mirror of https://github.com/bitwarden/server.git synced 2025-02-02 23:41:21 +01:00

purchase org with paypal support

This commit is contained in:
Kyle Spearrin 2019-01-31 14:25:46 -05:00
parent 952d624d72
commit 9f876d9bff
3 changed files with 168 additions and 92 deletions

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@ -476,6 +476,11 @@ namespace Bit.Core.Services
throw new BadRequestException("Plan does not allow additional storage.");
if(signup.AdditionalStorageGb < 0)
throw new BadRequestException("You can't subtract storage!");
if(!plan.CanBuyPremiumAccessAddon && signup.PremiumAccessAddon)
throw new BadRequestException("This plan does not allow you to buy the premium access addon.");
@ -486,6 +491,11 @@ namespace Bit.Core.Services
throw new BadRequestException("You do not have any seats!");
if(signup.AdditionalSeats < 0)
throw new BadRequestException("You can't subtract seats!");
if(!plan.CanBuyAdditionalSeats && signup.AdditionalSeats > 0)
throw new BadRequestException("Plan does not allow additional users.");
@ -498,96 +508,10 @@ namespace Bit.Core.Services
$"{plan.MaxAdditionalSeats.GetValueOrDefault(0)} additional users.");
var customerService = new CustomerService();
var subscriptionService = new SubscriptionService();
Customer customer = null;
Subscription subscription = null;
// Pre-generate the org id so that we can save it with the Stripe subscription..
var newOrgId = CoreHelpers.GenerateComb();
if(plan.Type == PlanType.Free)
var adminCount =
await _organizationUserRepository.GetCountByFreeOrganizationAdminUserAsync(signup.Owner.Id);
if(adminCount > 0)
throw new BadRequestException("You can only be an admin of one free organization.");
customer = await customerService.CreateAsync(new CustomerCreateOptions
Description = signup.BusinessName,
Email = signup.BillingEmail,
SourceToken = signup.PaymentToken
var subCreateOptions = new SubscriptionCreateOptions
CustomerId = customer.Id,
TrialPeriodDays = plan.TrialPeriodDays,
Items = new List<SubscriptionItemOption>(),
Metadata = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "organizationId", newOrgId.ToString() }
if(plan.StripePlanId != null)
subCreateOptions.Items.Add(new SubscriptionItemOption
PlanId = plan.StripePlanId,
Quantity = 1
if(signup.AdditionalSeats > 0 && plan.StripeSeatPlanId != null)
subCreateOptions.Items.Add(new SubscriptionItemOption
PlanId = plan.StripeSeatPlanId,
Quantity = signup.AdditionalSeats
if(signup.AdditionalStorageGb > 0)
subCreateOptions.Items.Add(new SubscriptionItemOption
PlanId = plan.StripeStoragePlanId,
Quantity = signup.AdditionalStorageGb
if(signup.PremiumAccessAddon && plan.StripePremiumAccessPlanId != null)
subCreateOptions.Items.Add(new SubscriptionItemOption
PlanId = plan.StripePremiumAccessPlanId,
Quantity = 1
subscription = await subscriptionService.CreateAsync(subCreateOptions);
if(customer != null)
await customerService.DeleteAsync(customer.Id);
var organization = new Organization
Id = newOrgId,
// Pre-generate the org id so that we can save it with the Stripe subscription..
Id = CoreHelpers.GenerateComb(),
Name = signup.Name,
BillingEmail = signup.BillingEmail,
BusinessName = signup.BusinessName,
@ -605,16 +529,43 @@ namespace Bit.Core.Services
SelfHost = plan.SelfHost,
UsersGetPremium = plan.UsersGetPremium || signup.PremiumAccessAddon,
Plan = plan.Name,
Gateway = plan.Type == PlanType.Free ? null : (GatewayType?)GatewayType.Stripe,
GatewayCustomerId = customer?.Id,
GatewaySubscriptionId = subscription?.Id,
Gateway = null,
Enabled = true,
ExpirationDate = subscription?.CurrentPeriodEnd,
LicenseKey = CoreHelpers.SecureRandomString(20),
CreationDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
RevisionDate = DateTime.UtcNow
if(plan.Type == PlanType.Free)
var adminCount =
await _organizationUserRepository.GetCountByFreeOrganizationAdminUserAsync(signup.Owner.Id);
if(adminCount > 0)
throw new BadRequestException("You can only be an admin of one free organization.");
PaymentMethodType paymentMethodType;
paymentMethodType = PaymentMethodType.BankAccount;
else if(signup.PaymentToken.StartsWith("tok_"))
paymentMethodType = PaymentMethodType.Card;
paymentMethodType = PaymentMethodType.PayPal;
await _stripePaymentService.PurchaseOrganizationAsync(organization, paymentMethodType,
signup.PaymentToken, plan, signup.AdditionalStorageGb, signup.AdditionalSeats,
return await SignUpAsync(organization, signup.Owner.Id, signup.OwnerKey, signup.CollectionName, true);

