--- name: Build on: push: branches-ignore: - "l10n_master" - "gh-pages" paths-ignore: - ".github/workflows/**" workflow_dispatch: jobs: cloc: name: CLOC runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 steps: - name: Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c # v3.3.0 - name: Install cloc run: | sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y install cloc - name: Print lines of code run: cloc --include-lang C#,SQL,Razor,"Bourne Shell",PowerShell,HTML,CSS,Sass,JavaScript,TypeScript --vcs git lint: name: Lint runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 steps: - name: Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c # v3.3.0 - name: Verify Format run: dotnet format --verify-no-changes testing: name: Testing runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 env: NUGET_PACKAGES: ${{ github.workspace }}/.nuget/packages steps: - name: Set up dotnet uses: actions/setup-dotnet@9211491ffb35dd6a6657ca4f45d43dfe6e97c829 # v2.0.0 with: dotnet-version: "6.0.x" - name: Print environment run: | dotnet --info nuget help | grep Version echo "GitHub ref: $GITHUB_REF" echo "GitHub event: $GITHUB_EVENT" - name: Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c # v3.3.0 - name: Restore run: dotnet restore --locked-mode shell: pwsh - name: Remove SQL proj run: dotnet sln bitwarden-server.sln remove src/Sql/Sql.sqlproj - name: Build OSS solution run: dotnet build bitwarden-server.sln -p:Configuration=Debug -p:DefineConstants="OSS" --verbosity minimal shell: pwsh - name: Build solution run: dotnet build bitwarden-server.sln -p:Configuration=Debug --verbosity minimal shell: pwsh - name: Test OSS solution run: dotnet test ./test --configuration Debug --no-build --logger "trx;LogFileName=oss-test-results.trx" shell: pwsh - name: Test Bitwarden solution run: dotnet test ./bitwarden_license/test --configuration Debug --no-build --logger "trx;LogFileName=bw-test-results.trx" shell: pwsh - name: Report test results uses: dorny/test-reporter@c9b3d0e2bd2a4e96aaf424dbaa31c46b42318226 # v1.6.0 if: always() with: name: Test Results path: "**/*-test-results.trx" reporter: dotnet-trx fail-on-error: true build-artifacts: name: Build artifacts runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 needs: - testing - lint strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - project_name: Admin base_path: ./src node: true - project_name: Api base_path: ./src - project_name: Billing base_path: ./src - project_name: Events base_path: ./src - project_name: EventsProcessor base_path: ./src - project_name: Icons base_path: ./src - project_name: Identity base_path: ./src - project_name: Notifications base_path: ./src - project_name: Server base_path: ./util - project_name: Setup base_path: ./util - project_name: Sso base_path: ./bitwarden_license/src node: true - project_name: Scim base_path: ./bitwarden_license/src dotnet: true - project_name: MsSqlMigratorUtility base_path: ./util dotnet: true steps: - name: Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c # v3.3.0 - name: Set up Node uses: actions/setup-node@9ced9a43a244f3ac94f13bfd896db8c8f30da67a # v3.0.0 with: cache: "npm" cache-dependency-path: "**/package-lock.json" node-version: "16" - name: Print environment run: | whoami dotnet --info node --version npm --version echo "GitHub ref: $GITHUB_REF" echo "GitHub event: $GITHUB_EVENT" - name: Restore/Clean project working-directory: ${{ matrix.base_path }}/${{ matrix.project_name }} run: | echo "Restore" dotnet restore echo "Clean" dotnet clean -c "Release" -o obj/build-output/publish - name: Build node if: ${{ matrix.node }} working-directory: ${{ matrix.base_path }}/${{ matrix.project_name }} run: | npm ci npm run build - name: Publish project working-directory: ${{ matrix.base_path }}/${{ matrix.project_name }} run: | echo "Publish" dotnet publish -c "Release" -o obj/build-output/publish cd obj/build-output/publish zip -r ${{ matrix.project_name }}.zip . mv ${{ matrix.project_name }}.zip ../../../ pwd ls -atlh ../../../ - name: Upload project artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@6673cd052c4cd6fcf4b4e6e60ea986c889389535 # v3.0.0 with: name: ${{ matrix.project_name }}.zip path: ${{ matrix.base_path }}/${{ matrix.project_name }}/${{ matrix.project_name }}.zip if-no-files-found: error build-docker: name: Build Docker images runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 needs: