IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.views WHERE [Name] = 'OrganizationUserOrganizationDetailsView') BEGIN DROP VIEW [dbo].[OrganizationUserOrganizationDetailsView] END GO CREATE VIEW [dbo].[OrganizationUserOrganizationDetailsView] AS SELECT OU.[UserId], OU.[OrganizationId], O.[Name], O.[Enabled], O.[UsePolicies], O.[UseSso], O.[UseGroups], O.[UseDirectory], O.[UseEvents], O.[UseTotp], O.[Use2fa], O.[UseApi], O.[SelfHost], O.[UsersGetPremium], O.[Seats], O.[MaxCollections], O.[MaxStorageGb], OU.[Key], OU.[Status], OU.[Type], SU.[ExternalId] SsoExternalId FROM [dbo].[OrganizationUser] OU INNER JOIN [dbo].[Organization] O ON O.[Id] = OU.[OrganizationId] LEFT JOIN [dbo].[SsoUser] SU ON SU.[UserId] = OU.[UserId] AND SU.[OrganizationId] = OU.[OrganizationId] GO IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.views WHERE [Name] = 'OrganizationUserUserDetailsView') BEGIN DROP VIEW [dbo].[OrganizationUserUserDetailsView] END GO CREATE VIEW [dbo].[OrganizationUserUserDetailsView] AS SELECT OU.[Id], OU.[UserId], OU.[OrganizationId], U.[Name], ISNULL(U.[Email], OU.[Email]) Email, U.[TwoFactorProviders], U.[Premium], OU.[Status], OU.[Type], OU.[AccessAll], OU.[ExternalId], SU.[ExternalId] SsoExternalId FROM [dbo].[OrganizationUser] OU LEFT JOIN [dbo].[User] U ON U.[Id] = OU.[UserId] LEFT JOIN [dbo].[SsoUser] SU ON SU.[UserId] = OU.[UserId] AND SU.[OrganizationId] = OU.[OrganizationId] GO