View File

@ -30,6 +30,126 @@ namespace Bit.Core.Services
public async Task PurchaseOrganizationAsync(Organization org, PaymentMethodType paymentMethodType,
string paymentToken, Models.StaticStore.Plan plan, short additionalStorageGb,
short additionalSeats, bool premiumAccessAddon)
var invoiceService = new InvoiceService();
var customerService = new CustomerService();
Braintree.Customer braintreeCustomer = null;
string stipeCustomerSourceToken = null;
var stripeCustomerMetadata = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var stripePaymentMethod = paymentMethodType == PaymentMethodType.Card ||
paymentMethodType == PaymentMethodType.BankAccount;
stipeCustomerSourceToken = paymentToken;
else if(paymentMethodType == PaymentMethodType.PayPal)
var randomSuffix = Utilities.CoreHelpers.RandomString(3, upper: false, numeric: false);
var customerResult = await _btGateway.Customer.CreateAsync(new Braintree.CustomerRequest
PaymentMethodNonce = paymentToken,
Email = org.BillingEmail,
Id = "o" + org.Id.ToString("N").ToLower() + randomSuffix
if(!customerResult.IsSuccess() || customerResult.Target.PaymentMethods.Length == 0)
throw new GatewayException("Failed to create PayPal customer record.");
braintreeCustomer = customerResult.Target;
stripeCustomerMetadata.Add("btCustomerId", braintreeCustomer.Id);
throw new GatewayException("Payment method is not supported at this time.");
var subCreateOptions = new SubscriptionCreateOptions
TrialPeriodDays = plan.TrialPeriodDays,
Items = new List<SubscriptionItemOption>(),
Metadata = new Dictionary<string, string>
["organizationId"] = org.Id.ToString()
if(plan.StripePlanId != null)
subCreateOptions.Items.Add(new SubscriptionItemOption
PlanId = plan.StripePlanId,
Quantity = 1
if(additionalSeats > 0 && plan.StripeSeatPlanId != null)
subCreateOptions.Items.Add(new SubscriptionItemOption
PlanId = plan.StripeSeatPlanId,
Quantity = additionalSeats
if(additionalStorageGb > 0)
subCreateOptions.Items.Add(new SubscriptionItemOption
PlanId = plan.StripeStoragePlanId,
Quantity = additionalStorageGb
if(premiumAccessAddon && plan.StripePremiumAccessPlanId != null)
subCreateOptions.Items.Add(new SubscriptionItemOption
PlanId = plan.StripePremiumAccessPlanId,
Quantity = 1
Customer customer = null;
Subscription subscription = null;
customer = await customerService.CreateAsync(new CustomerCreateOptions
Description = org.BusinessName,
Email = org.BillingEmail,
SourceToken = stipeCustomerSourceToken,
Metadata = stripeCustomerMetadata
subCreateOptions.CustomerId = customer.Id;
var subscriptionService = new SubscriptionService();
subscription = await subscriptionService.CreateAsync(subCreateOptions);
catch(Exception e)
if(customer != null)
await customerService.DeleteAsync(customer.Id);
if(braintreeCustomer != null)
await _btGateway.Customer.DeleteAsync(braintreeCustomer.Id);
throw e;
org.Gateway = GatewayType.Stripe;
org.GatewayCustomerId = customer.Id;
org.GatewaySubscriptionId = subscription.Id;
org.ExpirationDate = subscription.CurrentPeriodEnd;
public async Task PurchasePremiumAsync(User user, PaymentMethodType paymentMethodType, string paymentToken,
short additionalStorageGb)

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@ -682,6 +682,11 @@ namespace Bit.Core.Services
throw new BadRequestException("Already a premium user.");
if(additionalStorageGb < 0)
throw new BadRequestException("You can't subtract storage!");
IPaymentService paymentService = null;