build-artifacts strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - project_name: Admin base_path: ./src docker_repos: [bitwarden, bitwardenprod.azurecr.io, bitwardenqa.azurecr.io] dotnet: true - project_name: Api base_path: ./src docker_repos: [bitwarden, bitwardenprod.azurecr.io, bitwardenqa.azurecr.io] dotnet: true - project_name: Attachments base_path: ./util docker_repos: [bitwarden, bitwardenprod.azurecr.io, bitwardenqa.azurecr.io] - project_name: Events base_path: ./src docker_repos: [bitwarden, bitwardenprod.azurecr.io, bitwardenqa.azurecr.io] dotnet: true - project_name: EventsProcessor base_path: ./src docker_repos: [bitwardenprod.azurecr.io, bitwardenqa.azurecr.io] dotnet: true - project_name: Icons base_path: ./src docker_repos: [bitwarden, bitwardenprod.azurecr.io, bitwardenqa.azurecr.io] dotnet: true - project_name: Identity base_path: ./src docker_repos: [bitwarden, bitwardenprod.azurecr.io, bitwardenqa.azurecr.io] dotnet: true - project_name: MsSql base_path: ./util docker_repos: [bitwarden, bitwardenprod.azurecr.io, bitwardenqa.azurecr.io] - project_name: Nginx base_path: ./util docker_repos: [bitwarden, bitwardenprod.azurecr.io, bitwardenqa.azurecr.io] - project_name: Notifications base_path: ./src docker_repos: [bitwarden, bitwardenprod.azurecr.io, bitwardenqa.azurecr.io] dotnet: true - project_name: Server base_path: ./util docker_repos: [bitwarden, bitwardenprod.azurecr.io, bitwardenqa.azurecr.io] dotnet: true - project_name: Setup base_path: ./util docker_repos: [bitwarden, bitwardenprod.azurecr.io, bitwardenqa.azurecr.io] dotnet: true - project_name: Sso base_path: ./bitwarden_license/src docker_repos: [bitwarden, bitwardenprod.azurecr.io, bitwardenqa.azurecr.io] dotnet: true - project_name: Scim base_path: ./bitwarden_license/src docker_repos: [bitwarden, bitwardenprod.azurecr.io, bitwardenqa.azurecr.io] dotnet: true - project_name: Billing base_path: ./src docker_repos: [bitwardenprod.azurecr.io, bitwardenqa.azurecr.io] dotnet: true - project_name: MsSqlMigratorUtility base_path: ./util docker_repos: [bitwardenprod.azurecr.io, bitwardenqa.azurecr.io] dotnet: true steps: - name: Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c # v3.3.0 - name: Check Branch to Publish env: PUBLISH_BRANCHES: "master,rc,hotfix-rc" id: publish-branch-check run: | IFS="," read -a publish_branches <<< $PUBLISH_BRANCHES if [[ " ${publish_branches[*]} " =~ " ${GITHUB_REF:11} " ]]; then echo "is_publish_branch=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV else echo "is_publish_branch=false" >> $GITHUB_ENV fi ########## ACRs ########## - name: Login to Azure - QA Subscription uses: Azure/login@1f63701bf3e6892515f1b7ce2d2bf1708b46beaf # v1.4.3 with: creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_QA_KV_CREDENTIALS }} - name: Login to QA ACR run: az acr login -n bitwardenqa - name: Login to Azure - PROD Subscription uses: Azure/login@1f63701bf3e6892515f1b7ce2d2bf1708b46beaf # v1.4.3 with: creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_PROD_KV_CREDENTIALS }} - name: Login to PROD ACR run: az acr login -n bitwardenprod - name: Login to Azure - CI Subscription uses: Azure/login@1f63701bf3e6892515f1b7ce2d2bf1708b46beaf # v1.4.3 with: creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_KV_CI_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL }} - name: Retrieve github PAT secrets id: retrieve-secret-pat uses: bitwarden/gh-actions/get-keyvault-secrets@34ecb67b2a357795dc893549df0795e7383ff50f with: keyvault: "bitwarden-ci" secrets: "github-pat-bitwarden-devops-bot-repo-scope" - name: Retrieve secrets if: ${{ env.is_publish_branch == 'true' }} id: retrieve-secrets uses: bitwarden/gh-actions/get-keyvault-secrets@34ecb67b2a357795dc893549df0795e7383ff50f with: keyvault: "bitwarden-ci" secrets: "docker-password, docker-username, dct-delegate-2-repo-passphrase, dct-delegate-2-key" - name: Log into Docker if: ${{ env.is_publish_branch == 'true' }} env: DOCKER_USERNAME: ${{ steps.retrieve-secrets.outputs.docker-username }} DOCKER_PASSWORD: ${{ steps.retrieve-secrets.outputs.docker-password }} run: echo "$DOCKER_PASSWORD" | docker login -u "$DOCKER_USERNAME" --password-stdin - name: Setup Docker Trust if: ${{ env.is_publish_branch == 'true' }} env: DCT_DELEGATION_KEY_ID: "c9bde8ec820701516491e5e03d3a6354e7bd66d05fa3df2b0062f68b116dc59c" DCT_DELEGATE_KEY: ${{ steps.retrieve-secrets.outputs.dct-delegate-2-key }} DCT_REPO_PASSPHRASE: ${{ steps.retrieve-secrets.outputs.dct-delegate-2-repo-passphrase }} run: | mkdir -p ~/.docker/trust/private echo "$DCT_DELEGATE_KEY" > ~/.docker/trust/private/$DCT_DELEGATION_KEY_ID.key echo "DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST=1" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST_REPOSITORY_PASSPHRASE=$DCT_REPO_PASSPHRASE" >> $GITHUB_ENV ########## Generate image tag and build Docker image ########## - name: Generate Docker image tag id: tag run: | IMAGE_TAG=$(echo "${GITHUB_REF:11}" | sed "s#/#-#g") # slash safe branch name if [[ "$IMAGE_TAG" == "master" ]]; then IMAGE_TAG=dev fi echo "image_tag=$IMAGE_TAG" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Setup project name id: setup run: | PROJECT_NAME=$(echo "${{ matrix.project_name }}" | awk '{print tolower($0)}') echo "Matrix name: ${{ matrix.project_name }}" echo "PROJECT_NAME: $PROJECT_NAME" echo "project_name=$PROJECT_NAME" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Generate tag list id: tag-list env: IMAGE_TAG: ${{ steps.tag.outputs.image_tag }} PROJECT_NAME: ${{ steps.setup.outputs.project_name }} run: echo "tags=bitwardenqa.azurecr.io/${PROJECT_NAME}:${IMAGE_TAG},bitwardenprod.azurecr.io/${PROJECT_NAME}:${IMAGE_TAG}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Get build artifact if: ${{ matrix.dotnet }} uses: actions/download-artifact@fb598a63ae348fa914e94cd0ff38f362e927b741 # v3.0.0 with: name: ${{ matrix.project_name }}.zip - name: Setup build artifact if: ${{ matrix.dotnet }} run: | mkdir -p ${{ matrix.base_path}}/${{ matrix.project_name }}/obj/build-output/publish unzip ${{ matrix.project_name }}.zip \ -d ${{ matrix.base_path }}/${{ matrix.project_name }}/obj/build-output/publish - name: Build Docker image uses: docker/build-push-action@3b5e8027fcad23fda98b2e3ac259d8d67585f671 # v3.2.0 with: context: ${{ matrix.base_path }}/${{ matrix.project_name }} file: ${{ matrix.base_path }}/${{ matrix.project_name }}/Dockerfile platforms: linux/amd64 push: true tags: ${{ steps.tag-list.outputs.tags }} secrets: | "GH_PAT=${{ steps.retrieve-secret-pat.outputs.github-pat-bitwarden-devops-bot-repo-scope }}" - name: Push to DockerHub if: contains(matrix.docker_repos, 'bitwarden') && env.is_publish_branch == 'true' env: IMAGE_TAG: ${{ steps.tag.outputs.image_tag }} PROJECT_NAME: ${{ steps.setup.outputs.project_name }} run: | docker tag bitwardenprod.azurecr.io/$PROJECT_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG bitwarden/$PROJECT_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG docker push bitwarden/$PROJECT_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG - name: Log out of Docker run: | docker logout echo "DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST=0" >> $GITHUB_ENV upload: name: Upload runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 needs: build-docker steps: - name: Set up dotnet uses: actions/setup-dotnet@9211491ffb35dd6a6657ca4f45d43dfe6e97c829 # v3.0.3 with: dotnet-version: "6.0.x" - name: Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c # v3.3.0 - name: Restore run: dotnet tool restore - name: Make Docker stub if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/rc' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/hotfix-rc' run: | if [[ "${{ github.ref }}" == "rc" ]]; then SETUP_IMAGE="bitwarden/setup:rc" elif [[ "${{ github.ref }}" == "hotfix-rc" ]]; then SETUP_IMAGE="bitwarden/setup:hotfix-rc" else SETUP_IMAGE="bitwarden/setup:dev" fi STUB_OUTPUT=$(pwd)/docker-stub docker run -i --rm --name setup -v $STUB_OUTPUT:/bitwarden $SETUP_IMAGE \ dotnet Setup.dll -stub 1 -install 1 -domain bitwarden.example.com -os lin sudo chown -R $(whoami):$(whoami) $STUB_OUTPUT rm -rf $STUB_OUTPUT/letsencrypt rm $STUB_OUTPUT/env/uid.env $STUB_OUTPUT/config.yml touch $STUB_OUTPUT/env/uid.env cd docker-stub; zip -r ../docker-stub.zip *; cd .. - name: Make Docker stub checksum if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/rc' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/hotfix-rc' run: sha256sum docker-stub.zip > docker-stub-sha256.txt - name: Upload Docker stub artifact if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/rc' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/hotfix-rc' uses: actions/upload-artifact@6673cd052c4cd6fcf4b4e6e60ea986c889389535 # v3.0.0 with: name: docker-stub.zip path: docker-stub.zip if-no-files-found: error - name: Upload