "Id" ) ;
var databaseContext = _factory . GetDatabaseContext ( ) ;
Assert . Equal ( _initialUserCount + 1 , databaseContext . OrganizationUsers . Count ( ) ) ;
[InlineData(" ")]
public async Task Post_InvalidEmail_BadRequest ( string email )
var displayName = "Test User 5" ;
var externalId = "UE" ;
var inputModel = new ScimUserRequestModel
Name = new BaseScimUserModel . NameModel ( displayName ) ,
DisplayName = displayName ,
Emails = new List < BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel > { new BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel ( email ) } ,
ExternalId = externalId ,
Active = true ,
Schemas = new List < string > { ScimConstants . Scim2SchemaUser }
} ;
var context = await _factory . UsersPostAsync ( ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationId1 , inputModel ) ;
Assert . Equal ( StatusCodes . Status400BadRequest , context . Response . StatusCode ) ;
public async Task Post_Inactive_BadRequest ( )
var displayName = "Test User 5" ;
var inputModel = new ScimUserRequestModel
DisplayName = displayName ,
ExternalId = null ,
Active = false ,
Schemas = new List < string > { ScimConstants . Scim2SchemaUser }
} ;
var context = await _factory . UsersPostAsync ( ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationId1 , inputModel ) ;
Assert . Equal ( StatusCodes . Status400BadRequest , context . Response . StatusCode ) ;
[InlineData("user1@example.com", "UZ")]
[InlineData("userZ@example.com", "UA")]
public async Task Post_ExistingData_Conflict ( string email , string externalId )
var inputModel = new ScimUserRequestModel
DisplayName = "New User" ,
Emails = new List < BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel > { new BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel ( email ) } ,
ExternalId = externalId ,
Schemas = null ,
Active = true
} ;
var context = await _factory . UsersPostAsync ( ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationId1 , inputModel ) ;
Assert . Equal ( StatusCodes . Status409Conflict , context . Response . StatusCode ) ;
var databaseContext = _factory . GetDatabaseContext ( ) ;
Assert . Equal ( _initialUserCount , databaseContext . OrganizationUsers . Count ( ) ) ;
public async Task Put_RevokeUser_Success ( )
var organizationUserId = ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationUserId2 ;
var inputModel = new ScimUserRequestModel
Active = false
} ;
var expectedResponse = new ScimUserResponseModel
Id = ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationUserId2 ,
DisplayName = "Test User 2" ,
ExternalId = "UB" ,
Active = false ,
Emails = new List < BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel >
new BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel { Primary = true , Type = "work" , Value = "user2@example.com" }
} ,
Groups = new List < string > ( ) ,
Name = new BaseScimUserModel . NameModel ( "Test User 2" ) ,
UserName = "user2@example.com" ,
Schemas = new List < string > { ScimConstants . Scim2SchemaUser }
} ;
var context = await _factory . UsersPutAsync ( ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationId1 , organizationUserId , inputModel ) ;
var responseModel = JsonSerializer . Deserialize < ScimUserResponseModel > ( context . Response . Body , new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy . CamelCase } ) ;
Assert . Equal ( StatusCodes . Status200OK , context . Response . StatusCode ) ;
AssertHelper . AssertPropertyEqual ( expectedResponse , responseModel ) ;
var databaseContext = _factory . GetDatabaseContext ( ) ;
2023-07-14 17:18:26 +02:00
var revokedUser = databaseContext . OrganizationUsers . FirstOrDefault ( g = > g . Id = = organizationUserId ) ;
2022-09-08 10:00:59 +02:00
Assert . Equal ( OrganizationUserStatusType . Revoked , revokedUser . Status ) ;
public async Task Put_RestoreUser_Success ( )
var organizationUserId = ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationUserId3 ;
var inputModel = new ScimUserRequestModel
Active = true
} ;
var expectedResponse = new ScimUserResponseModel
Id = ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationUserId3 ,
DisplayName = "Test User 3" ,
ExternalId = "UC" ,
Active = true ,
Emails = new List < BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel >
new BaseScimUserModel . EmailModel { Primary = true , Type = "work" , Value = "user3@example.com" }
} ,
Groups = new List < string > ( ) ,
Name = new BaseScimUserModel . NameModel ( "Test User 3" ) ,
UserName = "user3@example.com" ,
Schemas = new List < string > { ScimConstants . Scim2SchemaUser }
} ;
var context = await _factory . UsersPutAsync ( ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationId1 , organizationUserId , inputModel ) ;
var responseModel = JsonSerializer . Deserialize < ScimUserResponseModel > ( context . Response . Body , new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy . CamelCase } ) ;
Assert . Equal ( StatusCodes . Status200OK , context . Response . StatusCode ) ;
AssertHelper . AssertPropertyEqual ( expectedResponse , responseModel ) ;
var databaseContext = _factory . GetDatabaseContext ( ) ;
2023-07-14 17:18:26 +02:00
var revokedUser = databaseContext . OrganizationUsers . FirstOrDefault ( g = > g . Id = = organizationUserId ) ;
2022-09-08 10:00:59 +02:00
Assert . NotEqual ( OrganizationUserStatusType . Revoked , revokedUser . Status ) ;
public async Task Put_NotFound ( )
var organizationUserId = Guid . NewGuid ( ) ;
var inputModel = new ScimUserRequestModel
