############################################### # Build stage # ############################################### FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM alpine AS web-setup # Add packages RUN apk add --update-cache \ curl \ jq \ && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* WORKDIR /tmp # Download tags from 'clients' repository RUN curl https://api.github.com/repos/bitwarden/clients/git/refs/tags --output tags.json # Grab last tag/release of the 'web' client RUN cat tags.json | jq -r 'last(.[] | select(.ref|test("refs/tags/web-v[0-9]{4}.[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]+"))) | .ref | split("/")[2]' > tag.txt # Extract the version of the 'web' client RUN cat tag.txt | grep -o -E "[0-9]{4}\.[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]+" > version.txt # Download the built release artifact for the 'web' client RUN TAG=$(cat tag.txt) \ && VERSION=$(cat version.txt) \ && curl -L https://github.com/bitwarden/clients/releases/download/$TAG/web-$VERSION-selfhosted-COMMERCIAL.zip -O # Unzip the 'web' client to /tmp/build RUN VERSION=$(cat version.txt) \ && unzip web-$VERSION-selfhosted-COMMERCIAL.zip ############################################### # Build stage # ############################################### FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:6.0 AS dotnet-build # Docker buildx supplies the value for this arg ARG TARGETPLATFORM # Determine proper runtime value for .NET # We put the value in a file to be read by later layers. RUN if [ "$TARGETPLATFORM" = "linux/amd64" ]; then \ RID=linux-x64 ; \ elif [ "$TARGETPLATFORM" = "linux/arm64" ]; then \ RID=linux-arm64 ; \ elif [ "$TARGETPLATFORM" = "linux/arm/v7" ]; then \ RID=linux-arm ; \ fi \ && echo "RID=$RID" > /tmp/rid.txt # Add packages # RUN apk add --update-cache \ # npm \ # && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ npm \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* RUN npm install -g gulp # Copy csproj files as distinct layers WORKDIR /source COPY src/Admin/*.csproj ./src/Admin/ COPY src/Api/*.csproj ./src/Api/ COPY src/Events/*.csproj ./src/Events/ COPY src/Icons/*.csproj ./src/Icons/ COPY src/Identity/*.csproj ./src/Identity/ COPY src/Notifications/*.csproj ./src/Notifications/ COPY bitwarden_license/src/Sso/*.csproj ./bitwarden_license/src/Sso/ COPY bitwarden_license/src/Scim/*.csproj ./bitwarden_license/src/Scim/ COPY src/Core/*.csproj ./src/Core/ COPY src/Infrastructure.Dapper/*.csproj ./src/Infrastructure.Dapper/ COPY src/Infrastructure.EntityFramework/*.csproj ./src/Infrastructure.EntityFramework/ COPY src/SharedWeb/*.csproj ./src/SharedWeb/ COPY util/Migrator/*.csproj ./util/Migrator/ COPY util/MySqlMigrations/*.csproj ./util/MySqlMigrations/ COPY util/PostgresMigrations/*.csproj ./util/PostgresMigrations/ COPY bitwarden_license/src/Commercial.Core/*.csproj ./bitwarden_license/src/Commercial.Core/ COPY Directory.Build.props . # Restore Admin project dependencies and tools WORKDIR /source/src/Admin RUN . /tmp/rid.txt && dotnet restore -r $RID # Restore Api project dependencies and tools WORKDIR /source/src/Api RUN . /tmp/rid.txt && dotnet restore -r $RID # Restore Events project dependencies and tools WORKDIR /source/src/Events RUN . /tmp/rid.txt && dotnet restore -r $RID # Restore Icons project dependencies and tools WORKDIR /source/src/Icons RUN . /tmp/rid.txt && dotnet restore -r $RID # Restore Identity project dependencies and tools WORKDIR /source/src/Identity RUN . /tmp/rid.txt && dotnet restore -r $RID # Restore Notifications project dependencies and tools WORKDIR /source/src/Notifications RUN . /tmp/rid.txt && dotnet restore -r $RID # Restore Sso