Docker stub checksum artifact if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/rc' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/hotfix-rc' uses: actions/upload-artifact@6673cd052c4cd6fcf4b4e6e60ea986c889389535 # v3.0.0 with: name: docker-stub-sha256.txt path: docker-stub-sha256.txt if-no-files-found: error - name: Build Swagger run: | cd ./src/Api echo "Restore" dotnet restore echo "Clean" dotnet clean -c "Release" -o obj/build-output/publish echo "Publish" dotnet publish -c "Release" -o obj/build-output/publish dotnet swagger tofile --output ../../swagger.json --host https://api.bitwarden.com \ ./obj/build-output/publish/Api.dll public cd ../.. env: ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT: Production swaggerGen: "True" DOTNET_ROLL_FORWARD_ON_NO_CANDIDATE_FX: 2 GLOBALSETTINGS__SQLSERVER__CONNECTIONSTRING: "placeholder" - name: Upload Swagger artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@6673cd052c4cd6fcf4b4e6e60ea986c889389535 # v3.0.0 with: name: swagger.json path: swagger.json if-no-files-found: error build-mssqlmigratorutility: name: Build MsSqlMigratorUtility runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 needs: - lint defaults: run: shell: bash working-directory: "util/MsSqlMigratorUtility" strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: target: - osx-x64 - linux-x64 - win-x64 steps: - name: Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c # v3.3.0 - name: Print environment run: | whoami dotnet --info echo "GitHub ref: $GITHUB_REF" echo "GitHub event: $GITHUB_EVENT" - name: Restore project run: | echo "Restore" dotnet restore - name: Publish project run: dotnet publish -c "Release" -o obj/build-output/publish -r ${{ matrix.target }} -p:PublishSingleFile=true -p:IncludeNativeLibrariesForSelfExtract=true --self-contained true - name: Upload project artifact Windows if: ${{ contains(matrix.target, 'win') == true }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@6673cd052c4cd6fcf4b4e6e60ea986c889389535 # v3.0.0 with: name: MsSqlMigratorUtility-${{ matrix.target }} path: util/MsSqlMigratorUtility/obj/build-output/publish/MsSqlMigratorUtility.exe if-no-files-found: error - name: Upload project artifact if: ${{ contains(matrix.target, 'win') == false }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@6673cd052c4cd6fcf4b4e6e60ea986c889389535 # v3.0.0 with: name: MsSqlMigratorUtility-${{ matrix.target }} path: util/MsSqlMigratorUtility/obj/build-output/publish/MsSqlMigratorUtility if-no-files-found: error check-failures: name: Check for failures if: always() runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 needs: - cloc - lint - testing - build-artifacts - build-docker - upload - build-mssqlmigratorutility steps: - name: Check if any job failed if: | github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/rc' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/hotfix-rc' env: CLOC_STATUS: ${{ needs.cloc.result }} LINT_STATUS: ${{ needs.lint.result }} TESTING_STATUS: ${{ needs.testing.result }} BUILD_ARTIFACTS_STATUS: ${{ needs.build-artifacts.result }} BUILD_DOCKER_STATUS: ${{ needs.build-docker.result }} UPLOAD_STATUS: ${{ needs.upload.result }} BUILD_MSSQLMIGRATORUTILITY_STATUS: ${{ needs.build-mssqlmigratorutility.result }} run: | if [ "$CLOC_STATUS" = "failure" ]; then exit 1 elif [ "$LINT_STATUS" = "failure" ]; then exit 1 elif [ "$TESTING_STATUS" = "failure" ]; then exit 1 elif [ "$BUILD_ARTIFACTS_STATUS" = "failure" ]; then exit 1 elif [ "$BUILD_DOCKER_STATUS" = "failure" ]; then exit 1 elif [ "$UPLOAD_STATUS" = "failure" ]; then exit 1 elif [ "$BUILD_MSSQLMIGRATORUTILITY_STATUS" = "failure" ]; then exit 1 fi - name: Login to Azure - CI subscription uses: Azure/login@1f63701bf3e6892515f1b7ce2d2bf1708b46beaf # v1.4.3 if: failure() with: creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_KV_CI_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL }} - name: Retrieve secrets id: retrieve-secrets uses: bitwarden/gh-actions/get-keyvault-secrets@34ecb67b2a357795dc893549df0795e7383ff50f if: failure() with: keyvault: "bitwarden-ci" secrets: "devops-alerts-slack-webhook-url" - name: Notify Slack on failure uses: act10ns/slack@ed1309ab9862e57e9e583e51c7889486b9a00b0f # v2.0.0 if: failure() env: SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ steps.retrieve-secrets.outputs.devops-alerts-slack-webhook-url }} with: status: ${{ job.status }}