using System.Text.Json; using AutoFixture.Xunit2; using Bit.Api.Controllers; using Bit.Api.Models.Request; using Bit.Api.Models.Response; using Bit.Core.Context; using Bit.Core.Entities; using Bit.Core.Enums; using Bit.Core.Exceptions; using Bit.Core.Repositories; using Bit.Core.Services; using Bit.Core.Settings; using Bit.Core.Utilities; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using NSubstitute; using Xunit; namespace Bit.Api.Test.Controllers; public class SendsControllerTests : IDisposable { private readonly SendsController _sut; private readonly GlobalSettings _globalSettings; private readonly IUserService _userService; private readonly ISendRepository _sendRepository; private readonly ISendService _sendService; private readonly ISendFileStorageService _sendFileStorageService; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly ICurrentContext _currentContext; public SendsControllerTests() { _userService = Substitute.For(); _sendRepository = Substitute.For(); _sendService = Substitute.For(); _sendFileStorageService = Substitute.For(); _globalSettings = new GlobalSettings(); _logger = Substitute.For>(); _currentContext = Substitute.For(); _sut = new SendsController( _sendRepository, _userService, _sendService, _sendFileStorageService, _logger, _globalSettings, _currentContext ); } public void Dispose() { _sut?.Dispose(); } [Theory, AutoData] public async Task SendsController_WhenSendHidesEmail_CreatorIdentifierShouldBeNull( Guid id, Send send, User user) { var accessId = CoreHelpers.Base64UrlEncode(id.ToByteArray()); send.Id = default; send.Type = SendType.Text; send.Data = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new Dictionary()); send.HideEmail = true; _sendService.AccessAsync(id, null).Returns((send, false, false)); _userService.GetUserByIdAsync(Arg.Any()).Returns(user); var request = new SendAccessRequestModel(); var actionResult = await _sut.Access(accessId, request); var response = (actionResult as ObjectResult)?.Value as SendAccessResponseModel; Assert.NotNull(response); Assert.Null(response.CreatorIdentifier); } [Fact] public async Task Post_DeletionDateIsMoreThan31DaysFromNow_ThrowsBadRequest() { var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var expected = "You cannot have a Send with a deletion date that far " + "into the future. Adjust the Deletion Date to a value less than 31 days from now " + "and try again."; var request = new SendRequestModel() { DeletionDate = now.AddDays(32) }; var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync(() => _sut.Post(request)); Assert.Equal(expected, exception.Message); } [Fact] public async Task PostFile_DeletionDateIsMoreThan31DaysFromNow_ThrowsBadRequest() { var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var expected = "You cannot have a Send with a deletion date that far " + "into the future. Adjust the Deletion Date to a value less than 31 days from now " + "and try again."; var request = new SendRequestModel() { Type = SendType.File, FileLength = 1024L, DeletionDate = now.AddDays(32) }; var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync(() => _sut.PostFile(request)); Assert.Equal(expected, exception.Message); } }