using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.IO; using YamlDotNet.Serialization; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.NamingConventions; namespace Bit.Setup { public class Context { private const string ConfigPath = "/bitwarden/config.yml"; public string[] Args { get; set; } public IDictionary Parameters { get; set; } public string OutputDir { get; set; } = "/etc/bitwarden"; public string HostOS { get; set; } = "win"; public string CoreVersion { get; set; } = "latest"; public string WebVersion { get; set; } = "latest"; public Installation Install { get; set; } = new Installation(); public Configuration Config { get; set; } = new Configuration(); public void LoadConfiguration() { if(!File.Exists(ConfigPath)) { Console.WriteLine("No existing `config.yml` detected. Let's generate one."); // Looks like updating from older version. Try to create config file. var url = Helpers.GetValueFronEnvFile("global", "globalSettings__baseServiceUri__vault"); if(!Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out var uri)) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to determine existing installation url."); return; } Config.Url = url; var push = Helpers.GetValueFronEnvFile("global", "globalSettings__pushRelayBaseUri"); Config.PushNotifications = push != "REPLACE"; var composeFile = "/bitwarden/docker/docker-compose.yml"; if(File.Exists(composeFile)) { var fileLines = File.ReadAllLines(composeFile); foreach(var line in fileLines) { if(!line.StartsWith("# Parameter:")) { continue; } var paramParts = line.Split("="); if(paramParts.Length < 2) { continue; } if(paramParts[0] == "# Parameter:MssqlDataDockerVolume" && bool.TryParse(paramParts[1], out var mssqlDataDockerVolume)) { Config.DatabaseDockerVolume = mssqlDataDockerVolume; continue; } if(paramParts[0] == "# Parameter:HttpPort" && int.TryParse(paramParts[1], out var httpPort)) { Config.HttpPort = httpPort == 0 ? null : httpPort.ToString(); continue; } if(paramParts[0] == "# Parameter:HttpsPort" && int.TryParse(paramParts[1], out var httpsPort)) { Config.HttpsPort = httpsPort == 0 ? null : httpsPort.ToString(); continue; } } } var nginxFile = "/bitwarden/nginx/default.conf"; if(File.Exists(nginxFile)) { var confContent = File.ReadAllText(nginxFile); var selfSigned = confContent.Contains("/etc/ssl/self/"); Config.Ssl = confContent.Contains("ssl http2;"); Config.SslManagedLetsEncrypt = !selfSigned && confContent.Contains("/etc/letsencrypt/live/"); var diffieHellman = confContent.Contains("/dhparam.pem;"); var trusted = confContent.Contains("ssl_trusted_certificate "); if(Config.SslManagedLetsEncrypt) { Config.Ssl = true; } else if(Config.Ssl) { var sslPath = selfSigned ? $"/etc/ssl/self/{Config.Domain}" : $"/etc/ssl/{Config.Domain}"; Config.SslCertificatePath = string.Concat(sslPath, "/", "certificate.crt"); Config.SslKeyPath = string.Concat(sslPath, "/", "private.key"); if(trusted) { Config.SslCaPath = string.Concat(sslPath, "/", "ca.crt"); } if(diffieHellman) { Config.SslDiffieHellmanPath = string.Concat(sslPath, "/", "dhparam.pem"); } } } SaveConfiguration(); } var configText = File.ReadAllText(ConfigPath); var deserializer = new DeserializerBuilder() .WithNamingConvention(new UnderscoredNamingConvention()) .Build(); Config = deserializer.Deserialize(configText); } public void SaveConfiguration() { if(Config == null) { throw new Exception("Config is null."); } var serializer = new SerializerBuilder() .EmitDefaults() .WithNamingConvention(new UnderscoredNamingConvention()) .WithTypeInspector(inner => new CommentGatheringTypeInspector(inner)) .WithEmissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitor(args => new CommentsObjectGraphVisitor(args.InnerVisitor)) .Build(); var yaml = serializer.Serialize(Config); Directory.CreateDirectory("/bitwarden/"); using(var sw = File.CreateText(ConfigPath)) { sw.Write(yaml); } } public class Installation { public Guid InstallationId { get; set; } public string InstallationKey { get; set; } public bool DiffieHellman { get; set; } public bool Trusted { get; set; } public bool SelfSignedCert { get; set; } public string IdentityCertPassword { get; set; } public string Domain { get; set; } } public class Configuration { [Description("Note: After making changes to this file you need to run the `rebuild` or `update`\n" + "command for them to be applied.\n\n" + "Full URL for accessing the installation from a browser. (Required)")] public string Url { get; set; } = "https://localhost"; [Description("Auto-generate the `./docker/docker-compose.yml` config file.\n" + "WARNING: Disabling generated config files can break future updates. You will be\n" + "responsible for maintaining this config file.")] public bool GenerateComposeConfig { get; set; } = true; [Description("Auto-generate the `./nginx/default.conf` file.\n" + "WARNING: Disabling generated config files can break future updates. You will be\n" + "responsible for maintaining this config file.")] public bool GenerateNginxConfig { get; set; } = true; [Description("Docker compose file port mapping for HTTP. Leave empty for remove the port mapping.")] public string HttpPort { get; set; } = "80"; [Description("Docker compose file port mapping for HTTPS. Leave empty for remove the port mapping.")] public string HttpsPort { get; set; } = "443"; [Description("Configure Nginx for SSL.")] public bool Ssl { get; set; } = true; [Description("Installation uses a managed Let's Encrypt certificate.")] public bool SslManagedLetsEncrypt { get; set; } [Description("The actual certificate. (Required if using SSL without managed Let's Encrypt)\n" + "Note: Path must be relative to the container's ssl directory. The `./ssl` host directory is\n" + "mapped to `/etc/ssl` within the container.")] public string SslCertificatePath { get; set; } [Description("The certificate's private key. (Required if using SSL without managed Let's Encrypt)\n" + "Note: Path must be relative to the container's ssl directory. The `./ssl` host directory is\n" + "mapped to `/etc/ssl` within the container.")] public string SslKeyPath { get; set; } [Description("If the certificate is trusted by a CA, you should provide the CA's certificate.\n" + "Note: Path must be relative to the container's ssl directory. The `./ssl` host directory is\n" + "mapped to `/etc/ssl` within the container.")] public string SslCaPath { get; set; } [Description("Diffie Hellman ephemeral parameters\n" + "Learn more:\n" + "Note: Path must be relative to the container's ssl directory. The `./ssl` host directory is\n" + "mapped to `/etc/ssl` within the container.")] public string SslDiffieHellmanPath { get; set; } [Description("Communicate with the Bitwarden push relay service ( for mobile\n" + "app live sync.")] public bool PushNotifications { get; set; } = true; [Description("Use a docker volume instead of a host-mapped volume for the persisted database.\n" + "WARNING: Changing this value will cause you to lose access to the existing persisted\n" + "database.")] public bool DatabaseDockerVolume { get; set; } [YamlIgnore] public string Domain { get { if(Uri.TryCreate(Url, UriKind.Absolute, out var uri)) { return uri.Host; } return null; } } } } }