project dependencies and tools WORKDIR /source/bitwarden_license/src/Sso RUN . /tmp/rid.txt && dotnet restore -r $RID # Restore Scim project dependencies and tools WORKDIR /source/bitwarden_license/src/Scim RUN . /tmp/rid.txt && dotnet restore -r $RID # Copy required project files WORKDIR /source COPY src/Admin/. ./src/Admin/ COPY src/Api/. ./src/Api/ COPY src/Events/. ./src/Events/ COPY src/Icons/. ./src/Icons/ COPY src/Identity/. ./src/Identity/ COPY src/Notifications/. ./src/Notifications/ COPY bitwarden_license/src/Sso/. ./bitwarden_license/src/Sso/ COPY bitwarden_license/src/Scim/. ./bitwarden_license/src/Scim/ COPY src/Core/. ./src/Core/ COPY src/Infrastructure.Dapper/. ./src/Infrastructure.Dapper/ COPY src/Infrastructure.EntityFramework/. ./src/Infrastructure.EntityFramework/ COPY src/SharedWeb/. ./src/SharedWeb/ COPY util/Migrator/. ./util/Migrator/ COPY util/MySqlMigrations/. ./util/MySqlMigrations/ COPY util/PostgresMigrations/. ./util/PostgresMigrations/ COPY util/EfShared/. ./util/EfShared/ COPY bitwarden_license/src/Commercial.Core/. ./bitwarden_license/src/Commercial.Core/ COPY .git/. ./.git/ # Build Admin app WORKDIR /source/src/Admin RUN npm install RUN gulp --gulpfile "gulpfile.js" build RUN . /tmp/rid.txt && dotnet publish -c release -o /app/Admin --no-restore --no-self-contained -r $RID # Build Api app WORKDIR /source/src/Api RUN . /tmp/rid.txt && dotnet publish -c release -o /app/Api --no-restore --no-self-contained -r $RID # Build Events app WORKDIR /source/src/Events RUN . /tmp/rid.txt && dotnet publish -c release -o /app/Events --no-restore --no-self-contained -r $RID # Build Icons app WORKDIR /source/src/Icons RUN . /tmp/rid.txt && dotnet publish -c release -o /app/Icons --no-restore --no-self-contained -r $RID # Build Identity app WORKDIR /source/src/Identity RUN . /tmp/rid.txt && dotnet publish -c release -o /app/Identity --no-restore --no-self-contained -r $RID # Build Notifications app WORKDIR /source/src/Notifications RUN . /tmp/rid.txt && dotnet publish -c release -o /app/Notifications --no-restore --no-self-contained -r $RID # Build Sso app WORKDIR /source/bitwarden_license/src/Sso RUN npm install RUN gulp --gulpfile "gulpfile.js" build RUN . /tmp/rid.txt && dotnet publish -c release -o /app/Sso --no-restore --no-self-contained -r $RID # Build Scim app WORKDIR /source/bitwarden_license/src/Scim RUN . /tmp/rid.txt && dotnet publish -c release -o /app/Scim --no-restore --no-self-contained -r $RID ############################################### # App stage # ############################################### FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/aspnet:6.0-alpine ARG TARGETPLATFORM LABEL com.bitwarden.product="bitwarden" LABEL com.bitwarden.project="unified" ENV ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Production ENV BW_ENABLE_ADMIN=true ENV BW_ENABLE_API=true ENV BW_ENABLE_EVENTS=false ENV BW_ENABLE_ICONS=true ENV BW_ENABLE_IDENTITY=true ENV BW_ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS=true ENV BW_ENABLE_SCIM=false ENV BW_ENABLE_SSO=false ENV DOTNET_SYSTEM_GLOBALIZATION_INVARIANT=false ENV globalSettings__selfHosted="true" ENV globalSettings__pushRelayBaseUri="https://push.bitwarden.com" ENV globalSettings__baseServiceUri__internalAdmin="http://localhost:5000" ENV globalSettings__baseServiceUri__internalApi="http://localhost:5001" ENV globalSettings__baseServiceUri__internalEvents="http://localhost:5003" ENV globalSettings__baseServiceUri__internalIcons="http://localhost:5004" ENV globalSettings__baseServiceUri__internalIdentity="http://localhost:5005" ENV globalSettings__baseServiceUri__internalNotifications="http://localhost:5006" ENV