using System.Text.Json; using Bit.Core.AdminConsole.Entities; using Bit.Core.Entities; using Bit.Core.Enums; using Bit.Core.Models.Data; using Bit.Core.Repositories; using Bit.Core.Vault.Entities; using Bit.Core.Vault.Enums; using Bit.Core.Vault.Models.Data; using Bit.Core.Vault.Repositories; using Xunit; namespace Bit.Infrastructure.IntegrationTest.Repositories; public class CipherRepositoryTests { [DatabaseTheory, DatabaseData] public async Task DeleteAsync_UpdatesUserRevisionDate( IUserRepository userRepository, ICipherRepository cipherRepository) { var user = await userRepository.CreateAsync(new User { Name = "Test User", Email = $"test+{Guid.NewGuid()}", ApiKey = "TEST", SecurityStamp = "stamp", }); var cipher = await cipherRepository.CreateAsync(new Cipher { Type = CipherType.Login, UserId = user.Id, Data = "", // TODO: EF does not enforce this as NOT NULL }); await cipherRepository.DeleteAsync(cipher); var deletedCipher = await cipherRepository.GetByIdAsync(cipher.Id); Assert.Null(deletedCipher); var updatedUser = await userRepository.GetByIdAsync(user.Id); Assert.NotEqual(updatedUser.AccountRevisionDate, user.AccountRevisionDate); } [DatabaseTheory, DatabaseData] public async Task CreateAsync_UpdateWithCollections_Works( IUserRepository userRepository, IOrganizationRepository organizationRepository, IOrganizationUserRepository organizationUserRepository, ICollectionRepository collectionRepository, ICipherRepository cipherRepository, ICollectionCipherRepository collectionCipherRepository) { var user = await userRepository.CreateAsync(new User { Name = "Test User", Email = $"test+{Guid.NewGuid()}", ApiKey = "TEST", SecurityStamp = "stamp", }); user = await userRepository.GetByIdAsync(user.Id); var organization = await organizationRepository.CreateAsync(new Organization { Name = "Test Organization", BillingEmail = user.Email, Plan = "Test" // TODO: EF does not enforce this as NOT NULL }); var orgUser = await organizationUserRepository.CreateAsync(new OrganizationUser { UserId = user.Id, OrganizationId = organization.Id, Status = OrganizationUserStatusType.Confirmed, Type = OrganizationUserType.Owner, }); var collection = await collectionRepository.CreateAsync(new Collection { Name = "Test Collection", OrganizationId = organization.Id }); await Task.Delay(100); await collectionRepository.UpdateUsersAsync(collection.Id, new[] { new CollectionAccessSelection { Id = orgUser.Id, HidePasswords = true, ReadOnly = true, Manage = true }, }); await Task.Delay(100); await cipherRepository.CreateAsync(new CipherDetails { Type = CipherType.Login, OrganizationId = organization.Id, Data = "", // TODO: EF does not enforce this as NOT NULL }, new List { collection.Id, }); var updatedUser = await userRepository.GetByIdAsync(user.Id); Assert.True(updatedUser.AccountRevisionDate - user.AccountRevisionDate > TimeSpan.Zero, "The AccountRevisionDate is expected to be changed"); var collectionCiphers = await collectionCipherRepository.GetManyByOrganizationIdAsync(organization.Id); Assert.NotEmpty(collectionCiphers); } [DatabaseTheory, DatabaseData] public async Task ReplaceAsync_SuccessfullyMovesCipherToOrganization(IUserRepository userRepository, ICipherRepository cipherRepository, IOrganizationRepository organizationRepository, IOrganizationUserRepository organizationUserRepository, IFolderRepository folderRepository) { // This tests what happens when a cipher is moved into an organizations var user = await userRepository.CreateAsync(new User { Name = "Test User", Email = $"test+{Guid.NewGuid()}", ApiKey = "TEST", SecurityStamp = "stamp", }); user = await userRepository.GetByIdAsync(user.Id); // Create cipher in personal vault var createdCipher = await cipherRepository.CreateAsync(new Cipher { UserId = user.Id, Data = "", // TODO: EF does not enforce this as NOT NULL }); var organization = await organizationRepository.CreateAsync(new Organization { Name = "Test Organization", BillingEmail = user.Email, Plan = "Test" // TODO: EF does not enforce this as NOT NULL }); _ = await organizationUserRepository.CreateAsync(new OrganizationUser { UserId = user.Id, OrganizationId = organization.Id, Status = OrganizationUserStatusType.Confirmed, Type = OrganizationUserType.Owner, }); var folder = await folderRepository.CreateAsync(new Folder { Name = "FolderName", UserId = user.Id, }); // Move cipher to organization vault await cipherRepository.ReplaceAsync(new CipherDetails { Id = createdCipher.Id, UserId = user.Id, OrganizationId = organization.Id, FolderId = folder.Id, Data = "", // TODO: EF does not enforce this as NOT NULL }); var updatedCipher = await cipherRepository.GetByIdAsync(createdCipher.Id); Assert.Null(updatedCipher.UserId); Assert.Equal(organization.Id, updatedCipher.OrganizationId); Assert.NotNull(updatedCipher.Folders); using var foldersJsonDocument = JsonDocument.Parse(updatedCipher.Folders); var foldersJsonElement = foldersJsonDocument.RootElement; Assert.Equal(JsonValueKind.Object, foldersJsonElement.ValueKind); // TODO: Should we force similar casing for guids across DB's // I'd rather we only interact with them as the actual Guid type var userProperty = foldersJsonElement .EnumerateObject() .FirstOrDefault(jp => string.Equals(jp.Name, user.Id.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); Assert.NotEqual(default, userProperty); Assert.Equal(folder.Id, userProperty.Value.GetGuid()); } }