using System.Diagnostics; using Bit.Api.IntegrationTest.Factories; using Bit.Core.AdminConsole.Entities; using Bit.Core.AdminConsole.OrganizationFeatures.Organizations; using Bit.Core.Billing.Enums; using Bit.Core.Entities; using Bit.Core.Enums; using Bit.Core.Models.Business; using Bit.Core.Models.Data; using Bit.Core.Repositories; using Bit.IntegrationTestCommon.Factories; namespace Bit.Api.IntegrationTest.Helpers; public static class OrganizationTestHelpers { public static async Task> SignUpAsync(WebApplicationFactoryBase factory, PlanType plan = PlanType.Free, string ownerEmail = "", string name = "Integration Test Org", string billingEmail = "", string ownerKey = "test-key", int passwordManagerSeats = 0, PaymentMethodType paymentMethod = PaymentMethodType.None) where T : class { var userRepository = factory.GetService(); var organizationSignUpCommand = factory.GetService(); var owner = await userRepository.GetByEmailAsync(ownerEmail); var signUpResult = await organizationSignUpCommand.SignUpOrganizationAsync(new OrganizationSignup { Name = name, BillingEmail = billingEmail, Plan = plan, OwnerKey = ownerKey, Owner = owner, AdditionalSeats = passwordManagerSeats, PaymentMethodType = paymentMethod }); Debug.Assert(signUpResult.OrganizationUser is not null); return new Tuple(signUpResult.Organization, signUpResult.OrganizationUser); } /// /// Creates an OrganizationUser. The user account must already be created. /// public static async Task CreateUserAsync( WebApplicationFactoryBase factory, Guid organizationId, string userEmail, OrganizationUserType type, bool accessSecretsManager = false, Permissions? permissions = null ) where T : class { var userRepository = factory.GetService(); var organizationUserRepository = factory.GetService(); var user = await userRepository.GetByEmailAsync(userEmail); Debug.Assert(user is not null); var orgUser = new OrganizationUser { OrganizationId = organizationId, UserId = user.Id, Key = null, Type = type, Status = OrganizationUserStatusType.Confirmed, ExternalId = null, AccessSecretsManager = accessSecretsManager, }; if (permissions != null) { orgUser.SetPermissions(permissions); } await organizationUserRepository.CreateAsync(orgUser); return orgUser; } /// /// Creates a new User account with a unique email address and a corresponding OrganizationUser for /// the specified organization. /// public static async Task<(string, OrganizationUser)> CreateNewUserWithAccountAsync( ApiApplicationFactory factory, Guid organizationId, OrganizationUserType userType, Permissions? permissions = null ) { var email = $"integration-test{Guid.NewGuid()}"; // Create user await factory.LoginWithNewAccount(email); // Create organizationUser var organizationUser = await OrganizationTestHelpers.CreateUserAsync(factory, organizationId, email, userType, permissions: permissions); return (email, organizationUser); } /// /// Creates a VerifiedDomain for the specified organization. /// public static async Task CreateVerifiedDomainAsync(ApiApplicationFactory factory, Guid organizationId, string domain) { var organizationDomainRepository = factory.GetService(); var verifiedDomain = new OrganizationDomain { OrganizationId = organizationId, DomainName = domain, Txt = "btw+test18383838383" }; verifiedDomain.SetVerifiedDate(); await organizationDomainRepository.CreateAsync(verifiedDomain); } }