* [PM-3176] Extract IOrganizationService.SaveUserAsync to a command
* [PM-3176] Enabled nullable on command
* [PM-3176] Removed check that was not working
* [AC-2154] Logging organization data before migrating for flexible collections
* [AC-2154] Refactored logging command to perform the data migration
* [AC-2154] Moved validation inside the command
* [AC-2154] PR feedback
* [AC-2154] Changed logging level to warning
* [AC-2154] Fixed unit test
* [AC-2154] Removed logging unnecessary data
* [AC-2154] Removed primary constructor
* [AC-2154] Added comments
* SM-1012: Phase 2, removing SM Beta from the server (but not db)
* SM-1012: Add migration for RemoveSMBetaFromOrganization
* SM-1012: Dotnet format
* SM-1012: Undo RemoveSMBetaFromOrganization EF migration
* SM-1012: Redo RemoveSMBetaFromOrganization EF migration
* SM-1012: Ran dotnet format