using System; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; namespace Setup { public static class Helpers { public static string SecureRandomString(int length, bool alpha = true, bool upper = true, bool lower = true, bool numeric = true, bool special = false) { return SecureRandomString(length, RandomStringCharacters(alpha, upper, lower, numeric, special)); } // ref with modifications public static string SecureRandomString(int length, string characters) { if(length < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(length), "length cannot be less than zero."); } if((characters?.Length ?? 0) == 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(characters), "characters invalid."); } const int byteSize = 0x100; if(byteSize < characters.Length) { throw new ArgumentException( string.Format("{0} may contain no more than {1} characters.", nameof(characters), byteSize), nameof(characters)); } var outOfRangeStart = byteSize - (byteSize % characters.Length); using(var rng = RandomNumberGenerator.Create()) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); var buffer = new byte[128]; while(sb.Length < length) { rng.GetBytes(buffer); for(var i = 0; i < buffer.Length && sb.Length < length; ++i) { // Divide the byte into charSet-sized groups. If the random value falls into the last group and the // last group is too small to choose from the entire allowedCharSet, ignore the value in order to // avoid biasing the result. if(outOfRangeStart <= buffer[i]) { continue; } sb.Append(characters[buffer[i] % characters.Length]); } } return sb.ToString(); } } private static string RandomStringCharacters(bool alpha, bool upper, bool lower, bool numeric, bool special) { var characters = string.Empty; if(alpha) { if(upper) { characters += "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; } if(lower) { characters += "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; } } if(numeric) { characters += "0123456789"; } if(special) { characters += "!@#$%^*&"; } return characters; } } }