DisplayName = "Test Group 1" ,
ExternalId = "AA" ,
Schemas = new List < string > ( )
} ;
var expectedResponse = new ScimErrorResponseModel
Status = StatusCodes . Status404NotFound ,
Detail = "User not found." ,
Schemas = new List < string > { ScimConstants . Scim2SchemaError }
} ;
2023-07-14 17:18:26 +02:00
var context = await _factory . UsersPutAsync ( ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationId1 , organizationUserId , inputModel ) ;
2022-09-08 10:00:59 +02:00
Assert . Equal ( StatusCodes . Status404NotFound , context . Response . StatusCode ) ;
var responseModel = JsonSerializer . Deserialize < ScimErrorResponseModel > ( context . Response . Body , new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy . CamelCase } ) ;
AssertHelper . AssertPropertyEqual ( expectedResponse , responseModel ) ;
public async Task Patch_ReplaceRevoke_Success ( )
var organizationUserId = ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationUserId2 ;
var inputModel = new ScimPatchModel
Operations = new List < ScimPatchModel . OperationModel > ( )
new ScimPatchModel . OperationModel { Op = "replace" , Value = JsonDocument . Parse ( "{\"active\":false}" ) . RootElement } ,
} ,
Schemas = new List < string > ( )
} ;
var context = await _factory . UsersPatchAsync ( ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationId1 , organizationUserId , inputModel ) ;
Assert . Equal ( StatusCodes . Status204NoContent , context . Response . StatusCode ) ;
var databaseContext = _factory . GetDatabaseContext ( ) ;
2023-07-14 17:18:26 +02:00
var organizationUser = databaseContext . OrganizationUsers . FirstOrDefault ( g = > g . Id = = organizationUserId ) ;
2022-09-08 10:00:59 +02:00
Assert . Equal ( OrganizationUserStatusType . Revoked , organizationUser . Status ) ;
public async Task Patch_ReplaceRestore_Success ( )
var organizationUserId = ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationUserId3 ;
var inputModel = new ScimPatchModel
Operations = new List < ScimPatchModel . OperationModel > ( )
new ScimPatchModel . OperationModel { Op = "replace" , Value = JsonDocument . Parse ( "{\"active\":true}" ) . RootElement } ,
} ,
Schemas = new List < string > ( )
} ;
var context = await _factory . UsersPatchAsync ( ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationId1 , organizationUserId , inputModel ) ;
Assert . Equal ( StatusCodes . Status204NoContent , context . Response . StatusCode ) ;
var databaseContext = _factory . GetDatabaseContext ( ) ;
2023-07-14 17:18:26 +02:00
var organizationUser = databaseContext . OrganizationUsers . FirstOrDefault ( g = > g . Id = = organizationUserId ) ;
2022-09-08 10:00:59 +02:00
Assert . NotEqual ( OrganizationUserStatusType . Revoked , organizationUser . Status ) ;
public async Task Patch_NotFound ( )
2023-07-14 17:18:26 +02:00
var organizationUserId = Guid . NewGuid ( ) ;
2022-09-08 10:00:59 +02:00
var inputModel = new Models . ScimPatchModel
Operations = new List < ScimPatchModel . OperationModel > ( ) ,
Schemas = new List < string > ( )
} ;
var expectedResponse = new ScimErrorResponseModel
Status = StatusCodes . Status404NotFound ,
Detail = "User not found." ,
Schemas = new List < string > { ScimConstants . Scim2SchemaError }
} ;
var context = await _factory . UsersPatchAsync ( ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationId1 , organizationUserId , inputModel ) ;
Assert . Equal ( StatusCodes . Status404NotFound , context . Response . StatusCode ) ;
var responseModel = JsonSerializer . Deserialize < ScimErrorResponseModel > ( context . Response . Body , new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy . CamelCase } ) ;
AssertHelper . AssertPropertyEqual ( expectedResponse , responseModel ) ;
public async Task Delete_Success ( )
var organizationUserId = ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationUserId1 ;
var inputModel = new ScimUserRequestModel ( ) ;
var context = await _factory . UsersDeleteAsync ( ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationId1 , organizationUserId , inputModel ) ;
Assert . Equal ( StatusCodes . Status204NoContent , context . Response . StatusCode ) ;
var databaseContext = _factory . GetDatabaseContext ( ) ;
Assert . Equal ( _initialUserCount - 1 , databaseContext . OrganizationUsers . Count ( ) ) ;
2023-07-14 17:18:26 +02:00
Assert . False ( databaseContext . OrganizationUsers . Any ( g = > g . Id = = organizationUserId ) ) ;
2022-09-08 10:00:59 +02:00
public async Task Delete_NotFound ( )
2023-07-14 17:18:26 +02:00
var organizationUserId = Guid . NewGuid ( ) ;
2022-09-08 10:00:59 +02:00
var inputModel = new ScimUserRequestModel ( ) ;
var expectedResponse = new ScimErrorResponseModel
Status = StatusCodes . Status404NotFound ,
Detail = "User not found." ,
Schemas = new List < string > { ScimConstants . Scim2SchemaError }
} ;
var context = await _factory . UsersDeleteAsync ( ScimApplicationFactory . TestOrganizationId1 , organizationUserId , inputModel ) ;
Assert . Equal ( StatusCodes . Status404NotFound , context . Response . StatusCode ) ;
var responseModel = JsonSerializer . Deserialize < ScimErrorResponseModel > ( context . Response . Body , new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy . CamelCase } ) ;
AssertHelper . AssertPropertyEqual ( expectedResponse , responseModel ) ;
var databaseContext = _factory . GetDatabaseContext ( ) ;
Assert . Equal ( _initialUserCount , databaseContext . OrganizationUsers . Count ( ) ) ;