CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[OrganizationUser_UpdateDataForKeyRotation] @UserId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @OrganizationUserJson NVARCHAR(MAX) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON -- Parse the JSON string and insert into a temporary table DECLARE @OrganizationUserInput AS TABLE ( [Id] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, [ResetPasswordKey] VARCHAR(MAX) ) INSERT INTO @OrganizationUserInput SELECT [Id], [ResetPasswordKey] FROM OPENJSON(@OrganizationUserJson) WITH ( [Id] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER '$.Id', [ResetPasswordKey] VARCHAR(MAX) '$.ResetPasswordKey' ) -- Perform the update UPDATE [dbo].[OrganizationUser] SET [ResetPasswordKey] = OUI.[ResetPasswordKey] FROM [dbo].[OrganizationUser] OU INNER JOIN @OrganizationUserInput OUI ON OU.Id = OUI.Id WHERE OU.[UserId] = @UserId END GO