globalSettings__baseServiceUri__internalSso="http://localhost:5007" ENV globalSettings__baseServiceUri__internalScim="http://localhost:5002" ENV globalSettings__baseServiceUri__internalVault="http://localhost:80" ENV globalSettings__identityServer__certificatePassword="default_cert_password" ENV globalSettings__dataProtection__directory="/etc/bitwarden/data-protection" ENV globalSettings__attachment__baseDirectory="/etc/bitwarden/attachments" ENV globalSettings__send__baseDirectory="/etc/bitwarden/attachments/send" ENV globalSettings__licenseDirectory="/etc/bitwarden/licenses" ENV globalSettings__logDirectoryByProject="false" ENV globalSettings__logRollBySizeLimit="1073741824" EXPOSE 80 EXPOSE 443 # Add packages RUN apk add --update-cache \ curl \ icu-libs \ nginx \ openssl \ su-exec \ supervisor \ tzdata \ unzip \ && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* # Create non-root user to run app RUN adduser -s /bin/false -D bitwarden # Create required directories RUN mkdir -p /etc/bitwarden/attachments/send RUN mkdir -p /etc/bitwarden/data-protection RUN mkdir -p /etc/bitwarden/licenses RUN mkdir -p /etc/bitwarden/logs RUN mkdir -p /etc/supervisor RUN mkdir -p /etc/supervisor.d RUN mkdir -p /var/log/bitwarden RUN mkdir -p /var/log/nginx/logs RUN mkdir -p /app RUN chown -R bitwarden:bitwarden \ /app \ /etc/bitwarden \ /etc/nginx/http.d \ /etc/supervisor \ /etc/supervisor.d \ /var/lib/nginx \ /var/log \ /run # Copy all apps from dotnet-build stage WORKDIR /app COPY --chown=bitwarden:bitwarden --from=dotnet-build /app ./ # Copy Web files from web-setup stage COPY --chown=bitwarden:bitwarden --from=web-setup /tmp/build /app/Web # Set up supervisord COPY --chown=bitwarden:bitwarden docker-unified/supervisord/*.ini /etc/supervisor.d/ COPY --chown=bitwarden:bitwarden docker-unified/supervisord/supervisord.conf /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf RUN rm -f /etc/supervisord.conf # Set up nginx COPY docker-unified/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx COPY docker-unified/nginx/proxy.conf /etc/nginx COPY docker-unified/nginx/mime.types /etc/nginx COPY docker-unified/nginx/security-headers.conf /etc/nginx COPY docker-unified/nginx/security-headers-ssl.conf /etc/nginx COPY docker-unified/nginx/logrotate.sh / RUN chmod +x /logrotate.sh # Copy configuration templates COPY docker-unified/hbs/nginx-config.hbs /etc/hbs/ COPY docker-unified/hbs/app-id.hbs /etc/hbs/ COPY docker-unified/hbs/config.yaml /etc/hbs/ # Download hbs tool for generating final configurations RUN if [ "$TARGETPLATFORM" = "linux/amd64" ] ; then curl -L --output hbs.zip https://github.com/bitwarden/Handlebars.conf/releases/download/v1.2.0/hbs_linux-musl-x64_dotnet.zip; fi RUN if [ "$TARGETPLATFORM" = "linux/arm/v7" ] ; then curl -L --output hbs.zip https://github.com/bitwarden/Handlebars.conf/releases/download/v1.2.0/hbs_linux-arm_dotnet.zip; fi RUN if [ "$TARGETPLATFORM" = "linux/arm64" ] ; then curl -L --output hbs.zip https://github.com/bitwarden/Handlebars.conf/releases/download/v1.2.0/hbs_linux-arm64_dotnet.zip; fi # Extract hbs RUN unzip hbs.zip -d /usr/local/bin && rm hbs.zip RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/hbs # Copy entrypoint script and make it executable COPY docker-unified/entrypoint.sh /entrypoint.sh RUN chmod +x /entrypoint.sh # TODO: Remove after testing RUN apk add --update-cache \ vim \ && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* VOLUME ["/etc/bitwarden"] WORKDIR /app USER bitwarden:bitwarden HEALTHCHECK CMD curl --insecure -Lfs https://localhost/alive || curl -Lfs http://localhost/alive || exit 1 ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint.sh"]